300 (Look Park) Complaint 2012 f ' op BOARD OF lEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT . CORD , =. Date: y,' Time � � ' GEO: i° Q Y i9` Type: (J<!ia1;�' Name of Complainant: ly 117 fin Mi./t Address: Te2l: 5 C/— z 'IS - j clop( Ioc,'-eJ \nt (x. 11iIC) srvr- xlkruwAS ' NATURE OF COMPLAINT: ` n 1fWFA kcidil5 IA %w5 e -5nr0.P,l-n wa jsk ( b pt tL St c,Y4yc_ Location: in igr Owner: Address: Tel: SSv _ c4S? 30 0 r4 MH1,J 5T_ i urizat CE_ Taken by: /41 Date of Inspection: 2/z� 3 Time: /2- (6 gad Zyo..cs• ' INSPECTOR'S REPORT: jT&t4c, X...,0 c. (i43)-5—rrY`/' l G2 coat.-42 1* C ea i� tx aw,.."s Total#of Inspections: 0 Orders Issued?: ,h Date of Final Inspection: zl..c1,3 Notice of Compliance?: /✓U r_ 0 O� Inspector Signature f fleanHarces ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. 42 Longwater Drive Norwell, MA 02061-9149 Phone: 781-792-5000 Fax: 781-792-5938 www.cleanharbors.com March 12,2012 Mayor David Narkewicz City of Northampton 210 Main Street Room 12 Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Response Action Outcome Statement Hydraulic Oil Release Willow Lake, Look Memorial Park 300 North Main Street, Florence, Massachusetts DEP Release Tracking Number: 1-18619 Dear Mayor Narkewicz: On behalf of the Massachusetts Army National Guard (MAARNG), Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. (CHES) is submitting this notification as part of the public involvement process required by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP, 310 CMR 40.0000). The conclusions of the Response Action Outcome Statement(RAO)are presented below. On January 13, 2012, a release of approximately five gallons of hydraulic oil occurred to Willow Lake during dredging activities being conducted within Willow Lake by MAARNG personnel. Although the majority of the release impacted an earthen ramp leading out of Willow Lake, the release was sufficient to result in petroleum sheen upon portions of the surface water within Willow Lake. Response actions conducted in response to the release included the excavation and off-Site disposal of impacted soil, the excavation and segregation of potentially-impacted sediments pending laboratory analytical results, the recovery of separate-phase petroleum using absorbent materials, and the recovery and management of surface water. A small volume of surface water (less than 3,000-gallons) was transported off Site for disposal. Municipal Notification DEP Release Tracking Number I-18619 Page 2 of 2 Laboratory analytical results of soil, sediment and surface water samples indicated that petroleum hydrocarbons and target analytes were below laboratory detection limits and that the levels of OHM in the environment as a result of the release had been reduced to background. Therefore, a Condition of No Significant Risk to human health and the environment has been achieved under current and unlimited future site use, and a Permanent Solution has been achieved for this release. A Condition of No Significant Risk to safety has also been achieved at the Site. As such, the requirements for a Class A-1 Response Action Outcome have been met, and no further response actions are required. The Response Action Outcome Statement can be downloaded from the MassDEP website at http://public.dep.state.ma.us/wse viewer/main.aspx and by entering the DEP Release Tracking Number referenced above. No action other than receipt of this notification is required by your office. Sincerely, Timmoo‘yy F.F. Nevins Project Manager cc: City of Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Project File No.: E04063733 Clean Harbors Environmental Services,Inc.