Landfill Response to Notice of Award 2002 05-2002 06: 18 AM ALT. RECYCLING SYSTEMS
413 634 2104 P.02
576 Me Meadow Road
Northfield,MA 01360
(413)498.0099 Phdnt•(913)998-0367 Fax
Mr.Peter McChain, Health Agent
NoMampton Board of Health
210 MaIn Street,Room 8
NORMmpton, MA 01060
RE: Verona Street Landfill
Response to Notice of Award
Dear Mr.McEdain:
July 3,2002
Solid Waste Solutions,tic(SWS)Is pleased to receive the Notice of Award regarding the Verona Street
Landfill doswe. We look forward to proceeding with this Oroiect. The folio wing Is In response to Items
presented In your Notice of Award.
1. Direct labor Coot-SWS calculates the direct labor cost multiplier at 10.71%. The multiplier Is
temlzed as follows:
• FICA O 7.65%
• FUTA O .80%
• SUTA 02.125%
• workers Comp.O .09%
• General Liability O .04%
Please=tact Michele Whitney of our office if you should have additional question concerning
this matter.
2. Project Pending-The Hanover Insurance Company provides bonding services for SWS.
CoiSnt with the language In SWS'landfill operations contract and as standard language In at
Hanover bonds relating to landfill operations and landfill closure projects,the following must be
included in the contract:
"Notwithstanding the provisions of the Standard C,ernera/Cand2bvs and the Su S7entary
Condm,ns the Owner shag hold harmless and Indemnify the Q1nbracterfrom and against any
and liability, curs,damages and cost of defense for handling generating,operating
Muting storing, transporting or disposbg of hazardous or toxic substance and for the
Ald7Mge, disposal or emissio n ofieechata.groundlwferpotitb n,or any other pnMsi
Mhatmever, anbss such Aad'ty, dawns, damages or cost ofd Tense arises as a result of the
Carib-adores or any&h agents intentional acts, negligence. or Sin m min*a th any pot
of this contract
3. Contract Execution-Pending approval of the above statement,SWS Is prepared to execute
the contract and proceed. 1 will hand deliver a signed copy upon confirmation.
-2002 06: 19 AM ALT.RECYCLING SYSTEMS nee e0+ CIOS
Additionally,as discussed with Mr.David Partridge of Tighe&Bond, SWS would like to make a request to
extend the project completion date to September 30, 2002. The primary reasons for this request being
that September Is more conducive to the seeding facet of the project,a borrow source that Is expected to
be better suited for the low permeability layer will be ready for transport In August and as outlined below,
a September 30 deadline will better allow for any unexpected encounters or delays.
Week of July 8,2002
Week of July 15,2002
Week of July 22, 2002
Week of July 29,2002
Week of Aug 5,2002
Week of Aug 12,2002
Week of Aug 19, 2002
Week of Aug 26,2002
Week of Sept 2, 2002
Week of Sept 9,2002
Execute contract
Provide bond, insurance certificate, survey engineer Info.,soil lab.,etc.
Survey existing site,delineate boundaries and target grades,establish general
layout, Install siltation controls,install temporary toilet and begin tree during
Resume tree clearing operations,decommission monitoring well,begin site
contouring/compacting and possibly woociwaste grinding
Prepare and confirm subgrades,compact and test subsoil,grind woodwaste and
test barrier layer soils
Remove ledge if necessary,apply barrier layer soils and test/confirm vegetative
support soils
Apply and test barrier layer soils
Install vegetative support layer and drainage controls
Finalize drainage and stone installations and hydroseed
Close out project
We look forward to moving on this project. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or comment
that you might have.
