247 Wood Smoke Inspection 1987 J: MEMORANDUM Mr. Matthew Mickiewicz ROM: Peter J. Mcfrlain Atz- OBJECT: Wood Smoke Regulations ATE: January 16, 1987 Attached please find the information "Wood Smoke" Regulations. If you have any questions concerning of Health office. PJMc/ec Encls. a, BOARD OF HEALTH 210 Main Street - City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 you reouested concerning Northampton's this matter, please contact the Board IRD OF HEALTH JOYCE.Chairman C.KENNY.M.D. EL H.PARSONS 1.McEHLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH r 210 MAIN STREET 01090 013)5866950 Ext.213 TO CORRECT VIOLATION OF THE NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH "WOOD SMOKE" REGULATIONS 247 Brookside Circle ADDRESSED TO: • Matthew & Noreen Mickiewicz 247 Rronksida Cinote DATE January 13 , 1987 Florence , MA 01060 Matthew & Noreen Mickiewicz : ispection at7 : 46 a.m. on January_, 12 198 7 by a representative of the Northampton of Health revealed that smoke, in excess of 4Op opacity, was being emitted from your iey at 247 Brookside Circle for a period of 25 minutes (report attached) . condition violates the Northampton Board of Health "Regulations Governing Emissions Solid Fuel Burning Devices", the so-called "Wood Smoke Regulations" which went into :t on January 12 1987 . authority of Section 31C of Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts General Laws you are hereby led to cease the operation of your wood stove (or other solid fuel burning device at 7 Brookside Circle Assessor Map 36 , Lot 708 ) in violation of the regulations. 3e be advised that any future smoke emissions from your chimney in excess of the 40% ity (density) limit will be subject to the prescribed penalities. lave a right to a hearing regarding this notice provided that a written request for such wring is filed in the Board of Health Office within seven (7) days of the receipt of this ce. n effort to assist you in complying with the regulations we have enclosed a copy of our elines for Reducing Wood Smoke Pollution. hould be noted that following the guidelines will not only reduce air pollution, but will more efficient use of your stove yielding more heat from less fuel and, also, it is safer ess creosote is produced. ou have any questions concerning this notice, or the guidelines for reducing wood smoke ution, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health Office. I< you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation in our efforts to reduce wood smoke ution. truly yours, :r J. McErlain .th Agent Certified Mail II P525 163 082 )ARD OF HEALTH T.JOYCE.Chairman 6 C.KENNY.M.D. AEL A PARSONS 1 J.McERLAIN.Health Agent E OF OWNER: RESS: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH IVISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM I OBSERVER: �y 7 131 DATE: E OF BURNING FACILITY: 141 1 2 3 4 s7" Minutes 6 7 8 0 1 210 MAIN STREET 01060 14131 5866950 Ext.213 1 1 2 1 3 1 6/1.0 3@. 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 1;;4 1 2 2 2 R 4 2 6 2. 7 2 R 2 9 30 �T4 ERVER LOCATION: D SPEED: 5-=/0 ME COLOR: ERVATION BEGAN; ERVATION ENDED: DIRECTION: ,j5- 5 C SKY CONDITION: AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE: SOT 7,'a I fi 114 7-g4' I./ti. ER INFORMATION: TOTAL MINUTES OBSERVATION oZ S TOTAL MINUTES IN VIOLATION ;15