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31B-044 (4)
21 SUMMER ST BP-2018-1016 GIS 4: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 3113-044 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: window replaced BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1016 Project# JS-2018-001845 Est.Cost: 54050.00 Fee: 540.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: WINDOW WORLD/ROBERT E BUSHEY JR 57011 Lot Size(sp. ft.): 7100.28 Owner: WALSH ROBERT E 7R&MARY ELLEN TRUSTEES zoning: URC(100 Applicant. WINDOW WORLD/ROBERT E BUSHEY JR AT. 21 SUMMER ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 1029 NORTH RD (413) 485-7335 n WC WESTFIELDMA01085 ISSUED ON:4/9/2018 0:00.00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL 7 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeTYpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 4/9/2018 0:00:00 940.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner Fjtl�Ci V ci.�� �InG� �WS S r�-..99q�rtmenhaeon orthpmpton , a - - °�r ° tlilding Department Curtrt�I? idiit 212 Main Street se+veT7S Roam 100 waterA�l+elh5fietir}�Slr�SY Northampton, MA 01060 TWo3 ngf$tBicWrali"afi - phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 PIotKaplY APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH AnONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Procertr Address: 2710 This section to be completed by office 2.1 Sumrner St Map 27 Lot ( f�� Um Zone Overlay District Elm St District CB ohdrict SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: RobP,rt- walsy) 21 Summer St Name(Print) Current Mailing Address. (See CQntraf4� 53� 3LIb Telephone signature 2.2 Authorized Ace M: Rahfrt 1029 North Rd WeStf MA 010$5 Name(Prim r / ^ / Cummt Mailing Address: 1'�✓�IJC} ,� y,_ � 413-485 -1336 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building 40S O m (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b)Estimated Total Cost or Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) < 5. Fire Protection 6. Total=(1 +2+3-1 4'OrjQ°Q Check Number 14(117 This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: Signatu Buildingmissioneolnspector of Buildings Date EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING Alt Information Must Be Completed.Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning Thu column in filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L_R:._ L R' . .: Rear Building Heigh[ -.-.. - - ... . Bldg.Square Footage ,.. - % ..._.-- - . Open Space Footage % (Lm mu minus bids A,pavrd shin #ofParking Spaces - - - volume&Lvicefiov --A. Has/ean'a Permit/Varia a/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON NOW O YES O IF YES, da ',IF YES: perm recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NODONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: Book ' Pagel and/or Document#B. Does thtain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YEermit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES© NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Stonn Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable1 New Nouse ❑ Addition ❑ [Repl..Mel Ly indows Akemdon(s) Roofing E] I�J, Accessory Bldg. ❑ OsmolRlon ❑ [p] Decks [q Siding[[31 Other[EQ Brief Description of Proposed Work:In'stQ 41 SCU4M Yt'b'ACPCnR.VIa� w�1�dOWS Alteration of existing bedroom_Yes,No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement _Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet Ga.N Now house and or addMon to mWedno housifm.complete the=fiNiowino: a. Use of building:One Family Two Famity Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions a. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or W oodstoves Number of each_ g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type W construction i. Is construction within 100 ft.of wetlands?!Yes _No. Is construction within 100 yr. Floodplain_Yes_No J. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conforn to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank_ CitySewer Private well_ City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT K 1, 0u_ �,Yt Wa1Sh ,as Owner of the subject property tt�� �,�✓,L n , , hereby authorize hU4N I fTlSh� to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authodz d by this building permit application. (5ef, contra(O 3)19 ( 1Y6 Signature of Omer Date I,� as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Pnnt Name Signature of OwnedAgent Oele SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of Uvense Holder: Robert art Puc.)L�q license Number Ln ll�hwidk< M -, 5-10111 Address Evirffibn Data a z� y � d 13 4555 335 Signaru Telephone (D 7- 41 0.Repiwtamd Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Robert Pi( 15Y»ey Ib5b41 Company Name Reg'atretlon Number Wirldaw World (A We"�tem MASS Inc. 311412(J Address Expiration Date 1029 NQfti Q R� r}Qstfie� d MIA olOk saphena 413'4Y51335 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152,$2M$)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this effitlavit will result in the denial W the issuance of the building permit. Signed AffidavO Attached Yas....... No...... ❑ 11. Home Owner Exemption The cutreat exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occvyled Dwellings of one(1) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner m engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the sweet