36 APT#16 Deleading Notification 2002 a ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # a COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Department of Labor L Industries and Department of Publ NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All mention. of this fore mot be completed in order to ee,p with the actifinatim rp9lrmmta of M.O.L. ¢.111 6 197, 454 06k 22.00 and 105 CPR 469.999 as most recently ameeded Contactor perfomtg poled Lead Paint Inspector ABIDE, tyyMryyt IS :b Lr D V N nith NORTHAMPTON BOARD Of HEALTH FILE NmeLt: (AGuler 91f) INC. (Frank Ti11i) license # 00001619 4 IO/uz Exp.date eptember 1D, 200G License I 1--3%11 STEVE totsNSK1 If low-risk deleading work is being performed, Date of Inspection 3(z)/o7 complete the following line: Property owner Agent(s) Address of Project Building Name (if any) �`� Street Address 3G etbfeAO aTERRAcE_ City AJoRTAMpmA) neleading Method: Liquid Encapsulant r&overing, Demolition Replacement If "Other" selected, please explain REM OV At- Floor //' Apt. No. { yp Zip OtOL,O Heat Gun caustics Check ape: dwelling is mcItl-(doily Start date 7/1 /02= When will work be done: A.M. '7 :(X)- P.H. S :00 siaglo family Completion date Project Supervisor's name Robert P. LaMountain SM im CQLU.EG.E 12C v4 CST" ST- Property Owner Address City No R tvi Acm era 7/4o2— Weekends? NO License X DS3605 State Telephone RIr NA S) Y41/12fA1W S(,% 413-S8S-24St Frank Till`i, President In case of emergency contact Phone: day 413-525-0644 MA- Zip (IO(p3 evening 413-525-0644 (over) !/2004 WED 12:31 FAX 413 545 Deed !DIVE .w In a ordance with Mat husetcs General Laws c. 111 S 197 OM plaster di 105 CV 46i.000e materials of the date end methodseel of removal or cowering I paint,oust be received by ache sible fat of lead is to be containing oatdangerous t e(SDI Sday. prier to beginning of dot eadi ng. a persons, • 1. Occupants of the dwelling unit All other occupants of the residential preaiaes, if any Director, Childhood Leading Poisoning prevention Program Fax 1617) 284-8410 Department of Public Health, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02110 4. Director, AabestCS 6 Load Program Department of Labor a Industries Room 11000, 100 Cambridge Street Boston, NA 02202 f, 5 Local Board of Realth/Orde Enforcement Agent, N 4 TlkA,4341D f� 6. Massechueett$ Historical Commission 220 Moissey Boston,rVA 02125vtl. Fax (6171 727-7560 6413y S$7" 1221 (If premises is listed on the State Register of Historic Places, this notification most be made upon receipt of an order to Correct Violations or at least 30 days prior to jolt;atin, preventive deleadinnl Fax 1617/ 222-5120 Deleading Contractor . The undersigned hereby states, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the commonwealth of Massachusetts Oeleading Regulations, 454 CMR 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 1748 460.000, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Date G ill_')2- signed: it/eat,I Frank TOM '3 title: President Company; ABIDE, INC. Property Oder (If owner or unlicensed owner's agent will be performing low-risk deleading wore, I certify that I have complied with the training requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poising Prevention and control Regulations, 105 CMR 460.195, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. I further certify that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities (I have circled all that apply) : applying liquid encapsulate capping baseboards applying exterior vinyl siding covering surfaces removing doors, cabinet donor. shutters I certify that all the information contained in this notification is true sad correct co the best of w knowledge and belief. Date: signed: REV 10/12/95 ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 0z3z8 6m n- 16> '2002 TNG 12:49 FAX 413 525 ua/a Aomc ..� A` �E (ZE�tl.Slc . , :.,.:.. ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 02 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Department of Labor L Industries and Department of Publ NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK all eacuane at ME fare mat be completed La *tat to comp notification wia the h 454 QI 22.00 ad 105 Om 4460.000a f a. most aocently ewe FT= NUMMEO thalla WE) Contractor performing project ABIDE, ,AN 27 an 1 D J Y NO THAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH INC. (Frank Tilli) licensed DC001614 4�(1o/fez Exp.date eptember 10, 2002 Lead paint Inspector SCEVC DoL1 NSKt Date of Inspection If low-risk deleading work is being performed. complete the following line: Property o.mer Agentis) Address of Pro ect Building Name (if any) License 9 =-31'11 Street Address 3G BEDFQKO 'TCAUCia .E City AJo&'MAMPTM) 4[et/ez Scca L Deleeding Method: Y P Heat Gun Caustics Liquid Encapsulanr etrirritp Demolition Replacement If "Other" selected, please explain f.FMQU AL Floor t C 4nl Lh°"Rt:AS Apt. No. Zip _ owGaa Chect Po- dwelling is ewlti-(ani)Y .7 single raaily -41—T=i:-- 71002- Start date _ Completion date 7 ;W_ Weekends? _bib_ When will work be done A.N- P.M. S .oO project Supervisor's name C Robert��P. LaMountain TK Property Owner SM( DLLE'GE Address i% WEST ST, city NDR.attkr* State Telephone R(CNAR.D VoRtENio, $L 413-585—Z9SS Frank President In case of emergency contact Till`i, License N DS3605 MA- Phone= day 413-525-0644 Zip GAO evening 413:525-0644 (over) l2 In 12:49 FAX 413 525 0878 Anum. in, #8.4 zz.og los om o:ogo notice setts General Laws c. 111 s 197 Goon e[ other 10S accessible w.notiiels Ink of accordance e a with em mass. 'an ceeoval er cos f paint, plaster by the id mat aelevel covering ; d must be received of son date ea eat _ deleatlinp.the ruing dangerous be 1(ve's(alr_i tstaabeginni g off _ persons, at leader �- Occupants of the dwelling unit All other occupants of the residential premises, it any Fax (611) 284-8410 Leading Poisoning tic Avenue.Program 02110 Director, Childhood t0 Atlantic Arenve, Boston. MA Department of Public Health, t Director, Asbestos 4 aLeadd Horn Dep.rbeent of Libor Mcrae w X 0 1006,01002 Cambridge Street 6 Lo I.� Local hoard of Health/coda rntO1cement MIMIC tV CY DMm ir,5N Register (If premises is listed en the n :wet State Re cute be Ydhistorice et ices,t an order to tine must 6. Boston', 25vd.cical Commis non pt tofaa 30 days pilot to 220 wo6isaey Y^eletiane es a 9oaton, 1fA 02125 preventive deteadreq) IG a[ing P[ Fax 16111 121-5138 Fax (6111 121-1568 CAF[413 y S$7- 1 Z21 Dmlmaai [bmtraCtaa ' ur that ed hereby states, under the pains and penaltieseofe erjury, t The hedhasirn wealth of Na 454 CNA 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control he/she has read and understood the Commonwealth Regulations, 460.000. and that the information contained in this Aegn latioas 105 true his/her knowledge and belief. notification is true and �orrecf. to the best ofd/h Cl�� �t;� signed: {, F kT.i,� t . cute IS- ft vilal 61271102- 1-S Title: Preside t covcsnir ABIDE INC_ y meGy Mans in owner or unlicemed owner's agent will be perfdrwin9 low-risk deleading wort: I certify that I have husetts Lead Poising Prevention a plied with the training requirements of the Commonwealth of Nassachueegulations, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. I further certify 4er ngfy ify.that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities (I have circled all Chat apply): emptying livid encapsulard capping baseboards applying exterior vinyl aiding covering surf Cea CaPOVtlp doers, cabinet dtOc>, shuctell [aa 1 certify that ail the information contained in this :wtificatisn is true and cnr[ect t, best of ray knaaledgd xd bet t4f. Signed: Date: ABIDE, INC. PROJECT I 02_,:31-4E—L_ 6.)N it 16> REV 10/12/95 102 WED r13:09 FAX 413 525 0678 AUlet t.+c • ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 02. 3 2% Z COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Department of Labor C industries and Department of Public Health NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All eearioea of tale fora Nat be completed le order to coaplr with tale seti£1Gtioa --trees°N of N.6.L. c 111 $ 191, SSA 0* 52.00 and 105 (Na 460.000 as mess recently amedea ens Maaaa:_r--- fAta'ia.7 USE) Contractor peAam'xg prpkCI ABIDE INC. (Frank Tilli) License APC`007_619 t�-r /- NS K-1 datee_e ember ID, 2OOe' Lead Paint Inspector ' .- , tvE. bot' N K-1 License M 2-3 71 Date of Inspection 3i22102.