850 Certificate of Compliance 2016 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Certificate of Compliance Form 3 iortanL When g out forms he computer, only the tab to move your for-do not the return DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. This is to Certify that the following work on an On-Site Sewage Disposal System ❑ Construction of a new system ❑ Repair or replacement of an existing system ® Repair or replacement of an existing system component Has been done in accordance with Title 5 and the Disposal System Construction Permit(DSCP): #o/'-/ 7 DSCP Number DSCP Date Marty's Real Estate 200 Center Street, Suite 17C , Ludlow, Ma. 01056 , C/O Brian 413-543-6766 Facility Owner 850 Westhampton Rd. Street Address or Lot# Northampton Ma 01060 City/Town State Zip Code Designer Information: Cppy Name of Company Name Signature Date Installer Information: Christopher J. Lemek C. Lemek&Sons Construction, Inc. Name of Company 10-24-2016 Date Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: Replace leaking Septic Tank with new 2 compartment,1500 gal tank, with filter in outlet pipe The issuance of this certificate shall not be c.nstrued as a guarantee that the system will function as ptle4 PP % > /f('4/Y"h Approving Authority Sign arm3.dac•06/03 Certificate of Compliance•Page 1 of 1