MA State Barraks 1992-2007 DANIEL S. GREENBAGM Commissioner JOHN J. HIGGINS Regional Director Exxon Company, Inc. 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149 e_Tize Join nonarecia 9tSa4 ee,,esteesL et tara 9L.d redlese Redzwit 4/.952 ._ie 4€» h' .d 0/103 %7/9/ 7dY--//00 December 24, 1992 Re: Northampton - ER W92-566 764 North King Street Exxon Service Station M.G.L. Chapter 21E Attention: Charles M. Beck von Peccoz REVIEW OF REPORT Dear Mr. Beck von Peccoz: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup - Emergency Response Section (the Department) has received a summary report regarding the Exxon Service Station located at 764 North King Street, Northampton, Massachusetts. The report was prepared by Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) of West Springfield and submitted on November 19, 1992 on behalf of Exxon, Company (Exxon) . As part of additional environmental assessment, GTI installed two groundwater monitoring wells (GT-101 and GT-102) , gauged all six wells for the presence of free phase gasoline and sampled the groundwater from four of the six wells and submitted the samples for analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon content (TPH) and for EPA Method 602, including methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) . Soil samples were composited from the installation of the two wells and analyzed for EPA Method 8015 including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) and MTBE, which were non- detectable. Upon completion, the wells were gauged and only OW-2 contained free phase petroleum at a thickness of 0. 01 feet. GTI collected groundwater samples from four wells on October 16, 1992. OW-1 was non-detectable for all analyses, OW-3 contained 3 , 670 ppb (parts per billion) of BTEX and 529 ppb of MTBE, GT-101 only contained 4 . 1 ppb of BTEX, GT-102 contained 34 ppb of BTEX and 3 . 9 ppb of MTBE. All wells were non-detectable for TPH. MTBE was not detected in the previous groundwater analyses performed in 7/20/89 by IT Corporation. On December 2, 1992 , Department personnel obtained information from the Northampton Fire Department (NFD) concerning an underground gasoline storage tank system located at 764 North King Street, Northampton. The NFD stated that they were notified in March of 1992 that Exxon failed a tightness test, which was performed by Techna, Inc. , on piping connected to an underground gasoline _ storage tank system. The pipeline was subsequently repaired an re- tested as tight. On March 27, 1992, the Department was notified by Geological Services Corporation concerning the discoverance of gasoline-contaminated soil during the installation of a Stage II Vapor Recovery System at the station. The Department was not notified concerning the tightness test failure of the above mentioned pipeline. As stated above, MTBE was not detected in the previous groundwater analyses, but was detected in two wells (OW-3 and GT-102) in t' 10/16/92 groundwater analyses. The recent detection of MTBE is indicative of a release of gasoline since 7/20/89 and may be attributed to the gasoline pipeline leak in March of 1992 . The Department has determined that the following actions must be performed. 1) Exxon shall gauge all on-site groundwater monitoring wells for the presence of free phase floating petroleum product. All wells containing free phase product shall be bailed of product and then gauged a week later. Exxon shall submit a summary report of the findings from the above work. The report shall include a proposal for further gauging and bailing, if necessary; 2) Exxon shall submit to the Department all documentation regarding the tightness testing of all on-site underground storage tanks and associated pipelines for the last year. Also, include dates for further proposed tightness testing. If you have any questions concerning this matter , please contact Ben Fish of the Emergency Response Section at the above telephone number or address. BF/bf P:nhampexx.ror cc: Northampton Fire Department Northampton Board of Health David A. S-iT wick Section Chief Emergency Response Section Co Primed on aecycied P.pe, DANIEL S. GREENBAUM Commissioner JOHN J. HIGGINS Regional Pit odor c/7 'arn wni(1P2.m t o �� , r a.Side ,Ae.. ,� .. Gl -,.mod. 8/783 /.773/ 7c9.7-//86' May 6, 1992 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT REPLY NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton„ MA 01060 RE: Northampton - W92-141 SA 01-0973 State Police Barracks Route 5/North King Street M.G.L. c.21E Attention: Edward F. Podlovits NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY - DISPOSAL SITE Dear Mr. Podlovits, This letter concerns the release and/or threat of release of gasoline from an underground storage tank system located at the State Police Barracks on Route 5, Northampton, Massachusetts. BACKGROUND On March 3, 1992, the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response section ("the Department") was notified by Eric Dahlgren of GZA Remediation, Inc. (GZA) , that soil containing volatile organic compounds (VOC) was discovered during the removal of a 1,000 gallon waste oil underground storage tank. The soil was screened with a Photoionization Detector (PID) . The waste