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07-003 (9) 534 NORTH FARMS RD BP-2019-0633 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MMp:Block:07-003 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2019-0633 Project# JS-2019-001035 Est.Cost:$15840.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: CLEAN TECHNOLOGY 111884 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 105023.16 Owner: NAGLE NORMAN Zoning:RR(100)/WSP(100)/WP(65)/ Applicant: CLEAN TECHNOLOGY AT. 534 NORTH FARMS RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 4682 FRANCHISE ST SUITE B (781) 660-4245 WC NORTH CHARLESTONSC29406 ISSUED ON:11/28/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:12 PANEL ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR -3.6KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire I2gpartment Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORT PTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. �� av� Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount;_ Building 11/28/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner oelwbasnt we only City of Northampton Status of Psrn* Building Department Mob OAVW+W#yPOW y 212 Main Street SrwarAkpficAwWkWW� Room 100 wawwN/tlill Northampton, MA 01060 TWO its offtuttnt.04wo phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Pkttflr P#Ilnit � I APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE O DEMpCT A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 'J QO Nov 2 2 01$ 1.1 Property Address: his section to be c office DEPT.OF BAIW&WN.MAS pC�N9 Map Unit 534 North Farm Rd. Northampton, Ma 01062 Zone Overlay Dlstrlct Elm St.District CB Dist ict SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Norma Nangle 534 No. Farms Rd.Northampton,Ma 01062 Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: 319-268-1550 Telephone Si nature 2.2 Authorized ent: COS C lcim .r-r- I a W ��LhonrI ✓. : kZ f l�kA I ra)4h ma Na ( Current Mailing Address: -n • �'). �z�5 Si ature Telephone EtTJN&TjdS0N=UCTl0N MM Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b)Estimated Total Cost of occ n6 Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5.Fire Protection 6. Total=0 +2+3+4+5) Check Number This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: Signature: Building Commissloner/Inspector of Buildings Date Woo. lckbvy-c @ corr-) EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: volume&Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO © DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES © NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all aoolicaMel New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors ❑ Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [O] Decks [0 Siding[0] Other ,mr, Brief Description of Proposed Work: I ZCDM i hr_Y4 ry-n inif—r-A Ll i' (.)'WA4 u 4 Cl tscunry-_t-h Et-id (- SObrifOO-e, I nke_i 4eY, mac,_W1fifi� Inm Alteration of existing bedroom Yes t✓No Adding new bedroom Yes ✓No t�x ist'r-f-' Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No scyv iCP. Plans Attached Roll -Sheet a. Use of building:One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft.of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUHJMNG PERMIT I, Nc)► fflu I V a lU is as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf,i all tter elative to work 9LAhorized by this building permit application. Si of Owner Date I, C,la)n T{_ hcdWV as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the staterfidnts and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sig =_ r ins an ea i s of perjury. a Sign ure ent Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: �1 �/ �v l Not Applicable ❑ 1 Name of License Holder: I�.l._1 1 �(�1 m I ��11 ��1 ll .I I l_-J " 1 u�(-7 License Number Flhfi r 0L) I iby�, 5ir.2) Vel,ryrjc h,M 000 EJB Jar Ad Expiration Date _ Z Sign a Telephone 9.Rukbmd Ham 2111111010M Not Applicable ❑ Clm o Lhry-)loG U g26qg-, Company Name 4 1Registration Number LIL;tZ fiMP►sc st. nae-15 ND L h'J 0ts1an.S(_2'4)6 -11 Z-►12U Address r�j�� Expiration Date Telephone� � ur SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152,f 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... No...... ❑ City of Northampton '`• Massachusetts � a G a' �. .. DEPARTI►IENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS �'• v 212 Main Street • Municipal Building 9ve Ob .4. Northampton, MA 01060 s ,•• ��o AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation("OCABR")regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes.Prior to performing work on such homes, a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor("HIC"). M.G.L.Chapter 142A requires that the"reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by registered contractors. Note:If the homeowner has contracted with a corporation or LLC,that entity must be registered Type of Work: ( 1,n� ,l I Est. Cost: ),S.n I LI CI. Address of Work:s--.,21 I Kb,b Yc a). f 1off.,�, MA Diaz Date of Permit Application: 112x--�f z I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): _Work excluded by law(explain): _Job under$1,000.00 Owner obtaining own permit(explain): Building not owner-occupied Other(specify): OWNERS OBTAINING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L.Chapter 142A.SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT.SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Signed under the penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a building permit as the agent of the owner: I iGZ(ckJh Dae Contractor Name HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice,I hereby apply for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and Signature _ City of Northampton Massachusetts l' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 !lain Street •Municipal Building O ,,. Northampton, MA 01060 rs� •. ;�o Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at: s i Ivo j�0'6 10 al (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: infh- lir' Sty Z l (Please print name and location of f c ity) &YMWM, M/4 CO3E Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: (Company Name and Address) 11 )2U� l� Signature of Permit Applicant or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. Commonwealth of Massachusalls Dlvtson of Professional Licensure Board of Building Regulations and'Standards Const%606b '.ilpervisor CS-111964 6jtpires:;08l112021 BENJAMIN T O'CON1; ;' 74 SAYVIEW AVE QUINCY MA 02166 Commissioner ''��r �rurtirruurerr�lf c�t'/ltrurrrfrritn!!a Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for Individual use only TYPE:Supplement Card before the expiration date. 9 found return to: HtILIafttion i>Bllfatlon O(floe of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 192646 0712912020 1000 Washington SVeet-Suite 710 CLEAN TECHNOLOGY FULFILLMENT CENTER,LLC A 02116 .. l BENJAMIN O'CONNELL 4682 FRANCHISE ST SUITE B NORTH CHARLEST6N„SC 29406 Undersecretary Not valid without signature iii�, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111 UT. Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): JClean Technology Fulfillment Center Address: 86 Finnell Dr.Ste.21 City/State/Zip: a mouth,Ma 02188 Phone #: 781-660-4245 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1. I am a employer with 4. [1 I am a general contractor and 1 6. [3 New construction employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the sub-contractors 2. I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. t 7 Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have $. [3Demolition workingfor me in an capacity. workers' comp. insurance. Y P h'• 9. 