CPA Eligibility Form - Sergeant House Expansion - 82 Bridge St.docCOMMUNITY PRESERVATION ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM
The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix-E in the Community
Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an application to be accepted.
Project Title: Sergeant House Expansion / fka Hampshire Inn Expansion
Project Sponsor/Organization: Valley Community Development Corporation
Contact Name: Laura Baker
Property Owner, if applicable: Bridge Street, LLC (wholly owned by Valley CDC)
Mailing Address: 30 Market Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Daytime phone #:413-586-5855, ext. 100
Fax #: 413-586-7521
E-mail address:
CPA Program Area (check those that apply):
� Open Space X Historic Preservation
X Community Housing � Recreation
Project Purpose (check those that apply):
� Acquisition X Creation X Preservation
� Support X Rehabilitation/Restoration
Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project.
Valley CDC has owned and operated a 15 unit traditional SRO (boarding house model) building located at 82 Bridge Street since 1990. Of these 15 units, 8 have affordability restrictions
(4 units < 80% AMI and 4 units < 50% AMI) and are supported by Project Based Section 8s; the balance of 7 units are market rate. The property is typically fully occupied.
The building (the George Sergeant House) was constructed in 1820 and is a contributing structure within the Pomeroy Terrace Historic District. This District has been submitted by the
City to MHC to be considered for National Register listing. The George Sergeant House is located a few doors down from Historic Northampton. The historic character of the George Sergeant
House was compromised decades ago by the installation of aluminum siding and replacement windows.
The building is in need of significant capital repairs and updates. Some of the single room units in the building are extremely undersized (120 sf for example). There are only 4 bathrooms
that all occupants share and one common kitchen. None of the units are handicapped accessible or visit-able.
The proposed project would accomplish the following:
Address capital repair needs and correct safety concerns
Achieve handicapped access to all building levels via the installation of an elevator; create 3 fully handicapped accessible units
Eliminate undersized rooms
Add kitchenettes and bathrooms to each unit
Enlarge the size and increase the function of common areas
Increase the number of total units from 15 to 31
Undertake historic restoration of the main house / building façade
Serve tenants at a range of income levels with an emphasis on extremely low income tenants
Place income and rent restrictions on all units, increasing the number of affordable units from 8 to 31. No resident would earn more than 60% of AMI and we are requesting additional
rental subsidy from Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for another 8 units to serve individuals earning below 30% AMI.
Reserve at least 25% of units (8 units) for homeless individuals and provide supportive services for these individuals; collaborate with Department of Mental Health (DMH) to support
2 DMH clients as residents.
This project has received a financial commitment of CDBG funds from the City of Northampton and a recent allocation of $50,000 in Northampton CPA funds.
Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project.
Valley CDC has owned and operated a 15 unit traditional SRO (boarding house model) building located at 82 Bridge Street since 1990. Of these 15 units, 8 have affordability restrictions
(4 units < 80% AMI and 4 units < 50% AMI) and are supported by Project Based Section 8s; the balance of 7 units are market rate. The property is typically fully occupied.
The building (the George Sergeant House) was constructed in 1820 and is a contributing structure within the Pomeroy Terrace Historic District. This District has been submitted by the
City to MHC to be considered for National Register listing. The George Sergeant House is located a few doors down from Historic Northampton. The historic character of the George Sergeant
House was compromised decades ago by the installation of aluminum siding and replacement windows.
The building is in need of significant capital repairs and updates. Some of the single room units in the building are extremely undersized (120 sf for example). There are only 4 bathrooms
that all occupants share and one common kitchen. None of the units are handicapped accessible or visit-able.
The proposed project would accomplish the following:
Address capital repair needs and correct safety concerns
Achieve handicapped access to all building levels via the installation of an elevator; create 3 fully handicapped accessible units
Eliminate undersized rooms
Add kitchenettes and bathrooms to each unit
Enlarge the size and increase the function of common areas
Increase the number of total units from 15 to 31
Undertake historic restoration of the main house / building façade
Serve tenants at a range of income levels with an emphasis on extremely low income tenants
Place income and rent restrictions on all units, increasing the number of affordable units from 8 to 31. No resident would earn more than 60% of AMI and we are requesting additional
rental subsidy from Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for another 8 units to serve individuals earning below 30% AMI.
Reserve at least 25% of units (8 units) for homeless individuals and provide supportive services for these individuals; collaborate with Department of Mental Health (DMH) to support
2 DMH clients as residents.
This project has received a financial commitment of CDBG funds from the City of Northampton and a recent allocation of $50,000 in Northampton CPA funds.
For CPC Use Eligible: _____ Not Eligible: _____ Date: __________ Reviewer: ____________________