80 (River Run) Complaints 1979 'fhsre re no fire alerts of any type nn y:hore on the grou.-.ds or in the buildings, rrIich are now required by !awl A fire door in one of the buildings is cer:ented OPEN and cannot be closed in case of fire--ANOTHER SAFETY I.AZARD, and with so ¢.any lives at stake! In the spa 3r, lams sre not raked niter rowing, thus, grass is tracked into the carpeted hallcays. Shrubs are eying from lack of care and aro not replaced. trio t! rh h< ar th Si Ti EU Name of Complainant BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL GE ENT. i rty y gene to Did ti-at )roper COMPLAINT RECORD correct Date. -a- Time Address Si -// //F'' ,, f y�ykle-d4 't" TeL5 aSY/ Nature of Complaint 111 L tiZ Location of Premises .... .. ...... .. .. .......... Owner f F Address Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection �Q ,,�/Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT in 11/4 kliA14/i / pd�L r ....., . nn .� ca.;4- ski ... n r% s ink �s . nti Action Taken Inspector z i+ 1RU a F.41:PH HNT 3 or r E, Chairman %TH LEEN O'CONNELL, R.N :rF"3. NIcEPEAIN Heairh Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 TEL(913)5:-,4 9071 DER TO COR.RI;T,T VFOL4TICNS OF ARTICLE II 0 THE STATE SANITARY CODE " MZNL`1UM STANDARDS ? FITNESS FOR HJ'AN HABITATION" AT f/[s/1.13_Ha.>nptonJ'anoL_ :DER ADDRESSED TO: Northampton_AssaciEugene Wet es P 0 Box 6iq Latham, New York. 12110 DATE ion, wry z to2q_ )PIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: Lyle Pierce-Manager Ns. Mary La>?aon Hampton Manor Apartments 3111 Hampton T:anor Northampton, Mass 01060 Northaunllton Ya 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto ;urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma traduczo deste documento de: Le suivante en un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Cuesto e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: AUTO ELVaL EVa OII}1aVTLHO VOULHO EYYPa(PO. limo OEL va I 1 Ert pEcoEL Ta vo LHa oac 6LHaLWIKLTa• MUOPELTE va I ROPETE }etatopOo1I QUTOU TOU cyypa Jou an0 TO i=, Sri 2 I fill • Board of Health, Northampton, Mass. Jan- 210 Ham Street -- Tel. No. 58!,-9071 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 3111 Hamgtnn Hanoi_- .____, Northampton (assessor' s map 180 parcel__ 51 _ _.), for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (214) hours from the date of receipt of this order. Regulation Violation Remedy 13.1 Severe water leakage throughout `�- apartment in both ceilings and walls, leak and repair. Locate the source of the Please have the roofing company that is going to do the work notify us as to the condition of the roof and the solution they propose to repair the roof. If you have any questions, please call this office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Certified Mail 234443 Very truly yours Richard J.IBGncochar Housing Inspector /(7774— 7(10-2 & ice 9{1. ,- ,J. kr, cert&oti /,217 7- ntcaG 047,atj4-L—e-niux;C e, . .�. air 126,k7 . =.so;,s have tide richt to sea;: a . deification of an order. TO _ mplieh a modification, a person :, _.,c file in v.riting a petition r ea Y.in� cio-- - the Roane of - salt.^ Petitions ;oust be filed' on nee ii in accordance with the regulations below : person or persons u?on whom any order has been served _pursuant to any regulation of this code ( except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33 . 2 have been satisfied ) ; provided, such ,.etiticn must be filed within seven days after the day the order vas served ; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector ( s) or other personnel if the board of health: (1) to inspect u-»n request any 'remises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested ; or to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code ; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or _ - - upon an inspection to -find violations of this• Article where such. violation are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or mate- rially impair the health or safety, and well—being of the occupants of the 'remises; provided , such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report;- or - - to issue an order as required by Regulation 33 . 1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report. Any person upon whom this order has been served or any person rieved by the failure of the -inspector to perform as enumerated ,ve has the right to be represented at a hearing and any adverse --by has a right -to appear at said hearing. (4) Public Documents All relevant inspection or investigation reports, I other documentary information in the possession of !lth are open for' insiection and may be copied for a Remedies and Penalties orders,' notices the Board of fee. Part of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some ;al remedies tenants may use in order to get Housing Code violations iered eto a criminal fine fine of not order ten ($10. 00)cdollars,person no -e than five hundred ($500) dollars for each day' s failure to comply this order. r », cn„ir,,,U TER J. ■1<EpLAIN, /irilth Agent Northampton Associates c/o Eugene Weiss F, 0, Box 639 Latham, New York, 12110 CITY OF N0RTILA'vIPT0N MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH January 26, 1979 210 MAIN S1'RKEP 01060 TEL. (ii3t saa aon Dear Yr, Feiss: Enclosed is a list of several violations we found while raking an inspection of Hampton P:anor Apartments on Wednesday January 24, 1979, This inspection was a result of several tenants making a joint complaint to both our office and the office of the 2uilding Inspectors concerning conditions throughout the complex. Through our inspection and speaking to several of the tenants in the different buildings, there is evidence that some of the complaints about leaky roofs, dirty halls, loose railings, etc„ have been lodged with the management for years with little results. This has been a very wet and rainy winter, but we could see that a lot of the damage that has been done in the apartments is not the result of one season's rains, but many years of accumulated problems. All the City Inspectors that were present at the inspection (Plumbing Inspector, Inspector of Wires, Building Inspector, Health Agent and myself, the Housing Inspector) all agreed that the general maintenance and upkeep of the complex has been very poor and if the maintenance program is not upgraded substantially the entire complex will continue to suffer various forms of deterioration. The general sanitation in the common areas was very poor: papers, trash and food, were found in several of the common hallways, and scattered soaphcontainers, lint, soda cans, and trash were found in the laundry rooms, not been maintained in a clean and sanitary manner as is your responsibility, look forward to a quick abatement of all these violations and a general up grading of your maintenance of the whole complex. Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing Inspector 11 Ai A 11 T. .L n r-E, Cl,r d m on H Li. Pa eL4 ?1.D. A EN O'Co_NFEe4 R N. J alcFa:si., H„ilth f11-� ,1' 111A 1i;FS SC SKITS OFFICE OF'1'HE BOARD OF HEAJeFH .R TO CORE T TINS OF tellmeLE lI Or ]ELM STATE SsIlITAItY CODE Itl 'ITIIIESS FOR itS6&N HABITATION" AT - _ HamptonIlenor R ADDRESSED TO: 2]0 MAIN SHEET 0]06e Toe. (918)5S 9071 .