0 Building addition [No workers' comp. insurance 5. E3 We are a corporation and its required.] officers have exercised their 10.�Electrical repairs or additions 3.® I am a homeowner doing all work right of exemption per MGL 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers' comp. c. 152, §1(4),and we have no 12.[r]Roof repairs insurance required.] t employees. [No workers' Solar Install comp. insurance required.] 13. x�Other *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. #Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and their workers'comp.policy information. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: r onaut Insurance Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #: 418677084 Expiration Date: 8/19/2019 534 North Farms Rd. Florence,Ma 01062 Job Site Address: City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby cerci d th ains and nalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct Signafore: Date: 111/20/2018 Phone#: 781-660-424 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official, City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) AcoR" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10/31/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME: John S arre NFP Corporate Services(SE), Inc. PHONE 704-973-2348 FAX No):704-523-0024 1901 Roxborough Rd,Ste 300 E-tiAAIL Charlotte NC 28211 ADDRESS: iohn.s arra of .com INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC N IN3URERA:EMC Property&Casualty Company 25186 INSURED CLEATEC-01 INSURER B:Argonaut Insurance Company 19801 Clean Technology Fulfillment Center LLC Devlin Contracting&Maintenance, Inc. INSURER C: 86 Finnell Dr Suite 21 INSURER D: Weymouth MA 02188 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1130378187 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE L U POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR POLICY NUMBER MM/DD MWDD A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y 5D86974 8/13/2018 8/13/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE E 1,000,000 DAMAGE TOR NTED CLAIMS-MADE r_x]OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $500,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY ]JET 7-]LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 OTHER: $ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y 5ES6974 8/13/2018 8/13/2019 COEaMBINED ddeM SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 ac X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE _ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident S A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 5E86974 8/13/2018 8/13/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED I X RETENTION $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION Y WC928418677084 8/19/2018 8/19/2019 X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN N STATUTE ER ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE FN- NIA/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 A Inland Marine 5086974 8/13/2018 8/13/2019 Installation Floater 50,000 Rented/Leased Equip 50,000 Deductible 500 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached H more specs Is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. For Informational Purposes AUTHORIZED DDREPRESENTATIVE �au1�1� ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD DCH Engineering 40 DATE: November 14, 2018 RE: 534 North Farms Road, Northampton, Massachusetts 01062 To Whom It May Concern, As per your request we conducted a Preliminary Structural Condition assessment that included a site inspection on November 5,2018.This inspection included an examination of the roof structure and condition as well as any structural drawings that were available. PV solar panels are proposed to be installed on roof areas, as summarized below. The panels are clamped to rails which are attached to the roof with a lagged mounting system, and installed per manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. It was found that the roof structure noted on S3 can satisfactorily withstand the proposed additional loads and will meet the applicable standards included in the Massachusetts State Building Code (Ninth Edition)and 2015 IRC. Design Criteria: Wind speed = 117 MPH Ground snow load =40 psf Roof dead load =9.4 psf Solar System Dead Load = 3 psf The roof was determined to have asphalt shingles atop strip sheathing. Overall the roof area is structurally adequate to support the additional load of the solar panels and their framework. Admovrledged by: David C.Hernandez,P.E.,C.E.M. MA PE No.53152 HVWMU MNDC. 9� Iftam Q 11/15/18 4433 Orchard Lane Cincinnati,OH 45236 (513)418-8812 DocuSign Envelope ID:9F3A5772-lBFF-4D5A-BC27-A49F6D83EF31 Homeowner's Agent Authorizatlon Form State of Massachusetts I� Norma Nangle (print name) am the owner of the property located at address: 534 North Farms Road Northampton MA 01062 (print address) I hereby authorize Palmetto solar or its subcontractor to act as my Agent for the limited purpose of applying for and obtaining local building and other permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction as required for the installation of a PhotoVoltaic System located on my Property. DocuSipnad by: Customer Signature: "✓I I�Il ' ►�I U � DAB0985120A9497— Date: 11/3/2018 Print Name: Norma Nangle DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL 2. Your Obligations.You agree to: ARBITRATION ACT. (i) grant Installer and its contractors and agents reasonable access to Your Property and cooperate Installer License Number(s): with Installer for the purpose of the Installation, Palmetto Solar, LLC/188411. including installing, using and maintaining electric lines, inverters and meters necessary to interconnect the System to Your electric system; (ii) cooperate with Installer and assist in obtaining This INSTALLATION AGREEMENT (the "Installation any permits needed, including any Agre Norma)Nang,entered intobyand between documentation related to net metering; (��You,�� 'Your' or (iii) obtain any consent of a third party required for the "Homeowner") and Palmetto Solar, LLC, whose address is Installation, such as a homeowners' association. 1505 King St Ext, Suite 114, Charleston, SC 29405 Installer will provide reasonable assistance to assist ("Installer")as of You in obtaining any required third party consent; and Installation. You and Installer acknowledge and agree that (iv) allow Installer to connect the System to Your the solar panel system described on Schedule 1 attached local electric utility grid and provide all (the"System")to be installed on Your Property("Property") necessary authorizations for such located at: interconnection. 