9B Housing Inspection 1995 u NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH '" HOUSING INSPECTION REPORT CHAPTER II CERTIFICATION 105 CMR .t., , This Is to certify that #98 Florence Heights(Residence of Loyda Oquendo( Name of Facility or Location located at Florence HelgMs, Northampton,MA 01060 Address City Zip was Inspected on May 10,1995 by David E.Kahan,Sanitary Inspector NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH,City Hall,210 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Housing Inspection requested by Jonathan Hite,Director,Northampton Housing Authority The above faclINy complies with Article 11 Code Regulations,Including,bnt not limited to the following: WATER SUPPLY ✓ City Private 110 'S'ES) SEWAGE DISPOSAL ✓ City Private YE NO DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE and RUBBISH f L SCAYicC 1E 110 LIGHTNING and ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS 'TIP NO ASBESTOSH AZARD/ SMOKE.DETECTORS ES NO KITCHEN FACILITIES/ FOOD STORAGE NO BATHROOM FACILITIES / SANITATION 'f ES NO HEATING FACILITIES and FUEL SUPPLY 1E9 NO EXITS / SECURITY / LOCKS / VENTILATION AV NO INSECTS and other VERMIN ES NO SPACE and USE REQUIREMENTS 'fES 110 GENERAL MAINTENANCE of PREMISES ® X 5m fw.o NO Other Article 11 areas of concern: NONE RECOMMENDATIONS: SEE ATTACHED HOUSING CODE 1NS ECTION REPORT. VIOLATIONS APPROVED: ❑ Yes No ■ ' NOTED SHOULD BE CORRECTED i0011 POSSIBLE. r%1511 Signature of In et r er Ant OM] al u CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE W%9 flh/4'E%c«E yf/bbS Occupant's Name LaYOA t2?//ENOO Occupants - Apt. # 923 It of Dwelling Units 4/ # of Stories 2 Structure # Habitable Rooms •P it Bedrooms Z. 'f Y 010 Se' rl/l SrA7E, ,/IggfN/nMP7of Address of Owner . -,v,yNNN //11E, AJRfel4C �'Mr,91Mfl W HOago ,9*ThP/071' 0.150 ✓ Re eul ation Violations :er between 120° & 140° .19Q and seat .150 A(1) sin .150 A(2) or tub .150 A(3) ent cold water .350 A .500 .500 L 500' X Pi9s4V-4Vecbac 'y96VVt SMW ,C AWc m cf,cAlc. .500 Mocrylll Exy,S</FE .252 A ation .280 A or B ig connection & drains .350 itchen 410.100 ✓ Regulation Violations 1 sink sufficient size App A(1) and oven .100 A(2) For refrigerator .100 A(3) ets (electrical) .251 B ?ctrical light fixture .251 A (599.1 Y EXlFRwoic (vu,ns)WHCC.W,1H PEegN6 SorNc6S .500 D TOL L ProF7NEFa'trDOOR- .500 ation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 Ater (sufficient pressures) ,350 A ter .190 .500 .500 s (door & window) .551 & .552 ng connection & drains .350 iving Room ✓ Regulation, Violations s (2 or one with light) .251 B ng .251 A .500 8 .500 „500 s .500 s .551 (windows) - .480 E antry or Dining Room Regulation Violations s (2 or one ith light) .251 B ng .251 A / .500 /y/ .500 / 500 x/ .500 / .551 .480 E Re ulat an Violations c c........ ent natural li.htint .250 A ts or 1 251 B ith 1 outlet .251 A .550- girirwicansw toIrgE logics orrN ' Ata .500 CF4( 0 .500 .500 .551 .500 e adequate or occupant? in Room #2 FAWNT .400 ee ent natural lipliti A .250 .251 B ts or 1 ith outlet .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 ; 551 ; .500 .e adequate Eor occubant? .400 Lee. 'n: Room #3 ient atural 11.ht.ng .250 A ats or 1 a .251 B h outlet .500 .500 . / .500 / .500 s / .551 .500 re adequate for occupant? .400 ommon Area & Exit (Interior area illuminated ro r .253 A & B pox x / .500 grammar .500 air is ii .500 .500 .500 fa s .042 1 bathroom clean .151 ;omen Area & Exit (Exterior .500 s .500 tion .500 5 .500 & rubbish .601 te wa s .600 rs and down s.outs .500 .500 .502 paint lights 253 B Violation rvices working and available 670 ating facilities in good 7 .200 8° and 64° 700 A 6 8 ter 120° to 140° 190 ties vented 202 A heater - proper 700 'ary wiring 756 ical service adequate 755 '"s and rodents 550 mg sanitary 607 & 452 liscellaneous i % Ins. c 04Y/0 At ling VORrn PION ,BoAFO OF//E/* ,fl9Y 4:9„/99s Date xt scheduled reinspection is: Sal TAP/ tQS2'n74C Title /0:0O Time a.m. p.m. Date Time