60 Complaint 2014 BOARD OFHEALTH crry HALL: . ' „COMPLAINT„RECORD Date:kl0L Ill f"' Time: I.GEO: Type: Nameo Complainant: CM--- nri Cc Lp LA,( 1. �} /�— Address: I' Tel:,3 Z / - C� �� '� rues la 011 11i NATURE FCOMPLAINT: butidcA_i - W*4 S R • c1 f- tka� S,A - ZL 'Zc 1 e qii 5515 Location: (CC` Aj% MG a V Q -`_) Y Owner: Address: Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: />- Ct M 9 t.o .:.w., Nz:. u.-c--c i ‘).4/'Bw-Al 3/5 -.o-=-"Q .mil-c-ta-^a) 0-""--(2 a4P-tAt /6 wc/ 3A Y - -, N.0 N- 4-7 -+.i _ d. Clo - i "-_._` o g a P mokIDk F. Bm IlYE Total#of Inspections: O Orders Issued?: N2 Date of Final Inspection: N4- Notice of Compliance?: t•-C Fin le L-' Inspector Signature 60 NORTH MAPLE ST 17C-137-001 Complaint Detail Report Printed On:Thu Feb 27,2014 Complaint#: CT-2014-000201 jstatus: IBOH-open _. GIS#: 1770 Violator: P` Date Feb-27-2014 lnsecVRodeme Recvd.: 0156 PM Lot: 001 137 (Address: _ 1Ti Category: Housing Type: GeoTMS Module: Board of Health Distract. 500 Trade: > _ as 6 Recorded B Heather McBride Zoning: jURB(100E Structure:Conventional y: Description:, Complaint: (SRO the room next door to unit#5 is recently vacant and filthy.The fire department came by and opened the door and large amounts of bugs came out and went all over the building. The property manager(Mantra Zazala 413-785-5312)has been notified but has been unresponsive Comments: Inspector Assigned to Complaint:)____ Contacts Contact Type Date Time Name Phone Best Time To Reach Recorded By Response caller Feb-27-2014 1:56PM Antonia Lipwak (413)387-52190 Heather McBride Actions Taken GeoTMS Module Status Date lime Response ype Action Taken Comments Board of Health REFERRAL GeoTMS®2014 Des Lamers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Page 1 of I