well construction permit 2017 • BOARD OF HEALTH City of Northampton APPLICATION FOR A WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Well Permit Number (TO BE ASSIGNED BY BOARD OF HEALTH) Fee $50.00 This application must be accompanied by a scaled plot plan, produced by a civil engineer or registered sanitarian showing the minimum distances required in Title 5 of the State Environmental Code. For new construction, requiring a septic system. the septic system plan submitted for the property in compliance with Title 5 requirements will be acceptable if the proposed well location is included. Application is hereby made to construct 0 or repair( ) a private well. -For -Farm irrs jacili D h FRED BED -DAC—L. JvLy M , 2°l - • ' • Owner's Name Date ' " FA l,R S TROESTE Kt E$Tt®W 413 - 58'4 - 134 I PRec C '' " Street Address Telephone Number -, DRTWAMpro N MA 0 [ a 60 )(c1.-` bPAciV City, State, Zip Code 3211 CA 032.— C60 —OD Location of Proposed Well Tax Map # Parcel # (if different from address) f 06E.C,T. P. Tu e P eR. A- 6X5=1 �► Well Driller(submit evidence of valid state registration) Conse '•.'tion Co ,mission Approval (SLaValle_y northan tonma.gov) For new construction: Septic system plan complies with Title 5: yes (4no ( ) n/a( ) Septic system plan shows location of well: yes (V1no ( ) n/a ( ) For new, repair or location to leach field, septic tank or city sewer: A scaled well construction plan has been submitted:yes no ( ) n/a( ) €.140,,.,,G ( (341c600 JH 1/ ! R ! 20 t "i- Signature of Applicant Date Please Mail Application to: Northampton Board of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 TO JIBE COMPLETED BY BOARD OF HE L H v . //070g /-7 Permit expires on: .F i / (One year from date of issuance) Permi> ssued (date) ti i • ._$em , i } e'/\. ; - -Y of..ems. 5 L it Z BM. L N:.5 s� 7• ,y l 7 7. ( .0-44, ,,V y � i iL aYt 0 r .t " - , � -1• � �.r 0. � � !f �i�, 3-.0-15,<-<-7-4.74,,A-:'&-.7.4,--� ��:• V., V i r [.�'� t!4 Jf' r �'r� � ' � <4&,-""-- '.�13'�"(t77} it �rf �fVt rd....dh,,,,,,uteiht,',.s 11i.- P.. J ..,iln . ruii..iihi...Yl�ur_..'VW:.Vti? fir 11 ' L4.. 1 - - ......_. . c.�il i..m. ...rr0ar, .. '::! a..•'., t �YLY . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION c-..e.;11......ta ft ' -=fL : = - SETTS WELL D _SSACIIU El CERTIFICATE ' 'K� Pursuant to the provisions of c °� Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 21G Section 20.._ Yv, ,...„..,,.,., .,,,,-, .„........4. ,E.,.__ F _. � 3 o-:I.VRobert Tupper #689 y 10--tom is authorized to di or drill '-"' � g all types of wells 4 = in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts during the period `. 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017 ha-^:Y? iti4W-:,_ Commissioner/Designee _ S ,r } -Sri,! \. l \l \ i,tJ P i _ •nr ir.. /,-G f 1 s� fy fi-. in. J -;., �p - _ s :may.:+-'+i FOLD i k/OTe— PA R CE L I (S DWA/EP egY "irrLic-Ar\l-r. Pe..13) Pe 4 112,11q ...-- . ,.., ___ .. -- ___ ,....-- ,.. .._.-- __-- , ...– 0 . _______ ,se•O ....-"'-.... 0..• .- 31-01l MUM*/V.A 00/MEN A : 1 po 12 ay.. ---- ....• SWAIM - --- - NOOK NON PAGE 115 ..