534 North Farms Road 3. Installer's Obligations Northampton MA 01062 (i) Installation, Insurance and Liability. Installer agrees to: will be designed,procured,constructed,installed,tested (a) schedule the Installation of the System at a and interconnected by Installer or its independent mutually convenient date and time; contractors(the"Installation"). (b) construct the System according to written 1. Contract Price. The price of the System installed plans You may review; under this Installation Agreement (the "Contract Price") (c) notify You if the System design has to be materially shall be changed so that You can review any such changes; X] LOAN: $15840 (d)give You reasonable notice when Installer or its independent contractors need to access the ❑ CASH: System and/or Your Property; (i) Thirty percent (30%) paid within five (5) (e) keep Your Property reasonably free from waste business days of the execution of the materials or rubbish caused by Installer or its Installation Agreement; independent contractors' activities during the (ii) Thirty percent 30% paid before the Installation process and remove all of Installer's or Installation of the System on the roof of the its independent contractor's tools, Property; construction/installation equipment, machinery, (iii) Thirty percent 30% paid within five (5) waste materials and rubbish from and around business days of the Installation of the Your Property prior to utility approval of the System on the roof of the Property;and System; (iv) Ten percent (10%) paid within five (5) (f)return Your Property to a condition similar to its business days of: original condition at the completion of (a) Installer's completion of its final inspection and Installation, excluding normal wear and tear commission of the System; (subject to Excluded Services pursuant to Section (b) the local authority having jurisdiction passing 5 below); its final inspection of the System; (g) carry adequate commercial general liability, (c) Installer receiving approval for permission to commercial automobile liability, workers' operate your system by your local electric compensation and any other insurance required utility company;and by applicable laws and regulations. You may (d) the System being energized. request from Installer evidence of such insurance coverage;and SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 1 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F (h) be responsible solely for direct damage caused appropriate, Installer will present a proposal of to Your Property, or bodily injury arising directly the costs to You for Installer to perform such from the Installation and/or caused by Installer Excluded Services. or its agents but only to the extent not caused by (ii) Your Obligation. You agree to promptly either the negligence or willful misconduct of You or sign a separate contract for the Excluded Your invitees. Services with Installer,or to cause such Excluded Services to be completed by a separate (i) Conditions to Installation. Installer's obligation to contractor in accordance with Installer's install the System is conditioned on the completion Installation schedule. Installer assumes no of a thorough physical inspection of Your Property liability whatsoever for any Excluded Services and other due diligence to confirm the suitability of performed by anyone other than Installer in Your Property for the construction,installation and connection with preparing Your Property for the operation of the System. Installation. 4. Services Not Included in the Installation. This 6. Warranties; The only warranties under this Installation Agreement does not include an obligation of Installation Agreement provided by Installer shall be Installer to(collectively,the"Excluded Services"): those set forth in Exhibit A attached to this Installation (i)remove or dispose of any hazardous substances Agreement. that currently exist on Your Property; 7. Conflicts. In the event of any conflict between the (ii) improve the construction of the roof of Your terms of this Installation Agreement and any other Property to support the System; agreement between You and Installer, the terms of this (iii) remove or replace existing rot, rust or insect- Installation Agreement shall control. This Installation infested structures; Agreement shall replace in its entirety any previous (iv) provide structural framing for any part of Your proposals. Property; B. Maintenance Package. For non-warranty related (v) pay for or correct construction errors, omissions work, Palmetto Solar, LLC provides ongoing service support or deficiencies by You or Your contractors; at the cost of equipment plus labor, with an additional (vi) pay for, remove or remediate mold, fungus, surcharge of twenty percent (20%) ("Cost Plus Basis"). You mildew or organic pathogens; will be furnished with transparent cost of equipment and (vii) upgrade Your existing electrical service; labor,should it be required.The first year of service support (viii)install any smoke detectors, sprinklers or life is free of charge to you. Palmetto Solar, LLC reserves the safety equipment required by municipal code or right to transfer its service support to a related or third party inspectors as a result of the System installation; and/or cancel at any time. Palmetto Solar, LLC service (ix) pay for the removal or re-location of equipment, support is in addition to any manufacturer and/or financing obstacles or vegetation in the vicinity of the service support guarantee. System; 9. Miscellaneous Provisions. (x) pay for any costs associated with municipal (i) Property Ownership. You represent and warrant design or architectural review, or other specialty that You are the owner of the Property. permits (this includes costs to attend any public (ii) Homeowner Association Responsibility. You hearings, notify neighbors or obtain additional acknowledge and accept responsibility for drawings required); compliance with all requirements, rules and (xi) paint electrical boxes or conduit at Your regulations of any homeowners association Property;or governing the Property. In the event a (xii) move items unassociated with the System homeowners association denies an application or around Your Property or otherwise perform other document related to the Installation, and repairs of any nature whatsoever to Your You direct Installer to proceed with the Property. Installation (which direction Installer may ask you S. Performance of Excluded Services. If an obligation to verify in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C), listed as an exclusion in Section 5 must be performed in You hereby acknowledge and accept all order to properly complete the installation of the responsibility relating to the homeowner's System: association (including claims alleged or damages (i) Proposal.Installer will promptly notify You of the assessed)of proceeding with the Installation. necessity of such Excluded Services. If (iii) Concealed Conditions. To the best of Your SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 2 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F knowledge, there are no conditions, concealed INSTALLER MAY JOIN OR CONSOLIDATE CLAIMS or otherwise,that would or may impede or delay IN ARBITRATION BY OR AGAINST THE OTHER the Installation or cause the Property to be PARTY, OR LITIGATE IN COURT OR ARBITRATE unsuitable for the Installation, including but not ANY CLAIMS AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER limited to dry rot,termites or mold. OF A CLASS OR IN A PRIVATE ATTORNEY (iv) Roof Warranty. If the Installation is to a roof, You GENERAL CAPACITY. acknowledge and accept that any roof penetrations (ii) Class Action Waiver. Only a court, and not an necessary to complete the Installation of a System arbitrator,shall determine the validity and effect may void any existing warranty of the roof of the Class Action Waiver. Even if all parties manufacturer or roof installer. have opted to litigate a claim in court,You or the 10. Term and Termination. This Installation Agreement Installer may elect arbitration with respect to shall