07-048 (10) y� . . 016676 rt" 2 S— --;r o r DECISION OF ` �7 2 'Ok+V J NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD i(. .--ij DEPT OF Bump FDo; NORTNR ICN .1 A.0 1 Y At a meeting held on July 14, 1988 , the Northampton Planning Board voted unanimously to GRANT the request of Peter W. and Jill A. Kelley for a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 6 . 13 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a one-family dwelling on a Flag Lot located on the Easterly side of North Farms Road '- (more particularly identified as Parcels 48 and 49 , Sheet 7 of the Northampton Assessor ' s Maps) in a Rural Residential Zone. The Findings were as follows: - The requested use requires a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 6 . 13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public welfare. The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. The requested use will not overload any municipal systems. The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. i ) THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: All work shall conform to the Plan entitled, "Plan of Land in NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for Peter W. and Jill A. Kelley et als dated July 14 , 1988. —/-" / / , --- .. .w , -t 'Nancy DuOi, Chaiwiss,: ' ! ,: CERTIFICATE OF CITY Ct$R '- qust 22, 1988 s I, Adeline Murray, City Clerk of the• Citj+ •o£ Northampton , hereby certify that the above Decision pf the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on July 29, 1988 , that twenty days have 4 /4 ye elapsed L..0 since such filing and that no appeal has been filed his matter. Attest /e76' / DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD At a meeting held on July 14, 1988 , the Northampton Planning Board voted unanimously to GRANT the request of Peter W. and Jill A. Kelley for a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 6 .13 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a one-family dwelling on a Flag Lot located on the Easterly side of North Farms Road (more particularly identified as Parcels 48 and 49, Sheet 7 of the Northampton Assessor's Maps) in a Rural Residential Zone. The Findings were as follows : The requested use requires a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public welfare. The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. The requested use will not overload any municipal systems. The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district, and is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: All work shall conform to the Plan entitled, "Plan of Land in NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS Prepared for Peter W. and Jill A. Kelley et als dated July 14, 1988 . / /Nancy DuOau,^ Chair DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD RE: KELLEY Page Two / r'l :iirr; -W(" i. `; I. :21e�1/ Andrew Crystal /\ `- 1 J O �,Le---LC..h ra CRiC /_:-e. 1 IA" Marion Mendelson 'Josef Arnould V C2 2 E. John Gare III Joseph Beauregard Judith Hale Re_ceieect ez C.ti, O er!, ii. Office f y T HAMPT, _ yX / % G °Cets � r.T/ 1s Timr" 7 /ib / r<, CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK August 22 , 1988 I, Adeline Murray, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Planning Board was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on July 29, 1988, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing that no appeal has been filed in this matter. Attest: -� , / / ♦i City lerk City of Northamnrn