13-011 (6) 24 COLES MEADOW RD BP-2018-1140 CIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MamBlock: 13 -Oil CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL 042A) Cateeorv: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1140 Proiect# JS-2018-002043 Est.Cost: $23594.00 Fee: $75.0o PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 106113 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 29620.80 Owner: BRADLEY MARILYN J&RHONDA MARIANI Zoning: Applicant: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC AT. 24 COLES MEADOW RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 136 ELM ST (413) 247-6045 0 Liability HATFIELDMA01038 ISSUED ON:5/312018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR; 17 PANELS 6.12 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/3/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner _ � (� A41A+✓ t -- Department use anh' CK oftksrthampt°n Stat"orPermit Su inp Department Curb CutrtAreawey Partial VAY 2 Man Street SerredSeplic Avaitabdity Room 100 WatedWellAvaeabifiq ���qZ�Q mpton, MA01060 Two Sets of S4achitat Plana °EPeoRivamDiquF@tas0i 'S -1240 Fax413.587.1272 Plovske Plans Def spec4y APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT.ALTER.REPAIR.RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION t SITE INFORMATION 1 1 � Tnis section to W complete°by oHite 24 Coles Meadow Rd Map____ Lot- —u"°--- Northampton MA 01060 Zone_ Overlay Distnat_ Elm St.Di'tria Ca Dineip SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIPtAUTHORiZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: 24 Coles Meadow Rd Rhonda Mariani Northampton MA 01060 tarrn(,Mnnn - _ � (:aerr.RV+Orta RT.n46L' � —_— ///� _413-584-9207 _ t / IAnoM*n 4�awm 2J Ai_ tMrbad Agam; _ Northeast Solar 136 Elm t Hat field MA 01038 %.irnlFt•rlt ' /} Comm LlAi.s Acri x 413.247-6045 SECTION 3.FeTIMAT O CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Efiemated Gou(Ottlsrz}rebs of lca5 _:se O�i•i 3oclMoided 6v aent! rC, t. Sudtling Sit;Budding lenme Pee 2. Eleca l ib}Exerateo To:aCos:C' 3. PlumDng F Building Permit Fee A. NeChanloal(HVACI 5,Fire IN"Noto, C. Total=rr +2+3 +4+5 j 3594 CheGt Num-v .� i e ly 'a TMs ese atwn FaN�aiaiUsOn ,mm_._ __ Building Permit Nu Issuetl Signat.ra'. Rwang Cath Section {, ZONING ui mfamaucn Mus:ar CPmptrra.rwlma(xn sr ar"M 1) r Po mm'oplHr inrcrmanch Exisdtg Proposed Rcqui:cd by Zoning 'la '.. ' Isuid,np Get Siz; Fmntagc I _ ._.. ....—.... _�....�...�6-_ _._...__._ _.... _ __ .._., __.._. Snhacks From c Side 1.: R; ' R. Rear Building Height ' 4 614,Sgnam Fabtege i� t opni Space Facugc { 6"'�nm F},.t pe,il of Pat 4tII: f n14en A. Has a Special PermitNanancei Finding ever been issuve (orlon Lie site? NO 0 DONT KNOW M YES C) IF YES,date 85uw- IF YES: Was the xrruit tecorded at Vv Registry uI Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW C YES C' IF YES: enter Seek Page andior 0MVIllent c S. Does the site contain a block, body of water or welfands? NO 0 DON7 KNOW 0 YES Cj IF YES, has a permit leen or need to be obtained from the Conservation Colmnission? Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained V . Date Issued; C. Do arty signs exist Pa the proxity' YCS ND IF YES,describe size, type and location: D. A1C tNerC ally PtaposcKt changes{o fl[ add2iunl o'StgnS intrix!ed iw the LUapYT{yr% YES O ND V IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Nil use tons"cacn aGlvltydeWlb{o dnr!g,g'daing,= Pivaken.orfillinpi overt acre eris,i can of a cpnNrrl plan that 6i11 tarorb aver i ape? YES N0 a IF YES,then a Northampton Swan VPatar Managment Fame from use OP,:v i8 required. SECItON&OESCSIPTIQN OF PROPOSED WORN 1 fie k 11 a D mbl 7 New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement.Windows Aipntbn(y RoMng El Or Doors O Accessory 9131. ❑ Demokilon ❑ New Signs (r)j Docks jq S,ding II: j Other(X�j &s'DesrAptron M Pro„^rned M•aK: Install 17 solar panels on Roof A lerat,on of aadtmg tecirpom^_Yes w_No Admng new bedroom_Yes No ARached Nanatwe Ranaeatng unhmshed baseent Yes Nans AaaMOd Roll Sheat _ ss.hf New house and or addition to existing housing,coms"llq the folloMM a. Use of buftng:One Famiy"__ Two cam y O;ner o. Nul'nter 6f rooms meach family uml: Numder of 9amroMfs__„�,_,.,,_ q. is Vere a ga*age a1mcned? a, thogoosed Square footage of new o�+attucticn.�— Omens,ons e. NUrMe,of Elonex? t. Method of heavq? fireplaces orwcozstoves Nomberoleach— p. Ersyy Oonsarrat,pn Cpma,ance. baassateck Energy Cemo:mno±form at'.ac^ed?_ n. Type of ocnstwoon Is oo,,Shoct,on'w0m IDD f,of wetlandS?_-_Y4s —No. la mnsaLitOn 0 ihm 100 yt. hoodplaln Yes_N o 1. DePV of basement v ca+Iar floor sour txsisned¢ads x. VCI budcang conform to the au d:ng and Zoning regulations? Yes_No. Septic Tan%_,,, Cly Ssaer_ Private wall_,,,,_, Gly mater S:coty SECTION Is-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN I OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Rhonda Mariano ,as O+.ner of me s.gec propany hereby'mu10orae Northeast Solar to am on a1 +tlatisE io AQna 8udlenaed L7 floe k1Rt verlm apontatnh. '�� fi 9ryra:w¢oi ,rarer � Dmie L Justin Annis/Northeast Solar .as onner-Athonzea Agent norooy declare that the matsmerts and mfvrmmam on ole foregxng apphoirao,are sue and aco;ra;e.'o me seat of my+,mx ecle aro ov,of. Signed vnoe,the pans and panalros of Perjury. Justin Annie Pnrt 4n x i --- SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES &I bo#nsod Construction a,u Is : Not Applicaole 0 Pl:ill p Ha::r^.st}arci CS10n123 4 :: 4.3 ::o-r:ai :+.a C'_3c^. 617/19 AbJ.EYY �� —� _X➢nJLKI�JJ Y ., 413-247-604F &g are L 1 pnan � � 4.Rwistened Name hnaweraam Contractor: Net Applecatwe 0 �— No.c'Lhaast Solar 1E9641 LdiDR887LHdtOff � �- Regisyst,artaurnpm 136 Elm Sl . HaL2ield, Ma 01039 _ 7/13/2019 _• Telephone 413 -147-6045 SECTION 18-WORKERS*COMPENSATOM INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.C.L.c.162.E 25C(6)) Workars Comoonsa:iun Ins:rance aftidawi must be 00110aled and aubmrtea w1h this Seel.-Catrn.Failure sn prm+0e m's affida•::I rut res,: M the demyl of tf»+savant¢of Ire build» Down, Signed Affmawt Attached Yea.......$) Na__. 