continue in full force and effect until the earlier of(i) any claim made by a new party or any new termination of this Installation Agreement by Installer claims later asserted in that lawsuit.The Installer with or without cause, effective upon written notice to will not choose to arbitrate any claim You bring You and (ii)the first anniversary of the date hereof. Upon in small claims court. However, if such a claim is termination, those obligations which by their nature transferred, removed or appealed to a different should survive shall continue, such as(without limitation) court,the Installer may then choose to arbitrate. Installer's indemnity, removal and clean-up obligations, (iii) Governing Law. All disputes concerning the and Installer's liability for damages as set forth in Section validity, interpretation and application of this 4(i)(h)of this Installation Agreement. Installation Agreement shall be governed by the 11. Assignment. Installer may assign its rights or laws of the State of New York, without giving delegate its obligations under this Installation Agreement effect to its conflicts of laws provisions. This without Your prior written consent. You may not assign arbitration agreement is governed by the Federal any of Your rights or delegate any of Your obligations Arbitration Act (FAA). Arbitration must proceed under this Installation Agreement without the prior only with the American Arbitration Association written consent of Installer which consent shall not be (AAA) or JAMS. The rules for the arbitration will unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding be those in this arbitration agreement and the anything to the contrary in this Section 12, You may procedures of the chosen arbitration delegate Your obligation to pay the Contract Price to a organization, but the rules in this arbitration lender providing financing to You for the installation of agreement will be followed if there is the System; provided however, that no such delegation disagreement between the agreement and the shall relieve You of any of Your obligations under this organization's procedures. If the organization's Installation Agreement without the prior written consent procedures change after the claim is filed, the of Installer. procedures in effect when the claim was filed 12. Arbitration and Class Action Waiver. will apply. For a copy of each organization's THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION procedures, to file a claim or for other PURSUANT TO 9 U.S.C.§§1-16,AS MODIFIED HEREIN. information, please contact: AAA at 1101 Laurel In the event of a dispute between You and the Installer Oak Rd., Voorhees, NJ 08043, under or relating to this Installation Agreement, either (phone 1-877-495-4185), or JAMS at 620 Eighth party may choose to resolve the dispute by binding Ave., Floor 34, New York, NY 10018, arbitration, as described below, instead of in court. Any (phone 1-800-352-5267). If claim (except for a claim challenging the validity or both AAA and JAMS are completely unavailable, enforceability of this Installation Agreement,including this and if You and the Installer cannot agree on a provision or a Class Action Waiver) may be resolved by substitute, then either You or the Installer may binding arbitration if either side requests it. THIS MEANS request that a court appoint a substitute. IF EITHER YOU OR THE INSTALLER CHOOSE ARBITRATION, (iv) Fees. If You wish to begin an arbitration against NEITHER PARTY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE the Installer but You cannot afford to pay the SUCH CLAIM IN COURT OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL. ALSO organization's or arbitrator's costs, the Installer DISCOVERY AND APPEAL RIGHTS ARE LIMITED IN may advance those costs if requested of it in ARBITRATION. writing. Any request like this should be sent to (i) ARBITRATION MUST BE ON AN INDIVIDUAL Palmetto Solar, LLC, 1505 King St Ext, Suite 114, BASIS. THIS MEANS NEITHER YOU NOR THE Charleston,SC 29405. If You lose the arbitration, SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 3 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BES88AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1133F the arbitrator will decide whether You must (i) Deposit. Installer may collect a security deposit of reimburse the Installer for money advanced to $ (the "Deposit") which will be fully refunded to You for the arbitration.If You win the arbitration, You upon completion of the Installation, unless the Installer will not ask for reimbursement of You cancel this Installation Agreement prior to money advanced to You. Additionally, if You win completion of the Installation. the arbitration, the arbitrator may decide that (ii) Right to Cancel for a Full Refund.Notwithstanding You are entitled to be reimbursed Your actual the foregoing, YOU, THE BUYER, MAY CANCEL and reasonable attorneys'fees and costs. THIS INSTALLATION AGREEMENT AND RECEIVE A (v) Procedure.Arbitration hearings will take place in FULL REFUND OF THE DEPOSIT AT ANY TIME the federal judicial district for the County of BEFORE MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY Charleston in the State of South Carolina. A AFTER THE DATE YOU SIGN THIS INSTALLATION single arbitrator will be appointed.The arbitrator AGREEMENT, BY MAILING OR DELIVERING A must: SIGNED, WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION (a) Follow all applicable substantive law, except (WHICH MAY BE IN THE FORM ATTACHED when contradicted by the FAA; HERETO AS EXHIBIT B)TO THE INSTALLER AT THE (b) Follow applicable statutes of limitations; ADDRESS FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE. (c) Honor valid claims of privilege;and (iii) Right to Cancel with Loss of Deposit. You have a (d) Issue a written decision including the right to cancel this Installation Agreement at any reasons for the award. time after the third business day after the date The arbitrator's decision will be final and binding You sign this Installation Agreement, by providing except for any review allowed by the FAA. written notice of cancellation to the Installer at (v) Enforcement. Any arbitration award may be the address set forth above. In the event of such enforced (such as through a judgment) in any cancellation, Installer may retain the Deposit or court with jurisdiction in the County of invoice a cancellation charge of$500 if no Deposit Charleston in the State of South Carolina. was collected (the "Cancellation Fee"). You agree (vi)Application. In addition to You and the Installer, that Installer's actual costs in the event of a the rights and duties described in this arbitration cancellation would be difficult or impractical to agreement apply to the Installer's affiliates and determine, and that this Cancellation Fee is a their officers, directors, members, managers, reasonable and appropriate measure of the partners, independent contractors, and damages the Installer would incur as a result of employees; and any third party co-defendant of such cancellation, and does not represent a a claim subject to this arbitration provision. penalty. (vii) Survival. This arbitration provision shall survive 14. Tax and Rebate Disclosures. Homeowner the term of this Installation Agreement. understands and agrees that Installer makes no (viii)Limitation. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED representation or guaranty that Homeowner will qualify FOR OBLIGATIONS TO MAKE PAYMENT UNDER for or receive any federal, state or local tax credit. THIS INSTALLATION AGREEMENT, FOR DIRECT Homeowner understands that tax credits are subject to DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR PROPERTY DURING many factors including, but not limited to, Homeowner's THE COURSE OF INSTALLATION, IN NO EVENT tax liability and Homeowner may,among other things,be SHALL THE INSTALLER'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY required to allocate tax credits over a period of years in ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS order to maximize the benefit. For instance, (i) some INSTALLATION AGREEMENT, WHETHER ARISING states limited the amount of the tax credit that can be OUT OF OR RELATED TO BREACH OF CONTRACT, applied in a given year, and (ii) some homeowners have TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE)OR OTHERWISE, or rebates are subject to limitations and/or the cessation EXCEED THE TOTAL FEES DUE AS CALCULATED of such programs are outside the control of Installer. UNDER SCHEDULE 1 OF THE INSTALLATION Homeowner is encouraged to speak with their utility or AGREEMENT TO YOU PURSUANT TO THIS local government to confirm the availability of any INSTALLATION AGREEMENT IN THE MONTH rebates or other incentives prior to signing this PRECEDING THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE Installation Agreement insufficient taxable income to CLAIM OR ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 take full advantage of the federal investment tax credit. DOLLARS($1,000.00).WHICHEVER IS LESS. Homeowner is encouraged to speak with their tax 13. Deposit;Notice of Right to Cancel. professional prior to signing this Installation Agreement SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 4 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F and has been provided ample opportunity to do so. their local utility electricity consumption rate plan Additionally, Homeowner understands and agrees that depends on the time of day such electricity is used (e.g., Installer makes no representation or guaranty that a "Time of Use" rate plan) then the electricity Homeowner will qualify for any utility or other local consumption cost savings enjoyed by Homeowner and rebate or incentive, as some incentives and has been attributable to the System's energy production will vary encouraged to do so. depending on the Homeowner's electricity consumption 15. Homeowner acknowledges and understands that if habits and such utility's rate plan. This Installation Agreement has been duly executed by the Parties as set forth below: Docuftned by: Homeowners Name: U, N Signature: Norma Nangle DABOW512OA9497... Name: Date: 11/3/2018 Co-Owners Name(if any) Signature: Name: Date: Palknetto Solar,LLC: By' a SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 5 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F EXHIBIT A WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY 1. 53stem Information. This workmanship warranty (this "Warranty") applies to the System installed by installer pursuant to this Installation Agreement. 2. Installer System Warranty. (i) Installer warrants to Homeowner that:(a)the System will be free from material defects in workmanship under normal operating conditions for a period of ten(10)years from the date of interconnection of the System (the"Warranty Period");(b)that Installer shall perform, or cause to be performed, the Installation in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with generally recognized industry standards for similar services, all federal and state laws, city and county ordinances, codes and regulations (collectively, "Applicable laws"), and the requirements of the warranties of any Third Party Provider(as defined below). Installer makes no representation or warranty,and Homeowner shall seek no recourse from Installer, regarding the warranties of a Third Parry Provider that extend beyond the scope of this Section 2. (ii)Installer warrants to Homeowner that any roof penetrations made for the System shall be completely weather-tight for a period of five(5)years from the date of commencement of the Installation(the"Roof Warranty Period")."Weather-tight"shall mean that no moisture shall pass through the penetrations made in the roof by Installer, unless arising from (a) acts of God; (b)flood,fire, earthquake or explosion;or(c)war,invasion,hostilities(whether war is declared or not),terrorist threats or acts,riot or other civil unrest (each a "Force Majeure Event"). If during such Roof Warranty Period, moisture enters through the roof penetrations, Installer shall make repairs promptly to industry standard and pay for any direct damages to the Property,but not its contents. 3. Warranty Claim. (i) If a defect or deficiency is discovered within the Warranty Period,Installer shall,upon written notice from Homeowner of a valid warranty claim,at Installer's sole option,promptly repair,replace,and/or correct the applicable installation work or component.If a Force Majeure Event directly prevents Installer from commencing any such warranty repairs, Installer shall promptly notify Homeowner in writing of the Force Majeure Event and commence such warranty repairs as soon as it is safe to do so following the end of such Force Majeure Event. (ii) Installer shall not be liable for a breach of the warranties set forth in Section 2(i) and Section 2(ii) unless: (a) Homeowner reasonably describes the defect in writing to Installer within seventy-two(72)hours of the time Homeowner discovers or ought to have discovered such defect; (b) if applicable, Installer is given reasonable access to the Property to examine the System and perform its warranty obligations; and (c) Installer reasonably verifies Homeowner's claim that Installer's workmanship was/is defective. 4. Third Party Provider Warranties. (i) Any warranties procured by Installer from its subcontractors, suppliers and vendors for each System (each a "Third Party Provider")shall accrue to Homeowner's benefit. Installer shall install photovoltaic modules with at least a ten (10)year product warranty and a twenty-five(25)year performance warranty provided by a Third Party Provider. Installer shall install inverters with at least a ten(10)year product warranty provided by a Third Party Provider. (ii) Whenever possible, Installer shall cause the Third Party Provider Warranties to be made directly to Homeowner. If the same shall be made to Installer, Installer shall then assign the same to Homeowner. Upon written request from Homeowner, such warranties as may not be assignable shall be enforced(to the extent enforceable)by Installer for the benefit of Homeowner for the Warranty Period. Installer's obligations set forth in this Section 4 and specifically the delivery,assignment and/or enforcement of the foregoing warranties for each System shall be in addition to,and not in limitation of,any other warranty or remedy required by Applicable Laws. (iii) Installer makes no representation or warranty, and Homeowner shall seek no recourse from Installer, unless specifically provided to the contrary regarding the warranties of Third Party Providers that extend beyond the scope of this Warranty,including without limitation,the energy output of the System. 