18 Harlow AveSH City of Northampton Columba Gas; of Massachusetts A NiSource Company 995 Belmont Street Brockton,MA 02^1February28, 2017 Mr. William Tenanes 18 Harlow Avenue Northampton,MA 01060 Dear Mr. Tenanes: During a recent visit, our service technician detected a safety problem unvented dryer and free standing fireplace located at 18 Harlow Ave.-Northampton,MA 01060. Accordingly,we have issued a Warning Tag because of this situation. tinder the circumstances,we strongly urge you to correct the code violation. In addition, the Massachusetts code pertaining to the installation of gas appliances and gas piping, established under Chapter 737, Acts of 1960, requires that the condition be remedied. - If you have any question,please call our Service Department at 1-800-677-5052 and ask to speak with the Service Supervisor. Please disregard this notice if the condition has been corrected. Sincerely, Gas Operations Integration Columbia Gas of Massachusetts cc: Local Gas Inspector i lama - r Page 1of1 Iii Jay 1 1 w 111Mesrr +" i. r YT y ga' S Cay .i,y+ . w.4 ' 'S c,. P 3,2 r 1 Y 7iltior 41, 4/31* 1 c lin--"` InaiLgaogie.co, /SCS/mai--Static/ /Jr-gmaii.rnain.en,hNSavew R31 O/n2--rz i,Pd... 3//3/2017 Pics.jpg Page I of 1 e••1 , i 1 1 A , i g illk 0001kWIP" I 411, i Mit 441k f 1:44 sioillilV kthik%,, 111 41141141141V, 41. r. IOW SIP III T httpsYanaiLgoogk.corril Iscs/triail-static/ IfsIk--gmailanaitl.ettlArSalletir-R3.1.0/12)==-ill i,pd.... 3/13/2017 P!`?JPg Page .1 of i 0110411110*. f 4 ar II' w 1. It II SC$/ all-static/ ifsik=+ Ia21.main.en SavewLLILO/i,Pd... 3/13/2017 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signal Print your name and address on the reverse X C w- Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,e• ived (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. y/ j 17 /2 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1?_0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: D Ni:;" ter ;1\kar \-2 _. It k\ ,c10 MaF . 1lobo 3. Service Type C Priority Mal ExpressZ 111111 ILII I'II I Ii III I III I III 111111IIIII II III Ceistered Men., Adult nateRestricted Delivery Registered Mail RestrictedCSive 9590 9403 0200 5120 4329 65 C Certified Mail Restricted Delivery C Return Receipt for C Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service!ober) C Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery C Signature Confirmationru Insured Mal C Signature Confirmation 7 013 3020 0000 8144 7839 Insured Mal Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class MailFees Paid USPPS NAR 17e r„jt o. G-10 Mil— Sender: Please print your name, address, and Z((P ®in this x` TOPNORTHAMPTON USPS INIPT Of IMAMS INSPECTIONS NORTHAr1ON.U1101SM USPS TRACKING# 111111 I 1111111111 9590 9403 0200 5120 4329 65