�! SrA,(DYFDS Northampton.Assoc/E'ugene–ewes _ __ DATE _.January_24,.._192° P 0 Box 619 Latham New York 12110 BS CF -i KSPECT7ON RESORTS ISSUED TO: Conies to be hosted at Building 2, 6, 7, q, In hallways, Pierce_r'eneger__._— Hampton P:anor Apt, Norther:rpton, lass 01060 This h an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You /nay obtain a translation of this form at: Isla e urn documento legal muilo importance que podera afecter Cs sous direitos. Podem adquirir uma traduceo dente documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Q.:esto e un documento Iecale importente. Potrebbe avere ET sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo rnodulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que alerts sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una treduccion de esta forma en: AUTO CLVaL EVa cti1JOVTLH0 VOl!LRO CYYPa:pO. Ljr1OOEL NCI • 1 ranocQOCI Ta VOPL <OE Oag bekaLw;!ara. M1iooc LTC sea I aaocar tacaracQPCL-1 autou IOU ayypatpou cno TO I 4' r i '> 1-5- T i,�_ Board f Health, Fo:t*a, pt_n, Hesse. 210 Yarn Street -- Tel. ! o. $5k-9001 Northe.rwton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Hampton Manor _ , Northampton (assessor' s map 130 __ _ parcel 53 .), for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. -- -- This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to raterially endanger or materially i>,pair the health, safety, and -well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General L=aws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this order. Regulation 3g.1D 15.9 4ed row Violation Remedy .Roofs leaking thoughout the whole complex-especially Repair. over 6304, 6102, 8111, 7102,2202, 3111;"41;` Comion areas throughout tiye go. leg are very dirty, especially in Buildings 2" - S Lint, soap powder, soap containers, trash, papers, apple cores, etc. , in both laundry rooms and hallways. Also the carpets are very filthy. Stair railing loose near 210464 -._2I Stair step missing on the -bottom floor near 2110. (1' K Siding and trim around balcony of 2202 is off the building, 13.1 r-- <-Carpet coming up at entry door of 2202, pulling,�•�/ 13.1 Kater leak in boy's bedroom window of 2202, 9,30/44444oilet plugged in 6309. 13.1 Bailey torn carpet on stairs in 6110 ;-SK 9.3b Broken laundry machines in buildings 6 and S. 14,2 sect infestation in building 6 in hot - ? rdater tank area. 13.3 Exterior stair railing loose on building # 7 Clean and keep clean. Repair. Install Repair. Repair, step. Locate area of leak and repair. Unplug the toilet. Repair. Repair the machines. Exterminate. Repair. V/ °.e;-ulations Violations n ,.759 ..e7e^y_ 13.1 Kitchen floor coming up in 7102, / 'epair or replace floor as needed. 13,1 Bathroom ceiling needs repair in Repair/replace as needed, 7210, If you have any questions, please call this office, Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation, Certified Mail RECEIVED BY AI�lti.� DELIVERED BY /�w / Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Housing Inspector DATE it.' F`- DATE 7-2-e 77 in 1?T 4J.1'li .hsr r. Chaim an C. J'n.'i.,, M.D. cx O'CONNELL,R N. ;dcERLMx, 11(olth Agent ( ; NVh ; H.V!‘i1'1ON : 1 \SSA Cai USET PS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 0] '50 TEL (913)5S4 9071 TO COPSE-IT ViOLkTIONS OF ARTICLE II C} TJ STATE SANITARY CODE " YINL u)i STANDLiDS MESS FOR HOYAN HABITATION" AT .4DDRESSED 'T0: Northampton Assoolati on 0/0 Eugene Weiss 62305 Hampton Vann. P, 0, Box 639, Latham, N Y 12770 S OF INSPECTION REPORTS ISSIIED TO: DATE February 29 1979—._—__— Kirk Williams 6305 Hampton Manor Northampton, Mass, 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importance que podera afectar os seas direitos. Podem adquirir uma traduceo deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento lecale importance. Fotrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pug o:enere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importance.'Puede que afecte sus derechos. W. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: . AUTO Elva'. EVa uriJavTtxO VO)LLxo CYYPGCPO• HnoPEL Va , r , Enr7pEOOEL Ta vopLma- oac bixatr,:Uala. MtnooELTE va r TLCOETE J!ETCLppa°Tl aUTOU TOU cyypatVOU anO To If Q � �",' 't- , Board of °elth, Kort a ?ton, Y=°s• .� JT J -f 210 Yarn Street -- Tel. i;o.E-9071 The Northampton Hoard of Health has inspected the premises at 6)05 Hampton Manor , Northampton (assessor's rap parcel 53 .) , for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter s111 certify that the inspections revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (2)t) hours from the date of receipt of this order. Regulation 13.1 J Violation Remedy Ceiling leaking in several places throughout Locate source of leak the apartment. and repair. u° n 13.1 , �R Hole in bathroom wall. fl C Repair. If you have any questions, please call this office. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Certified Mail #234325 Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Code Enforcement Inspector Nazne of Compiaiaaat Address �— nature of OO'nP/aint Location of O Premises a"aer Address Occupant Taken by Da to of inspection Date'\`_—�. tin INSPECTOR'S REP RT 30 Action Taken o- ,-- n S '12 9C2-C //aCyvte Cr-)2c a6 4/4 r, �� �rted to,.Th coeft C. Kenny, N,D, (Yi XXXXKKXASK as O'CONNELL,R N !' rEBLeIN• ]1 ulth Agent 1 r,F NC); 719.A'.�INiON :■iASSACHUSE7'J'S OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 TEL. (433)5S 9U]1 TO COY°EJT ti_OL4TIONS OF ARTICLE II OF TAE STATE SANITARY CODE " ]<JVZ75ui; ST..t_NDAi D$ I1,ESS FOR Hd`_Alt H4H1T.ATION" AT ADDRESSED TO: 5112 Hanot on Manor_--.______- __.___ __.--_ Nnrtharr.ntnn le/Eugene 1)ei ss P0. AnrAm La ham Trey Ynrk 12110 i OF 11SFBCTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE Parch 9 137Q_ ir & Mrs, Brnnys 512 Ha'1 ton Manor Apt". Northampton,Mass. 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Is10 a urn documento legal muito importanle que podera afectar es sous direitos. Postern adquirir uma traduceo deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cane forme a: Ouesto e un documento legate importante. Fotrebbe avere 'offetto sui suoi diritri. Lei pull) ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal Import-ante.'Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: AUTO CIVIL EV¢ crIpavTtRo VOMIHo eyyparpo. HnOOEL V¢ Enr]pEaOEE T¢ Vo}LY,¢ O¢S SLA¢l(JJaT¢. ?in OOELTE V¢ - r ZOOETE 11ET¢cppaoq QOTOU TOO EYYparpoU Ono TO • 19 s -4 t4 ' . ) ' .i /�1 r. ) :jam '� 'f .s rf, :X t,:4 � G j i ;ill fip, s 'f . Board of Health, horther..?ten-, Yses. Q 210 Vain Street -- Tel. No. 5881'-9071 • The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the ]seises at. 5112 Rampton _Manor __.—__—_.—, Northampton (assessor's reap _ 180 parcel _53 _ . _.), for compliance with Article TI of the State Sanitary Code. This letter 1111 certify that the inspctions revealed violations, listed below, 14hich are serious enough as to materially endanger or r.aterially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within Twenty-four (24) hours from the date of receipt of this order. Re;ulation Violation Remedy 13.1 Chronic dampness and water leaking through Locate the source of the the ceilings throughout the apartment, leak and repair. Upon a re-inspection I made this morning of 6305 (which you received March 1, 1979) there has still been no repairs made and the apartment ceiling is leaking and deteriorating in several places causing much hardship to the tenants. Also the leaking roofs in the other buildings (listed in the notice received by you on January 29, 1979) have at this date not been repaired. If we have not heard from you regarding your intention to begin these repairs by March 16, 1979, we will assume you are not going to comply with the violation notices, and we will follow through with action as the law requires Making court action if necessary. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Richard J. Puncochar Code Enforcement Inspector CERTIFIED MAIL 17234331 CITY/TOWN DEPARTMENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e' urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma traduyao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questa modulo a: Este es un documento legal important°. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Lid. Puede adquirir una traduccion de esta forma en: Auto ELVCL Eva OTIRCVTLHO VO¢LHO EYYPCQo. MTLOOEL VC • ETtfPECOEL TC VOULHC crag CJ LHCLWµaTC. MT[OPELTE VC TtapEre UETCtppac O.UTOU TOU EYYPC(pOU, CTO TO ; [WRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER ABOVE] ADDRESS: 511 OCCUPANT: _2 N�� 'L 1 t- NO. DWELLING UNITS: NO. STORIES: _ ) TYPE STRUCTURE: ____ ARTICLE II 11'' •• STATE SANITARY CODE 'F14' u!rrt ,MAN QQ NO. OCCUPANTS:__ _ () FLOOR: ______ APT. NO.: —tS7l 2... NO. ROOMING UNITS: ____________ ________ BASEMENT: FRAME:_ BRICK SEMIDETACHED:__ DETACHED:____ NO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS: OWNER: ADDRESS: NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: X=VIOLATION REGULATION BATHROOM YES NO 3.1 A(a) 3.18(a) Is toilet with seat available? 3.1A(b) 3.181b1 Is washbasin available? 3.1 A(c) 3.13(c) Is shower or bathtub available? 3.10 3.2 Are the facilities in a clean, smooth, impervious and sanitary condition? 4.1 19.1 &9.2) Is cold water for facilities available (with sufficient quantity)? 5.1 (9.1 & 9.2) Is hot water for facilities available (120 F • 140 F) ? 9.1 & 9.2 Are the facilities properly connected to drain line? 7.3&9.3 Is there at least one light fixture in good repair? 7.4 &9.3 Is there an electrical outlet in good repair at washbasin? 13.1 & 13.1A Are the windows in good repair weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 & 13.6 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 & 13.6 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 8.IA&8.18 Is there proper ventilation? 13.6 Are the floors and walls of nonabsorbent material? 14.5 Are the exterior openings properly screened? REGULATION KITCHEN 2.1 Is the room suitable? 2.1(a/ Is sink available and of sufficient size and capacity? 41(9.1 &9.2) Is cold water for the sink available (with sufficient quantity and pressure)? 5.1 (9.1 &9.2) Is hot water for sink available (120 F . 140 F)? 9.1 &9.2 Is sink properly connected to drain lines? 2.1(b) Is there a working stove and oven? 9.3 Is the stove and oven properly connected and vented? 2.2 Are the facilities clean, smooth, impervious, nonabsorbent? 7.2(a) Is there one light fixture in good repair? 7.2(61 Are there two electrical outlets in good repair? 7.2(c) Are the windows lif kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal to at Ieat 10%of the floor area? 13.1 & 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fir for the use intended? 14.5 Are the exterior openings properly screened? 13.1 Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.6 Is the floor impervious and easily cleanable? 2.1(c) Is there adequate space and facilities for instali ng of Refrigerator? 8.1A. 8.1 8(al Is there sufficient ventilation? 1 9.3(a) 9.3(b) Are all owner installed appliances properly installed? 9.4 Are all occupant installed appliances properly installed? X• VIOLATION REGULATION LIVING ROOM YES NO 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? 7.1(b) Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) ( Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation ? 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in goad repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 _�, /� Are the ceilings in goad repair and fit for the use intended? (a (a,/20 C....' 13.1 • Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? REGULATION I SLEEPING ROOM 1 (Identify) ` 7.1(a) 1 Is there sufficient natural light? 7.1(b) I Are there Two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(0 Is there proper ventilation? 13.1A ! Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 I Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 tee" _ (t1`^'- � , I Are the ceilings in good repair and Et for the use intended? �- 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? ;7.; 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? - l' 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? REGULATION . -fT SLEEPING ROOM 2k 2 (Identify) 9 )r it. , 1> f >r 7.1(a) 1 Is there sufficient natural light? 7.1(b) 1 Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one licnt fixture in good repair? Gi `"tJ r (, 8.1A, 8.18(e) 1 Is there proper ventiiation? 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? )� 6� 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 1,1 i ?� ` 13,1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? 11 Is there adequate space for the numoer of occupants? 1 REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM 3 (Identify) 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? I I, 7.1(b) Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one 'iii ght fixture in good repair? 8.1A. 8.181e1 I Is there proper ventilation? 13.1A Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit far the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? X VIOLATIONS REGULATIONS COMMON AREA AND EXITS YES NO 7.5 Are interior common areas properly illuminated at all times? Are light fixtures and switches properly located? 7.7 Are there operational and sufficient and properly located light switches and fixtures? Is the chimney in good repair? 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 13.18 Are the doors in good repair, weathertignt and fit for the use intended. 13.1 14.5 Are all doors screened as requirea? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the stairs in good repair? 13,1 Are the wells in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the structural elements in good repair? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? & 13.5 15.8 & 15.9 Are all common areas clean? 13.4 13.1 Are the stairways in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.3&13.4 Are handrails in goon repair and fit for the use intended? Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? 13.5 Are all required balusters or other devices in place? Are there sufficient and properly located.receptacles? 18.4 Is every entry door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? 15.10 18.3 Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automatically? 18.6 Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? 3.2 I Are the common bathroom facilities clean? 16 1 z 199 I Are there sufficient and properly maintained exits? REGULATIONS EXTERIOR Are light fixtures and switches properly located? 13.1 Is the chimney in good repair? 13.1 Are the porches in good repair? 13.1 Is the foundation in good repair? 13.1 Are the stairs in good repair? 13.1 Are the structural elements in good repair? & 13.5 Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in good repair? 13.4 Are there walls or protective railings as required? 15.4 Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? 15.3 Are there sufficient and properly located.receptacles? 15.10 Are the private passageways or rights of way clean and sanitary? 13.1 Are the gutters and down spouts in good repair and fit for the use intended? X• VIOLATIONS REGULATIONS GENERAL YES NO 10.1 Are all required services are available and working? 6.1 Are the heating facilities in good repair? 6.2 Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F -78 F)? 5.1 Are hot water heating facilities in good repair? 9.3(a) Are all required facilities properly installed and vented? 6.5 All space heaters in use meet me proper requirements? 7.9 Is there no temporary wiring in use? Location? 7.8 Is the electrical service safe and adequate? 14.1, 14.2& 14.3 The dwelling is free of insect/rodent presence? 15.7 Is the dwelling unit maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by the occupants? REGULATION 7 OTHER �3/J// ( . ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED ABOVE IS A CONDITION WHICH MAY MATERIALLY IMPAIR THE HEALTH OR SAFETY AND WELL—BEING OF THE OCCUPANT AS DETERMINED BY REGJJJ4TION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR. INS TITLE DATE / / TIME THE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS: A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. DATE TIME Name tof ant _. Come t Address Nature of LocaE'ou of remises Owner Address erred to��Ref Occupant Tim"1 Taken b4fction -! p 'L . Date of inspection ---"3 /f , INSPECTOR'S REPORT JJT Action Taken Inspector Wu CS - i 6 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of //t 1241/WV Compla,h ___.._. A Address//2�c. 7 $9n >7 »/l9'r+-0L Date 6 TimeS2'6 Nature of Complaint Location of Premises Owner Address Occupant Taken by— T tif_ i Referred to Date of inspection _. _77 Time1�. INSPECTOR'S REPORT .y!!L 7% �c,ppd2iC1L inne;41Cy',L��.4ercfs_ /. Z. rCl //rLCetCl�71(y-c jLe) 6k. Teletr_sit ,96 Action Taken – L/ Inspector 'sonny, rtExtvc,:etttc O'Co>•rl c R N. rittsin.H,,:, .. Si A i..S.4C1112SE IFS O?F)CE Of 7'IiE BOARD OF HEALTH Lm !%IA]N SI r;r U1I TO TEL(413)L549371 0 CC SIS:T Ol- i7O!:S OF 5 Th iCJE I I CF TdE STkTE S IdTAKY CODE " yH 1_.dA s P P4PDS iESS rCR '::Chr F;3IIATIO " AT .0DRSSS D 'i0: _B uilding_2,South Entrance- - -- - -- - Northampton AssOS/E-ngene—W-eas- P. O. Box 639 Latham N_e11York-12110— OF P,SF-ECTJON ?'?C3'fS IS50'e3 T0: DATE June 7,__1979 _ James LucEx, _Manager_ --- Hampton Manor Apartm_ent_s— Northampton, Mass, 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: - I sto e urn documento legal muito imporsante que podara afectar os seus cinches. Podem adquirir tuna traduced deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pour rait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvaz oblenir une traduction de cease forme a: Ouesto e un document o lecele import ante. Fotr abbe aver e effetio sui suoi dirirti. Lei pup ottenere una traduzione di quest° modulo a: Este es un documento lecal imporsante.-Puede que acacia sus derechos. ltd. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: AUTO EL Vat Eva c2opavrlxo volt xo cyypflt2o. 1lnCOEI VOL I I r I fnOOELTE VO. EspGEaoEt Ta vo;!lva oaS b�Y.a L1il;!n ia. r Onoou Ono i0 - ucgeiE ) tat9pacrl OUTOU —,ou EYY. ; ic Y 7 L„if' ri - ,=1� ; ;=, :T r(, ;1- 5o _rd of -,fea.ith, ifor t.LieR riven, )=ES. -. �>L 'f -210 ]'z;n Street -- Tel. i:°. 5811.-0011 w Me Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at Building 2-South side entrance , l:ortharnptcn (assessor' s map 180 cartel 53 .), for compliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspectors revealed violations, listed below, which are serious enough as to materially endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. General Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the following violations: Regulation Violation Remedy 18.3 1. Main security doors not locked. Repair the security system and lock all main security 2. Security intercom and electronic door doors. lock release is not working. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. CERTIFIED MAIL truly yours, c �/(j/ j eezL- Richard J. PS1�cochar Code Enforcement Inspector BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Data S(-t I /I Time— Name of Complainant( 1 l 7. 4trt H _Se=h��S7 SKSaw �:R?1tHO•�'r.Ei Address <2(01 -FM''lp'ros fl. ito? TeL Nature of Complaint ( t `'1J4 'rt<f' S 7A/V£<( bloc-GS 4- UcaI . per, 4L- -1 - Location of Premises —5.S721-C.4_ Owner NO2 4*^pTo7v ���-c 4r.JP �£✓ss Address `i. Qr � __ _ I ' io Occupant L I n "AV-Lid- k2”1-#)6>c,C >xSrr” Taken by )0✓jai A Referred to Date of inspection Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT L/C()).12:7 r ( (4z 12 ✓;"".2 c CAn-ie (`c VP/�i/i('L7 n-Z :✓r(F- JG Action Taken i ,_ ( II � � 'r V C;; I ; ,_VL'I II l )1 LP aft Te '1 Ur h. frs Drrl IE P,t',?HD : r I'.1::V 111 No Sato*_on Sect-ea-der 12, 1979 P P. 0. Fox 439 . L than,_ Now Tory N. es 12110 Di Sid Of P_° ION _-'PCP D TO: Elizabeth Ke o_styJS nRrzanowski 5307_Paso-toil ;"tarr - North:-^:nt on, '•=_ss,_. 01060 This is an important Leal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e urn documonto fecal m•uito importante sue poder, plat or sous itos. Podc-m adsuirir Line traduceo deste documento de: Le suieante est un important document Iffgal. II pcurrait of attar yes „■.s. Your pouvez obtenir une_ traduction de ceuc forme a: C_eso e un docemento lecule im portante. Pc:rebbe avere ei'e-to sui ruoi dirt Lei cuo ottenere una traduzione di uue_Io modulo a: Este its un decumen±o fecal imps. .Cl,.t. Puede sue afecte sus dertechos. id. Puede adquirir una treduccion de tutu forms en: I Auto cLVaL eva (; Jet:putLxo vol!L4O EyyOC;co. '.rooFL va ar1C=:lOEL ea °oat:Ka. ..Dag FJ LBOLOltQTa. Ls-CC. L tc V6 -Tc ILST (On m.y ou ToU UY7?aCOU ¢IlO to j L5 -- 1 ,l `�_ ;^ 1 _3 i i , t.� j 1 r th, ' s. n 0 "la far Statet -- Tel. DP is 11 derlidTh 127L of n_cle vI of the Stata Menitccery Cole, you are hereby ordered to hod)n the -; or ,_..n a third Tarty within f .ve (5) drys of rc- and to rake a good faith effort to stlbstantially ccrTlete c orr e;;t'..on,' - . fcart-en (1h) days of the receipt of this order, the following - ?in viola arcs: T<z-alas'.on Violation ]3.1 Ceiling and walls stained (water) bathroom Repair cause for leak. kitchen, living room, sleeping room. 13.1 Floor in kitchen cracked seam needs Repair. sealing. 4f 13.1 Ceiling light in hallway stained & corroded. Repair. 13.1A Sliding glass doors have brown seal and Repair. moister problem. / 13.1 Hole in wall by kitchen patched. / Repair. 13.1 Ceiling in living room has stains and rails popping thYOUdh. / Repair. 13.1 The walls and ceiling on east side of bed- Replace. room #1 are water stained with nails popping and joint tapes peeling. 13.1 North wall and ceiling by window cracked ands./ Repair. peeling bedroom # 1 13.1 The ceiling in the bathroom of bedroom #1 7 Repair. has water stains and nails poc,,2Lng through. 13.1 The ceiling and walls of the bedroom n2 are Repair. peeling and se_c=rating. v on 13.1 in � ' door into 1 +t�.g room won' - r�ir. R�� L� shut pkpe 1y or st:y ore. Cap albse 13.1 Ceilisss in balln ays .�a .. .-..n as . _'r c. ..__ for les.iss. wader stained. tetioeujL 15.8 & 15.9 C -.on ere s cseaed with v .s nd dc.d C1-.pr. buss a?d sal1 t- ,=h. 7.1 Electrical recc2t=biss - d coy, s, F]oce covers, 13.3 Hand railings loose on outside steps Repair or replace. loose or Messing, If you have any Questions, plcase'contact this office. 2 Vccry truly yours, Richard A. Gormely Local Inspector CERTIrIL'D MAIL # 23 371 D cc: Donald Russell, Yanager CITY/TOWN DEPARTMENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os sous direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradugao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affecter yes droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduction de esta forma en: AUTO ELVQL EVQ OT1¢QVTLHO VOULHO EYYPQNO. HTLOOEL VO. ETCTjPEQOEL TQ VO}1.L1(Q OQS CJLHQLLJ{IO.TQ• LSTLOpELTE VQ TLQOETE ¢ETOdppaATjQUTOU TOU EYYQaQODU arm TO �a7.1.44, ,J,` L -2- . L ITT fY . I WRITE IN BOARD OF HEALTH ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER A8OVE1 ARTICLE II STATE SANITARY CODE ADDRESS: � r — NO.OCCUPANTS OCCUPANT: lacaE.' .. Kryb filC 4�—pN K f FLOOR: —3 .3 APT. NO.: NO. DWELLING UNITS: NO. STORIES: _ _ ___ BASEMENT: / TYPE STRUCTURE: FRAME: V BRICK L SEMIDETACHED:__ DETACHED:_ _ NO. OF HABITABLE ROOMS: rq OWNER: ti _Jhsnr Ls %-& weIc_C ADDRES$UE,O; p 2- /,rN th L_ F /g/(_Q NO. ROOMING UNITS: NO. OF SLEEPING ROOMS: _ X= VIOLATION REGULATION BATHROOM YES NOI 3.1 A(a) 3.1 B(a) Is toilet with seat available? 3.1A(b) 3.18(b) Is washbasin available? (..- 3.1 A(cl 3.18(cl Is shower or bathtub available? 