----- PO 1°°1( -----'-- PION POEN 51.1 PAC4 35 • ><:\......,...'""".. *law v.•oc•atUn A or+ WHIM V.&0011*TN A KAAPARN I V .---• MOMS NOOK LIU PAGE NM . • ....--- •TE:231 HOOK OM PAGE 164 .....-' ......- PiAN BOOK 113 PAIN SII . ' ,....:... ...___„--- poU PIAN 000K 213 PAGE 116 TAIE. pffoe .....''''-'. tERS 1,50 63 ....'''. ,.../ ••P • ; •I_ ,..............:..... 04 sa',LAO .... - ' . on. ....---- ..--••---",.....„.•• amrt .._._......T_.c.,_..„, . .. • NA VENTURERS ROAD --------'----- , irdlrT I. ' . I . MOS' ';0•1...,.........,,,,,'" Aitil .\.- --- -- , xar 1., '. a . . • : .o,''''''''. . ..\•-. ' ' • . i PO C> (/) N erg& '4 °.RA*6° .,-• '--- 1 : La r ,.....„...:,,,,,,..,...-- ....... ,.. (1) ts.) , • . I7A-.i vi --..) ,:-.. ..., • • -•' i CD 1—. CD . 3 % . , — ....'"''''.. max I • • vs. .............,„. „ow .....,...,,,,,,... TO BE PROTECTED NY AN AORTCULTURAL PRESERVATION ..'a PARCEL A . I i. , ./ 101 AREA = _.--- RESTRICTION 1 _ ----- TOTAL AREA = 8.111 ACRES ; 30,013 SQ.FT. • . .... 4 PZi 1:3 _--- AA-A.' MARCIA 006S0I1 1 1 0 ,.., ..,......., NOON 110114 P401 01(11111.HM1HEN1.0) *N. L-4 ', .. 's • s -f Ce) LAND OF ,*0 - tw -P - . ROMAN A ClAiNatio 10ARCIA RUSSELL , 1::$ WOK 10.659 PAX 3O ASSESSOR'S MAP 32 PARCEL Oil (..-prop 0..CAT , ..... ., 1 , 0 TOTAL AREA = LI® ACRES tic.11 = \ . . , ' , .....,.., , \ , % YAWN 1 . - It % , - 1 , ..,. , • \II r.ur , • - .--- ----—•-•--- ---' ' --7:...al iw .._.__ .........--...--- I 1 samap ROMEO A CIARIMICAI I I WOK 10659 ma'29 : . * • NORDIAVI•loN PLANMRC BOARD RIT•MIRY Of Was PEAR Of WO IN _____ NORIHAAIPICRI.MASSACIAJAIIS twtrowri-Capin NORTHAMPTON , MASSACHUSETTS •tomm.PMPO I 00004110IX It MX 51101010 fOR I fl.f.10 i144,111XXXIMI.r.Mb MARCIA RUSSELL Bow:Folio 9 SOIL - al so Mil MOM OW(00100 6 SCAM 1. 40 ' •,. MRS SORVfY MN)RAN WW1 P1101791010m ACCOAZW4CE 10114 Mt (6191•41 100140 • - . DATC:A.A.(7.1014 FNAt5 AND ItCUSAiCaks or 90 RWISIERS OF ours.mo DC /RON IVA H7 HI 5f1• .• pROCEOURAL ANO ftdoecoL SuaDoROS tOO PC Mena or LAO --= . .- SURIV/ING iii ME COMMINAwm IR OP MASSMOIL13111.3 nosy 1.011 a. Maillin HERITAGE SURVEYS, INC. r , --- tip -rnA.44-1111,ilja. .-......-• %OW _ , —.........L' , PflOSTEREO PROfC590/64 LAND Sulnly0111 COLLEGE MOMW A CLAW STRIEr POST 0011CI DM I • „ 1 j IND ma suniiiir %Oft Ueda sounomPIpic LemSAalusEirs (113)3.77-34010 .a.p 5105-131041 1,, 7/03n.O1 lar, 7100-14010/ 1.)-; ti,u k• ; ,1 fr r CM/OF:\\ i 1 1 t 111 aro ROAD .1- ' ; ''t t. 11 ri L , I s E. .: It 1 3 t `� IOW or 1 t • ♦iol '•t ' C It#1a1tKM s i I ! . " 1 1 /` I r a* tAill4 / 2X iS�1 nt ..fit I ' '� tit ; ( � --� s Sep I is 4'ah10 ' y •. 2 = Se?+k. -field (pit) t PARCEL ,., ,t Awnedi. �'b°r 1 AREA = , I \ t $4 _,,..,....w • ', t e . t\ tilt ljt $ k s i E.. ..,. 1 tit La. me. t '. ik Pro Posed ti✓e..Il 0 a • '. ' I oc4-}-'o hi 00 a. 011 Ira» + Jr. i•C field RES t k r P P o oD roe() ff f rwe.1/ See scale Shvwirj nearesf- Se f+iL hR-xf pf,e 1 " 4-o ' � PON or MUD W NORTHAMPTON . MASSACHUSETTS suRvinfiv ran MARCIA RUSSELL SeAe. : 1 - "' 40 ' 0 10 41.111me6ifimmil) SS .2.70 DAM; JANUARY 7. 