224 Complaint 1978 Name of Complainant .. • Address .a.tl BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date . 7.....27.. Tim ....Pn Nature of Complaint .. 41—,p ,ti Location of Premises!,. Owner 5FY— " i a.& 1.. ....._t.............. Address -. ._.. Y 5---7- -1--335/V/ .. . [.9 c-r .................. .. ... OCCUn'Int ................. ............................................. Taken by...............:....._.:.J...: .......r ° 7/.. ... _/J.................... Time_5 .2"--47 INSPECTOR'S REPORT .. �` /�G� ;,,,,,,,,,,, lotion Taken ..........................��,,., :L Date of inspection pector D 0Ff1('E GE THE BOARD of HEALTH _"_-B PC: William Nimohav 7='—=�.KStr-ezt Northampton, Ma. 01060 CF INSFROTICN REPORTS ISSU TO: 0: ' P]C T.."1/:1 221. Federal Streets Northampton, Ma. September 28, 1978 Janet Rogers/Susan Danizio 22b Federal Street Northampton, Mass. 01060 This is an important legal document. It m obtain a translation of this form at: ay affect your rights. You may Isla e um document() leg direitos Podern ad al multi) impo r',ante que pedera erecter os quirir uma tradu uc cap 3 dente docu men;o de: says Le suivente est un important document local. II pourrait effecter ves dr offs. Vous pouvez ohtenir une treduction de Gene forne z: Qe-to e un documment° le-a'e:::Di diritti. Lei p importer-4E.ania. Pete mode evere effetto ----.-- ._o of-sere una ;rzduzione di qupsto modulo a: s�ui Este es un documento fecal importente. Puede que afecte sus derer,hos. Dd. Puede adgquirir"Una tra ducclon de es,a forma en: AUTO ELVQL EVO agvca tat(o VO(ULJ(o EyyoO'O. 1_-OGEE VO • ennacaoas Tot VOJL1(a OQS 15LY.OtolT1Ta. r5r r.npE-E _ , - -11 VQ -Qr'�7 aUTOU .- .5 oU cyyp9( ,U OT-0 To ` L -2 N:61 ) , .% , i fij :,1j ,g II r The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 226 Federal Street Northampton (assessor's map 23D Parcel 193 •), for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. Under authority of Chapter lll, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to correct the violations listed below within 3 days of the receipt of this order. P,e�ilation 9.3a 9.3A Violation Pez Kitchen sink drain pipes are leaking. Repair. Install new pipes if necessary. Refrigerator leaking on floor. Repair If you have any questions, please call me at this office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing Inspector Fe. -,s lave the risht to c . . - '.ification of an o. da. To ,relish a modification, a perecu post file in nriting a petition „1ng before - ar'd of .- __ etiticus must be filed on ;a in. accordance with c the gula .._C :;s^below : Any person or persons upon whom any order. has to any regulation of this code ( eycept for an the requirements of Regulation 33 . 2 have been such petition must be filed within seven days order yas served ; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector personnel of the board of health: been served pursuant order issued after satisfied ) ; provided , after the day the (4) ( s) or other to inspect a-on renuest any Premises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided , such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or . upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violation are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or mate- rially impair the health or safety, and well-being of the occupants of the Premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report;- or to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 . 1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report. - Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person rieved by the failure of the -inspector to perform as enumerated ve has the right to be represented at a hearing and any adverse ty has a right to appear at said -hearing. Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices other documentary information in the possession of the Board of lth are open for' ins;iection and may be copied for a fee. Remedies and Penalties Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some al remedies tenants may use in order to get Housing Code violations r ected. Failure to comply with this order also subjects the person ered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10. 00) dollars, nor e than five hundred ($500) dollars for each day ' s failure to comply h this order. S CITY/TOWN DEPARTMENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradupao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma en: EYYPaQO UTLOOEL va AUTO ELVaL Eva CTI¢O.VTLN.O VOULHO ETLTIPEaGEL TO VOULHa 00.5 8LHaLQ)1flh . f UOPELTE Va TLaPETE UETa(OPaC11 aUTOU TOU Eyypa(pou CEO TO cl T!d ) , 1 .t- &-(4, ,4a %L J Q' ) .J ter' 4 g 4 . IW RITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER ABOVEI ARTICLE II ��77 STATE S ITARY CODE 'J ADDRESS:_.`! 9 „J` _ _ _NO. OCCUPANTSS_ _-- OCCUPANT: _51 Pill 1 2-I O - FLOOR: __ ___APT. NO.: MI NO. DWELLING UNITS: __!