3.1 D 3.2 Are the facilities in a clean, smooth, impervious and sanitary condition?c'il n , a7yn %" 4.1 (9.1 &9.2) Is cold water for facilities available (with sufficient quantity)? ✓ 5.1 (9.1 & 9.2) Is hot water for facilities availaole (120 F - 140 F) 2 9.1 & 9.2 Are the facilities properly connected to drain line? 7.3& 9.3 Is there at least one lignt fixture in good repair? 7.4 & 9.3 Is there an electrical outlet in good repair at washbasin? ?? 13.1 & 13.1 A Are the windows in good repair weathertight and fit ffor the use intended? pJ IA 13.1 Are the doors in good -epair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 & 13.6 Are the wells in good repair and fit for the use intended? H 13.1 & 13.6 Are the floors in goad repair and fit for the use intended? N 8.14&8.18 Is there proper ventilation? 13.6 Are the floors and walk of nonabsorbent material? f/ 14.5 Are the exterior openings properly screened? R/7p REGULATION KITCHEN Z.1 Is the room suitable? 2.1(al Is sink available and of sufficient size and capacity? ✓ 41(9.1 &9.2) Is cold water for the sink available (with sufficient quantity and pressure)? ri 5.1 (9.1 &9.2) Is hot water for sink available (120 F - 140 F)? 9.1 & 9.2 Is sink properly connected to drain lines? k- 2.1(b) Is there a working stove and oven? Le- 9.3 Is the stove and oven oroperly connected ano vented? I 2.2 Are the facilities clean, smooth, impervious, nonabsorbent? 4-- 7.2(a) Is there one light fixture in good repair? V 7.2(b) Are there two electrical outlets in good repair? ✓ 7.2(c) Are the windows (if kitchen exceeds 70 sq. ft.) equal to at teat 10%of the floor area? Wi{ 13.1 & 13.1A Are the windows in good repair,weathertight and fit for the use intended? 'A 14.5 Are the exterior openings property screened? lidfifr) 13.1 Are the doors in good repair and fit for the use intended? ,4'r` 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intendea? I V 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Wime,„K .5 j.to.x k b¢. 4,11 A. 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 0. R AL'rr3: S Sc, 0,L ct 13.6 Is the floor impervious and easily cleanable? .�-i 1 2.1(c) Is there adequate space and facilities for instal ing of Refrigerator? I V 8.1A.8.18(a) Is there sufficient ventilation? l L--- i 9.3(a) 9.3(b) Are all owner installed appliances properly installed? 9.4 Are all occupant installed appliances properly installed? 1... / J P' J{ / � J y �. � A _ 1 r / J Jj7 lr. IY7 a X•VIOLATION REGULATION t '--rc cau re. LIVING ROOM YES -.7. a f k s.,4,,? NO 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? t--- 7.11b) Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? Y 7,1(b) I Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation ? 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? $,7,X; 2' 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended?jPut> Gw v lit""( 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended?N a 115 1 1r.Y,r`r.. Sig141f� ✓ 13.1 Are the floors in goad reoair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? ik REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM >k 1 (Identify) 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? k' 7.1 lb) ,. Are there two separate electrical outlets in good reoair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 4` 8.1 A, 8.781e1 Is there proper ventilation? N 13.1A I Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Out - i.--- 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good reoair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? ✓ 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM 2 (Identify) 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? ✓° 7.1Ib1 I Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(b) Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? ✓ 8.1A, 8.1 B(e) Is there proper ventilation? i' 131A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 4-V 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? A' 13.1 � Are the ceilings in goad repair and fit for the use intended? I v 13.1 Are the floors in goad repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? ✓ 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? REGULATION SLEEPING ROOM 3 (Identify) 7.1(a) Is there sufficient natural light? 7.1(b) Are there two separate electrical outlets in good repair? 7.1(h) Is there one outlet and one light fixture in good repair? 8.1A, 8.18(e) Is there proper ventilation? 13.1A Are the windows in good reoair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? 14.5 Are all exterior openings screened? 11 Is there adequate space for the number of occupants? X=VIOLATIONS REGULATIONS COMMON AREA AND EXITS YES I NO 7.5 Are interior common areas properly illuminated at all times? 73 Are there operational and sufficient and properly located light switches and fixtures? L,, 13.1A Are the windows in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended? L' I 13.10 Are the doors in good repair, weathertight and fit for the use intended. 13.1 14.5 Are all doors screened as required? 13.1 Are the ceilings in good repair and fit for the use intended? Is the foundation in good repair? 13.1 Are the walls in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are the stairs in good repair? 13.1 Are the floors in good repair and fit for the use intended? (. 15.8 & 15.9 Are all common areas clean? 13.1 Are the stairways in good repair and fit for the use intended? y' 13.3&13.4 Are handrails in good repair and fit for the use intended? Are there walls or protective railings as required? {• 13.5 Are all required balusters or other devices in place? v" Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? 18.4 Is every entry door of a dwelling unit fitted with a proper lock? 15.3 18.3 Does the main entry door of a dwelling close and lock automatically? 15.10 18.6 I Is the building properly posted with the name of owner? ' 3.2 Are the common bathroom facilities clean? 1,'j A re , a. ro a Are There sufficient and properly maintained exits? _ I' REGULATIONS EXTERIOR Are light fixtures and switches properly located? 13.1 Is the chimney in good repair? 13.1 Are the porches in good repair? 13.1 Is the foundation in good repair? 13.1 Are the stairs in good repair? 73.1 Are the structural elements in good repair? & 13.5 Are all required hand railings and balusters in place and in goad repair? 13.4 Are there walls or protective railings as required? {• 15.4 Is the storage of rubbish and garbage proper (occupants)? 15.3 Are there sufficient and properly located receptacles? 15.10 Are the private passageways or rights of way clean and sanitary? 13.1 Are the gutters and down spouts in good repair and fit for the use intended? • X■ VIOLATIONS REGULATIONS GENERAL YES NO 10.1 Are all required services are available and working? 6.1 Are the heating facilities in good repair? 6.2 Is heat being supplied at proper terperatures. 68 F -78 F)? 5.1 Are hat water heating facilities in good repair? 9.3(a) Are all required facilities properly installed and vented? 6.5 All space heaters in use meet me proper requirements? 1) 1 7.9 Is there no temporary wiring in use? Location? 7.8 I Is the electrical service safe and adequate? s.. 14.1, 14.2& 14.3 I The dwelling is free of insect/rodent presence? 15.7 Is the dwelling unit maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by I '/ the occupants? REGULATION OTHER ONE OR MORE OF THE VIOLATIONS CHECKED MATERIALLY IMPAIR THE HEALTH OR SAFETY AND DETERMINED BY REGULATION 29.2 OF THE CODE OR THE A INSPECTOR C ll—* 15 rJi DATE -- THE NEXT SCHEDULED REINSPECTION IS ABOVE IS A CONDITION WHICH MAY WELL—BEING OF THE OCCUPANT AS THORIZED INSPECTOR. TITLE TIME DATE 1 B is keQ fih A.M. 3 T P.M. A.M. P.M. TIME •sc-uool y5/f /a4, n qnf yn ezcT -3 Acq y lc, /"d/J7 -bU // uv sc!/V/S c fV(22 to co-/y/ ,p7 S 4.,• /?JPs .-7062??7 s'S'r/b Kt, 2 / x �s 272.;7/ /d7 yhr27 OiC 4U /c//0C, c7/ ?2 / 6,0 go, w/S' „i91/ X dub s-y»-17 9 (-7 7 n' • o�SV/o _,z ///(?A ,100z (.0 !