oil tank was located adjacent to two gasoline underground storage tanks planned for removal and replacement. Subsequently, Department personnel inspected the site during the waste oil tank removal operation. The tank was severely pitted and a perforation was noted on the side of the tank. Soil beneath the tank was screened with a PID and exhibited 178 parts per million (ppm) of VOC. on April 1, 1992, the Department was notified by GZA that a 4, 000 gallon gasoline underground storage tank was removed and the soils surrounding the tank were screened with a PID. Readings as high as 360 ppm of VOC were detected in the soil. The tank was approximately 40 years old and had failed a tank tightness test on May 17, 1991. The Department was not notified concerning failure of the test. In accordance with the MCP - 310 CMR 40.376, the Department must be notified concerning tanks that had test failures equal to or greater than 0.05 gallons per hour. This notification should have been made within two hours of the test failure. On April 27, 1992, Department personnel inspected the gasoline tank removal operation. The second gasoline tank had been removed. The tank was corroded, but no perforations were observed. Pip readings from soil beneath the tank exhibited levels as high as 400 ppm of VOC. During the Department's inspection, a floor drain system was located in the automobile service building. The discharge .point of the system could not be confirmed, but may discharge to a manhole covered drywell located outside the rear of the building. On May 1, 1992, the Department received a "Tank Removal Report" prepared by GZA on behalf of the Massachusetts State Police. The report includes laboratory analyses of post excavatory soil samples from the waste oil and gasoline tank pits. Analyses of the soil from the waste oil tank pit indicated 820 parts per billion (ppb) of toluene and 53,000 ppb of total xylenes. Analyses of the soil from the first gasoline tank pit indicated 19,000 ppb of benzene, 170,000 ppb of toluene, 44,000 ppb of ethylbenzene, 190,000 ppb of total xylenes and 4,400 ppm of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) . Approximately 1,000 tons of contaminated soil is currently stockpiled on-site pending disposal. These conditions described above constitute a release and/or threat of a release of oil or hazardous materials. The prevention and/or mitigation of such a release or threat of a release is governed by M.G.L. c.21E, and the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release, Prevention and Response Act" . The Department has determined that the this location is a confirmed Disposal Site. STATUTORY LIABILITIES The Department has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter, 'you" refe s to Massachusetts state Police are a potentially responsible party (a "PRP ''1 with liability under M.G.L. c. 21E, section 5, for the response action costs. Section 5 makes the following parties liable to the commonwealth: (1) current owners of operators of a site at which there has been a release or threat of release of oil or hazardous material; (2) former owners or operators of a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of and from which there is or has been a release or threat of release of hazardous material; (3) any person who arranged for transport, disposal, storage, or treatment of hazardous material to a site at which there is or has been a release or threat of release of hazardous material; (4) any person who transported hazardous material to a transport, disposal, storage or treatment site at which there is or has been a release or threat of release of hazardous material; and (5) any person who otherwise caused or is responsible for release or threat of release of oil or hazardous material at a site. This liability is strict, meaning it is not based on fault but solely on your status as an owner, operator, generator, transporter or disposer. It is also joint and several, meaning that you may be liable for all response action costs incurred at a site even if there are other parties who are also liable. In addition to your liability for up to three (3) times the response action costs incurred by the Department, you may also be liable for damages for impairment of natural resources. Additional liability may also be imposed under M.G.L. ch. 21E, section 11 and other laws for each violation of c . 21E or other laws, or under M.G.L. c. 21A, section 16, for violations of c. 21E, and other statutes, regulations, orders or approvals. The Department encourages parties with liabilities under M.G.L. c. 21E to provide or arrange for response actions. The Department is authorized pursuant to M.G.L. ch. 21E sections 3A(j) and 4 to take such response actions at the site as -it deems necessary should you fail to respond to the release/threat of release in an appropriate and timely manner. If the Department is forced to respond to the release/threat of release, you will be liable for a minimum of $1,000.00 in response action costs in addition to any contractor costs the Department incurs. DETERMINATIONS AND NECESSARY ACTIONS (1) By no later than 90 days from the date of this letter, perform a Preliminary Assessment and Phase I - Limited Site