- --- NO. ROO G UNITS: -- ` NO. STORIES: yL BASEMENT: _- _ __-------^--- TYPE STRUCTURE: BRICK SEMIDETACHED:__-� FflAME:_-_ D/ NO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS Q C NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: OWN ER: ___^_ -��lim ) / -- -- -- - ADDRESS: _- 2EGULATION I.1 A(al 3.1 B(a) 3.1 Alb) 3.13(b) Is washbasin available? 3.1A(c) 3.1 131c) Is shower or bathtub available? 3.1 D 3.2 Are the facilities in a clean, smooth, impervious and sanitary condition? 4.1 (91 &9.2) Is cold water for facilities available (witn sufficient quantity)? 5.1 (9. & 9 2 1 s hot water for facilities corible (120 F - 140 F) ?i. 9.1 & 9.2 7.3& 9.3 7.4 &9.3 I Is there an electrical outlet in good repair at washbasin? 13.1 & 13.1A Are the windows In good repair weather-cent and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the doors in good repair and it for the use intended? Are the mails in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Is there proper ventilation? Are the floors and wails of nonabsorbent material? Are the exterior openings properly screened? BATHROOM _ Is toilet with seat available? 13.1 & 13.6 13.1 & 13.6 8.1A&8.18 13.6 14.5 REGULATION KITCHEN 21 Is the room suitable? 2.1(al Is sink available and of sufficient size and capaciry? 41(9.1 &9.2) Is cold water for the sink available (with sufficient quantity and Pressure)? 5.1 19.1 &9.2) 9.1 &9.2 2.1(b) 9.3 Is hot water for sink available (120 F Is sink properly connected to drain lines Is there a working stove and oven? Is the stove and oven orooerly connected ano vented? X VIOLATION YES NO 7.2(e) 7.2(b) 7.2(c) 13.1 & 13.1A 14.5 3.1 Is there one light fixture in good repair? Are there two electrical outlets in good repa Are the windows (if kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal to at lea t 0%of tM1e Floor area? I Are the windows in good repair,weatnertight and it for the use intended? Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 1 1_ 13.1 13.1 13.6 I Is the floor impervious and easily cleanable? 2A(c) Is there adequate space and facilities for instal i ng of Refrigerator? 81A 813(a) Is there sufficient ventilation? i I 1 O c-re AK/N(r_a fit r Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? EGULATION LIVING ROOM X• VIOLATION YES NO 1(a) 1(b) 11b) .1A, 8.18(e) 3.1A 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.5 Is there sufficient natural light? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? Is there proper ventilation ? Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good renair and fit for the use intended? Are the floors in good reoair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM 1 (Identify) 7.1(a) 7.1(b) 7.1(b) Is there sufficient natural light? Are there two separate electrical outlets In good repair? Is there one outlet and one pant fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation? Are the windows in good repair, wea ther gh' and fit for the use intended? 13.1A 12.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in goad repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 i Are all exterior openings screened? 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM 2 (ldantify) 7.11a) Is there sufficient natural f,gnt? 7.1(b) Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation? Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1A 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are all exterior openings screened? 14.5 11 Is there adequate space for the numoer of occupants? REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM *' 3 (Identify) 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural licit? 7.1(b) 7.11131 Is there one outlet and one Bight fixture in good repair? 8.1A. 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation? 3.tA Are the windows in good reoair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13 1 Are the walls in good repair and it for the use intended? 13 1 Are the floors in good repair and f t for the intended? 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? X=VIOLATIONS GU CATIONS COMMON AREA AND EXITS YES NO Are interior common areas properly illuminated at all times? Are there operational and sufficient and properly located light switches and fixtures? 1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? Are the doors in good repair. weathertight and fit for the use intended. .1B Are all doors screened as required? .5 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? .1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? .1 1 Are the floors in good repair and `it for the use intended? 1.8 & 15.9 Are all common areas clean? IA Are the stairways in good repair and fit for the use intended? L3&13.4 Are handrails in good repair and fit for the use intended? 3.5 Are all required balusters or other devices in place? 