� JO / bu ��/ �% • JJ00v72J'7� yf /,m 7Ja/9/IOJ Z22/� 9"o o/ /�i�� c/ ' � o - cuoo-( 11u /u IL7 `�-/ /dam 1,6/ u. a7✓iti KY idol/17 J :& /-2.2( - cu dk 'c Uc-//LUOP ,/29/,f U9 7 ,O 1[79 9/ u/ ' Jnfr / y6 j u(?oJ� su / C/S / FV ioo;v cuL12oa7>ac� uo'2.9 s / oq-v su/ % S is/-r2, - /-27, //7210 • (/`7 /<L.)/S /a ti 2707:7/172 •gU /0 Jc.i/ 0r7? - 001(7 5///U07 9JDf �U /57,SVa/ - woo,/ fo aau/oa - cc/ood7T 72uv7OS //T(22 75UV 5 66-/ // /mss Li o/ su/>>�S /'75c-77 � �7/2f vu Ch /JU /6c/O2 do/ /ysVLU w7(7/ Jo ..?echo - a/oo-i 7227 _,/, 74.5---z2/7-7 o mow _hR7 o/ uo /Ss/ cU /g7( /O-/c (:,//2/ / 'o 70 a7tc? T a ys v_7/ .fo n7? 2 w/-7,:-;/y p7 727 z2 ago yf u.v/if/O,7 o7Z ucq/LA 1 /f vu 2// v -/a/-/ o Ott/ a. art_ /7y,4 / a9,f 790-2, / rfl-ft' Otif o/ f'7q 'S (U99/4 say/4 /Oc/a/ /oz-t/ ?7 / "7,a/san% // ?7y (7 7 %JO -U.7,1y uos�'//o// -F>.I .r a,+-9 / anti t{u/tycqu/ aye 7d/ :/ 9-/t° (77 1=27 307 parcel /(F1 '7 .._foh are Cuddr iuldnoh3ty of Chap r 111 Chetyn 1i7f of ah.. .. :._ 3 I of hie Plata Sadditary Code, you are hereby cr c- - -th a third party ly v-thin five (S) days ceipt of this order and to :-.'-.e a good faith effort to sabstanffally complete ,o.rec t',one _ -,-... fourdnen (1I ) days of yhe receipt of this order, the following i o'=_-,`.on ahoy 'I ion eallat - _ . - - 13.1 Ceiling and walls stained (water) bathroom Repair cause for leak. kitchen, living room, sleeping room. Repair• 13.1 Floor in kitchen cracked and seam needs sealing. 13.1 Ceiling light in hallway stained & corroded. Repair. 13.1A Sliding glass doors have broken seal and Repair. '- - moister problem. 13.1 Dole in wall by kitchen patched. `/ Repair. 13.1 Ceiling in living room has stains and pails Repair. copping through. Repair. The walls and ceiling on east side of bed` Replace. room #1 are water stained with nails popping and joint tapes peeling. 13.1 North wall and ceiling by window cracked and .R ir. peeling bedroom # 1 13.1 The ceiling in the, bathroom of bedroom #1 Repair. has water stains and nails popping through. 13.1 The ceiling and walls of the bedroom #2 are Repair. peeling and Sei%aYcL).lg. i 1a ion Vi olatton 13.1 Main entry door into 1- shut properly or stay s door. g rocs won't re, Cap above r. 13.1 Ceilings in hal1Eays and c , -.>:.;r. Renair cause for 1:.--ks . water stared. 15.8 & 15.9 Coor_on areas covered with webs a-nd d=ad bags and small trash. 7.1 Rlectrical receptacles :red covers Flece covers, 13.3 Hand raihnos loose on outside steps Repair or sopla^e. loose or missing. If you have any cue-t ions, please'contact this office. Very truly yours, Richard A, Comely Local Inspector CERTIFIED MAIL .# 2-34571 cc: Donald Russell, Manager Sc ei-6 CLERK'S OFFICE DISTRICT COURT OF HAMPSHIRE 99 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS Sept. 17 , n 7v Eugene Weiss Box-639 To Luton., `tor Yo 22211 You are hereby notified that an application for a criminal complaint for nlle}wd ation of State 5anitarY Co'.c has been made and a hearing thereon will be had in the .,.' Sept. 25, 1979 at 10:15 A.M.W.flx. CLERK'S OFFICE on - day at which time you may appear, with counsel if you wish, and present s enc)zKt'ce a��� d osir'' to have considered. `�M.��� PLEASE PRESENT THIS NOTICE AT THE CLERK'S OFFICE IF YOU APPEAR ON THIS MATTER r 7, 0t71711.=i.n (`Sal c.. scent) - b'crn1ainant RESULTS OF HEARING/BOARD OF HEALTH vs. EUGENE WEISS PLACE: Hampshire District Court )ATE: September 25, 1979 PRESIDING: Charles J. Kulikowski - Clerk of District Court PRESENT: Assistant City Solicitor Richard Mahar, Health Agent Peter J. McErlain, Code Enforcement Inspector Richard Gormely, Mark Levine, Representing Hampton Manor Mr. Kulikowski reviewed the case: 4 orders to correct violations were sent with no response from the owners violations have not been corrected to date more recent violations have been corrected and there is a definite improve- ment in maintenance procedures Mr. Levine stated that the owner (Mr. Weiss) was about to begin a resurfac- ing of all the roofs in the complex, thus correcting the major violations. Mr. Kulikowski asked if the Board of Health would agree to a continuance until November 21, by which time all violations would be corrected. Board of Health agreed. Case continued to November 21, 1979. were noted : 1-3-e, e•qe e1-:1t— S' r)- F S c . ) On a a. ) b. ) /a . ) C�k'' {o :a b cid.RuYe1 b.) 1-7-� c. ) 1?- ' August 17 , 1979 Reinspection of Hampton Manor reinspection on August 11, the following violations 1 . ) Building 8 Large crack third floor and moisture damage and deterioration on ceiling due to continual water leak . Wire conduit installation in hallway is faulty . Ii8302 - ceiling damage in apartment due to water leak. 2 . ) Building 6 Large water damaged area in third floor hallway ceiling. Ceiling deterioration in basement hall . Large amount of wall covering torm off the hallway wall . 3 . ) Building 5 0.0fAC1202 a .) #5102 - evidence of water leak. �-3 .,yo E G b . ) #5112 - 1/2 bath in townhouse severely water-damaged to such an extent that the bathroom cannot be used. A bucket is left under the light fixture to catch the falling water. 4 . ) Building 4 co444c1t,‘h. ) Third floor hallway ceiling has water leaks throughout. 5 . ) Building 3 c „;144 a. ) Third floor hallway ceiling has water damage. 6 . ) Building 1 "1 .s-» 2A6 Ca R.n.e c/ed a. ) ry-3-r° b . ) Light Water leaks around chandelier. missing in common hallway . This inspection revealed that March 9 , 1979 was not complied with. the violation notice sent /Zaz,n - August Reinspection of Hampton Manor 17 , 1979 On a reinspection on August 19 , the following are noted: violations 1 . ) Building 8 a . ) Large crack and moisture damage and deterioration third floor ceiling due to continual water leak . b . ) Wire conduit installation in hallway 5), c . ) #8302 - ceiling damage in apartment due S' 2 . ) Building 6 a . ) Large water damaged area in third floor hallway is faulty . leak . to water on ceiling. Ceiling deterioration in basement hall . PV 7Ee- 13e5.i<. r ,c. Large amount of wall covering torm off wall . the hallway 3 . ) Building 5 #5102 - evidence of water leak. #5112 - 1/2 bath in townhouse severely water-damaged to such an extent that the bathroom cannot be used . A bucket is left under the light fixture to catch the falling water. 4 . ) Building 4 a . ) Third floor hallway ceiling has water leaks throughout . 5. ) Building 3 Third floor hallway ceiling has water damage. 6 . ) Building 1 Water leaks around chandelier. Light missing in common hallway . This inspection revealed that the violation notice March 9 , 1979 was not complied with. sent RESULTS OF HEARING/BOARD OF HEALTH vs. EUGENE WEISS PLACE: Hampshire District Court 1ATE: September 25, 1979 'RESIDING: Charles J. Kulikowski - Clerk of District Court 'RESENT: Assistant City Solicitor Richard Mahar, Health Agent Peter J. McErlain, Code Enforcement Inspector Richard Gormely, Mark Levine, Representing Hampton Manor Mr. Kulikowski reviewed the case: 4 orders to correct violations were sent with no response from the owners violations have not been corrected to date more recent violations have been corrected and there is a definite improve- ment in maintenance procedures Mr. Levine stated that the owner (Mr. Weiss) was about to begin a resurfac- ing of all the roofs in the complex, thus correcting the major violations. Mr. Kulikowski asked if the Board of Health would agree to a continuance until November 21, by which time all violations would be corrected. Board of Health agreed. Case continued to November 21, 1979. BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date.' Time 3%Ss ComplainanTh tulim C)C./ C SKr Address 5.20E Prt✓Kf'2 t)t■ /llArW)< Tel. Nature of Complaint ef=, r-a � U.n� / fLlb lCY�+d Location of Premises .liir-! 