Investigation in accordance with 310 CMR 40.541 and 40.543, respectively. The need for Short Term Measures (310 CMR 40.542) should be evaluated throughout this process. The final report should include a completed.. Interim Disposal Site classification System form (310 CMR 40.544) and a scope of work for a Phase II - Comprehensive site Assessment (310 CMR 40.545) , if needed. (2) The Department has determined that a Short Term Measure (STM) is warranted at this site in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) - 310 CMR 40.00. The STM is warranted due to the significant levels of gasoline constituents remaining in the soil-in the vicinity of the gasoline tank farm. By no later than June 1, 1992, retain an environmental consultant to perform a Soil Gas Survey (SGS) to detect the gasoline vapor concentrations in the soil. The horizontal extent of gasoline vapors in the soil shall be mapped as to define the plume of gasoline contamination. The need for an additional STM shall be subsequently evaluated based upon the horizontal extent and concentrations of the gasoline vapors. (3) By no later than June 1, 1992, the floor drain system shall be investigated to determine the discharge point. The floor drain system must be closed in accordance with the Department's Underground Injection Control Program (310 CMR 27.00) . (4) By no later than 15 days after completion of required actions 1(2) and R(3) , submit a follow-up report to the Department concerning the findings of both investigations. Depending on the information generated by the above work, the Department may require additional investigations, studies, and actions. If you fail to take these actions or if you fail to perform these tasks in accordance with the Department's requirements, the Department may, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 21E, have the work performed by its contractor. If you intend to undertake the required actions, you must notify the Department in writing of your intent no later than seven (7) business days from the date you receive this letter and contract with an environmental consultant. Prior to undertaking any actions at this site, your consultant must contact the person listed in the last paragraph of this letter and explain how he/she intends to proceed in the assessment/cleanup of this release. If the Department does not hear from you within the time specified above, the Department will assume that you have refused to accept responsibility for the release/threat of release. The Department will soon thereafter commence response actions and will expect to recover to the full extent of the liability set forth above. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ben Fish of the Regional Emergency Response section at the letterhead address. Please refer to case number SA 1-0973. Very truly yours, Catherine Wanat Acting Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Clean-up BF/bf P:/nhampsp:-nor Certified I P 706 689 674, Return Receipt Requested cc: -BWSC, Boston Northampton Board of Health Mary Ford, Mayor of Northampton Northampton Fire Department Debra Kennedy, 1641 Center Street Ludlow, MA 01056 John Carlson, Deputy commissioner and Ted Anthony Executive Office for Administration S Finance Division of Capital Planning & Operations Office of Facilities management One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 DANIEL S.GREENBAUM Commissioner JOHN J. HIGGINS Reglonv area, ewe$ -99&v"60ezt Ion .9et,4e, 1/.36 g .ft.i%ne€ ,, .7 .eh' 0//03 /ff/3/ 7Bf4//OO July 1, 1993 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Capital Planning & Op One Ashburton Place Room 1519 Boston, MA 02108 Attn: Bill Alpine Gentlemen: erations Re: Northampton- SA9 1-0973 Mass. State Police Barracks 555 North King Street Review of Phase I Report The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (the "Department") has received on June 2, 1993, a Preliminary Assessment and Phase I- Limited Site Investigation report for the Massachusetts state Police Barracks, 555 North King Street, Northampton, MA. The report was prepared by H+GCL, Inc. of Boston, MA on behalf of the Division of capital Planning & operations (DCPO) , and was submitted in response to a Notice of Responsibility, dated May 6, 1992, which was issued to DCPO by the Department. A review of the submittal by Department personnel indicates that additional information is necessary to address the requirements of the May 6, 1992 NOR. A memorandum summarizing the Department's review is attached for your reference. The additional information outlined in the Department's June 15, 1993 memorandum as well as a scope of work for any additional subsurface investigation, removal of the floor drain/drywell system and the proposed soil venting system must be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days from the date you receive this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Steven Cooperman or the undersigned of this office. DAS/ds P:spbrev enclosure 70ry truly^ y David A. Section Chief Emergency Response cc: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department Mayor of Northampton Mass. State Police- Edward Podlovits (w/ enclosure) H+GCL, Inc.