38 Certificate of Compliance 2016 mportant:When Bing out forms on the computer, Jae only the tab cey to move your cursor-do not use the return key vc Commonwealth of Msachusptts City/Town of /�pie D A7 Certificate o Complia ce Form 3 FILE COPY DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. This Is to Certify that the following work on an On-Site Sewage Disposal System ❑ Construction of a new system Repair or replacement of an existing system ❑ Repair or replacement of an existing system component Has been done in accordance with Title 5 and the Disposal Sy tem Construction Permit(DSCP): DSCP Number DSC ate GILBERT LEBLANC Facility Owner 38 NORTH FARMS ROAD,FLORENCE, NORTHAMPTON,MA 01062 Street Address or Lot# City/rown State Zip Cede Designer Information: Alan E Weiss,RS Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. Name of Company 11.22.2016 Signature Data Installer lnforma Na RIVER DRIVE EXCAVATING Name Name of Company TOM WANCZYK 11.22.2016 Signature Date Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: It was recommended that you pump tank every two years. The issuance of this certificate shall not be construe as a guarantee that the system will function as dQSlpnecJ � // ,/// /J Approving Author S' ure / Data ,J� /r&J b i t5form3.doc•06103 vl6t/�G Certificate of Compliance•Page 1 of 1 EW 14'X43' LEACH FIELD •UMP AND REPLACE \--- - - .— _ Se5°59'00•E SEPTIC TANK O.a J�Z1gTT�� 71 o Z.,S, TR sL I, m 0 \ ob.port Fit . 2f • 2 1 69 8, m N GAR .DRIVE T1 _ _ ■ o 1 NBO� pg80•N, Q "'TTT 'ez OPT — \ —9 AS BI�IL 11.22. 01T 6 M:12C,L 07-01 GRAVITY SLOPE SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATION AND SCALE: 1"=30' OO MAINTENANCE NOTES FOR HOMEOWNER. i E ID OA6' AC +b co 1.)HAVE TANK PUMPED EVERY 2 YEARS.PUMP&CHAMBER CHECKED ANNUALLY. 0.461 PERC HOLE LOCATION, NUMBER 2 J MAINTAIN AREA OVER SEPTIC SYSTEM AS GRASSY TP-1 TEST HOLE LOCATON. NUMBER OR SIMILAR GROUND COVER —� ESTIMATED WATER LINE 3.)DO NOT PLANT ANY TREES OR DEEP ROOTING —E— ELECTRIC TITRES SHRUBS WITHIN 10 FEET OF SYSTEM. �6� Exlsnrvc conroure Q 4.)USE ONLY LIQUID DETERGENTS 8 LOW FLOW WASHERS. ---88— PROPOSED CONTOUR Ciew 5.)WIPE ALL OIL AND GREASE FROM COOKWARE AND DISPOSE IN TRASH c. NOT SEPTIC. S WELL LOCATION v 6)All Toilets and Faucets must be confirmed to not be leaking,because one leaking t. fixture can fail a septic system in ONE DAY `v 0' 30' 60' 90' oik m• r • mm ■ I ` I TYPICAL D.BOX IWATERTIGH. -S J EW XL t;, - z LEACH H FIELD D •UMP AND REPLACE 7 ______ rettab — — .— _ s ss_ ss p^ SEPTIC TANK — �{'� �'�")2.o eoJ V , , �0�qr' \S TF ' �1 c \ Z �` ob.port ~ ' �1 tI '4 i Mal i # -s q r i 09' 1 .g 7 1 i m N 1 n DRIVE 73 N80�43,30•W _ O --_\\`\ AS BUILT 11.22.2016 M:12C,L:07-01 GRAVITY SLOPE SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATION AND SCALE: 1"=30' MAINTENANCE NOTES FOR HOMEOWNER. LQ 1.)HAVE TANK PUMPED EVERY 2 YEARS.PUMP&CHAMBER CHECKED ANNUALLY. —� PERC HOLE wcnnon. NUMBER 0.461 AC +/- 2.)MAINTAIN AREA OVER SEPTIC SYSTEM AS GRASSY TP-I TEST HOLE LOCATION, NUMBER OR SIMILAR GROUND COVER. ESnMALED WATER LINE 3.)DO NOT PLANT ANY TREES OR DEEP ROOTING —E— ELECTRIC WIRES SHRUBS WITHIN 10 FEET OF SYSTEM. ,---6--- EXISPNG CONTOUR 4.)USE ONLY LIQUID DETERGENTS 8 LOW FLOW WASHERS. -—sr-- PROPOSED CONTOUR 5.)WIPE ALL OIL AND GREASE FROM COOKWARE AND DISPOSE IN TRASH NOT SEPTIC. S WELL LOCATION 6)All Toilets and Faucets must be confirmed to not be leaking,because one leaking fixture can fail a septic system in ONE DAY 0' 30' 60' 90' — — — TYPICAL D.BOX(WATERTIGH EW 14'X 43' LEACH FIELD • •UMP AND REPLACE 7 - - .� _. 585°5900'E SEPTIC TANK g TP � - - \----------- . \ r TP1 '.. . I m4JW u2 'y HD � \ uwo Qm \ \ N: \ 1®; DRIVE 7f1 � ��,,,,,,����'9'9��^^WW /i" N80'«US ^ c 11.22.2016 —___ ___________________\ M:12C,L:07-01 GRAVITY SLOPE SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATION AND AS BUILT E: MAINTENANCE NOTES FOR HOMEOWNER. LESEI'ID S0CAL.461 : 17-UI 1 +1- 1.)HAVE TANK PUMPED EVERY 2 YEARS.PUMP&CHAMBER CHECKED ANNUALLY. -� PERC HOLE LOCATION. NUMBER 2)MAINTAIN AREA OVER SEPTIC SYSTEM AS GRASSY I Tp_I TEST HOLE LOCATION, NUMBER r OR SIMILAR GROUND COVER. TEST HOLE LOCATION,N,WATER 3.)DO NOT PLANT ANY TREES OR DEEP ROOTING -E- ELECTRIC MRES r�� SHRUBS WITHIN 10 FEET OF SYSTEM. �6� cxisnrvc carvTwR 4.)USE ONLY LIQUID DETERGENTS&LOW FLOW WASHERS. -—80— PROPOSED CONTOUR MI 5.)WIPE ALL OIL AND GREASE FROM COOKWARE AND DISPOSE IN TRASH NOT SEPTIC. S WELL LOCATION C7 6)All Toilets and Faucets must be confirmed to not be leaking,because one leaking C, fixture can fall a septic system in ONE DAY j -V 0' 30' 60' 90' NEC FIMTINTIIM= IIIIIMOIl TYPICAL D.BOX (WATERTIGH. re /eI uCE HEEDS I +' iEF ToOVsveracER60VT