2 rQlc 444,.M L Owner A km.Lk2427°'c' Asscc 8698.0& &Mess Address -PO- Tank. X32 L Nr..:) tr tk 2vo Occupant i2i3 tom-' iL'.t7L u�YLrr Taken by 17\-?.( fisted C.. C ly Referred to Date of inspection Stift i I Tim, 2 S Y INSPECTOR'S REPORT Ce.al/AO C ✓ciU/RS I14/04- rr/tovn J O t RcYr1Rr nv Ochriva 5. Action Taken i -a I ilY I 11 . 11 ' 1r 11' 1 ( 1N a .- - ,..9=7 T0: D i,r i3 EA1JhH Li OF 208 3panton North npton L.s ocjEi:.=nee Weiss — 1'1E_ spiTumaec1a,_1519 P. O. Sox 639. Latham, New York LN_Y. 12110 _— E.Si D T0: Debby '»'indol oski 5208 Hampton Manor_. Northampton, Mass, O'060 This is an important la.al document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto e um documento legal muito irnpoCan to que podere afectar os saus diraitos. Po deem adquirir uma tr=ducro deste documento de: Le s i ante est un important document Ic cal. II you rrait a:.e-ter vos droits. Vous pou:'ez obtenir une traduction de cart_ forne a: C_esto e un co.,- rem to ieSSie import ante. Pc ebb et-fat-to eui seoI dirini. Lei pub ottenere una teduzione di questo modulo a: Este rs un documento legal impor ante. Puede que afecte sus der-mhos. lid. Puede adquirir una tra_duccion de esta forma en: AUTO _ LVaL Eva cc;IO)'. O VOCLXO EYYP=r30 . _SCOEL vG I i , EiiiPaclEl TO VGittwarr¢S 5LkaLOLIa;n , 1°CCPELTE VQ ZapCTE _c: :oa "D c'TOU TOO EYYPC:mou rC-o TO 4 5203 Hampton 'ia-ror ,), for coo..__-. s111 rectify that t of sr 1)1 , .i.. in 121 L of r. e, and Article Ti of t'.. .?t-2_ - _. z—y Cede, you are hereby c rad So n t_ae -_ _ ___. h firs or _ _ t - `h a 3 party within five (5) =s `pt of this prior and to aa_ke a good faith effort to bs n+-.ally c.-":piste correction, within foirteen (1L) days of the receipt of this order, the _folioaing violatior:S -air- on v'_oT3°1en rtruloti 13.1 Ceiling falling in bathroom. Repair/or replace. 13.1 Ceiling and wall water stained Repair. and cracked in Living Room. 13.1 Sliding glass doors in Living Room had seal (vapor seal between glass) broken. Replace. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, T L flj r .,_ Richard A. Cormely Local Inspector QGOlDgv C.'RTIFI.=D MAIL .` 571__ 5203 Ranpton Manor cel ._ . 53 _ . _.1, for cc;r pl' . rih Article lI of the State Sanitary Code. _.•_s _ � ..er will cari.ify that the _ _,actions ._.awed violations, liet_d bel , _den are aecaca enough as to :aterially e;d=.nrer or cat_rially =air the y, ,.al'_-icing of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Mass. Cenral Laws, and Article II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby c-.-tiered to begin the necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (E) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (11) days of the receipt of this order, the following violations: Fez-ul_=lion Violation Seee=dy _a _;_ rra r'- 13.1 5ld,.\.4-Ceiling falling in bathroom. Repair/or replace. 13.1 Ceiling and wall water stained Repair. and cracked in Living Room. Wapi 13.]. Sliding glass doors in Living Room had seal (vapor seal between glass) broken. Replace. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. CERTIFIED MAIL # 234371 Very truly yours, W 4lRichard A,. Gormely Local Inspector t N DR t AI_ 1 '1_AINT - -Hn}q' CAUSE pte-r:.ber 17 , 1979 k Ellyn:-ss card annexed? Yes do Inter prcter n,rcdod? Yes No Lk„d against roc -!s for h._aring by eked c:,atnst indexes for record eked against any show cause case by c:rd for ony Pend nay ¢se by :':pI_t IN'ANT ne Peter J . McErla in, Health Agent IressNorthampton Board of Health 210 Main St. , Northampton , Ma . No. 5811-9071 on,eyAssi start City Solicitor Richard Mahar f we Statute reference G .L. , ill Sec. 127A ,icle TI of The State Sanitary Code perty of Reg . 13. 1 and others -.en crime committed ;rnplainant accompanied by Reported to police? Yes No Police investigation fender[ in custody? Yes_No Police represented by -nccss to issue DEFENDANT Owner of Tan:pton Manor Apts 80 Damon Road , Northampton , Ma . NameEugene Weiss (Northampton Address Box 639 Associates ) Latham , N .Y. ] 2110 Attorney Value (or) Person assaulted Where crime committed Warrant Bail $ Su:nmOns Returnable WARRANT INFORMATION ',i O',4 CAUSE Age: A --- - Summons mail Color: 9 vla Eyes: Hair: Show cause card police Height: Weight: Married or single: A.M . Occupation: P.M. RETURNABLE Social Security Number: Parties interested: RILE DESCRIPTION OF CRIME Latham N Y owner of r ne Weiss (Northampton Associates ) , Box 639 , a_.pton Manor Apartments has failed to correct the violations rn the foil owing notices : March 9 , Feb. 28 , and Jan . 26 . The roofs rrom h U to the complex are I n- . ng � ,sing, serious deterioration in :many apartments . other violations have been only partially corrected or not corrected at all . BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant Address C" 7t/=_._,.(. Nature of C SLV. q n Complaint Dat /igt- Time. el. 9xj7 Location off ' Pre- remises _-- s Owner _.. p ' Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection A_^, Referrep to INSPECTOR'S REPORT /12� -mu,F_s4A.(_ ( ( IV nr \u1HI111":i ' I Ci- ]CE U71'fHE 1�E11:I11 E 11 CE _ _.-. _. _3S ?CH 1` -.3 sil." AT 5,303 litpretton Senor 65ED TO: __Norfh pion_As o I E'i. ene_'d.eiss__ 'ATE_- _Sept r.goer 12,_.1579..- _Box. 6,39 Lennart New_York. N.. Y 17110 c C 1 TE ISSUED TO: Gail Funearoli 5303Harn tonManor Northam1nton, Mass. 01050 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isso e urn documento legal muito importante clue podera afectar os seus direitos. Pcdem adquirir uma traduceo deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document laical. II pourrait effecter vos dr sits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Duesto z un documento lecale importante. Potrebbe avere efietto sui saoi dirirti. Li puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que af_cte sus derechos. Lid. Puede adquirir una treduccidn de esta forma en: AUTO E!VOL EVO G1cas)rtZO votitzO EYYpa'30 . Y-OGEE V6 1 - ElLrtp E¢OEL TO VoPLZ^ioac SLYatcettapa, ;!AOPEL .E Vd 1 , ,TOEPt T Itatacopelafo GUtou roc EYYpruou 01I0 TO ,( Ipt 1 .r j,Z Ecaisd of n, _ t =Pn. N-1 J =f 210 — c -t -- Tel o. 50 -.DS a. Haepton.Yanor- -._el 53 .)> for - pi _ eitn krticle IT of ea:-d of i. --1tn ?-.': t-s at 18.D_ State Senitpsy - . ._ . ad :i.oThtions, :Meted -._. ,ally ieptir :he a �- I:ier authority of Chapter ill, -. - pion 1[7 i of tIe and Article II of the crate Sanitary Code, you are herety ordered to 'c >Rin the rocomary s or contrast ith a third party within five (5) days of re- 't of this order and to eale a good faith correction, vithin fourteen (114) days of tdke r'_o'ations: 'u7eti on Viotstdon effort to sabstaatially complete receipt of this order, the folic«ing 13.1 Ceilings in kitchen, bedroom, hallway to bed room/due to water damage. stained 13.1 Ceilings in liviri om and bathroom water stained with nail popping through and cracks in ceiling. 13.1 Balcony rotten, loose, and unsafe for u e. Iw • nM W'V'^'9"'° If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to this office, Repair cause of leak. Repair. Replace. Very truly yours, ',':6 Richard A, Gormely Local Inspector r CERTIFIED MAIL if 234371 call s _5303 P_s an F or -_ 1 53 .), f for _crTs _ _ ._ th Art ._ _ IT cf tha State Sthihry - - • 78 D i —.r, which are seriems ehmtsh as to tmteBally _: _ or _r:._l. y the of . .. ... T-.-.e=, aat;'v_ ity of - . `er 171, Sect ti on 127L m = _ � . � ral and Article IT of the f.,_.... Sanitary Code, you are here--by crdored to ,.n a third -pasty within five (5) days of the he ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (11) days of t e receipt of this order, the follc.ing -aolati ons oaalation Violation 13.1 Ceilings in kitchen, bedroom, hallway to bed Repair cause of leak. room/due to water damage, stained 13.1 -Ceilings in living room and bathroom water Repair. If stained with nails popping through and cracks in ceiling. 