0 11. - Home Owner Exemption TM cwrnu excerption for"iwnuownen,"was extended to iiulude s of one l l) or 7woi2)fanA:res and ro a:tow•such homepwv cr to eYpge as irJ?ividual for hire who do is no:prf ivs.s a Ncensc.provided that the owner acts as laplertis9r.CHR3v'jLj/h ExRd a sceNan If1E 't e I DSHadlen of Nem oxeer_ on wcick lusic re3idas ac tnxndn to:cede.en u4:i:7e i tMe is,or is(mended m bc.a one or rao farri5'dwcDidg,ausch cl o:detached s;surtscs acccssay to sura sea,and!or farm struerta:a.h Person bo constructs mole than one ham in a two-year oe 1 d shall n t be considercO a A meow er. %Mph"tmn'so nC%`shall wlm:a to the Nuikding O!;uiat en a farm xcepsablc to t*c i3u:idi�g[)iticiai�tbat he+sha shall be esdq db)1fo Hsueh» rkocrfmmad under the building permit, As acting Constraeesoa C eYr.slmr vow Ma;tnce o^L*.c j¢h sit_'+Zl is rrquiesti f:arn time hi time.¢tins zrC upon cnmptction of-the work for which this pcimit is issued. Also be advised fiat with Ivtercnee to Chaprer IS:(Wc:ker:: ComnMralion) and Chsptcc i i3(Lixbiu:y of Employer,t+ F:uspia}•ecs fo:;njtcia am resnhing in(!cath}vfthe?iassaehuscssx Cicnaai taw•s.Aono,a:e i.sou mat he Hable for p;rsun(s) )Du hire to perform work 0x you acorn It v pccrmc The undersigned"homwwmr"cenikce and ass itis rCT,0rns(biiic1 C:r eon:;sliancc .114b U=State Nuiiding Cxic,C q of Nonbamptcn Ordinames.Stare and Local Zoamg Lawn and General Lawi Arna;atcd. Homcowatr SlgaHure City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. Address of the work: �)q ayL a OlAa d ow j2�.t The debris will be transported by: NEE r r,3 -1, r-,a_t� 4 � The debris will be received by: t45 o 'Xti ,tjj, gjk rt 4-e Iy l &..tv/� f^f D' u�� " � 1 Building permit number: J Name of Permit Applicant : N,) Dar .J- Sa e^rt D to Si n lure of PermitQicnt� The ConsononweaM ofMassachnsew F Pnntform Deparsraans of Industrial Accidents 7 Office of Investigations 1 Congress Suwes,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 nerao.massgovldia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: G eneral Businesses Applicant Infermation please Print Legibly Business/Organization Name:Northeast Solar Address:136 Elm St. CityfState/Zip_H stfield,Ma 01030 phone#413-247-6046 An you an employer?Clark she appnp Him Eex Basysas T7pe(regnind)'. — I.❑✓ I sm a employer with 17 employees(foll and/ 5. [j Rat" of Pat fime)! 6. ❑Reaau meal?atEatingEetablidtm no 2.❑ Iem .sole proprietor or parunxship and have rn 7 Office and/or Sale.(nicl.red estate, auto, etc.) employees workiugfor se e in my capacity. g ❑Nanpaofit [No wcrkcs' camp.insurance xtquiredj 3.❑ We are a corporation and its officers Save ex er cised 9. ❑Entermom ed tbtir ngm of exemption per c. 152,§1(41 and we have 10❑Mrsofadiong no employee, [No workers'compinsurance raq,,,c ]* Il.❑HeelthCare 4.❑ We me anon-profit crmu..hon,nalledby voluntsen, with.etoptoyees.[No workers'comp.tratrmce xeq] 12 Other_ *AnY aPPtk'mttbII c]ecks bon A mat abm fill cutee,ecficinbeW..luvienlMrwodrers'eo�avatimxpolsy id'mmati� 'Rf deco re tecirea tutu«emPtrd8amu2ms,hut t'acmpsmtl awe arkazexrydayeer,awadmss'eon@aaafirn reticyu agaied mid such. or,mormon'bodd clack b ou#1. lama.ampbyarthar irpaovfifixg worhars'campanmiiou ixaaraerefor top amptayoer. Badaw istho podfry dvfomeataox. Irreence Company Name.Ewgi ins�nez'a Aadreaa 24 Coles Meadow Rd City( tmelzip_ Northampton MA 09060 _ Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#EWGR000260517 Expiration Date. Anach acopyof theworkers'rampensuanpogry declaaatren page(assuming Chepolicy numb er amt eaph tiondale). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A at MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminel penalties d'e fine up to SI,500 00 andior ane-year omprisenmerd,as well as civil pendtes in the Form of e STOP LV RK ORT)ER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day mins[the violator. B c advised fiat a copy of the statement may be forwarded to the Office of Irnastieatims of the DIA for irnwarse covaraga verification, I do hereby certify,undo'A ins and Pae am.ofp.d y it as the information poovidad.bore er true and caned. sign,core, I - Data Phone a 113-247.6045 Q/f4cial use only. Do notwdte in alis areo,b be mmplated 6y rely or Town aJcdaZ City or Towx: _Permi"icemse# Isming Authority(cbak oto): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.CRylfnwn Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5.Selectmen's Office 6.Other Contact Person: Phone x: www xmas6w/du ^J C"` 'y, ` haw °r �,"`w'vn�;. 1. � "•+yfet N .� Y . @ a. w Y 4 S �5rxq ga ,t tl ? #r• ♦ 4r, OW ' r kf #M x { t panel in �+n'3 basement it "L Al Y a. s.' ♦3 "'^'xr t ai F y • • w r Vreeland Design Associates An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning Date: April 27,2018 To: Justin Areas - Northeast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield, MA 01038 From: David Vreeland, P,E. Vreeland Design Associates Re: Rhonda Mariann,24 Coles Meadow Rd, Northampton, MA: Structural assessment of existing house roof to support proposed solar array. I have investigated the existing roof framing of the house for the proposed PV solar panel installation. The original 24'x 44', 1-story ranch style house was built in 1957-The rafters are 2x6, appear to be Douglas-fir, in uall2d at 24"on-center, spanning 11'-8"with a 5.5112 roof pitch.The 2x6 ceiling joists are attached to the bottom of"the rafters and prevent the roof from spreading. The roofing is asphalt shingles. 17 PV solar panels are to be installed on the southwest facing roof of the house. The existing 2x6 rafters have too long a span to meet the current building code requirements, The south rafters supporting the solar panels need to be reinforced by installing a 2x4 kneewall located 2'-6" in from the exterior wall to reduce the span of the rafters. The vertical 2x4 can be attached to the sides of the rafter with 4—2Vi"Timberl-ok,or equivalent structural screws,and toe screwed directly to the top of the ceiling joists or toe screwed to a 2x4 plate that has been attached to the top of the ceiling joists. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed solar array. Based on my calculations and a PV solar panel unit weight of 424: His,with the attachment point's of the array placed at a maximum of 4' on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one rafter,the reinforced roof framing, as outlined above, is adequate to support the proposed PV solar array and the snow and wind load requirements of the current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, tN or,ya�� DAVID A. 5G vnCVIND CIVILU David Vreeland, PE No.aeatr Vreeland Design Associates ��k9`rGIST "e `�SSIONALiyt 116 River Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413) 624-01.26 Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413)624-3282 EVALUATION REPORT /oxr Report