11B Complaints 1979 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date / Time il4 Name of Complainant 27a(2 `•C-N Z-iC ) Address // N7072 cnIsC e p Tel. Nature of Complaint 2C0/'!i?W s !, ock Location of Premises ri Owner /6/0/027%;0-b tom, y Abkts 'I A rA ' Address Occupant '7hP7". ? -r' K S/AZ Taken by Referred to MIC Date of inspection -Set G Time ./, . 5 INSPECTOR'S REPORT U .t.'i 0144 C C,cteree. jjk Action Taken ��-�- �If) I '00 -7 '7u • BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Co Complainant Address �l 13 l—4a/Lc,.uc 6 Dater/R -r15 Time 5.1 /0 S IA! C. TeLrr 9 O9. Nature of Complaint „te„,-,., ti �� ' o,44, (o Location of Premises [. Vt �'ts. Owner P027,-/Arnlpdor! Pc�. t€ � � Y`+ -,,"6rs; . Address 5R'1- `j a Occupant V“I Taken by t j,;..� Y Referred to 1:1' `? Date of inspection Time '— INSPECTOR'S REPORT t4)1'-C,' T4 ft/ ) RiCd∎r t442() C)Iv Action Taken Inspector r "r,v}::], ilk 1ncr13 CITY OF N0RTIHAMPT0N 91:1SPACHUSETTS r C. Kenny, M.D. Ofri E ur FL% (YE 'SELL R.N_ BOARD OF HEALTH d. �L Fei:as. /1.nbh Ax in! 210 MAIN £fHEET m oeo TEL. (.4 3) ,.; 907) IR TO CORRECT VfOLATICNS OF ARTICLE II OF TzE STATE SANITARY CODE " " iIUX STANDARDS 'ITNESS FOR RUYAN HABITATION" AT :R ADDRESSED TO: Apt. 11B-Florence Hpighis George O'Brien DATE September 27, 1979 Northampton Housing Authority 49 Old South Street Northampton, Mass. 01060 I S OF DISPECTION REPORTS ISSUD TO: Theresa Rusin Apt. 11B-Florence Heights Florence, Mass. 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma traducao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de este forma en: AUTO ELVaL Eva 071110VT04.0 VOULHO eyyPa(po. 11700EL Va EnnOCOOEL TO. VOULHa OaS r&LX0AWI1aTa MTOPELTC VO. napETE ueTOtppa0n aUTOU Too Eyypa(pou alto TO Yt 4 'd ) J fi)- Z i r; ] , :f � rf, aC v - .;.1.] i� : i+C) 31f- 4 r •Board of Health, Northa.tpton, Hass. 4. AA. �� 210 Main Street -- Tel. No. 58,-9071 The `,ortharipton Roard of :of F.cJaith has Inspected the pror:Ise- at y4t. 11R-Florenre Heights_ , ' ortharptcn (assessor' s map 29_ arcel 1 .) , for ce=pliance vith Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspe ticns revealed violations, listed Clow, which are serious enough as to -aterially endanger or materially i . air the ealth, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General laws, nd Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to rake a good with effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (2L) hours from he date of receipt of this order. egulation Violation 3.1A(a)-3,1B(a)c Toilet flush mechanism faulty, *13.1 The kitchen rear entry door is off s K���iit's hinges. 14,1 Z ockroaches throughout apartment. Repair flush mechanism. Rehang the door. Exterminate. Violation marked with an * appears to be tenant caused, The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 11B-Florence Heights , Northampton (assessor' s map 29 parcel 1 .1, for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code . This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (114) days of the receipt of this order, the following violations: Regulation Violation Remedy 7.3 0;:»i -Broken light fixture in bathroon (socket?) Repair or replace. 7,4 &9.3;'.. Electric-out . Install one outlet. 13.1 Bathroom door possibly warped, won't shut Repair. properly. 13.1 &13.6 Marlite wall covering above the bathtub Reglu. is falling. 13.1 ,- Floor delaminating by bathtub. Replace subfloor & tile. *13.1 S Kitchen cabinet falling apart. Repair and replace front. 2.1(a) Kitchen sink faucets leaking. Repack faucets. *14,5 . _. Screen torn in kitchen, sleeping room Repair. # 1 & 2. 13.1 Ceiling and walls cracked, peeling and C. or damaged in kitchen, living room, bed- room #2, #3, hall and stairwell. 13.1 Floor tiles missing or broken in kitchen, Replace tiles. living room, bedroom #1. Repair and patch as needed. 