13.1 Balcony rotten, loose, and unsafe for use. Replace. If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, 220, Richard A. Gormely � Local Inspector CERTIFIED MAIL #` 234371 %1' ' The :7or.. _: sn 5oard of ...=_lth has -1-.E,_c, 3d the _=s at 5'io8 np4-on Mara _ _ , Portharpton (ae_e scr' s nap 18 D r-,reel 53 •), for co-pliance with Article II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter sill certify that the insp-ctio:s repealed violations, listed below, »•hich are serious enough as to materially endznger or r.aterially inpair the health, safety, and wei'_bems of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127L of the Yass. General Laws, and Article II of the Sate Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the necessary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete correction, within fourteen (14) days of tpe receipt of this order, the following violations: Regulation Violation Ready o p. :;y ter 6 13.1 Ceilings in kitchen, bedroom, hallway to bed Repair cause of leak. 5•.� '7_ii rost/in dto water damage. 13.1 Ceilings in living room and bathroom water Repair. , 3('�'stained with nails popping through and cracks in ceiling. S 13.1 Balcony rotten, loose, and unsafe for use. Replace. 5 `I If I may be of any further assistance don't hesitate to call this office. CERTIFIED MAIL # 234371 Very truly yours, ' Richard A. Gormely 6/ Local Inspector BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant — Address . atIIri Nature of Complaint Date.—/-L- /(--; Time Location of Premises — Owner _ //+-+Lei fl-1-i Address lr.�j i.s c Occupant Taken by Date of inspection \4 i Tel CtL. /71.F...plc)J Referred to //-/q- Time //, w INSPECTOR'S REPORT CC- / fu,: C Lai L� . Action Taken U Inspector November 19, 1979 Brian Davis 6104 Hampton Manor Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Davis' Upon complaint of gas fumes, myself and Captain Larry Jones, of the Northampton Fire Department, went to Building 6 to check on a motorcycle in the building. A motorcycle with a registration belonging to you was found under the stairwell opposite Apartment 6104 Hampton Manor, We spoke with a tenant of this apartment and found you had made an attempt to remove the vehicle. were also adviaed that you will be removing said vehicle by y, Please notify this office Wednesday upon completion of removal of this Code and violation. This l Fire of Article iation the State Sanitary Code. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours. Richard A. Cormely Code Enforcement Inspector cos Captain Larry Jones CERTIFIED MAIL 4274}90 There sre no fire alarms of any type anywhere on the. gran\ds or in the buildings, which are now required by law! A fire door in one of the buildings is cemented OPEN and cannot be closed in case of fire--ANOTHER SAFETY HAZARD, and with so many lives at stakes In the summer, lawns are not raked after mowing, thus, grass is tracked into the carpeted hallways. Shrubs aro dying from lack of care and are not replaced. It's a shame that good ::. nay is being tasted on such POOR fYd:AGEVT-NT. These are attractive c ; are nts, but re beco-iig so ra o n nd dirty that they will soot beo,:e a slum area. Cos-p! dnts have previously gone to Arron, with no results. Tenants have either bean ignored or told that he can't be bothered with any problems as long as the rents come in. We do hope you will investigate our situation and insure that proper and substantial improvements will be rade in the near future. We would appreciate a reply as to what action will be taken to correct this matter--reply can be directed to !`rs. Shirley Kelley, Apt 6304. Sincerely THE TENANTS OF HfrJPTON !MANOR BUILDING I 2 • Northampton Associates 800-19 North Loudon Road January 22, 1979 Latham NY 12110 Dear U?r. r'eiss We, the undersigned, would like to call Fo�erha`eet eee in contact deplorable conditions at Hampton ar'nor. Cade to been the with an attorney and, if changes in escrow conditions here, rents will be withheld and placed until conditions do irrprove. phone. One even It appears that the management--Mr. & j•^,rs. Lyle Pierce--are on a joy ridel Des. Pierce ygetting seldom in response office or via the answering service. Yet, the difficulty g g m. When one does get the office hours are posted as 10e12 a.m. and 1-5 p. through to report problems, the message is seldom passed on to the maintenance men. Repairs usually get done one when one reports the problem directly to are limited to nen they can who can dowit without permission of d thodmanagement. Mr. Lyle Pierce is seldom on the grounds or on call. On January 1979, s`oppingamallaparkingnlotuwith in a Fanorecom�panyt�truck,lwhile large rly the pp 8 st veled ,or cleared nofl snow and iced Ai sidewalks ot SAFETY HAZARD! One could k not easily break a leg or a hip just walking to the cars or the trash containers (which are frozen shut at times). The hallways of the buildings are a disgrace--carpets are dirty and worn; wallpaper windows and light 1;ght bulbsrare burned.outbtA nthechalls and stairways; most security On the doors e not n working order. The laundry rooms are ready for a visit from the Board of Health. hachines and ft are filthyl Fachines are in poor working condition and I I I seldom repaired w h e n broken. ev li apartr.entso TYHAZARD, Their roofs dripping shouldhave a abeenrepairedl longs and ago, as they have leaked for tv ai yeas` The seals on many sliding glass doors are glass. ?n, causing water and moisture to condense between the panes of g urtains can eta$1 � 1,J n rai There is no winterizing of the apart" � U i seen blowing r�the rafts J RECEIn ` JANE is JAN 23 1979 11 3 BOARD of HEALTH i U _ F' t10RTHAA%. oEP:RTH'1frION A 0 I PH (,r Nuhl13.U71' i � S / r• tiSAU 1L'S)1IS ti A r _n OC ELI-,RN 0u ;o BOARD ur TEL. (4]1;is TLIEH J. �tcen�' . lit(1107 Ap January 26, 1979 Northampton Associates c/o P,ugene L'eiss P. 0, Box 639 Latham, New York, 12110 Dcar rr. Weiss: nakin an inspection Wednesday January 24, 1979. This inspection was nclosed is a list of several violations we found while of Hulttof saver 1ptenantss on Y . l th, a result of several tenants raking a joint complaint to 'ooth our office and the office of the wilding Inspectors concerning conditions throughout the comp that some of the complaints about leaky roofs, dirty Through our inspection and speaking to several of the tenants in the different evidence of e ent for years with buildings, there is e' have been logged with the �-. „- halls, loose railings, etc. , little results. -. This has been a very wet and rainy winter, but we could see that a lot of the garage that has been the is not the result of one season's rains, but many years tlu'obing All the City inspectors that were present entoat Health inspecttnnd 1.usein the Inspector,in, Ictor) al of Heeds, Building g '.lousing Inspector) all weed that the general maintenance and up e ep of the complex has been very poor and if the maintenance program is not upgraded substantially the entire complex will continue to suffer various forms of deterioration, poor: papers, trash and The general sanitation in the onmr,on areas was very scattered soap containers, Both of these areas have lied, were found in several were the co:mop he hallways, your responsibility, lint, soda cans, and trash eane ndusd in themannerras is rooms. not been maintained in a clean and sanitary We look forward to a quick abatement of all these violations and a general up grading of your raintenance of the whole complex, Very truly yours, Richard J, Puncochar Housing Inspector mem