Iris Realty
February 17, 2017
Ira Elfman
Iris Realty
1607 Northampton St
Holyoke, MA 01040
RE: 110 Pleasant Street Property, Northampton
Dear Mr. Elfman:
The City has spent the last two years working with neighborhood groups and businesses on strategic planning
efforts to make improvements to Pleasant Street that will encourage reinvestment, access, safety, and
functionality to the commercial corridor. That process resulted in identifying a goal with strategies to make
physical improvements to the street infrastructure. To that end, the City an engineer to design modifications
and we recently were awarded grant funds from the Commonwealth to move into construction phase.
Construction will take place this summer.
I have attached plans circled in red showing changes to the curbing in front of your parcel on
Pleasant/Strong/Pearl. The curb opening where the current metered parking spaces are located will be
formally replaced with granite and new sidewalk panel. Please let me know if you would like to meet in person
to discuss plans.
I can be reached at or 413-587-1287.
Carolyn Misch, AICP