Number; 0248 1�- - Originally[.sued: 99!2012 Valid Through: 0912013 Division: O6-WOOD AND PLASTICS 3.0 DESCRIPTION Section:06060-Connoctions and Fasteners 3.1 General Description REPORT HOLDER: EZ Roof Mount I-Foot Kit consists of 5 aril. SunModo Corporation components. (1)shoe assembly with captive waterproof 1905 SE Sw St,Suite A washer,(2)lag bolt to fasten ihreugh the shingfec.to file Vancouver,WA 90661 regi rafter, (3)flashing that is paced under the row of shingles above life area and 14em over the sees.(4) (- EVALUATION SUBJECT Font that is planed over the protruding shoe 'Arcade and ib) hex cap that is secured or to the alto=_. See SunModn E2 Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Figures l to 5 in Table 2. Roofs 3.2 Materials .0 EVALUATION SCOPE: LL Root Mount is fab<Icatei from niurninum_ 9hrz 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: assembly 's fabricated using cast 19 aluminum alley will, i imoisrons at 2.50 inches in diameter and 1 20 • ZW9 haterrationat Ovardng Codas - Inches in height it is herd a place mr-9 one 5116 it • 2009 International Residential Code@` - diameter lag bolt that is 4 Inch in length and made of, . 20(i6 International Building Coded stainless steel. Flashing is fabricated 'ram sheet . 20(161nternational Residential Codd aluminum with dimensions of 10.0 inches in width. 12.5 Irchez in length and C..94 inches in thickness. 1.2 Evaluated in accordance with: L fool is a 790 tarn long unequal 'e9 angle made horn . Evaluation Crite•ia for Joist Hangers and 60346 alumfrum with dimensions of 3.00 arches in Miscellaneous Connectors (IAPMC E5 ECO02- depth. 2.00 1ne4tes in width and 0.24 .&Sias in 2011),Approved March 2011 thlckress_ It contains a 0.375 inch dlamoter found hCto . Acceptance Criteria for Roof flashing for Pipe wth if 0.63 Inch diameter chpmfer fin basal that is Penetrations(ICO-LS AC286).Approved April 2010 located in ilia center of the base leg_ One sot acus grog 1.64 inch lung by 0.40 inch vndv cocas in 1.3 Properties Evaluated: the center and Is located 0.30 :"ones from if top edge p o' tire vertical eq, which has a scallop front slid rear • Structural face. See Table 2 for component material bromides • Weather PrNecoon and figu+es. 2.0 USES 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION FZ Rcuf Mount L-Foot Kit for Stungie Roofs is used to 4.1 Design mount sular systems and other rooftop devices such as Tabulated stooped ioaas shown in Tabic 1 of Ilii; satellite dishes on asphalt shinglo had with wood Tatters underneath. reportare traced .Halvese e re deign (ASD'). Atljustmcnls fp theses e values are required far urea EZ Roof Mount is specifically designed to be used for service conditions, sustained exposure to elevmud installation of solar panels for stroll, or hot water lemperatures, use with are retardant 'umber or with nrednctlon on mots with stage, from 3 to 12 units lumber whose specific gravity is less then 0.55 vertical in 12 units horizontal. (Southern Pine)_ Allowable values based all fastener strength may be .dusted for duration of loadhrg. Sec footnotes of Tanis 1 tot more detailed explanation. Page 1 of 4 ,._ m =e.mw«.e:ans*ma m:m.b::e.v.�ea..+,+ . a,.,»s-.rc w .