36 APT#19 Deleading Notification 2002 ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 0z 321` COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Department of Labor G Industries and Department of Pub NOTIFICATION OF bELEADING WORK All section of We toto sat be completed is order to with the wetifieatla reinissota of M.G.L. *All 5 197 454 MR 12.00 sd 101 pK 110.000 as west stoutly rill M24i1• fgVVO!VV l5 t7 l5 l'1 ty earth . 141 22002 ly NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH (AGENCY ME) Contractorperfonnig project ABIDE, INC. (Frank Tilli) Ucenseitg DC ept 0e 1619 Exp.date tmber 10, 20(Z Lead Paint Inspector - STEVE Doti NSKI License 1 S-317f Date of Inspection 42.4107_ It low-risk deleadtnq work is being performed, complete the following line: Property owner Agent(s) Address of Project Building Name (if any) p w'c Floor Q Street Address 3b €r.DC'oR0 'C E&RA� Apt. No. ' 1 City /l�9R HAMPTON zip Olp400 Defending +tethnd: etyDry Scrapin Heat Gun Caustics Liquid Encapsulant a Demolition Replacement kevwvAt If "Other" selected, please explain Llwct 0116: dulling is edits-family Start date GI Z41bz_ e(aq\t Completion date 7/f 102.. When will work be done: A.N. 7 :(0- P.M. $ [OO Weekends? NO Project supervisor's name Robert P. LaMotntain License R DS3605 Property owner SMIn. \9[.L_GE Address (2f 1/J ESl" . City No ThAM PIO n% State Telephone Ric HA RD Ko(CtCA1 tow$1C.l 413-s8S-24S8- In case of emergency contact Frank Tilli, President MA- zip OIOG3 Phone: day 413-525-0644 evening 413-525-0644 _ (over) UUI4414VV4 'MU 10.04 !AA %au 444 UVIO (WIVE 1.1l. IgJVVI!VUI In accordance with Ma.huactta Central Lava c. 111 5 177 CDR 22.1' id 105 OW 460.000 notice of the dace and methods is of removal or covering of Paint, plaster other accessible materials containing dangerous levels of lead is to be provided end oust be reeelved by the following persons, at least ten (10) days prior to beginning of deleading. t 1. occupants of the dwelling unit 2. All other occupants of the residential premises, if any Director, Childhood Leading Poisoning prevention Program Department of Public Health, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, M 02110 Director, Asbestos 4 Lead Pcagram Department of Labor a Industries Room 11006, 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 local Doard of Meal rh/Cede Enforcement Agency tea&mAMVWtt) 6. Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, M 02125 Unloading Ceetractor • • rax (6n) 784-8410 Fab (617) 721-7566 O4131j sal- 1221 I1f premises is listed an the State Register of Historic Places, this notification must be wade upon receipt of an order to Correct Violations or at Dust 30 days prior to initiating preventive dalaadang) Pax 1611) 727-5128 The undersigned hereby states, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deleading -- Regulations, 454 04R 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 CDR 460.000, and that the information contained in this notification i�ss true and correct to the bet of his/her knowledge and belief. Date (/11 l Lela e_ signed: PM/CA r Title: President Frank Tilli Cowpony: ABIDE, INC. Property amen (If owner of unlicensed owner's agent will be performing low-rise deleading wort) I certify that I have complied with the training requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poising Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 CDR 460.175, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. I further certify that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities (I have circled all that apply): applying liquid encapsulant applying exterior vinyl siding removing doors, cabinet tigers, shutters capping baseboards covering surfaces 1 certify that all the information contained in this ratification Is true and correct to thn best of my readiege a,M Iw11•[. Date: Signed: REV 10/12/95 ABIDE, INC. PROJECT 6 023.21 (VNtT 1 \)