5. WARRANTY EXCEPTIONS.This Warranty shall not apply to any defect, damage, malfunction,or degradation of the System or the roof of the Property arising from: (i) Homeowner's failure to follow Installer's oral or written instructions as to the storage,commissioning,use or maintenance of the System; (ii) Any repair,alteration,or replacement of the System or a component thereof without the prior written consent of Installer; (iii) Any alteration or removal of the System required as a result of actions by third parties (including but not limited to homeowner's associations)or Homeowner; (iv)The negligent acts or omissions of any person other than Installer; (v) Unknown defects with the Property,excepting structures installed by Installer; SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 6 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F (vi) Normal wear and tear, including expected degradation of electrical output and foreseen and unforeseen weather events(e.g, falling tree limbs or hail or snow damage);or (vii) The defect arises from a Force Majeure Event. 6. DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 2(i) AND 2(11), INSTALLER MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE SYSTEM OR THE INSTALLATION,INCLUDING ANY(a)WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY;(b) WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; OR (c)WARRANTY OF TITLE;WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW, COURSE OF DEALING,COURSE OF PERFORMANCE,USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE. SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 7 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E163F EXHIBIT B HOME SOLICITATION FORM OF NOTICE OF CANCELLATION You may CANCEL this Installation Agreement, without any penalty or obligation, within THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS from the above date. If You cancel,any property traded in,any payments made by You under the Installation Agreement or sale,and any negotiable instrument executed by You will be returned within TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the Installer of Your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the Installation Agreement will be canceled. If You cancel,You must make available to the Installer at Your residence,in substantially as good condition as when received,any goods delivered to You under this Installation Agreement or sale;or You may,if You wish,comply with the instructions of the Installer regarding the return shipment of the goods at the Installer's expense and risk. If You do make the goods available to the Installer and the Installer does not pick them up within twenty(20) days of the date of Your notice of cancellation,You may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation.If You fail to make the goods available to the Installer,or if You agree to return the goods to the Installer and fail to do so, then You remain liable for performance of all obligations under the Installation Agreement. To cancel this Installation Agreement,mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram, to Palmetto South Carolina Solar I, LLC at 1505 King St Ext, Suite 114, Charleston,South Carolina 29405 NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF (Date) I HEREBY CANCEL THIS INSTALLATION AGREEMENT. (Date) Homeowner's Name: Signature: Name: Date: Co-Owner's Name(if any) Signature: Name: Date: SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 8 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B31F EXHIBIT C HOMEOWNER RELEASE OF INSTALLER FROM HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION CLAIMS By my signature below I represent that I(a)am the owner of the property located at: I acknowledge that my homeowner's association has denied my application relating to installation of a solar panel system by Palmetto Solar, LLC. By my signature below I hereby direct Palmetto Solar, LLC to nonetheless proceed with its installation. I acknowledge and accept all responsibility relating to the homeowner's association (including claims alleged or damages assessed)of proceeding with the installation.I also fully release Palmetto Solar, LLC from any and all past,present,and future claims, demands, obligations or causes of action alleged by or through, or relating in any manner to, the homeowner's association. Homeowner's Name: Signature: Name: Date: Co-Owner's Name(if any) Signature: Name: Date: SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 9 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:1BE588AB-CDF5-4D85-AOC4-C846BA2E1B3F Schedule 1 Description of System System Size 3.600 Panel Type Hanwha 300w Inverter SE3000A-US (240V) SOLAR INSTALLATION AGREEMENT Page 10 of 5 RESIDENTIAL SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 534 NORTH FARMS ROAD EXACTUS ENERGY NORTHAMPTON , MA NEW AGE ENGINEERING t� 1� 3.6 kW DC +1833 392 2887 8/NOV/2018 205-4894 DUNDAS STREET WEST PALMETTO TORONTO,ON +1 843-720-1844 1505 KING ST EXT#114, CHARLESTON,SC 29405,USA SHEETINDEX awe Cl COVER PAGE y�MOQ N1 GENERAL NOTES NaONl2 S1 SITE PLAN S2 PANELLAYOUT 11/15/1 S3 STRUCTURAL DETAIL E1 LINE DIAGRAM E2 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS E3 WARNING LABELS Al PANEL SPECIFICATIONS A2 RACKING SPECIFICATIONS + A3 MOUNT SPECIFICATIONS A4 INVERTER SPECIFICATIONS � o � A5 OPTIMIZER SPECIFICATIONS p SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS GOVERNING CODE: - SYSTEM SIZE:3.6 kW IBC 2015 MODULE:Q.PEAK G4.1 30OW IRC 2015 o INVERTER.,SE300DA-US IFC 2015 OPTIMIZER:P320 NEC 2017 RACKING SYSTEM:SNAPNRACK 100 •` Cl-COVER PAGE O t ' GENERAL NOTES: ALL MATERIALS,EQUIPMENT,INSTALLATION AND WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING APPLICABLE CODES: IBC 2015,IRC 2015,IFC 2015,NEC 2017 . WHEN A BACKFED BREAKER IS THE METHOD OF UTILITY INTERCONNECTION,THE BREAKER SHALL BE • PV SYSTEMS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO SUPPLY A BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE IN ADDITION TO ANY INSTALLED AT THE OPPOSITE END OF THE BUS BAR OF THE MAIN BREAKER. OTHER ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEM(S)[NEC 690.4(A)] • TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDS,DC PV SYSTEMS WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH A GROUND FAULT PROTECTION • THE INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND INTERCONNECTION SHALL BE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.41(6) PERFORMED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS[NEC 690.4(C)] • WHERE GROUND-FAULT PROTECTION IS USED,THE OUTPUT OF AN INTERACTIVE SYSTEM SHALL BE • EXISTING PLUMBING VENTS,SKYLIGHTS,EXHAUST OUTLETS,VENTILATIONS INTAKE AIR OPENINGS CONNECTED TO THE SUPPLY SIDE OF THE GROUND FAULT PROTECTION[NEC 705.32] SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. . ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY THE LATEST EDITION OF NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE.LABEL • INVERTERS,MOTOR GENERATORS,PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES,PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS,AC SHALL BE METALLIC OR PLASTIC,ENGRAVED OR MACHINE PRINTED IN A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES,SOURCE-CIRCUIT COMBINERS,AND CHARGE CONTROLLERS INTENDED FOR PLAQUE.PLAQUE SHALL BE UV RESISTANT IF EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT. USE IN PV SYSTEMS SHALL BE LISTED OR FIELD LABELED FOR THE PV APPLICATION[NEC 690.4(B)] . ALL THE NEC REQUIRED WARNING SIGNS,MARKINGS,AND LABELS SHALL BE POSTED ON EQUIPMENT • ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE NEMA 3R RATED(OR BETTER),INCLUDING ALL ROOF MOUNTED AND DISCONNECTS PRIOR TO ANY INSPECTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. TRANSITION BOXES AND SWITCHES. . CONNECTORS SHALL BE OF LATCHING OR LOCKING TYPE.CONNECTORS THAT ARE READILY • ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED AND BONDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC ARTICLE 250. ACCESSIBLE AND OPERATING AT OVER 30 VOLTS SHALL REQUIRE TOOL TO OPEN AND MARKED"DO NOT • SYSTEM GROUNDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.41 DISCONNECT UNDER LOAD"OR"NOT FOR CURRENT INTERRUPTING-.