7.1 C>K d Light switches faulty in bedroom # 1 & 2. *7.1(b) ; &, =!Receptacle broken in bedroom #3. Repair the switches. Replace or repair. REGULATION Dm/ ; VIOLATTION REMEDY Replace or repair. Repair or replace. Install outside entry light Replace post. Patch as needed to prevent leaking. Clean up the rubbish. Front entry screen door broken. Treads broken on cellar stairs. No light at entry door outside. Front porch roof support post is missing. Foundation wall cracked in basement. +15.4-15.10 i Large quantity of rubbish scattered about the complex. 13.1 Down spouts on rear of building are disconnected. Repair down spouts. These violations marked with an * appear to be tenant caused. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Richard A. Gormely Code Enforcement Inspector. CITY/TOWN DEPARTMENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradugao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. 11 pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: Auto ELVaL EVa OrlUO.VTLHO VOULHO cyyparpO. MTLOOEL Va 1 enopeaoeL Ta VouLHa crag 5LHatwilaTa. MTCOpELTE Va a =pets uera�ppaan auTOU TOU EYYp �OU aTtO TO = il it - ..ik s di ,: 1 :CO, aC Sv T. �� h =L A 1' V �1 fiJ 'raj ji =11- .. 'k3 fa`1 a 4 1- 114 i ' -i• IWRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS ANO TELEPHONE NUMBER ABOVEI ARTICLE II STATE SANITARY CODE I/ ADDRESS:_ 3 F/Ose'sucG __A5 _NO. OCCUPANTS.z I(� -_FLOOR: y _APT. NO.:OCCUPANT: __�}'�B2-$�A_-r114S1h�- NO. DWELLING UNITS: _ __ _--- NO. ROOMING UNITS: BASEMENT: _ 1 _ NO.STORIES: _____a__------ U�l-0. TYPE STRUCTURE: _ FRAME:_ SEMIDETACHED:__ DETACHED:_ NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: _� NO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS: ___ y -- OWNER: ADDRESS: ___ -- GULATION A(a) Alb) 3.18(b) Ale) 3.1 B(cl D 3.2 (9.1 &9.2) 3 18(a) I (9.1 3&9.3 4 &9 3.1 & 3 &9.2 & 9.2 X=VIOLATION YES NO BATHROOM I I :111=l="1111" "1" Rielli6 ell:1191S5 Are the facilities in a clean,smooth, impervious and sanitary condition? V Is hot water for facilities available (120 F - 140 F) ? /SO washbasin? he use intended? ✓� 1 3 is there an electrical outlet in goad report at rtf and fit for 13.I A ntenaedi 3.1 & 13.6 3.1 & 13.6 .1A&8.18 3.6 4.5 REGULATION L1 2. (a) 41(9.1 &9 5.1 19.1 & 9.1 &9. 2. 9.3 2 2 h) 7.2(a) 7.2(b) 7.2(c) 13.1 & 14.5 13.1 13.1 2 2) 9.21 Are the windows 'in good repair weathe Are the doors in good repair and fi Are the walls in good repair and Are the floors in goad repair and 0 gnt he u or the use intended? or he use wa ended? J I Sh m i i Are the exterior openings properly screened? v KITCHEN Is the room suitable? Is sink available and of sufficient size and capacity? Is cold tje Q&S ater for the sink available With sufficient quantity and pressure) Is hot water for sink available (120 F - 140 F)? Is sink properly connected to drain lines? stove and oven? Is there a working Is the stove and oven oroperly connected aria vented? IS° 1 fi ✓ I 1 Is there one light fixture in good repair? Are there two electrical outlets in good repair? Are the windows (if kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal and fit Are the windows in good repair eathertight 1vl o at teat 10%of the floor area? ar the use intended? S Are the door In good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 13.1 13.6 2.1(c) 8.1A.8.18(a) Are the ceilings Are the floors in good Is the floor impervious in good repay epair and fit for the use intended? and easily cleanable? acilities for instal ing of Refrigerator Is there adequate Is there sufficient and fit for the use intended? pace and lotion? �Yifts baaka 3ULATION 5 EGULATION 1(b) 1(b) .1A, 8.1B(e) 3.1A 3.1 13.1 13.1 14.5 11 REGULATION 7.t la) 7.1(b) 7.1(b) B.1 A, 8.1B(e) 13.1A 13.1 13.1 13.1 14.5 11 REGULATION 7.1(a) 7.1(b1 7.1(b) 13.1A,8.18(e) 13.1A x-.VIOLATION YES NO LIVING