2014 HERITAGE SURVEYS, M4• i MK110k •;li Rfrtsw RW pR 1SIONAL CAND SUR YORS LCI Mt'+ )4 COLLEGE HIGHWAY & CLARK REEr x. Tie! r) oJI or50U niAmproms b^ sox I �- MA SAC1W: E1TS r;) l (413) 527-MOD . I....)-19.(.c: ; 716,) . 7105- 1,31002 7105(000 7 .qtr , 7105- WM , S i Nole -lb Co)1.5--Zr t/ j1T3-7-1 C-orm We-) erl, ,-)- i�.ca�� ��r ►'eC� COA P p� -�i-ay► M p A R . fp r 141i S "tri torbpz_r"y, S¢.e_ �,cr✓. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENTS ON LAND SUBJECT TO AN AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION RESTRICTION The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (the `'Department") received an application (the -.Application-) for a Certificate of Approval ("COA-) from Fred Beddall. the current owner of a parcel of land located 141 Fair Street Extension in Northampton. Hampshire County, MA (the "APR Owner"). An Agricultural Preservation Restriction (the "Restriction" or the "APR") on this land, approximately 8.1 acres in size, was granted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by Marcia Russell on June 27,2014. The APR was recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 11679, Page 177. The Application sought approval for construction of an Agricultural Related Improvement as further described below. as the"Work". Work z The land owner seeks approval for the following agricultural improvements: (1)a drilled well with buried pressure tank and electrical panel or a buried water line to connect to town water for irrigation purposes, depending on well yield (2) a buried main irrigation line with risers/hydrants extending northerly for the length of the property (approximately 900 +/- ft)(3) buried electrical service lines for well pump/tank. The approximate Work area is depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto. Approval The Department finds that the Work is authorized by the APR recorded in Book 11679, Page ° 177. General Laws Chapter 184 §§ 31-33 and Chapter 20 §§ 23-26. and does not defeat nor derogate from the intent of this APR to provide cate and does nottion certfydthatothetcondition ion of agricultural lands. This COA is not an estoppel cert fi of the APR Land nor the APR Owner is in conformance or compliance with the terms of the APR. THEREFORE,the Commissioner of the Department approves the agricultural related improvements as described in the section entitled "Work", subject to the Conditions of Approval. After Recording,PLEASE RETURN TO: Dorothy Du Mass.Department of Agricultural Resources 251 Causeway Street,Suite 500 Boston, MA 02114 I City of Northampton BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NUMBER: 17-EXT-FAIR FEE $ 50.00 CHECK# 174 This is to certify that Robert P. Tupper NAME The Wash Well Co.-112 christian Hill Road-Swanzey,NH 03446 ADDRESS Is Hereby Granted a Permit to Install a Private Drinking Well: LOCATION: Fair Street Ex n, Northampton, A ()Ka� DATE:July 28, 2017 Board of Health Director This license is granted in conformity with the Statutes and ordinances relating thereto and expires_January 28, 2018_unless sooner suspended or revoked.