State Hospital Dump Approval 2001 3EO PAUL CELLUCCI 'ernor tIE SWIFT atenant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSL' IiS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE Division of Capital Asset Management Commonwealth of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 FEB "-'7 2001 Attention: Mr. John O' Donnell, Deputy Director Office of Construction Services re: Approval Application for: BWPSW25 CORRECTIVE ACTION DESIGN at: Northampton State Hospital-DSWM-Landfill EOEA ID No. 001623 (SWM) Northampton, MA DSWM File #01-214-013 Transmittal Number: 11004282 Dear Mr. O' Donnell: BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A. LISS Commissioner On September 5, 2000 the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) received a memorandum from the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) dated September 1, 2000 . Attached to the memorandum were "Plans and Specifications for DCP991, DC1 Northampton State Hospital Disposal Area Cleanup." On January 22, 2001 the Department received an Application for a Corrective Action Design (BWPSW25) for disposal sites at the Northampton State Hospital in Northampton, Massachusetts. The Northampton State Hospital is managed by DCAM. The Application was submitted on behalf of DCAM and was prepared by your consultant, Tighe & Bond. The Application included a transmittal letter dated January 19, 2001, and a Department Transmittal Form #11004282 . On January 25, 2001 the Department received an Application Form. The plans and specifications bear the signature and seal of Dana C. Huff Massachusetts Registered Professional Civil Engineer #34729. The Application Form was signed by John M. O' Donnell. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)5746872. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103•FAX(413)704-1149•TOD(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 CI Printed on Recycled Paper Northampton State Hospital HOEA 001623(SWM) Corrective Action Design The application included the following information: Page 2 of 6 1. Transmittal Form #11004282 and Permit Application for a Corrective Action Design (BWP SW 25) . 2. Details on how waste and recyclable materials will be inspected and tested for the potential presence of hazardous waste materials. 3 . Details on how the limits of waste will be determined including the excavation of test pits to a depth of 4 feet below each area of waste removal. 4. Details on how testing will be performed to determine that no significant contamination or hazardous waste remains after the cleanup. Soil samples are proposed to be collected for each waste area. In addition, if anv leachate is detected, it will be sampled and analyzed. 5. Materials excavated from the proposed wheel wash area will be disposed of at a permitted landfill. 6 . Upon completion of the Corrective Actions a Certification Report will be prepared and submitted to the Department that details the corrective actions and certifies that the project was completed in accordance with the Department's approval. 7. An Order of Conditions from the Northampton Conservation Commission dated August 23, 2000. On June 30, 2000, an Administrative Consent Order #ACO-BO-00-E010 (ACO) was executed between the Department and DCAM. This ACO required, among other things, that DCAM comply with the regulations at 310 CMR 19.150, as it pertains to a dumping ground located at Northampton State Hospital. As a consequence of this requirement, the Corrective Action Design (CAD) was prepared and submitted to the Department for the removal of the solid waste previously deposited on the site. The CAD Application proposes the excavation and removal of solid waste materials presently located in a dumping ground. The solid waste will be transported to a permitted solid waste disposal facility for proper disposal. Upon the completion of the removal of the solid waste, test pits will be excavated to confirm that all solid waste has been removed. Soil samples will be collected from the remaining materials and analyzed. In addition, leachate, if present, will be collected and analyzed. Upon confirmation that the cleanup is complete the disturbed areas will be backfilled and covered with a six-inch layer of vegetative support soil, hydroseeded and a vegetative cover will be established. Northampton State Hospital EOEA 001623 (S W M) Corrective Action Design DEPARTMENT DETERMINATIONS Page 3 of 6 This application complies with the application requirements pursuant to 310 CMR 19. 030 (4) [permits] and was reviewed in accordance with 310 CMR 19. 037, Review Procedure for Existing Facility Permits, Permit Modifications, Permit Renewals, and other approvals. The application described above establishes that the facility will comply with the ACO upon satisfactory completion of the proposed work and will no longer be considered an "Open Dump" or a "Dumping Ground" as defined in 310 CMR 19.014. This document is a permit issued pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 111, Section 150A and 1501/2 and 310 CMR 19.000, subject to the conditions set forth below. This permit does not convey property rights of any sort or any exclusive privilege. PERMIT CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to commencing any excavation, the applicant shall have prepared and submitted to the Department a project specific Health and Safety Plan. 2. At least 7 days prior to any excavation, the applicant shall notify the Department of the proposed schedule for the cleanup. 3 . A qualified, independent Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) officer shall be present at the site at all times during the excavation and loading of the solid waste materials. 4 . A laboratory QA/QC Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Department. The Plan shall, at a minimum, include but not be limited to the recommendations included in the Department' s Landfill Technical Guidance Manual (revised May, 1997) , in particular Appendix C, Task 2 .5. 