acts as supervisor.CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section 108.35.1. Definition of Homeowner:person(s)who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official,that he/she shag 6e responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Sunervvar yourpresence on thejob site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this pennh is issued. Also be advised that with reference in Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts Geneml Laws Annotated,you may be He for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature The CommonweaUhofMassachusetts Department of IndustrialAccidents Office Of InWNfigafi0nN I Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 If www mass gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information `, Please Print Legibly Name (Bwiness/Organimtion/Individual): V �fr)6dw (�WA OT ^.'-ebttrn MR Address: 1OL9 NDr 'On Rd Ci /State/Zi : N tfi A 5 Phone #: 1 '4 5 1335 Aprse7{}'ou an employer? Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.t+a41 am L a employer with_t�_ 4. ❑ I am a general contractor and I employees (full and/or part-time).* have hired the subcontractors 6. ❑New construction 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 7. ❑ Remodeling ship and have no employees These subcontractors have g. ❑ Demolition working for me in any capacity, employees and have workers' [No workers' comp.insurance comp.insltrance Y 9. Building addition required.] 5. ❑ Weare a corporation and its 10.❑ Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their I1.❑Plumbing repairs or additions myself [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.❑Roof repairs insurance required.] t c. 152,§1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers' 13."" Otherr�QCe comp. insurance required.] *Any applicant the checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensatim policy informntion. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work andthen hire outside commosom muet submit a new affidavit indicating inch. tConuactors that check this box must attached an additional shat showing the name ofthe sub<ontra sots and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the rub-contrectoreheve employees,(bey most provide their workers'tromp.poficy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy andjob site information. Insurance Company Name: Ubfrhi Mutu Gk I[ aAro nc e Policy#or Self-ins. Lic. #: �[�I('.,7_-315-?,-1 -[G4-1 - 017 Expiration Date: `J Job Site Address: 21 5ummcx St City/State/zip:Nor+hcimptpn MA olo[o Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certifyu r the pains and fpedury that Me information provided above is true and"Met. Sitmatrre .A _ �= / Date �q phone#: 413- 60fS --13 5 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#• 'nww/ Window World Of Western Massachusetts 1029 North Road Or1� 417335 xyymsxrwuvr wesieTmass@windowworld.worldcom Robert Walsh Estimate :MaryEllen Walsh Bill Address: Install Address'. 21 Summer St, 21 Summer St, Estimate#E1521120345960 Northampton,MA Northampton,MA Date of Estimate.3/15/2018 01060 01060 Valid Untd'.4/14/2018 DESCRIPTION 4000 Series DH 7 295.00 2,065.00 Colonial Grids(Contoured/Flat) 7 75.00 525.00 Tempered DH Sash($90 with package) 3 90.00 270.00 EPA Eeatl Containment 7 60.00 420.00 Tax Credit Glass 7 110.00 770.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $4,050.00 CUSTOMER PAYMENT OETAIL Credit Card Amount $1,400.00 TOTAL PAID $1,400.00 CUSTOMER DUE $2,650.00 'No extra work if not in writing 'Customer Comments: 'Installer Notes: Customer ID Details to TypeDrivers license - to#' S83782813 Id Issue State' Mass to Expiration Date 03/28/2022 Sales Rep Recommended: F Interior Stops r- Exterior Capping Customer Declined: p Interior Stops p Exterior Capping --' Pre 1979 built homes: Mybome was buuin the year 1900i�l�%ly✓/✓J pnnho9 i�/n7P✓MJ (,nieagldecnnemlmpenyverMut,on [minial)11—rewrvetl W pYotflie Laetl M1azaM iNpmvtlon pemphletv�(amw!g me e(the yw{Bnlial Kkp({he katl ryezard eX[OSWahpT mqualigl MAWhy bbe perleenetlin my evoking unit.The ass'Renovate Right'brochure was received before are work began. 'i�n%Zr✓�/I� (initial)I have received a copy oltM1e leetl tell resullsts). WW of W.Massachusetts anticipates starting this work on and being substantially completed in dayly Security Interest Yes No Anyr Deposit required in advance of the start of the work SHALL NOT exceed 331/3%of the total comfort price OR the actual cost of any material or equipment of a special order or custom-made nature,which must be ordered in advance of the stat[of the work to assure that the project will proceed an schedule.No Anal payment shall be demanded until the contract is completed to the satisfaction of all parties.All home improvement contractors and subcontractors shall be registered and that any inquiries about a contract or subcontractor relating to a registration should be directed to:Office of Consumer Affirm and Business Regulation,Ten Park Plaza,Suite 5170 Boston,MA 02116.Phone:(617)973-8700 No work shall begin inch to the signing of the contract and transmittal to the owner of a copy of such contract.W W of W.Massachusetts under i mvision of Chapter 142A of the general laws is required to apply for and obtain all construction-related permits.W W of W.Massachusetts shall not be deemed responsible for delays in the work described in