-ne. n„-T-.r;: EVALUATION REPORT Regain Number: 0248 Originally lea9ed: 09!2912 Valid Thverile 09f2043 4.2 Installation Rain test data and th'ckness of aluminum flashJrg submitted is in conformance with Acceptance Crileda EZ Root Mount must be installed using the 5115 inch for Roof Hashinc for Pipe penetrations (ICC-ES AC diameter stainless steel lag screw at each bracket 206-2608), Rain test conformed to 010e1xf1k's location as described in the manufacturers installation Laborabry Standard for Las Vent's. UL 44 i-96 Section insli,oPdn6_ i art screw must penetrate into the roof 25. rafter a mini of 2 h inches. Prior to Installation,the roof ratter shall be bored with the required lead and rest results am fro^ laboratories '.n cor'.pbance wan ciearance hole for fire urtlhearm d and shank portaxer ISOITEC 13025 of the lag screw as and an Section 11.1.3 of the NDS -05. Threaded portion of the Tag screw shall be 7.0 IDENTIFICATION insedad into Its read hole by taming wild a wrench and not drmng by a hivrsror. A one -, label in tire Flashicg bearing the name ane address o+ the manufacturer, the nodei number_ fish of auxiliary holes in the Shoo other than the use of IAPMO UnlForrr. fiS Marks of Coriormity rind this an extra fastener to stop the shoe from rotating during L--valuation Repel Nmnbar{ER-0248). Installation is outside the scope of this report rushing should be installed full under the Shingle up to (1 U \_ the raised portion of the Cashing to prevent water Mo F nu Ingress under the shingle. No portion of the flashing should be bent upward; the flashing must rest furry L:S ,gains;the roof Shingle, Olhelwise the water and wind TM rennin may be imparted, iAPMO 116249 S.0 CONDITIONS OF USE EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Roofs desolbed in this report cenlplles with the codes listed in Section 1,0 of thio report subject to the following conditions: 5A EZ Roof Mount shell be restated in accordance with rh5 report, manufacturer's installation instruction and the codes iisted in Section 1.1. 5,2 Calculations to verify the lmpnsed loads on the EZ Roof Mount assembly do not exceed the atiowable loads contained to Table i of this report strait be subrage.d to the code official when requested. Calcougerns shall be prepared by a registered design professional when required by the statues of Ore jwisdiclicn where the work Is constructed. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Testing and analysts data submitted is in conformance with Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and Miscellaneous Connectors(IAPMO ES EC 002-2011 J. Page 2 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT N � Report Number: 0248 Originally IS.Ued: 0012012 Valid Through: 0012013 TARLL is ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR F.Z ROOF MOUNT L-FOOL'WT i.oad lrlxectEun Ulfhnvte LnnA Test i.n»tl mt 'Pat Lovd a[ Crticu lxtert AOn+vnhle Scst t'vine 0.250 inch 0.125 nwh Fvn(tnex/01eta1� {see fiemv below) F.S.^d.9 deOecflmt A0ocfiou� Stxx 1 11, Desigu Luxd Upi10(Withtb'awui) 714 1,800 695 341 3u0 laic;ni 260 240 130 15i ti:� Nttca —^ I. Allow'abie(oad ralucs are based on she ioaat vniuefmm lnc ol6ma:e bird nfthmc(este(s!nagib Emit),!es¢ai load m P_125 iech+kflection(MIrC inn fins),caieuinlcd fnsl.v"'pvmi;y(witiidr.