Lot A Diposal Works Permit and Cert of Compliance THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 7— / 1- Q- �iBOARDj�OF H ALTH No o/Q - d C...A. . . ... oF. l' Fite Q-S. fliLiprnat ne orb' OS nl tr • tt Prrmit Permission is h eby granted to Construct ( epajr ( ) Indi.�ir ual„Sewage Disposal Syst fll�d .e� at No 7�.� ,G� � �`�^n L'� p ,� Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No... _... �� Dat d o t D1 Boar }lealtn DATE / / r I r3 FORM 1258 A. M. SULKIN. INC., BOSTON THECOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH No. -7� h OF G. -'` . FEES lTJ Bigiansal,,Illorkri cffonstrurtintt Permit Permission is hereby granted ,J __ 1 f f_ 'lc 7 to Construct ( fRepair ( ) an Individual Sewage Nposal System at No - -f 14,0A) ..LIA/6s4 as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction PermiteLNori. —21;.,:-;Dated._ /fc-J3 DATE lQ. ./ /_/ calth T FORM 1255 A. M. SULKIN INC.. BOSTON THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH C.IT.Y..oFN.O.RTHAMPTO.N fgrrtifutttr of flnmplinnrr THIS IS TO CET7-&T;', at the Inpiu�dual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( r Repaired ( ) by I���`JJ_ AA, �,{.(Q�t�.�--_ L at � � 17 /V V r ,Inataliv / has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of a State Sanitary Code as describ in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No rae— dated is/4-- .r.3 THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THI SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. • DATF //D/F-9 Inspector `-S..- ,D' f ' - Ci -'`'^ (S1 PROPOSED DOMESTIC SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN Prepared For: Pre. �Qc• tr I._' Location: LO r 4 / N•ri44 aae./ 1 Al W Number of Bedrooms: 471 Garbage Disposal: $00- LEACH AREA DESIGN 4/ Bedrooms x 2 persons/bedroom = S persons $ Persons x 55 gallons of wastewater/person/day = D total gallons o wastewater/day. Percolation Rate: (40 . 6 min/inch Gallon of wastewater/square feet of leach area for a Percolation Rate of: e*. 8 min/inch = / 440 Gal/SF Sidewall Area = O.( 7 Gal/SF Bottom Area * If a leach bed is to be installed, no sidewall is allowed. * If percolation rate exceeds 20 min/inch, no bottom area is allowed. - SEPTIC TANK - * WITHOUT GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Gallons of wastewater/day x 150% = REQUIRED effective liquic capacity of septic tank. RECOMMENDED: Septic Tank * In no case will the septic tank be less than 1,000 gallons (effective liquid cE ** WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL: 414/0 Gallons of wastewater/day x 200% = $P'lO REQUIRED effective liqu: capacity of septic tank. RECOMMENDED: /SOD Septic Tank ** In no case will the septic tank be Less than 1,500 gallons (effective liquid c A1.MIF.R HUNI'[.EY. (R.. & ASSOCIATES. INC. LEACHING PIT DESIGN Precast Pit Used: t ' Long x ' Wide x 2 ' Effective Depth Using 4 ' of stone all around and ,5 " of stone under pit. SIDEWALL AREA: $ ' Long x Z•Z.S' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = SF Wide x 2. Lf ' Effective Depth x 2 Sides = 6 • SF Total of 13y. SF (Sidewall Area) x 1 . 4(# Gal/SF = 203.7 Gal/Pit (Side BOTTOM AREA: S ' Long x 13 ' Wide = Z34 SF Z34 SF (Bottom Area) x O4.7 Gal/SF = i SG•$ Gal/Pit (Bottom) Z O 3 . 7 Gal/Pit (Sidewall) a Gal/Pit (Bottom) = 3 (. o .5 TOTAL Gal/Pit (Designed) * Without Garbage Disposal: Total Gal/Day (REQUIRED) * With Garbage Disposal: 1.5 x 440 Gal/Day (Daily Flow) = 64'0 _ Gal/P: (REQU: Using fo Go Gal/Day (Daily Flow) : 3470-r Gal/Pit = Z Pit(s ALNIER HU NTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. r-✓,4k'/.JBCE 4 - . — ....o, • Q n .. ar �/t:• �� OP?'PAgeChr.Sr ,. him- • . . .. .-1 0,-1.. . . . I • - co i .- • 4 rb !) 1 .. ; 4 . - a . . . 1 • w .;r . ♦ •;IK. •, • •o- _ - 7"7-61/4or /17-07-0-rfil t 2 STdue 2-T/,/•CC* A. ,. 'raD +h� Z.: S f 4 i 03 -1121 Li] 1:21 - *1 .1 Ex�snw SOIC ,4 , �P�cdsT_ , 4 I- ® ® El . ® t ® ® ®_ ,.,. it ® - ® ® ® ® ® ® ® - t' 4 / E — -- .r_ ,. •' - _•..}NL I,L_. .-C-�.._ -:.a. _`'�T%' 'Z`'.•<- • :�_. /.i.`"Vi - w. ‘7 .�.,t\\ter ',– _ �-S • ?. w, a - 'a. ,t/OTE •dll WGIP.N W/LL Az- GetvE /u ACC4k'L 4.5k E W/T!✓ THE. 57:4re ENv/RONMC CODE - 7/745 ! _ FT/ / NeNE + N O CVEP/OaR DEPo '' T & EE EATEST EE PIT, wN TO /3 GA4E4TER . ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. a ASSOCIATES REGISTERED LAND SJR /EYORS & CI ill_ E - C ' ts 125 PLEASANT STREET A!.r1PT -4AV°TCN . MASS