88 Woodsmoke Violations 2001 OF HEALTH !MBERS )URMASHKIN,R.N., Chair E KARPARIS,R.N. tUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH RLAIN,Health Agent 1587-1213 13)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 2NING about POSSIBLE WOOD SMOKE VIOLATIONS al Ackerman nphy Dr. ce, MA 01062 kerman: DATE: April 10, 2001 mpton Board of Health has adopted a regulation and instituted an Inspection Program in luce wood smoke pollution in the city. These so-called "Wood Smoke" Regulation (copy imits the opacity (or density) of smoke from wood stoves (and other solid fuel burning 30% opacity. of Health has recently received complaints which allege that an excessive amount of :e has been observed coming from the chimney of your dwelling at 88 Dunphy Dr., 3t night. ed guidelines suggest wood burning practices, which if followed, will enable you to comply is regulation, while allowing a more efficient use of your wood-burning device. Please follow-up inspection will be made within 14 days or upon complaint to determine with the regulation. size that you are not prohibited from using your wood stove or wood burning furnace, irge you to build small hot fires which result in less pollution. any questions regarding this notice or about wood stove operation, please do not hesitate the Board of Health office. , in advance, for your cooperation with our efforts to reduce wood and other smoke I Northampton. yours, cErlain ant, Northampton Board of Health