3.4 Is every entry door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? 3.3 Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automatically? 8.6 Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? Are the common bathroom facilities clean? .2 _ . _ —__ __rri.:...,, ,..,f nrnnarly maintained exits? 2.1 & 12. REGULATIONS EXTERIOR Are light fixtures and switches properly located? 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.5 13.4 15.4 15.3 15.10 13.1 Is the chimney in good repair? Are the porches in good repair? Is the foundation in good repair? Are the stairs in good repair? Are the structural elements in good repair? Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in good repair? Are there walls or protective railings as required? Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? Are there sufficient and properly located receptacles? Are the private passageways or rignts of way clean and sanitary? Are the gutters and down spouts in good repair and fit for the use intended? X- VIOLATIONS GULATIONS GENERAL YES NO I Are all required services are available and working? Are the heating facilities in good repair? Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F -78 Fl? Are hot water heating facilities in good repair? 1(a) Are all required facilities property installed and vented? i All space heaters in use meet the proper requirements? d Is there no temporary wiring in use? Location? 3 - Is the electrical service safe and adequate? 14.2& 14.3 The dwelling is free of insect/rodent presence? .1, 17 Is the dwelling unit maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by the occupants? EGULATION OTHER ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION WHICH MAY IATERIALLY IMPAIR THE HEALTH OR SAFETY AND WELL—BEING OF THE OCCUPANT AS IETERMINED BY REGULATION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR. NSPECTOR ------- )ATE THE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS: TITLE TIME DATE A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. TIME E FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE IN DER TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED. Rent Withholding (General Laws Chapter 239 Section 8A) If Code Violations Are Not Being Corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent payments.You can do s without being evicted if: A. You can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain code violations which are serious enough to endanger or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in your rent. B. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building. C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is best to put the rent-money aside in a safe place.) Repair and Deduct (General Laws Chapter 111 Section 127L). The law sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code nforcement agency certifies that there are code violations which endanger or materially impair your health, safety r well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations, you may be able to use this remedy. If to owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or to enter into a written contract to have them made) within five days fter notice or to completerepairs within 14 days after notice you can use up to four months' rent in any year to nake the repairs. I. Retaliatory Rent Increases or Evictions Prohibited (General Laws Chapter 186,Section 18 and Chapter 239 Section 2A). The owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to your local code ;nforcement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after jou have made the complaint he or she will have to show a good reason for the increase or eviction which is inrelated to your complaint. You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this. 4. Rent Receivershi p (General Laws Chapter 1111 Sections 127tH). The occupants and/or the board of health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court may then appoint a "receiver"who may spend as much of the rent money as is needed to correct the violation. The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' rent. 5. Breach of Warranty of Habitability. You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does not meet minimum standards of habitability. 6. Unfair and Deceptive Practices (General Laws Chapter 93M. Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for which you may sue an owner. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF THE LAW, BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO WITHHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE ANY OTHER LEGAL ACTION, IT IS ADVISABLE THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO CONSULT AN ATTORNEY, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICH IS: (NAME) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) (ADDRESS)