[NEC 690.33(C)&(E)(2)] • FOR PV MODULES,EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SMALLER THAN 6AWG SHALL COMPLY WITH • FLEXIBLE,FINE-STRANDED CABLES SHALL BE TERMINATED ONLY WITH TERMINALS,LUGS,DEVICES,OR NEC 250.120(C)[NEC 690.46] CONNECTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.14 • ALL PV SYSTEM DC CIRCUIT AND INVERTER OUTPUT CONDUCTORS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE • WORK CLEARANCES AROUND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE MAINTAINED PER NEC 110.26(A)(1), PROTECTED AGAINST OVERCURRENT UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN NEC 690.9(A) 110.26(A)(2)AND 110.26(A)(3). • OVERCURRENT DEVICES USED IN PV SYSTEM DC CIRCUITS SHALL BE LISTED FOR USE IN PV SYSTEMS • ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS,FITTINGS AND BOXES SHALL BE RAIN-TIGHT AND APPROVED FOR USE IN WET [NEC 690.9(B)] LOCATIONS PER NEC 314.15. • PV SYSTEM CIRCUITS INSTALLED ON OR IN BUILDINGS SHALL INCLUDE A RAPID SHUTDOWN FUNCTION IN • ROOFTOP MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS AND MODULES SHALL BE TESTED,LISTED S IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.12 ACCORDANCE WITH UL1703 • DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE LOCATED IN A VISIBLE,READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION WITHIN THE • EACH MODULE TO BE GROUNDED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTION POINT PER MANUFACTURER'S PV SYSTEM EQUIPMENT OR A MAXIMUM OF 10 FEET AWAY FROM THE SYSTEM[NEC 690.13(A)] REQUIREMENTS.ALL SOLAR MODULES,EQUIPMENT,AND METALLIC COMPONENTS ARE TO BE BONDED. IF THE EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM CAN NOT BE VERIFIED OR IS ONLY METALLIC WATER • ALL WIRING METHODS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.31 PIPING,IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING • CONNECTORS SHALL REQUIRE A TOOL TO OPEN AND BE MARKED"DO NOT DISCONNECT UNDER LOAD" ELECTRODE. OR"NOT FOR CURRENT INTERRUPTING".[NEC 690.33(E)] • DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE RUN IN EMT AND SHALL BE LABELED,"CAUTION DC CIRCUIT"OR EQUIV. • ALL GROUNDED CONDUCTOR SHALL BE PROPERLY COLOR IDENTIFIED AS WHITE.[NEC 200.61 EVERY 5 FT. • PV SYSTEM CONNECTED ON THE LOAD SIDE OF THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS OF THE OTHER • CONFIRM LINE SIDE VOLTAGE AT ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE PRIOR TO CONNECTING INVERTER.VERIFY SOURCE(S)AT ANY DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT ON THE PREMISES SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING[NEC SERVICE VOLTAGE IS WITHIN INVERTER VOLTAGE OPERATIONAL RANGE. 705.12(B)]: • SERVING UTILITY TO BE NOTIFIED BEFORE ACTIVATION OF PV SYSTEM. 1) EACH SOURCE CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE AT A DEDICATED CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSIBLE • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CONDUIT EXPANSION JOINTS AND ANCHOR CONDUIT RUNS AS DISCONNECTING MEANS.[NEC 705.12(Bx1)1 REQUIRED PER NEC. 2) THE SUM OF 125 PERCENT OF THE POWER SOURCES OUTPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT AND THE RATING OF THE OVERCURRENT DEVICE PROTECTING THE BUS BAR WILL EXCEED THE AMPACITY OF THE BUS BAR [NEC 705.12(Bx2)] 3) EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER TO A BUS BAR OR CONDUCTOR SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF ALL SOURCES.[NEC 705.12(B)(3)] 4) CIRCUIT BREAKER,IF BACK FED,SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR SUCH OPERATION.[NEC 705.12(B)(4)] DwcL �— 11o!!tR EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE N1-GENERAL NOTES ,�� PHONE:+1 833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 11/15/1 WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- — 452'-6" � I 534 NORTH FARMS ROAD DWELLING ZO 3 '-2 -1 CD ' Z T1 r z Lo I i 0I I I j I v r'- 26-42' DISTRIBUTION PANEL W/WARNING LABEL L6 Lo M rn lWALL INVERTER W/WARNING LABEL DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METEpROPERN LINE AC DISCONNEC L OINT&UTILITY METERING SCALE:1'=50' NOTES: SAFETY PLAN: NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY SCALE AS SHOWN INSTALLERS SHALL DRAW IN DESIGNATED SAFETY AREA AROUND HOME NAME: ALL DIMENSIONS IN FEET UNLESS INSTALLERS SHALL UPDATE NAME,ADDRESS,AND PHONE NUMBER OF ADDRESS: OTHERWISE STATED NEAREST URGENT CARE FACILITY RELATIVE TO THE SITE BEFORE STARTING PHONE NUMBER: t�hMIDR¢ WORK 9� �^ NoM11R J\ 1 EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE S7-SITE PLAN , �./ PHONE:+1 833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 — — a WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- 11/15/1 1 1 o DECIDUOUS TREE 18'-2"ABOVE EAVES DECIDUOUS TREE 10-11"ABOVE EAVES i of DECIDUOUS TREE 18-8"ABOVE EAVES I _ I LEGEND I SLA 26 MOUNTS �! j -- TOP CHORD SHADOW OM METER - J ROOF1 FIRE ACCESS PITCH 35.25° PATH AZM179 i FIRE3 VENTILATION j 37-14a SCALE:1`=6' ROOF PITCH:35.25'SLOPED SHINGLE ROOF PANEL TYPE:Q.PEAK G4.1 30OW NOTES: AZIMUTHS:179° PANEL SIZE:65.7"X 39.4" SOLAR PANEL LAYOUT SUBJECT TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO RACKING TYPE:SNAPNRACK 100 NUMBER OF PANELS:12 EXISTING CONDITIONS MOUNT TYPE:SNAPNRACK FLASHED L FOOT SYSTEM SIZE:3.6 kW SCALE AS SHOWN GROUND TO EAVES DISTANCE:15'-9" ALL DIMENSIONS IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 1IDYMIIDG 95' NnSlttst \Jrv� EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE S2-PANEL LAYOUT � PHONE:+1 833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 oucrus v�mor 11/15/1 WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- Materials Included-L Foot Flashing Kit eMM.I«.a....t..µ„ p• � s" p to il-i,CmOeYlew s hw pmw•-rusaa.wwt O m sir•-w x fw•ss rrs.sow O MsnrM,W G+nW M,x �., 0th!'Materials Requir¢tl � O OO ru VN•Wsmw r ..,._. O m Vlr wrn.r . TOP CHORD I TOP CHORD 2x6 @ 24"O/C I I I I I I I I ROOF 1 -- I,II — —4 — --- — I MAX. 48" f-- TOP CHORD SPACING: 24" MAXIMUM MOUNT SPACING:48" scALe:NTs MOUNT PATTERN: STAGGERED PANEL TYPE:Q.PEAK G4.1 30OW ROOF DEAD LOAD:9.0 PSF NOTES: PANEL SIZE:65.7'x 39.4- SOLAR SYSTEM DEAD LOAD:3.0 PSF - SCALE AS SHOWN RACKING TYPE:SNAPNRACK 100 GROUND SNOW LOAD:40 PSF(NINTH EDITION MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE TABLE 1604.11) - ALL DIMENSIONS IN FEET UNLESS MOUNT TYPE:SNAPNRACK FLASHED L FOOT WIND SPEED:117 MPH(NINTH EDITION MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE TABLE 1604.11) OTHERWISE STATED �ur�NADNOGEZ 95' Nash! EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE S3-STRUCTURAL DETAIL Jv PHONE:+1 833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 otwcTtu_wBtor WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- 11/15/1 L L M SERVICE PANEL 2ANl20 V 1B.3W 200AT1P �) k(E, �)LOCKABLE M N SERVICEDISCONN �) NON-FUSEDI INVERTERI 3 4 2"lmv/B. �) �) SOLAR EDGE SE3000"S PROOUCTKMI METER 33A4 WITH DC DISCONNECT,NEMA3R NEMA3R �) �) JUNCTM BOX 1 STRING OF 12 MODULESEACH N6it9R CONNECTED TO P32lI OPTIMRER3 1 2 ® L (E) () oc. LX:. M) (E) tillOO1 7 SOLAR BREAI�R LOGT[D EG y— WSBARFRO -EMAINF II BREAILER OR FEEOER UNR442N L�_.