5. The proposed environmental monitoring shall be modified as follows: a. Test pits shall be excavated at a maximum spacing of 50 feet and at least one test pit shall be excavated for every 1000 square feet of cleanup area. b. Soil samples shall be obtained from the top one-foot layer of the remaining underlying soils and not, as proposed, from the bottom of test pits. c. Soil samples of the remaining underlying soils shall be collected on a grid of not more than a 50-foot spacing. A minimum of four samples shall be analyzed. If more than four samples are collected composite samples may be used for analysis. d. In addition to the proposed analyses, two soil samples shall be analyzed for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds. The two samples shall be collected at locations chosen in the field to most likely represent the highest potential for contamination. e. If during field screening and/or if visual evidence of contamination is present, the Department shall be notified and analyses for additional parameters may be required. Northampton State Hospital EOEA 001623 (S W M) Corrective Action Design Page 4 of 6 f. Leachate samples shall be collected at each leachate seep and analyzed for the parameters listed in 310 CMR 19 .132 . If more than two leachate seeps are located, composite samples may be used for analysis, however a minimum of two composite samples shall be analyzed. g. At least one downgradient surface water sample shall be collected and analyzed for the parameters listed in 310 CMR 19.132 . h. If during the site cleanup, sediment deposits accumulate that will remain on site, samples shall be taken and analyzed for the same parameter as the soil samples. 6. Landfill gas monitoring will not be required at this time but may be required at a later date. 7. The Department reserves the right to require additional work, testing and/or design modifications and to rescind, suspend or modify this permit by the imposition of additional conditions based upon evaluation of a determination of actual or the threat of adverse impacts from the cleanup. 8 . Personnel possessing Supervisor Asbestos Certification shall remain at the facility to visually inspect all excavation of construction and demolition materials and all demolition activities for the presence of asbestos and/or asbestos containing materials unless the demolition site has been previously inspected and all asbestos containing materials have been identified, removed and properly disposed of. 9. This permit does not authorize demolition of any structures. Prior to the demolition of any structure, demolition notification shall be submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 7.09 and the required asbestos inspections, removal and certifications shall be performed. 10. Within 90 days of completion of cleanup of the site, a construction completion report shall be submitted to the Department, which shall include. a. document the cleanup, b. weight slips for all loads removed from the site which clearly indicate the receiving disposal or recycling facility, c. a plan showing locations of all samples taken and test pits, d. copies of all test data and results of all analyses, and e. signature and seal of a Massachusetts registered professional engineer, as outlined in 310 CMR 19.011. 11. Compliance with any submissions required by this Permit will be determined by the date of receipt or the post-marked date, whichever is earlier. Northampton State Hospital EOEA 001623(SWM) Corrective Action Design RIGHT OF APPEAL Page 5 of 6 Right to Appeal - Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.037 (5) , any person aggrieved by the issuance of this permit, except as provided for under 310 CMR 19.037 (4) (b) , may file an appeal for judicial review of said decision in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. , c. 111, s. 150A and C. 30A not later than thirty [30] days following receipt of this decision. Notice of Appeal- Any aggrieved person intending to appeal the decision to the superior court shall provide notice to the Department of intention to commence such action. Said notice of intention shall include the Department File Number (01-214-013) and shall identify with particularity the issues and reason(s) why it is believed the approval decision was not proper. Such notice shall be provided to the Office of General Counsel of the Department and the Regional Director for the regional office, which made the decision. The appropriate addresses to which to send such notices are: General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection One Winter Street-Third floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Michael S. Gorski, Regional Director Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 No allegation shall be made in any judicial appeal of this decision unless the matter complained of was raised at the appropriate point in the administrative review procedures established in those regulations, provided that matter may be raised upon a showing that it is material and that it was not reasonably possible with due diligence to have been raised during such procedures or that matter sought to be raised is of critical importance to the public health or environmental impact of the permitted activity. This approval pertains only to the Solid Waste Management aspects of the proposal and does not negate the responsibilities of the owners or operators to comply with any other local, state or federal laws, statutes and regulations or enforcement actions, including orders issued by another agency now or in the future. Nor does this approval limit the liability of owners or otherwise legally responsible parties from any other applicable laws, statutes or regulations now or in the future. The Department has determined that the filing of an Environmental Notification Form ("ENr' ) with the Secretary of Environmental Affairs, for solid waste management purposes, was not required prior to this action by the Department. Notwithstanding this determination, the Northampton State Hospital Page 6 of 6 EOEA 001623 (SWM) Corrective Action Design Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act and Regulation 301 CMR 11.00 Section 11.04 provide certain "Fail-Safe Provisions" which allow the Secretary to require the filing of an ENF and/or Environmental Impact Report at a later time If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Charles Clines of this office at (413) 755-2120 . Sincerely, oretta Oi Section Chief Division of Solid Waste Management 21413caa.011 LO/CAC/cac cc: Board of Health, City of Northampton Tighe & Bond, 53 Southampton Road, Westfield, MA 01085, Attention: Dana Huff Richard Larson, Clean States Coordinator, DEP/WERO Paul Emond, DEP Boston