- Chris Nichols (w/ enclosure) Anna Symington William F. Weld Governor Daniel S.Greenbaum Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office January 11, 1994 Exxon Company, U.S.A. 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149 Attention: Charles M. Beck von Peccoz RE: Northampton (L) Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Site #:1-0743 Review of Report REVIEW OF REPORT Dear Mr. Beck von Peccoz: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section ("the Department") received the "10/8/93 Groundwater Monitoring Report" on November 5, 1993, for the Exxon Service Station located at 764 North King Street in Northampton, Massachusetts. The report was prepared and submitted in your behalf by Groundwater Technology, Inc: (GTI) of Windsor, CT. Department review of the report indicated the following information. Groundwater samples were obtained from five of the six monitoring wells. Well OW-4 was dry. The five samples were analyzed per EPA Method 602 - volatile organic compounds (VOC) plus methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) . Laboratory analyses of the groundwater samples indicated the following: Notes: BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes BDL = Below detectable Limit Concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) Also provided in the report were groundwater analyses from sampling rounds dated October 16, 1992 and April 6, 1993. BTEX and MTBE concentrations in OW-3 have significantly increased over the past year. BTEX concentrations in OW-2 are also elevated although the concentrations were consistent over the past two sampling rounds. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 OW-1 OW-2 OW-3 GT-101 GT-102 Total BTEX BDL 20,000 30, 000 9.6 140 MTBE BDL 1, 000 1, 000 BDL BDL Notes: BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes BDL = Below detectable Limit Concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) Also provided in the report were groundwater analyses from sampling rounds dated October 16, 1992 and April 6, 1993. BTEX and MTBE concentrations in OW-3 have significantly increased over the past year. BTEX concentrations in OW-2 are also elevated although the concentrations were consistent over the past two sampling rounds. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 -2- According to Figure #1 - Groundwater Contour Map in the report, OW-3 is located downgradient of the existing underground gasoline storage tank (UST) farm. OW-2 is also located downgradient of the UST farm and the gasoline dispenser/pump islands. OW-2 is located within 10 feet of the east property boundary and in the close proximity of North King Street. At this time it is unknown if gasoline- contaminated groundwater has migrated off-site due to the lack of off-site groundwater monitoring wells. Potential downgradient receptors of the contamination from this site include subsurface municipal utilities beneath North King Street and wetland and/or surface water bodies located on the opposite side North King Street. Based upon the above information, the Department has determined that a condition of "Substantial Release Migration" (SRM) currently exists at the site in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40.0413 . The Department requires that an Immediate Response Action (IRA) be implemented at this site due to the SAM condition. An Immediate Response Action Plan (IRAP) must be submitted within 30 days of receipt of this letter for Departmental review and approval. The IRAP shall be prepared in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0424 . On November 17, 1993, the Department was verbally notified by GTI concerning the removal of gasoline LISTS at the site. GTI performed the work without written Department approval to perform a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) at this site. The Department verbally approved the RAM. GTI agreed to retroactively submit a RAM Plan, the appropriate fee, and an UST removal report to the Department. If you Regional Emergency questions Re ponse regaring tats the above address or Ben Fish of the 413-784-1100 ext. 285. rs trul BF/bf/mr P:nhamp743 .srm cc: orthampton Fire Department Northampton Board of Health GTI, David Sherman vid A. Section Chief Emergency Response a William F. Weld Governor Daniel S.Greenbaum Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office March 1, 1994 Exxon Company, USA 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149-5526 Attention: Charles M. Beck Von Peccoz RE: Northampton Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Site #: 1-0743 IRA Plan Approval Dear Mr. Beck Von Peccoz: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section ("the Department") received a proposal on February 14, 1994 for -the approval of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) Plan for the Exxon n ervice Station located at 764 North Main Street in Northampton, The IRA proposal was prepared in your behalf by Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) . The IRA consists of the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells hydraulically downgradient of the site. Soil samples will be collected at five foot intervals and field screened with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID) . The