ROOM Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? = �--- Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? or the use intended? Are he floors in good repair and fit Are all exterior openings screened? SLEEPING ROOM # 1 (Identify) icient natural light? o separate electrical outle Is there su Are there Is there one outlet and one light fi Is there proper ventilation? Are he Are the Are do all ws in good repair n good repair and ture I. n good repair? n good repair? veathertigm and he ceilings in good repair and Are the floors in good repair and fi Are all exterior openings screened? the number of occupan { F.- /r -17 or the use Intended? for the use intended? 5t far the use intended? he use intended? or s there adequate space fo SLEEPING ROOM # 2 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural light? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? Is there proper ventilation 00 L eathe fight and or the use Are t wi ws in good repair, w rt °• ' Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? floors in good repair and fit f he ndo Are Are all exterior openings screened? the or the use intended? E -laced p1 mended? ci +facts C 0 G r✓ Inn ter- V SLEEPING ROOM '#3 (Identify) Is there sufficient natural light? Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? Is there proper ventilation? Are the windo Are the wall in good repair, in good repair and eathertigh and v V 14 fV V Iv 1 V. I or the use intended? t for the use Intended? C 1t.ac141 ✓ I s 1 —��Inlw� I �TR9r �wlllA71111}T�1'T� I I p1110911 G Il 13. 1 I`{ U LATIONS 3 & 5.9 1 3 &13.4 5 ON-ARE{c AND EXITS Are interior common areas properly illuminated at all times? Are there operational and sufficient and properly Iota Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for Are the doors in good repair, weathertight and Are all doors screened as required? ted light X=VIOLATIONS YES I NO I I- cries and fixtures? he use intended? t for the use intended. -13toeex> ✓ I q'feY ® Are handrails in good repair and fit for the use intended? tern or other devices In place? a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? Are all required balus Is every entry door p .3 l Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automaticall 5 Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? 2 I Are the common bathroom facilities clean? 1 & 12.2 i Are there sufficient and properly maintained exits? l,‘'E<r rl,- _ vq r f, ..,.?1 1EGULATIONS 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 3.1 13.3. 13.4 15.4 13.4 & 13.5 7ri rrt 3 .1 c .a 1! EXTERIOR COMBIlt v es I Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in good repair? 15.3 Are there sufficient and properly located receptacles? 15.10 Are the private passageways or rights of way clean and sanitary? 13.1 Are the gutters and down spouts in good repair and fit for the use intended? ml ow 1'! ly 3ULATIONS (a) .1. 14.2 & 14.3 .7 6GULATION GENERAL Are all required services are available and working? Are the heating facilities in good repair? Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F - 78 F)? Are hot water heating facilities in good repair? Are all required facilities property installed and vented? X• VIOLATIONS YES NO ✓I b Le" All space heaters in use meet the proper requirements? IV'there no temporary wiring in use? Location? Is the electrical service safe and adequate? The dwelling is free of insect/rodent presence? Is the dwelling unit maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by the occupants? Caolc 2.uc LL OTHER 5 I"" ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION WHICH MAY HEALTH IATERIALLY IMPAIR THE IETERMINED BY REGULATION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR. OCCUPANT AS NSPECTOR TITLE ------ ---- TIME DATE THE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS: A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. DATE _----_-- TIME --_—