4 Asbestos Notification Form 1999 D Facility Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: 2. Is the facility owner-occupied residential with 4 units or less? XI Yes C No 3. Facility Owner: or■ ai.Lcsk 4 'Bar rtif None Address 100.6-hampte-n in A. 10.60 ('113) 58b- oS1 Ciry/Toon Zip woe Telephone 4. Facility's Owner's On-Site Manager. 4•5 i A Cily/Toom Zip rode Telephorw 5. General Contractor: Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd. Name Address Northfield MA. - 01360 413 498-0201 City/low DO code 1 04_coy Telephone Granite State Ins. Co. WC 3515462 00 03/01/98 9)2 )99 Con:me:ors Workers Comp Insurer Policy 1 Exp.Oate • 6, What is the size of the facility?36 4,0(sci ft)_2_(#of floors) 113 Asbestos Transportation and Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from site to temporary storage site(if necessary)to final disposal site: Shearer & Snide Inc. dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Rd . Address Northfield MA 01360 413 498-0201 CVIOwn bp rode Telephone 2. Transporter of asbestos-containing waste material from removal/temporary storage site to final disposal site: same as above Name Adafebb ,-----ILM-----;, , L'.-r-1 Ulfl rr ib veer . 2 - ■ PPR ' 8 1999- -- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Ge, Itui,itts- 4, , ......... Asbestos Notification Form— ANF-001 - : P- •-•ffi -0 I (------ 7 _ ill_---- ---_f_- --" ' - 13 Asbestos Abatement Description ; \,>:•-•-..-2.'' 1. Facility location: liki4irS k Ces idehn et 1.1 3 oY-r e,k-E. Fl ace_ IIISTRUCTIONS Name Address 1.All sectors al this NI\e,(*kara?fon InA 0 10(p0 +5 52(0- 105r1 Norm must be completed Ciry/rom IM rode lidepAone in ceder tocompy wit baU.-018,7nt Pm 110133011011111 01 M,4 is Me AMUi fralmn?budding narle.A wing do&loom Environmental "ctim mtheatmn requirementsid TIO CAC 2. Is the facility occupied? N Yes 0 No 715 (ten workers days pnor noldtahon s 3. Asbestos Contractor: reqQaddanY"ems Shearer & Snide Inc dba/Ace Asbestos 716 Pine Meadow Pd . project andthe Department of Labor Pone As end thdestries Northfield MA. 01360 413 498-0201 notification requirements o1453CMR612 (len Guy/Tow bp axle deepen. days pnot nallication a mewed al ANY AC000006 LOYIE18/11\ abalemeal pioject pieta DV tame/ Coto rten(wrdierWerbat) than Three loam or Ware k et 4. On-Site Project Supervisor/Foreman: 2 theme Original Form Ed Shearer/Torn Shearer AS70245, AS70066 To: mane 01.1 Cenderahun I Commonwealth al Massebusetts 5. Project Monitor: Asbestos Program P.0.11.120087 Bruton,MA 021* Name DU Centhcatod I 0087 6. Asbestos Analytical Lab. 3 This Ism may be ,., • , used fru[whim the Efj1/41(2Q f■Y\EASIT4(._ SAMetimG & AA000 I 31 U.S.Enwavnentai Name -rIST(MG al Cellitalwn I Protection Acency Region 036 L/30 I ol asbestosdemolition/ 7. Projectstartdate03/A Vend date03/24/9ispeciticworkhours(Mon.-Fri.) a Cl- p (Sat.Sun.) ft'lll renovation°mations upd a subpd to NESiii1P500 cFft 51.111Pe!t.Ill9 8. What type of project is this? (circle one): demolition mpw„inCThh„ opier(w(n) heat — syst Note:Transfer cifIuwn bp rule riterdere Stations must 3. Refuse transfer station and owner Of applicable): campy with the Solid Waste N/A Division regula- Nan. Address Bons 310 CMR 18.00 Note:Contractor must sign this form for DV notification purposes ciry/rppi Im rule telephone 4. Final Disposal Site: Valie Lhd1iI Lx4a Nine nj ?f.w.s an Vto Ra 11-26,31N 7A ISC Hi (/w4) 7(1v-7+4G bh code Tory IhOnP D Certification • The undersigned hereby states,under the Pena."ties of perjury,that he/she has read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts R for the Removal Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos,453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.15.and that the information a this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 5dRXtat D Shearer Printlia e Pres:du-t {1nYlwnide AMn'Ved Si nfur owe Shearer & Snide Inc. dba/ Ace Asbestos Removal 413 49 a) ate./9 716 Pine Meadow Rd. iiepeYntig TelegWe Northfield, MA. 01360 Address eifr/rwni hp oxk Fee exempt(City.Town.district,municipal housing authority,owner-occupied residential of four units or less)?NI Sticker l(from 7 rom front of form): /'I 6 r r� 9. Describe the asbestos abatement procedures to be used (circle): gloaiDag enclosure luarmamrenl clenm =claim msl[sawq oatquptin) set—up variable air pressure, poly work area,HEPA vac,HEPA filter respirator,wet asbestos 10. Is the job being conducted fq indoors O outdoors? 11. Total amount of each type of Asbestos Containing Materials(ACM)to be handled on pipes or ducts(linear ft.) c 0 or ether surfaces(square It.) no to be removed,enclosed or encapsulated: linear/square feet boiler.breaching,dub,tank surface coatings.__/ bmmat sold core pipe'obviation =Maid w bendpapw ppe insulation....$QQ/ Subbing cement spay-on kW=fob —/ 0welhpaler coatings cloths,woven fabrics J brine board,wall board J Ow(pease describe) 12. Describe the decontamination system(s)to be used: 3 chamber decon unit w/warm water shower,tyvelc suits,HEPA vac for clean—up. 13. Describe the containerization/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMR 7.15 and 453 CMR 6.14(2)(g): Rewet asbestos & pack in labeled double sealed poly bags before removal from site. 14. For Emergency Asbestos Abatement Operations,the DEP and DLI officials who evaluated the emergency: Mn of DEP Offcial Dale daub aun Named DU Cllcal Data hllWakw nee ewer/ !le Warner/ 15. Do prevailing wage rates apply as per M.G.L.c.149.§25.27,or 27A-F to this project? ❑Yes X No