113 #3 Complaint Info 12/11 Ted Covi&24 /0 ( 4 _ l ek ovv;M4 Ito 's 4,n k A:0 filiim,J Liew _t d L_ Is f y.lw./t D)• dL0-4-Q LA t d& ' cUi`P Gticc.g ,Xarriott. PHILADELPHIA DOWNTOWN BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: I Time: Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: Address: Tel: NATURE 113 /" OF COMPLAINT: SS2 - rg) aa- Location: Owner: Address: Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: o,,,,.ohe,e„IT.F., Check U Pt YES I Action Taken: O Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM HI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, RECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 • FAX(413)587-1221 %'J not Sen ny Mrr,nnn V?. O. 6oY FCR3 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE NO(thangAlp\ MA- GIOIA I Re: COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS Dear MS. Mrns..wr 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 On ■m.10ik{ May n 7402" an initial Housing Inspection was made at'the property located at i Refs+ St owned or operated by you. Violations were observed and an enforcement letter with correction orders was mailed to you on -e coo per • 2o0 r in o�fA wc� rwdad A on Sciniant 9 , 3DD9 All violations noted in the repo Vecewtb.4.r 9, z€z fs- enforcement letter were found to be corrected and therefore, please note that you have complied with all of the correction orders issued in the inspection report. This letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at my office. Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS FLEITMAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM RECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH rHl SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 December 9, 2008 Jenny Miriam P.O. Box 833 Northampton, MA 01061 Re: 113 Market St Unit 3 Dear Ms Miriam, I off, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 We received a complaint regarding the heating unit that serves 113 Market Street Apartment 3. I conducted an inspection on Monday November 17, 2008 and determined that the heating unit it very old. My observations include no observable filter, and what seems to be piping pulling the air for the unit from beneath the foundation. Order: You must have the heating unit tested by an heating, ventilation, air conditioning certified technician (HVAC)within seven days. Please provide the Board of Health with a written copy of the inspection report as well as an invoice noting the repairs that have been made to bring the unit into compliance. The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000. State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order of this Board issued to you in the above paragraph by DECEMBER 23, 2008. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. You are entitled to request a hearing in writing if you disagree with this order. Please feel free to contact me at 587-1214, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector CC: Building Inspector, Madelyne Camera Certified letter number: 7006 2760 0005 2243 0318 )GNARELLI HEATING & COOLING 123 AVENUE A TURNERS FALLS, MA 01376 (413) 863-2295 Fax (413) 863-4800 (n aws 1 7/iil HVAC SERVICE ORDER INVOICE 1037 G.D.G. CHARGE NO CHARGE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST WORK PERFORMED WORK PERFORMED aTY CONDENSING UNIT COED' ATE DRAIN EI.e==DRE AM. P.M. MATERIALS 8 SERVICES IGERANTR- LRS f �s ke 0 TOTAL $ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED .er craii Gips rACfifz RS RS 5 FURN OR FA i EAU" COI 3, TOTAL MATERIALS f e a iZi51a1 . ; — P �— -ex r' o' ..rE For crcL.ck3 area lams k t ,:TD aper4A-lovt 4 o : n.cX \-e Cook RECOMMENDATIONS DUCT THERMOSTAT REP AUD /J LABOR RATE AMOUNT go TOTAL LABOR 2..4 ELECT HTR. CLC TOWER PUMP SBIB LIMITED WARRANTY: All materials, parts and equipment are warranted by the manufacturers' or suppliers' written warranty only. All labor performed by the above named TOTAL company is warranted for 30 days or MATERIALS otherwise indicated In writing The above named TOTAL company makes no other warranties. express LABOR or Implied. and its agents or technicians are not authorized to make any such warranties on behalf of above named company. TRAVEL CHARGE FILTERS TOTAL SUMMARY REGULAR SERVICE CONTRACT ARRANT,/ JO.5- zsto TAX 7 TOTAL 3