highest concentrations will be submitted for analyses by EPA Method 8020 plus methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) . The groundwater from the wells will be analyzed by EPA Method 624, plus MTBE. Additional samples will be obtained for a petroleum hydrocarbon screen (GC/FID) . The Department approves of the proposed IRA with the following conditions: 1) Complete the IRA by no later than April 29, 1994; 2) Submit to the Department a IRA Completion Report within 30 days of completion of the IRA. If you Regional Emergency Response regarding Section the above address contact r 413-784-1100£ext. 285. BF/bf/mr P:nhamp743.ira cc: Northampton Fire Department Northampton Board of Health GTI, David Sherman Y tru vid A. Sloes ck Section Chief Emergency Response 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)7114-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY ® Groundwater Technology,Inc. March 23, 1994 Office Of The Mayor Town Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Kennedy Business Park II,431(F)Hayden Station Road.Windsor,CT 06095 USA Tel:(203)688-1151 Fax:(203)688.8239 Refer: 01122-5201 Subject: DEP Site No. 1-0743 Former Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts To Whom It May Concern: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in correspondence dated January 11, 1994, informed the Northampton Board Of Health and the Fire Department that a condition of"Substantial Release Migration" (SRM) exists at the above referenced property in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40.0413. In accordance with the requirements of 310 CMR 40.1400, please accept this correspondence as notification that an Immediate Response Action Plan (IRAP) has been filed and approved by the DEP in response to the SRM. The TRAP includes the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells with associated soil and groundwater sampling. Copies of all applicable project submittals are available for review at the DEP's Western Regional Office in Springfield, Massachusetts. If you have any comments or questions regarding the Northampton site, please call me. Sincerely, Ground Tee gy, In . David B. Sherman Staff Geologist Project Manager DES/car Enon2J1 Copy: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department Mr. David A. Slowick, Department of Environmental Protection Mr. Charles M. Beck von Peccoz Exxon Company U.S.A. (Ordinal document printed on recycled paper) Offices throughout the O.S..Canada and Overseas a GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY ® April 26, 1994 Groundwater Technology,Inc. Kennedy Business Park II,431(F)Hayden Station Road,Windsor,CT 06095 USA Teh 4203)688-1151 Fax:(203)688-8239 Refer: 01122-5201 Mr. Ben Fish Massachusetts DEP 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Subject: Groundwater Analytical Requirements IRA Plan Approval Former Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts R/S 3-5002 DEP Site N2 1-0743 Dear Mr. Fish: In response to our telephone conversation on April 14, 1994, this letter serves to confirm the groundwater analytical requirements associated with the approved Immediate Response Action Plan (IRAP) at the above referenced Northampton location. The proposed IRAP prepared by Groundwater Technology, Inc. for E ocon Company U.S.A. indicated that all groundwater monitoring wells at the site would be sampled and analyzed for volatile organic compounds according to EPA Method 602 (including methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)) plus a petroleum hydrocarbon screen utilizing a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (TPH GC/FID). Correspondence from the Department dated March 1, 1994 indicated that the groundwater monitoring wells were to be sampled according to EPA Method 624 including MTBE plus TPH GC/FID. Based on our conversation (April 14, 1994) the confirmed groundwater analysis is EPA Method 602 including MTBE and TPH GC/FID. Following receipt of the groundwater laboratory analytical data, an IRA Completion Statement and report will be prepared and submitted to the Department within the 30-day time period. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact our office. Sincerely, Groundwat Tech gy, Inc. Aceir David B. S •- man Staff Geologist Project Manager Copy: Mr. Charles M. Beck von Peccoz, boron Company U.S.A. Northampton Fire Department Northampton Board of Health Exxon2.41 Offices throughout the LS,Canada and Overseas JUN 1 5 1994 uui�ciS1.711 Li:61 GROUNDWATER 11 TECHNOLOGY Groundwater Technology.Inc. Kennedy Business Park II,431(F)Hayden e�(203)688-1151 t Fax:(203)688-8239 Refer 01122-5201 June 13, 1994 Office Of The Mayor Town Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Immediate a NRe Rsponse Action Completion Statement DEP 764 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts To Whom It May Concern: In accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40.0000, please accept this Statement for the above referenced t the Northampton of the Immediate Response Action Completion The Completion Statement with supporting documentation is available for review at the ffice in Massachusetts Springfield, MasDsacchusetts. o r If you have any ques Protection (MADEP) ionsregard regarding this corre pondence f , please contact our office. Sincerely, Groundwater Technology, Inc. "'AC' David B. Sherman Staff Geologist Project Manager Copy: Northampton Board of Health Mr. Ben Fish, MADEP Mr. Charles M. Beck von Peccoz Eiocon Company U.S.A 0ffices throughout the L'S.,Canada and Overseas William F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe Sec,elery, EOEA Thomas B. Powers Acting Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office Exxon Company, U.S.A. 