�wa!ar latexp fr.r wcad wiW' aspeaf;r.grarity oto.55(SonihemFin,)yr afro+vabie shay urfhe aln.vnc.na.faot conrrvrtor_ Ailo xbte load vaicls rebassd nn htmbtr with a➢ohne radio ving chm; tt 91s a, t wwd in dty¢c ice+nnAtuons Mwe themoistury mnrt does not mace d :W�,Iur.n ml ndvd ixeind oltww In6, in on"t[.'Cred bn.oi., h. Lucaned+,here it d.n,nut ex pedeoce»ostxincd vx;Iesute w cleva+ed teory+rannes Ihnr mmeesl too'i . Per 1n) iher lditir ns all n,ahlatah ai es+hold be ruhtpfred bpshe r lasni adtnsunc:i ne toKc){C , mtd/ur C J so at utdanc wtl6 aht Netic na!Ut san Spcetficat au 4 r WadC Inst um t(tiuS Os7 7 A!!os 1 Ie I d mine,web sed.m lumber sx'B r spccl6 h a n•oi0.5"(Soufrert S'nc c uyt 0 d. Alh vuvblc Innd+rhos fw w thtlntaai urt ha ed m n;lnun ni F ne+mEry t > mel es inm I; :z. f rJ+.cr by un 51(0 mdlx4n ekt} ng stxmies sf ell g.amv. 3. Alloxmblc onium tnnY not bo mueased ter fonA d+ralwr ttaccn Au.w++:tb.See to If.;2cf!t 405-05. Uplift Latera! I I e,. Page 3 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT (' Report Number: 0248 er191aa1ty Issaed: 0%2012 Valid Through: 0912017 TABLE 2:MATERIAL PROPERTIES Com-ponent Metenai i Yhc � i 1lwn nutt by Au3UAA 1't3P.e� ._ Wamrnrcx tVesFler Et UMwlhd on Kr of g f(11 IB U }M4 slam�ev steel ASTM A 240 fiot � Al.�min n atto5 Ot S-R Ah(\ H 21� Hcx CRP llL,A�SIIAA 13800 Ilaahu Alu yin R 1010 ASTM B20_ EZ ROOF MOUNT COMPONENTS Z `4 4k R Fig.re L'lme Assembly Figure 4:1Ica C.I, 9 el ti 9 R ;'figure 2--Lag B0 1'igorc 5. FJnrh iop kigare 4:L-font Page 4 Cf 4 EVALUATION REPORTu u� Report Number; 0248 ^- - 0rteleally Issued: 09/2012 Valid Threueh, 0s12013 TABLE 1: ALLOWABLE(AADS RUN EZ ROOF A101NT 4FU TR Wil (lba),'s'''" (tltimale Lead 1"eai)mad at Test Load at Cakaiated Lend Airtciiml Ulervablc Test Yalee 0.258 inch 0124 inch FanSO"" ltleta! (sec tiguet holow) Resign Load F.N.=3A delleetlpn tle0emiun Siren th UpliR(withdrasval) 715 1.800 695 140 i40 i.mvml 2G0 140 130 153 130 Nous L rillomabie road vaiucs aIc based an the least value Gam the,dliemLL:had of Cucc Icsts(.vtrenglh Inuiq.Iesiwl i{ load at0.129 trtd+dcfiectimt(deQcctioa im,k),calcula,cd Nstcacr capacity(widtdrnwaim la;erat)ii—u^md Wllh a npeciflc yravf4y of O.SS(;3out];em Rlne)a,all of lair olimml'thc eNpmlam l:kaournneCsu. A i:o•.vnbic Inad vahles arc bused nn!umber with al;of the following eharacro:ishen'. a. 3q<ated in dry service egnditmns+ohere ibe rloiyfum mntcm Lacs not exwad I9".'o for an cxaended period U lime such us in m c,t w,amd stmcturm b. 100°E lu, any.11,vcm+diw.n 'allowble Ixble valuesAa11 be niu!liplied by the rcfalcd zdi ushnen I f,4,Wr )W, alnRb,C,)ist a.<oldzsce with cqe Nalioroai Design Sptttfication for tt`nod L"nnstructicn(NUS-03). L4. Allawablclmrdvaluesam bawd un lumber with aspccifcgravtty x£0.55(Swthcm P6ncorelveE)^AOowebleloadvalue nlAliu»able ' tats Wray mil be lmwased(a irad dura[i rl n1 ac'mli ec u-iih Secbtt EO..;.2 Cihc 405 OS, .:atera1 M1I�Cn p I ��� � ,-�!!'*•�.\ i'1 �_�� _IROHRIOGE.. tE cll n.ac ._rns nar_vn,i3 i.,ae EAli, a uu+ +w� t'^3, , .. L..._1. -.z:� ` L= ' 1 tyk.M i,5n Haan.ar. .:rYa�'.