212 Burning Complaint & Fire Dept Report 1991 BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE.Chairman PETER C.KENNY,M.D. MICHAEL R.PARSONS PETER 1.McERLAIN.Health Ag.nt August 19, 1991 Mr. Richard Grenon 212 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Map 25C, Lot: 124 Dear Mr. Grenon: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 16101 5866950 Ext.213 The Northampton Board of Health has received complaints about excessive smoke being emitted from the chimney of your dwelling at 212 Bridge Street. That smoke allegedly results from the burning of trash, per the enclosed report from the Northampton Fire Department. The Northampton Board of Health has adopted a regulation governing smoke emissions. (A copy of that regulation is enclosed. ) Smoke with a density in excess of 307, opacity violates this regulation. In addition, the burning of trash in any stove, or incinerator violates state and federal Air Pollution Laws unless extensive air pollution control equipment has been added. Any burning of trash must cease immediately. The enclosed guidelines suggest wood burning practices which, if followed, will enable you to comply with the regulation, while allowing a more efficient use of your wood stove. Please note that a follow-up inspection will be made within 7 days of the receipt of this notice to determine compliance with the regulation. If you have any questions concerning this notice or about wood stove operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation with our efforts to reduce smoke pollution in Northampton. Ver t�rs Y�L Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMcE/cdh Enc. cc: Northampton Fire Dept. CERTIFIED MAIL # P 890 360 700 NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 60 Masonic Street, Northampton , MA 01060 (413 ) 584 — 7165 Date: August 15 199L Box*: Tel*: . 911 Time: 2131 On Scene: 2133 Dismissed: 2152 Street *: 717 Street Name: Bridge St HowOccup: Dwelling Owners Name: Richard Grennen Tel*: OwnerAdd: 217 Rridge St Occupnts: Apartus: F-2-7 L-7 How Extinguished: Self extinguished Officer: fl Chpvprptte FMarshal: Nn MFIRS: No Cause: Rurni ng nf trash in an incinerator Loss*: IsleAgent: Remarks: Responded to a renort nf smoke in the area of Duffy Tire Sparrhpd the area and fnund the source nf the smoke was a home nn 217 Rridge St Thp occupant of this address was hurning trash in a gas fire inrincratnr in his basement The smoke from this was entering an apartment across the street and spreading through-nut the area I told the nrrupant to stnp burning Signed: {f tLca Deputy Chief/Captain This person apparently burns trash in this incinerator on a regular basis . Could you check on this. Many of the neighbors complained of / this while I was on the scene Thanks - _! Name of Complaina Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date zr/A/9/ Time Nature of Complaint Locatio Owwwnner address Premise A 4/ i .S/ /GLLC-Gtr �2C. /vaz '-Lf!_(bL --- Occpnt� Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT N/ /7 / 9/ Referred to Time / Action Taken P-e'i^ft ' Inspector Ntics vc.E i%G —Printed on Recycled Paper— BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.JOYCE,Chairman PETER C.KENNY.M.D. MICHAEL A PARSONS PETER).McERLAIN.Health Agent August 1991 oak a Mr. Richard Grenon 212 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Map 25C, Lot: 124 Dear Mr. Grenon: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext.212 The Northampton Board of Health has received complaints about excessive smoke being emitted from the chimney of your dwelling at 212 Bridge Street. That smoke allegedly results from the burning of trash, per the enclosed report from the Northampton Fire Department. The Northampton Board of Health has adopted a regulation governing smoke emissions. (A copy of that regulation is enclosed. ) Smoke with a density in excess of 30% opacity violates this regulation. In addition, the burnino of trash in any stove, or incinerator violates state and federal Air Pollution Laws unless extensive air pollution control equipment has been added. Any burning of trash must cease immediately. The enclosed guidelines suggest wood burning practices which, if followed, will enable you to comply with the regulation, while allowing a more efficient use of your wood stove. Please note that a follow-up inspection will be made within 7 days of the receipt of this notice to determine compliance with the regulation. If you have any questions concerning this notice or about wood stove operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation with our efforts to reduce smoke pollution in Northampton. Ver [\�� rs�Li./tK�. ItiC� Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMcE/cdh Enc. cc: Northampton Fire Dept. CERTIFIED MAIL # P 890 360 704