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Courtesy Letter Northampton - 25666321_1-17-18.pdf January 17, 2018 Transmitted via Standard and Electronic Mail Northampton Conservation Commission City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Notification of Utility Maintenance Activities under MGL 131, Section 40 Distribution Pole Replacement, Florence Road, Northampton, MA Dear Members of the Commission: Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid (MECO) is submitting this written notification to inform the Commission of necessary utility maintenance scheduled to be performed in Northampton, MA, at Poles 106 and 107 on Florence Road (the Project). The proposed work includes the replacement of each rotted pole to ensure safety and reliable electrical service delivery to customers in the area. A site locus map is attached for your reference (Attachment A). Construction is expected to occur during the 2018 construction season. The work is considered normal maintenance of an existing facility used in the service of providing electricity to the public. No change in use or increase in size will result from the maintenance work proposed. Therefore, MECO is planning to perform this work as exempt maintenance in accordance with the provision of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL 131-40) and Regulation 310 CMR 10.02 (2)(a)2 and Northampton Wetlands Protection Ordinance (§337-4 (B)). We are sending this letter to provide notice prior to the commencement of work and express MECO’s commitment to protecting wetland resource areas. The sections below provide information regarding the proposed activities and avoidance and mitigation measures. Activities within Jurisdictional Areas MECO performed a desktop review of the project area using available resources including MassGIS data layers, USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps, NRCS soil maps, aerial photography, and FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Based on this assessment, proposed activities at Poles 106 and 107 will be located on the edge of Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW). Each pole will be cut and the stub removed from the ground. The resulting hole will be backfilled if it cannot be used for the new pole. If a new hole is required, it will be dug adjacent to the existing pole location to a depth of approximately six (6) feet below surface grade using a truck mounted auger. The disturbed area for the new pole will be minor in nature (approximately 18 inches in diameter), representing the footprint of a typical utility pole at its base. Photographs are provided in Attachment B for your reference. Each pole replacement should take no more than a day to complete. Through the implementation of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs), no significant impacts to resource areas or associated buffer zones are anticipated. 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02451 Construction Methods and Proposed Mitigation Techniques MECO has established procedures that are to be followed by all employees accessing and performing construction and maintenance activities on transmission and distribution right-of-ways (ROWs). These procedures, discussed in National Grid’s Environmental Guidance for ROW Access, Maintenance and Construction Best Management Practices (EG-303NE), ensure that MECO’s projects are completed in accordance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, as well as, company policies and compliance objectives. A copy of EG-303NE is available upon request. This maintenance project will be completed using conventional overhead electric power line construction and access techniques, as follows: Erosion and Sediment Control Barriers Ground disturbance associated with the Project will be minimal. If necessary, sediment controls will be installed prior to construction to protect adjacent resource areas. Proposed sediment control barriers may include fiber rolls, straw bales, and/or similar treatment. Sediment barriers will remain in place and maintained until work is complete and disturbed areas are stabilized. Construction Access The project will be accessed from Florence Road and all work will occur from the roadway. Disturbance to previously undisturbed areas will not be necessary. Restoration Temporarily disturbed areas will be stabilized and the pole installation site will be restored to preconstruction conditions to the extent practicable. All construction materials, vehicles, and nonbiodegradable sediment controls will be removed from the site upon completion of work. If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (781) 907-1495 or Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Respectfully, Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid Jaime A. Walker Environmental Scientist Attachments: USGS Site Locus Map Photographs Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed DATE: 01-17-2018 W/O or W/R: SOURCE : THIS MAP CONTAINS THE ESRI ARCGIS ONLINE USATOPOGRAPHIC MAP SERVICE, PUBLISHED DECEMBER 12, 2009BY ESRI ARCIMS SERVICES AND UPDATED AS NEEDED. THISSERVICE USES UNIFORM NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED DATUMAND CARTOGRAPHY STANDARDS AND A VARIETY OFAVAILABLE SOURCES FROM SEVERAL DATA PROVIDERS. Data Supplied by : 402,000 4,000 6,0001,000 SCALE IN FEET © 2 0 1 8 - T R C E n v i r o n m e n t a l , C : \ U s e r s \ J W a l k e r \ D e s k t o p \ S i t e L o c u s M a p s \ S i t e L o c u s _ F l o r e n c e R d _ N o r t h a m p t o n . m x d , 1 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8 , 1 : 4 3 : 3 5 P M , J W a l k e r SITE LOCUS MAP PROPOSED POLE REPLACEMENTFLORENCE ROADNORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 25666321 Attachment A Poles 106 and 107Florence Road Attachment B Photographs Photo 1: Standard bucket truck with a truck-mounted auger used to install utility poles. Photo 2: View of a utility pole set in the hole created by the truck-mounted auger.