17 Emails CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith, MD STAFF.-Merridith O'Leary, RS, Director—Daniel Wasiuk Inspector—Edmund Smith, Inspector—Jennifer Brown, RN,Nurse ovember 19, 2012 yle LaBarge 7 Old Ferry Rd iorthampton, MA 01060 Pear Mr. LaBarge, .percolation test was performed by designees of the Northampton Health Department at 17 Old erry Road, Northampton, MA on July 24, 2012.The fee for this service is $200.00 and to date till has not been received. 'lease make the check payable to the City of Northampton and mail it to 212 Main Street, Board if Health, Northampton, MA 01060. late charge of$25.00 will be added to the total amount due if payment has not been received iy December 1, 2012. 'hank you for your anticipated cooperation. ;incerely, Qerridtth A O'Leary, R.S. 'ublic Health Director 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair—Joanne Levin, MD—Suzanne Smith, MD William Hargraves—Cynthia A. Suopis, PhD STAFF: Merridith O'Leary, RS,Director—Daniel Wasiuk Inspector—Edmund Smith,Inspector—Jennifer Brown,RN, Nurse ie y Road n,MA 01060 2013 ;e, m Health Inspector Daniel Wasiuk witnessed a Percolation Test on July 24,2012 at 17 Old Ferry Road. this service is $200. A recent audit of our records has shown that this fee has not been paid. 1 the Perc Test fee of$200.00 to The Northampton Health Department,212 Main Street,Northampton, . Please submit payment by January 31, 2013. At that time the matter will be turned over to the s Office. 4cBride )ton Health Department 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 / '41 William,. Sieruta, P E. 18 Depot rRgarf Leverett, MA. 01054 413-627-7244 413-549-1817 Hall Northampton ird of Health vn Hall Annex/Main Street rthampton,MA.01060 ay 22,2013 bject: As built inspection Lyle LaBarge 17 Old Ferry Road Northampton,MA. n as built inspection was completed for the subject septic system. This system is in compliance with ID CMR 15.0 and local board of health regulation. you have any questions or need any additional information,please do not hesitate to contact me. eery truly yours, tect9.Atibuttoe, Ptr William J.Sieruta, P.E. (\ s) 2Cc: Lyle LaBarge