73 APT#8 Deleading Notification 2004 10 15/2004 FM 13:MI ffkA 1¢fVUZ/VUS a—partment of Public Health/Department of Labor&Workforce Development NOTIFICATION OP DELEAD1NG WORK All sections of Mk firm mist be completed in order to comply with the aotifuatlon requirements etM.G.L.C.1(1%197, 454 CMR 22.00 and 105 CMR 460.001,as most recently amended OCT 15 200i contractor Abi de,Inc. (F.Till 311„,## DC0016/9 09 08 S HE ��Ofpi1oa ql° easep Exp.Date - AMPTON BOARD OF HEAVY' Lead Paiat inspector -- 04Vari ex\ Date ofInspection 68I36/04 umsedl-31lflx .Dale -rp.q, ADDRESS OF PROJECT: Street Address Via Uri djc 51, f Zt. ApLNumber -# S City Ain r4'h0.W.pjthhs \I Zip U tC L0C Property Owner-(tin fAcsccxc*es Address-i.(1."t,ax 753/ Amlurri€ Telephone Number(1j l'1il.;53— t1 i O j�li Deleading Method:\WctIDry Scraping Hat CAM Liquid Encapmrkat Demolition Caustics Replanment Other Irothet'selected,please explain Check on: Dwelling is multi-family X Singk.fonily Omer Start Date i() per 5/n4 Completion Date itiam/o' Wbea will work be done: AM7:00Ppd 5:0¢Spaib'times ensile) Weekeedry no Projett Supervisor Name Jerry Gray Licensed.D900377(4.Dale Workers Compemtin Policy Number AWC7013278012003000 Carrier ATM foram oftmmgeoey contact Frank Ti11i,President Tda 413 525-0644 (Contractor's Representative) DELEADDYGCONTRACTOR The oederdgeed hereby states,aader the pain sad penalties of perjury,that be/she has read and understood the Commonwealth of Mamaehasett,Deleading Regulations,454 CMR22.0,end the Lead Poisoning?mention and Control RapulatM ,105 CAfRt460.101,and that the infonnaties contained he thinotWeetnn is true and unmet to the bat ofbWhcr kaewkdge sad belle& Doc 10i5 o4 Signed indntlL11We CompanyName Abide, Inc. Aaarae P 0 Box 886 (483 Shaker Rd. ) , East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Ideation Number (413) 525-0644 Frank Tilli , President OVER-t IU/1h/2UU4 IJ:U0 Y.iA Page of 2 b accordance with Ma advdsG am iLaws C.1114197,454 CMR 2200 wed l05 CMR 460400 ielke of the late ad metb0d(4of removal or covering ofpaw4 planer or other acnaaLk materials raofabbg dngerous limb of led into be prvvided and mast herereird by the following agates,at Bast TPdl(10)days prier to the begin Mg ofdeMadmg. NOTIFICATIONS MAY RE FAXED. Department of Labor ad Workforce Dmefapme4 Division of Oceopatb W Safety 399 Washington Street,5a Floor,Boston MA 01108 FAX(617)717-7568 2. Director,Childhood Lad Poisoning Prevention Program Department of Public Halth,56 Robed Slma,Snite 100,Baba MA(12129 Occapaetsefdwelling nit All other occupants of the madman premises,If any 5, Local Beard of Heath/Code Enforcement Agemy 6. Massachusetts Hbtorital Commission 220 Morrissey Bind Borten,MA 02282 FAX(6I7)7275128 -CeM-slwT, FAX-1 6-_G707 csk 04 may A v v a R.c - 5 8 7 ) s a l (if promises are Freed a the State Register of Historic Places,this netAkmioa meet be made wpm receipt of aa Order te Correct Ylobtion or at Inst 30 days prier to bbiadeg prnntive delndkg) NOTIFICATIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED IN THEIR ENTIRETY,DATEDANDSIGNED-INCOMPLETE NOTIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE ALLEPI12)AND WILL BE EEIIJWRD BY THEDEPARIMENT OF LABOR•WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. PROPERTYO ng(1fownerortmScmM owner's agent will be patenting deleadlag work,complete the k1lowi sib Property Owaer Address Box 886 (483 Ageale) JO Densmore - Abide Inc. Shaker Rd. ) , E.Longmeadow, MA 01028 TekphweNnmber (413). 525-0644 I ratify that I have conmlied with the training requaments of the Commonwealth of Itaasichusietts Ind ChB[660.175,for owtW Poisoning nning Prevention mowannhalRegulations.sk cty s05 egret low-risk adamant adrmbimtat. 1 farther that I or my agent will be per0omng Oc bibwbg tenon activities O have arced all i6atapply}. applying D9old enapmbnt tapping baseboards applying exterior vinyl aiding covering surfaces I certify that all the information contained in this notification is true and cone*to the bat of my knowledge and belief Date Sid Jo Densmore - Abide, Inc. Authorization # 04488-AL reeving deers,naiad dews,shatters 02/02 • a a b i d e Abide, Inc., Environmental Contracting LEAD NOTIFICATION FAX COVER SHEET DATE: I bi 15/0(-1 ATTENTION: 1t FAX #: [X Jlirector,CLPPP(Boston) 781-774.6700 [ Director,LEAD PROGRAM(Boston) 617-727-7568 IA Town/City of k &-lbca,w 4tM 587- !a a (Local Board of Health) I [ Massachusetts Historical Commission 617-727-5128 FROM: FRANK TH.LI/ABIDE,INC. REGARDING: [ PROJECT NOTIFICATION [ ] REVISED NOTIFICATION [ l OTHER: NUMBER OF PAGES (including this one COMMENTS: 3 If you experience problems in receiving this transmission,please eal1413-525-0644. CONFIL WRHA 11Y NOTICE The doumems axampmting tba tekcupy transmission trey contain confidential and privileged infmmtion from Abide,bc. This igmmmioe is ineauledfor meue dine addressed indivwualo entity. aymu are not the heeded recipient,be aware thatsay disclosure.copy*.Smaudon.or uscd0eromeneddus tram is proho1ed. VyaaMeierdrodthktravwaoiouinaror, Vase notify=by telephone(41T-52SUW4)immoiiatdy. Thavkyon P.O. Box 886 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Phone 413-525-0644 • Fax 413-525-0678 • www.abideinccom Abide.Ic.'s standard TERNS AND CONDITIONS require payment to services upon preaetda8on of invoice. Invokes unpaid attar 30 DAYS are pee due and subject a a FINANCE CHARGE computed at a=Wily rate at 11/2%(ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%)or the maximum percentage abwedby the lax. CNen4 S responsiNe for legal and collection costs I necessary to collect past due amounts.