--_— I --� OEC PHOTOVOLTAK:BVSTEM �_ ROD EDUN'PEO VATH(GRID — ROO SHVTDOONNECEORATED DC DISCONNECT 8 ARC FAULTPROTECTION 71/15/1 INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS ASHRAE AMBIENT AIR SPECS OPTIMIZER SPECS MAKE: SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. MODULE MAKE: HANWHA Q.PEAK-G4.1 2%DRY BULB TEMP: 84.7°F MAKE: SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. MODEL: SE3000A-US MODULE QUANTITY: 12 MODEL: P320 MODULE POWER: 30OW DISTANCE ABOVE ROOF(>7/8"): 84.7°F INPUT INPUT OUTPUT MAX INPUT VOLTAGE: 500V VOC: 39.76V VMP: 32.41V EXTREME MINIMUM: -27°F MAX VOLTAGE 48V 60V MAX INPUT CURRENT: 9.5A ISC: 9.77A IMP: 9.26A MAX CURRENT 11A 15A MAX DC POWER: 405OW WIRE SCHEDULE ID CONDUCTOR NEUTRAL EGC CONDUIT KIT OUTPUT 1 (2)#10 AWG PV WIRE,COPPER N/A (1)#6 AWG,BARE,COPPER EGC WA-FREE AIR NOMINAL AC POWER OUTPUT: 3000W 2 (2)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER N/A (1)#10 AWG,THWN-2,COPPER EGC 0.75"DIA. EMT NOMINAL AC OUTPUT VOLTAGE: 240V 3 (2)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER (1)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER (1)#10 AWG,THWN-2,COPPER EGC 0.75"DIA. EMT MAX OUTPUT CURRENT: 12.5A 4 (2)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER (1)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER (1)#10 AWG,THWN-2,COPPER EGC 0.75"DIA. EMT 5 (2)#10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER (1)#10 AWG THWN-2, COPPER (1)#10 AWG,THWN-2,COPPER EGC 0.75"DIA. EMT EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE E7-LINE DIAGRAM • 3DTwcvMswBaav PHONE:+1 833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 NEW—E—Nffl-M" WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- SYSTEM SUMMARY STRING 1 STRING 2 STRING 3 POWER OPTIMIZER MAX OUTPUT CURRENT 15A NIA N/A SOLAREDGE MAXSTRING SIZE OPTIMIZERS IN SERIES 12 N/A N/A MODEL SE3000A-US ARRAY STC POWER 360OW MAX STRING POWER 5250W MAX AC CURRENT 12.SA PMAXPANEL 30OW NOMINAL AC POWER 3000W MAXSTRING SIZE 17 MODULES QUANTITY MAKE AND MODEL PMAX ISC IMP VOC VMP TEMP COEFF OF VOC FUSE RATING 12 HANWHA Q.PEAK-G4.1 30OW 9.77A 9.26A 39.76V 32.41V -0.28%/"C 20A POWER OPTIMIZERS QUANTITY MAKE AND MODEL RATED INPUT POWER MAX OUTPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT ISC MAX DC VOLTAGE WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY 12 SOLAREDGE P320 320W 15A 11A 48V 98.8% INVERTERS QUANTITY MAKE AND MODEL AC VOLTAGE MAX OCPD RATING RATED POWER CURRENT CURRENT MAXOUTPUT MAX INPUT MAX INPUT VOLTAGE CEC WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY 1 SOLAREDGE SE3000A-US 240V 40A 3000W 125A 9.5A I500V 97.5% OCPDS OCPD SOLAR BREAKER CALCULATION QUANTITY RATED CURRENT MAX VOLTAGE MAX OUTPUT CURRENT NEC MULTIPLIER OCPD SOLAR BREAKER 1 20A 240V 12.5A 125% 15.625A ID CONDUCTOR CONDUIT #OF CCCs IN CONDUrr* OCPD EGC CONT.CURRENT MAX CURRENT 1 10 AWG PV WIRE,COPPER FREE AIR N/A WA 6 AWG BARE,COPPER 15A(PER STRING) NIA 2 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.75'DIA,EMT 2 WA 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 15A(PER STRING) WA 3 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.75'DIA.EMT 2 N/A 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 12.5A 15.63A 4 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.75'DIA.EMT 2 N/A 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 12.5A 15.63A 5 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.75'DIA.EMT 2 20A 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 12.5A 15.63A ID CONDUCTOR BASE.AMP FILL FACTOR DERATED AMP. TEMP.FACTOR" TEMP.DERATING 2 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 35A 1.00 35A 1.00 35A 35 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 35A 1.00 35A 1.00 35A 'CCCs REFERS TO CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS **TEMPERATURE FACTOR IS BASED ON 2%DRY BULB HIGH WITH NO TEMPERATURE ADDER THEREFORE RACEWAYS MUST BE AT LEAST 7/8"ABOVE ROOF DIYDO. Nne1101 EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE E2-ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS �v PHONE:+1833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 a" -54G 11/15/1 WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:- PHOTOVOLTAIC AC PHOTOVOLTAICFORMAT EQUIPPED WITH D1.WHITE LETTERING ON A RED BACKGROUND DISCONNECT ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD 2.MINIMUM 3/8 INCHES LETTER HEIGHT 3.ALL LETTERS SHALL BE CAPITALIZED TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SID [NEC 690.13(B)]ALL AC DISCONNECT SHALL BE 4.ARULL OR SIMILAR FONT(NON-BOLD) MAY BY ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION LABELED TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN MATERIAL SWITCH TO THE'OFP REFLECTIVE,WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL [NEC 690.131 PLACE THIS LABEL ON ALL POSITION,TO SHUTDOWN ♦ SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT(USE UL-969 DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE CONDUCTORS OUTSIDE AS STANDARD FOR WEATHER RATING). ENERGIZED IN AN OPEN POSITION THE ARRAY. DISCONNECT DURABLE ADHESIVE MATERIALS CONDUCTORS WITHIN ARRAY REMAIN [NEC 690.13(6)]ALL DC DISCONNECT SHALL BE ENERGIZED IN SUNLIGHT LABELED POWER SOURCE OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE [NEC 690.56(C)]PLACE AT MAIN SERVICE PANEL (NEC 705.12(D)21 PLACE THIS LABEL AT P.O.C. CONTAINS MULTIPLE TO SERVICE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT(I.E. RAPID SHUTDOWN POWER SOURCES [NEC 690.531 PUKE LABEL AT-INTERACTIVE MAIN PANEL AND SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE) FOR SOLAR PSYSTEM [NEC 705.12(D),7]PLACE LABEL ON ALL POINT OF INTERCONNECTION-(AT MAIN EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT SERVICE PANEL AND SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE) [NEC 690.56(C)]PLACE NO MORE THAN 3.3FT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER FROM SWITCH TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTORS SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE [NEC 690.31(G)3 d 41 PLACE ON ALL JUNCTION BOXES.EXPOSED RACEWAYS EVERY 10' NOTES: 1 ALL LABELING USED OUTDOORS MUST BE ENGRAVED METAL, UV STABILIZED ENGRAVED PLASTIC OR OF A MATERIAL CE THIS LABEL WITHIN MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT(OR ON OUTSIDE DISCONNECT OF OPERABLE WITH COVER CLOSED) SUFFICIENTLY DURABLE TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED. VALUES HAND WRITTEN OR IN WRITTEN IN MARKER ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE PER NEC 2017. 2) LABELS USED INDOORS MAY BE MADE OF DURABLE VINYL OR PAPER 3) DO NOT COVER ANY EXISTING MANUFACTURER APPLIED LABELS WITH INSTALLATION SPECIFIC LABELS 4) LABEL COLORS CHOSEN PER NFPA 70 2017 DIRECTION THAT ANSI Z535-2011 BE USED 5) REQUIREMENTS COMPLY NTH NEC 2017 6) ADDITIONALLY, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE INSTALLER ATTACH A LABEL WITH THE COMPANY NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION AT THE INVERTER 7) ALL WARNING SIGNS OR LABELS SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110.21(B) ama EXACTUS ENERGY PROJECT:534 NORTH FARMS ROAD AUTHOR:EE E3-WARNING LABELS Nams PHONE:+1833 392-2887 MUNICIPALITY:NORTHAMPTON,MA DATE:8/NOV/2018 11/15/1 WWW.EXACTUSENERGY.COM CLIENT:N.NANGLE REV:-