555 DEP 10-10-17 Violation Letter The Commonwealth of Massachusetts \v \HIPC ;.� Executive Office of Health and Human Services M�a5 Department of Public Health s. ro= t_ '— -kr Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 23 Service Center Road, Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: 413-586-7525 Fax: 413 784-1037 CHARLES D.BAKER MARYLOU SUDDERS Governor TTY 800 769-9991 Secretary KARYN E.POLITO MONICA BHAREL,MD,MPH Lieutenant Governor Commissioner Tel:617-624-6000 www.mass.gov/dph October 10,2017 Lieutenant Adam Hakkarainen, Station Commander Massachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks 555 North King Street Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Facility Inspection-Massachusetts State Police,Northanpton Barracks Dear Lieutenant Hakkarainen: In accordance with M.G.L. c. 111, §§3,20,21,and 22,as wt II as Massachusetts Department of Public Health (Department)Regulations 105 CMR 470.000:Maintenance aid Construction of Lockup Facilities; 105 CMR 480.000: Minimum Requirements for the Management of Medical or biological Waste(State Sanitary Code, Chapter VIII), I conducted an inspection of the Massachusetts State Police,Northampton Barracks on October 5,2017 at 2:00 p.m. accompanied by Trooper Ryan Shepard.Violations noted during the inspection are listed below HEALTH AND SAFETY VIOLATIONS (*indicates conditions documented on previous inspection reports) 105 CMR 470.407 Bars to be Inaccessible:Ban accessible through gap in Lexao in cell# 1 Observations and Recommendations 1. The floor was dirty in cell# I and 2. 2. The bed surface was damaged in cell#2. 3. The door paint was damaged in cell# 1. This facility does not comply with the Department's Regulations cited above.In accordance with 105 CMR 470.520, please submit a plan of correction within 21 days of receipt of this notice,indicating what action has been, or will be taken to correct the areas of non-compliance.If violations noted have not yet been corrected,an estimated date of correction shall be provided. Said plan of correction should be submitted to my attention,at the address listed above. As part of the inspection, Ialso looked for the presence of"potential"suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000.Attached is a list of conditions I observer.that could possibly contribute to the commission of a suicide.While these conditions are not a violation of any law or regulation,you should be aware of their existence. To review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dnh/dcs and click on "Regulations"then"Lock Up Facilities"(available in both PDF and RTF formats). 470-17-SP-Northampton-Report 10-10-17 Page 1 of 3 This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, / ,6 d Scott Koczela Environmental Analyst,CSP,BEH cc: Jana Ferguson,Director,BEH Steven Hughes, Director,CSP,BEH Merridith O'Leary,RS,Director,Northampton Board of Health Heidi Pihl-Buckley,Director of ALPS,Department of Youth Services Director of Community Services,Western Region Apprehension Gang Unit Joette E.Robin, Sergeant,Massachusetts State Police Colonel Richard McKeon, Superintendent,Massachusetts State Police Paul Hession, Director of Facilities Management 470-17-SP-Northampton-Report 10-10-17 Page 2 of 3 Conditions Which Could Bt Used by a Detainee in the Commission of a Suicide Massachusetts State Police—Northampton Barracks As part of the inspection I conducted on October 5,2017, I also looked for the presence of"potential" suicide hazards beyond the provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000.Below i;a list of conditions which may serve as an anchor point in the commission of a suicide: 1. The central door support bars are accessible in cell # 1 and 2 2. Gap in Lexan in cell# 1 While these are not violations,you should be aware of their existence. Sincerely, //j I( Scott Koczela Environmental Analyst,CSP,BEH 470-17-SP-Northampton-Report 10-10-17 Page 3 of 3