this agreement caused by regulatory,permit granting agencies,authorities or individuals.Notice:If the PU RCHASER(S)obtains his own combination related permits for the work described under this agreement or deals with unregistered contractors,the PURC HASER(S)Is hereby advised that In the event of a dispute,judgement and nonpayment,the PURCHASERlB)will not be noticed to make a claim or collection from the guaranty fund established by chapter 142A,M.G.L. You the buyer may cancel this remaining at any time prior m midnight of the third business day after the date of Nor momentum.Notice of conciliating must be in wrifing guaranteed no rarer than midnight of the fallowing third business dry.THIS IS A CUSTOM ORDER NOT FOR RESALE (Date) zink2017 (customx signature) RVV IDu wiomw wutlab FrenMlsa6lnerlrcnarnimna>tra nna epea¢a yr w inmwxromorweapm?koi..eus Iwc uMvlivmetmmeVo NbdJ,or By signing below,you the home owner,comity that you have read Ne below terms&conditions of this contract and you understand and agree to all the below terms& conditions.You also certify that you understand the meaning of INT.EXT.on this contract and that you are entering this contract knowingly and voluntarily. Terms & Conditions PREPARING FOR YOUR NEW W AND DOORS congratulations on your decision to increase the comfort level,value and appearance of your home.To maxim¢e your investment and enable the installation to take place as smoothly as possible,we have created this handout to acquaint you with what to expect when our installers arrive. 1.Expected Delivery Time.All our windows are custom made at one of our manufacturing plants located azound the country and shipped to any of our over 200 Window World locations.The time between when your order is placed and when the windows are ready to be installed,though not guaranteed is typically 6 to 8 weeks.At that point,we will call you to set an installation date,if for some reason you need to delay vow installation for more than a couple ofweeks after notification that we are ready to install your order we will be happy to work with you.We will need to collect the remaining balance before installation if the delay you request is more than three weeks. 2.Access to the Windows and Doors.We will reed approximately 2 feet in front of each window,inside your home,so we can place our drop cloths and tools necessary to perform our work.When the old windows are removed,gusts of wind typically flow through your home,It is advisable to gather together important papers,and other small items that can be disturbed by the wind and relocate them.Computers and other electronic equipment should be covered or relocated temporarily.Please move aside any furnishings that are in the way of our work.Ifany Immune items are too heavy to move easily,we will gladly assist you. 3.Window Coverings.To gain access to the interior of the windows,we need all mini blinds,vertical blinds,roll-up shades,shutters,finance and any other window covering removed prior to our installation.We are not responsible for removing or reinstallation of these items and are not responsible for damage resulting in the removal and re-ius1zlladoa We also am not responsible for any window covering altuatious that may be required to reinstall them 4.Plants and Bushes.Occasionally we need to work in planters and other landscaped areas of your home that are adjacent to the windows and doors.Please survey your yard prior to us arriving and look for potential problems. Some trees and vigorous bushes need to be pruned back to give us access to your windows.Delicate plants and shrubs in areas night below a window should be temporarily relocated ifthey cannot survive being stepped on and you want to preserve them.We strive to be careful when working around vegetation,but oro priorities am to focus on our work,your windows and our safety while working on your Property-We are not responsible for any damage to plants,shrubs or landscaped areas. 5.Arrival maYfurparture Times.We will advise you ofthe expected anival time for our crew at the time we set up the installation date with you.We generally stay till the job is done,unless it will be a 2 or 3-0ayjob,in which case we may work as long as there is daylight.It is our policy that cm installers get a sign-off form and collect the outstanding balance at the Completion of mejob.We ask that you be available to approve the job and make final payment at the time of completion.If this is not convenient for you,we need to know before we start thejob.Inclement weather and other unforeseen hindrances arc a fact of life and as such we ask that you understand if the weather traffic,etc.cause a delay or cancellation of an Installation appointment.We typically do not schedule more than a day or two in advance an try to avoid such issues. 6.Our Worksite.We like to set up our work-sjte as close to you windows and doors as possible and generally you driveway is the best spot.Ifusing the driveway will block a garaged car,please be ready to pull it out upon anival. 7.Alarm Systems.For those of you who have alarm systems,the alarm company should be notified and advised of ourjob.They will be responsible for the disconnection and reconnection ofyour alarm system. 