`.ex Vdk Cia-S - �1^r�ttni I. 4 T � � •�.,.:.. .... . ..i•ane aa.i --, \ 'I�r' Ft-ynnq ,. - 31C�, w f 9c,:x 10. :n;-F,al ReLf Cclml M I C.1%, wdnnxx—' .....,,...., tlx ;[ Mi nqp in3i s.bn 2c ; rarn�2B ❑ - i IR 201 T3 .11 Fl� 11_lin,"tA .y xleva,ba Northeast F,ia- -,, 71-E Typical feet placement w/ 16" o.c. rafter spacing ► (— Ih I A Tit— �I LL- Fill I ( I I Typical feet placement w/ T 24" o.c. rafter spacing LG innovation for i ❑fes Good Better LG Ne0N' R mm,M' ME LG NkONa RIs new puwir product with glebal top level perforer,r,v Apphe0 new cell stfuceure withou[electrodes 6/ ���� on the front LG ri R max i pro u vanen,Right /� / Uand enhanced is el3hllity LG N ONwR demonstrpto5 Lb's 1 C r ,{fart,toacoaw,Testator's wri 6ey>nd efficency.it iii _. features enhanced warranty durathIgly,performance under real envirom++e nt,and aesthetic�gsu{n suitatlie inr roofs Enhanced Warranty �• Hlgh Power Output To raw ffe 25 yea,U d t xt m modue 6' h LGNcoN'uh bre resigned c ,thear waverAa OL NeOt Rtla 'n 9 fi '. t 'y"ar its agent mak 9aeftiue'u enhancedpoirmane warranty After 25 owes,LG rented as. NAJN"R Is guaranteed at leave 8 0%ek Initial anfernarn e AMMON Aesthetic Roof Outstanding Durability L6Nnoe1 has been he 9 1 Theesm wenn Nth aH. ! Ifamedor 1,L6 Third n.as be the rest dwitmak' NON H am 1 F.inn,lead s,,600ULit pbwu rm)f esPretty.L Hapatre R or,re,es, ."toad 1 Is 54W Pa the Value of N property wide Its modem design. GSetter Performance on a Sunny Day Near Zero LID(Light Induced Degradation) LG WON',R now performs tetter on a sunny The mnype cells used m LG NvOW R have day,,thank,es eenptaeitemperami'e meffitianc airtmst no boron,uefi rn"'aase the mitibt performance degradation,reading to less LII). About LG Ereathrr-w ,o aP4'Jr MMslma _ .tn lms'rb mtl,N+" + n G35 xtiv mCi et ail. nEuaM tID ,311+ �.<I LOJmn a0 32.n _v th L. q - rvm n ! iy crheca re11,2111.NafN (rvo IyL ury 1ortY orv. }➢xeel'll2:r:LFL t .i : rwm.. . (—^r, ,_ n n. 4irc LG NeON' R WIZIEW FECIEZU�0312119-3 Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties(STC*) Cetiz GxID Madute 365 CellVondor D, Maximum Power(P—) 3<S eetlTypu MMPP V.,p,(.") - .zz CeflMmen—p, 16 l]x 1617,,,,(6ethez MPP Current llmpp) 1395 Dimensions(.r W v On 1100,1016x 10 mm Open Grcult Voltage(Vot) d38 6693 a 100x15 -n-n 19^ Frunt lead 6000Pe Module Efflue,cy ,. Rearoad ti1001, Operating Temperature Wegh, 1351, marnerm SyaemV 0...e 1000 Connector Type MCd Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20 )unYtran aox ,N69 Wa43RypassOMes Length ufCable, II'D ,nxIea Glass wgn Tanpmisnun TrmpereA glass came , ..7,ao,.. .,.:,..... r Arotl¢alfvfienmmm Electrical Properties(NOCT*) Certifications and Warranty Module 305 36a 355 35D ler6fic'xtlons 16C 61215.IEC 61J30-L.2 MaxLnum Plrvru(Pmnx) '.95 v 1. M 1-03 MPP Vohgµ a (UmPP) r,o z,a rC 6 1701(Salt ,gr 'sst) MPP Current(Impp) - 7x1 13, 712 IFC 627 15(Ammo,la mso,f_esq open car."Voltage{Vot) __ 112 Sa goal Rrn Ciro,.cnrrmo(I>Q 3vo - 59 E] Modur Fre Perfn'—rar(V1.) rwe 5.m r ...n c a o..,. -.. - fk ",naer,cl-sC(,C URI CI?Cs? PmdnIl Wunncy - L5yeen Output Warranty of Pmav 4,in,arwarranly' ..._. Dimensions(min/in) Temperature Characteristics "l 'r51 Z NOCr .� /+os3T Pmpp 30 A"( ,• Vee 0 24'/.P! Ise 001°6PC — — - Characteristic Curves s Cl L L J_ TF-1 &. P _T w ryo xretn ® LG ues Goon 0 . . C"n WIPfi3. rt C d7.o 6E1 Ing vs. d ,nwa:wY,raSea+ure I] uvv 4•