- If low-risk deleadinq work is being performed, complete the following 'line: Agents) Property owner Address of Pro eat Floor Building Nome (if any) 3G etbcog 'C ER2AcE_ St reOt Address O city ',deeding Method: et/ ry Scraprn Liquid Encapsulant overinq Demolition Replacement If "Other" selected, please explain REMOVAL- 7- Near EMOJAI- Neat Gun (pMMpa/ Apt. Ho. S 0nJ AREAS Zip ntfef Q Caustics Check One welling is multi-Daily siMlc family 7Imi0_ i —"Slat' ( i/ZZIO'i Start date Completion date T3� When Will work be done: A.N. ilia): P.11. S.I%O Weekends? Idb project Supervisor's name Robert P. LaMountain License M DS3605 property Owner SM tt CO-Lk-GE Address %1J wf SC St . /t� City 1aORalkMeTON � State Telephone R D Ko&2£Itl40J1544 l{l3^SRS-24$$Frank Till'i , President M/s sin OS _— In case of emergency contact Phone. day 413-525-0644 evening 413-525-0644 (Oder) !002 WED 13:00 FAX 413 525 0678 AblUt 1. • s General i_ III 4 1j97 ORR 12.00 ▪ 105 CPO 66`.000 notice In accordance with Me ends. _u• o tt nowt e. paint. lesten( o ether a us bL material, f the date and sous level of removal coveting f the fo lwi 9 Containing at dangerous est tee(ICI levels 1praysstoobegiprovided ing f deleadingb received by 1 of persons. . 1. Occupants of the Melling unit All other occupants of the residential premises, If any Director, Childhood Leading Poisoning 0 Atlantic ,vention Program HA 82110 Department of Public Health, Fax 16171 121-7563 tax (611) 264-8410 6. DiteCCOt. Asbestos a Lead Ptegram Department of Labor a Industries Room 11006, 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 //' ray_ tra sal- (221 Local board of Health/Code Enforcement Agency JOaThA (904 6. Massachusetts Historical CeemIssion 220 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, HA 0212S (of Histo n ric Places, tals notification must rbe we de upon receipt of an Order to Correct Violations or at leas d30 day.prior to tai_i acing proton fax (617) 722-512e Doloading Contractor . The undersigned hereby states, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deleading Regulations, 454 041k 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 Chat 460.000, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of hi Date r his/her knowledge and belief. ( �/(g got— signor: Frank rule: _ President colpany: ABIDE, INC. rewlxd 4/%74,2_ -`5 rented 7/1o/oa - ieS paePmecy oweeS It owner Or YI\11Lensld owner's agent will be performing low-risk deleading work) he I certify that I have complied with the traingnrequired control thegula Lions,rements of Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poising Prevention 105 CMk 460.175, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. I further certify that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities (I have circled all that apply!: cappir baseboards covering surfaces applying llpuld ancapaulant applying exterior vinyl siding removing doors, cabinet doers, shettoes I certify that e11 the inforwetien contained In this Ceti oration is true and correct to the best of my knowlatga and belief. Date: REV 10/12/95 ABIDE, INC. PROJECT #. O2.&27 CUNT S) /2002 1.1. 13:un FAA 41J Dcu into 2W YL Oa. a a b i d e Abide.Inc.,Environmental Contracting ] ] LEAD NOTIFICATION FAX COVER SHEET DATE: if)0107-- ATTENTION: [ FAX #: Director,CLPPP(Boston) 617-284-8410 Director,LEAD PROGRAM(Boston) 617-727-7568 Town/City of AlurXNae'.•Piv6i '41 -88-1-12 . I (Local Board of Health) Massachusetts Historical Commission 617-727-5128 FROM: FRANK TILLUARIDE,INC. REGARDING: /PROJECT NOTIFICATION [ 4 REVISED NOTIFICATION [ [ OTHER: NUMBER OF PAGES (including this one): 3 COMMENTS: If you experience problems in receiving this transmission,please call 411525-0644. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE the documents nompa yiny this tciccmpy uensmission nay contain confide,ninl rod pnvneted information[torn Abide.Inc. Tnis'mfwmation is intended for the ate of the nddnsscd Individual or corky. '(you sic no.to inkmkd neipipm,be aunt to any disclosers,copying.duOitnetum,a use of the canes of this tnmsmisdim,is prohibited. If you hint uacivcd this icansminon in snot please notify us by telephone(413-525-0644)inuncdia<ly TINA you P.O. Box 886 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Phone 413-525-0644 • Fax 413-525-0678 • E-mail ABIDE I Qaol.com