c pecf �a )U— /
Patrick kennedY
cc: David Partridge,Tighe&Bond
Verona Street Landfill 576PuleMeadowRoad m.Boxwe ./vtell-3Lnareal
Northampton,MA Northfield,MA 01360 Palmer,MA 01069 Greenfield MA 01301 Easthampton,MA 01027 Woburn,MA 01801 Weymouth,MA 02189
Engineer.Eghe&Rend Date':May 2s 2002
Item Description of Item Units Quantity Ihnit Price Total Price Total Price Total Price Total Pace Total Prm Total
1 Landfill Prepantion LS I 59,30400 $9,30800 58,00000 $8,00000 527,28800 527,28800 54,30000 $4,30000 327,00000 527,00000 $32,00000 $32,00000
2 Relocate SUfcial Waste LS 1 14,88300 $4,88300 $3,600.00 53.600.00 $7,44400 $7,448.00 $1600.00 $1,600.00 5502500 $5,32500 $5,000 00 $5.009.00
3 Compact/Regeude Etiatug Refuse LS 1 $5,358.00 $5,35000 $14,80000 $14,800.00 $1174000 511,24000 $10,80000 110,800.00 $4,160.00 $4,160.00 $5,00000 $5,000.00
4A Oeosyntbelic Clay Liner SY 4500 - - $495 $22,27500 $6.80 $30,60000 $791 535,595.BD 5.10 $1845000 $670 $30,15000
4B Flexible Membrane hoer SY 4500 - - 5400 $36,000.00 3500 522,500.00 5544 $2448000 55.55 $24,97500 5670 330,150.00
4C Low Permeability WE CY 1200 $14275 $17,130.00 51400 $16,80000 $1200 $1440000 $34.50 $4140000 $21.9 $26,280.00 $21.00 $2540000
5 Sand Borrow CY 1200 - - $1900 $22,80000 $1000 $12,00000 $17.92 $21504.00 $1960 $23,52000 520.00 $24,000 00
6 Vegetative Support Matenal CY 750 $10833 5412475 $1400 $13,500.00 $21.00 $15,75000 $23.87 $17,90250 $24.20 $18150.00 $1400 $13,50000
7 Non-degradable Turf Rendorcement $Y 800 $6.00 $480000 $6.50 $5300.00 $5.16 $4,128.00 Si 375 31,100.00 $6.90 $5,520.00 $300 52,400.00
8 Water Quality Swale with Check Dams LS 1 $2,687.50 5 2,68750 $6300.00 $630000 $2969.00 $2,96900 42,200 00 52,200 00 510,61000 $10,61000 $6,0000.00 $6.00.00
9 Eyydroeeed,Mulch,and Tracking ACRE 125 $8,800.00 $1100.00 $1600.00 $2,000 00 $4,356 00 $5,44500 55,20000 $6500 00 $4,20000 $5,250.00 $5,00000 56,25000
10 Rook or Ledge Removal CY 50 $50.00 $2,500.00 $5000 $250000 $0.01 $0.50 $6000 $3,00.00 58000 54,000.00 350.00 $2,500.00
11 Toe Dram LT 120 53052 $3,66240 $5000 $6,00000 52185 $2,622.00 $2667 $3,200.40 $25.25 33,03000 $4000 54,80000
Total Amount of Bid(Items I-3,4A.5-ll,Inclusive) $106,97500 $119,990.50 $107,70190 $125,015.00 5131,600 00
Total Amount of Bid(Items l-3,4BSII,Inclusive) - $12070000 3111890.50 $9658690 $131540.00 $131600.00
Total Amount of (Items 143,4C,6-11,inclusive) I $69,453.65 $78,700.00 $91,790.50 597,00290 $100,325.00 I $102,650.00
Bid Security 15%of Bid) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea
Bid Addendum Ml Yea Yes Yes Yea Yes Yee
Indicates corrected figure from errors m original BE Penn.
4'717228\phamiv\id swanmy xis Sheet 1 oft Printed 5/9/02
rl _ F1 t
Repr�ntetkvcfrom Habitat are looking forward to meeting with neighbors to
describe their vision for the site. A meeting has been scheduled for that purpose.
DATE: July 29, 2002
TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
PLACE: Smith Vocational High School/ Cafeteria
80 Locust Street
M.J. Adams, Executive Director of Habitat and affiliated volunteers and Board
members will be on hand to present their plans for the site and describe their
past successes. All neighbors are encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to call Peg Keller,
Housing and Community Development Planner at 587-1288. If you can't attend
the meeting on the 29th and are interested in other Habitat projects, call M.J.
Adams at 586-5430. Bus tours are available to area Habitat homes. M.J. would
be happy to schedule them for anyone interested in learning more about the
organization and its successes in Northampton!
City Ha((• fit o Main Street,Room 11 • Northampton,MA 01060-3198 4e 3)587-,a66 • Fax:587-1 a 4
July 18, 2002
WayneLeiden,Director•emailgsia rmi fig @city.northamp totrin Ms lute rneL wrvronorthan pton pion ni fig. g
I @ R B CI E
1 JUL I8702
FROM: The City of Northampton's Housing Partnership and the Office of
Planning and Development.
TO: Neighbors of the City owned property at the end of Garfield Avenue
PURPOSE: To provide an update on activities related to the capping of the
landfill and development of housing on the parcel at the end of the street.
The contract for the work to cap the landfill was awarded and work will
commence in the next couple of weeks. There will be truck traffic in and out of
the property, bringing materials in to cover the site. The landfill area is about
one fifth of the total 5 acre site. Work will be completed in the early fall.
For more specifics on the project, you may call Peter McErlain at the Board of
Health at 587-1213.
The City issued a request for proposals for development of 4 house lots, 3 of
which will include accessory apartments. The Pioneer Valley Chapter of Habitat
for Humanity has been provisionally selected to develop the homes on those
three lots. The City will sell the fourth lot for market rate development, so there
will be a mix of households with different incomes in this new section of the
street, with a total of 7-8 households.
The Planning Department and Housing Partnership are excited to embark on
another development with Habitat that will provide affordable housing to area
residents. Habitat will be responsible for securing for all applicable permits,
developing the site infrastructure and constructing three of the four buildings.
arming board elnserva timf Co nun fission-zoning hoard of appeals •h■rsi fig partnership redevelop men t a u tiro ray northampmn GIS.
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