8-Where do we start?Upon arrival,the crew leader will survey the job and determine where to begin.Ifyou have a preference,feel free to advise us and we will accommodate to the best of our ability.Because we work in stages(re.,removal of old windows,setting the new window,wrapping of exterior,etc.),we don't complete the job one window at a time.The job moves along in a rolling progression where each operation is done on all windows at the same time This produces a qualityiob. 9.If the job takes more than a day,will there be any openings in my house?Of course not We only remove that which can be remodelled in the same day. Although there may not be a complete window,it will be weathervtght and secure for overnight.(Please no critiquing at this bare). 10.Pets.We love forty,four-legged creatures;however,we need your help in supervising them.We are not always able to close a gate or door behind us when carrying a window,so please keep them in a safe place.Our job description does not include scampering down the street after Fido with new found freedom.Many people say,don't wont',he doesn't bite,but many insiders have been bitten.So please secure dogs that have an aggressive bark towards strangers. 11.Expect some dust,noise and general disruption of your living space.Construction work can sometimes be messy depending upon the scope ofyourjob.It's an unformnete reality of remodel ing,but we do our best to keep,things under control.We appreciate your patience and understanding,during the job and until everything is finished.Even after we have cleaned up,it is advisable to survey the areas for something we may have over (Lc„kids rooms,baby's room). 12.*Damage to walls and old trim stops.For those ofyou who have old aluminum and steel windows and are replacing them due to sweating and damaging ofthe walls he advised that all water damage plaster will most likely fail out in addition,all the patch works you have done over the years will fall out also.This is natural; however,we are not plaster experts,so the repair to those wails would best be left to the experts-In some cases,due to out of square openings,new trim is required to make the window look good."Urdess noted on the contract new nim will not be provided or installed by us.You can expect to do some touch up painting on the trim afar the installation of your new windows.This is not always necessary and is usually minor Fit occurs.Byron trim stops around your sashes are very old,dry,and brittle,they may snap and crack upon removal.If this happens,we can leave them off if you please,or for a small up charge,replace them with newer ones.Many of the old-style stops are no longer available so we would replace the entire window with newer style stops.Should we discover any hidden damage to the fame or wall area we will advise you before we proceed.Should you decide to replace or repair anything,the price will be added to your balance. 13.Relax and enjoy the show.After we've been introduced to your home,feel fi'ee to urn mantis,take a walk,orjust relax.Ife question should arise;ask the crew leader for cladfication.We enjoy people who are interested in what we do,and most customers are intrigued with the process We do get nervous,however,when a customer constantly hovers over our shoulder_Like any professional,we're always happy to answer questions,but we appreciate being able to concentrate on our work without interruptions and distractions.This ensures a sate and quality installation. 14.Past Doe Balances are subject to a service charge of 1.5%per month.In the event that this amount is placed in the hands arm momey for collection,the purchaser agrees to pay all cosh ofeolleetion,including a reasonable sgomey fee.Return check fee is S50(fifty dollars). / f, .>rr°lr'� `,✓,- l /' {-fir Customer Signature Sales Person Signature P.S.Now would be a good time to review contact with the salesman to be sure of your order options and work to be done,Only the items and services on the contract will be done.If you have any questions whatsoever,now is the time to ask. Window World of Western Massachusetts may not require an acceleration of payments as amended in the payment section front)for the reason that he deems himself or the payments to be Insecure.However,where the contractor deems himself to be insecure he may require as a prerequisite to continuing said works that the balance of funds due under the contract,which are in possession of the owner,shall be placed In ajoint escrow account requiring the signatures of the home improvement contractor and the owner forwithdrawal. Arbitration;Window Word of Western Massachusetts and the PURCHASERS)hereby mutually agree in advance that in the event Window World of Western Massachusetts has a dispute comm ing the contract,Window World of Western Massachusetts may submit such dispute to a private arbitration service which has been approved by the Secretary of the Executive Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations and the consumer shall be required to submit he such arbitration in M.G.I.c 142A. Window World Owner Nete..................... ._....... .._.._.............._.........Date NOTICES The signatures of the parties above apply only to the agreement of the parties to alternate dispute resolution initiated by the contractor.The owner may initiate dispute resolution even"where this section is not signed separately by the parties." This Window Wendt Franchisees independently owned-and operated by Window Word of Western Massachusetts,Inc.under license from Window Wood Inc.