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149 Attn: Charles M. Beck von Peccoz March 23, 1995 Re: Northampton; 1-0743; RAM Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street NON-WE-95-3032 NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE This is an important notice. Promptly respond to any requests contained in this letter. Failure to respond to these requests could result in serious legal consequences. Dear Mr. Beck von Peccoz: On December 28, 1994, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection issued a Notice of Audit informing you that the Department was conducting an audit of certain activities related to the disposal site referenced above pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1100. That audit is now complete. The purpose of this notice is to explain the results of the audit. The audit included a review of the following: • Release Abatement Measure (RAM) The audit consisted of the following activities: • A review of the following documents: Phase I Report dated September 7, 1989 and Preliminary Assessment Report, received January 17, 1990. Status Reports/Groundwater Monitoring Reports RAM Plan (and Transmittal Form), received January 31, 1994. 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 (Lewis Streeter, LSP 6466, of GTI) Tank Removal Report/RAM Completion Report, received February 7, 1994. (GTI) RAM Completion Statement form, received February 7, 1994. (Lewis Streeter, LSP) LSP Evaluation Opinion Transmittal form for the above RAM, received March 8, 1994. (Lewis Streeter, LSP) Response to December 28, 1994 Notice of Audit (NOA)/Request for Information (RFI), received January 4, 1995. (GTI) The issuance of a Notice of Audit (NOA) and Request For Information (RFI) on December 28, 1994. SUMMARY/STATUS OF RESPONSE ACTIONS Current Site Status The site is currently listed by the Department as a Location To Be Investigated (LTBI). Prior to late 1993, it was used as a retail gasoline sales station. Currently, it is vacant. A waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was located on the east side of building. Fuel oil and gasoline USTs were located on the north side of the building. A drywell and an oil/water separator (OWS) were located on the south side of building. The USTs, drywell, and OWS were removed from the site in 1992 and 1993. There are 2 sea.onal streams (1 north and 1 south) within a 1/4 mile radius of the site. The Connecticut River is located approximately 6.5 mile south-southeast of the site. There is an unnamed lake approximately 3000 feet east of the site which appears to be associated with the Mill River and adjacent wetlands. There are wetlands are located approximately 1000 feet west and 1500 feet east of the site. (from Phase I report) Phase I Investigations The initial Phase I investigations were conducted under the supervision of IT Environmental Services Inc. of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Three monitoring wells (OW-1, 2 and 3) were installed on July 13, 1989. OW-1 and 2 were located near the tank field area and OW-2 was located near the pump islands. Selected soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Benzene was detected at 20 ug/kg and xylenes at 70 ug/kg in the sample from boring OW- 2. The wells were gauged on July 20 and 28, 1989, sampled on July 20, 1989, and analyzed for BTEX. IT measured a depth to groundwater of 19 to 20 feet and calculated that groundwater flowed to the northeast. No separate phase product was found in any of the wells. BTEX was detected at 52 ug/L for OW-1, at 3527 ug/L for OW-2 and at 1283 ug/L for OW-3. Status/Groundwater Monit ring Reocrts November 17, 1992 Report Two additional monitoring wells (GT-101 and GT-102) were installed. Well GT-102 was located in the area around the waste oil UST and GT-101 was located to the south of the waste oil UST. Soil samples from these d a BTEX and methyl d were for ether (MTBE). The site wells we re gauged and of these were sampled on October 16, 1992. Floating product fou nd in OW-2 at a thickness of 0.01 feet. The groundwater samples were analyzed for TPH and MTBE. The analysis results are summarized in the table at the end of this section. This report was received by the Department, but currently only the first page of the report is in the Department's files (the body of the report is missing). April 27, 1993 Report and sampled on April 6, 1993. No separate phase All six on-site monitoring wells were gauged P petroleum product was detected. The depth to groundwater ranged from approximately 9 to 18 feet below grade. Groundwater Technology, Inc. (GTI) calculated that groundwater flowed to the east. The groundwater samples were analyzed for total hydrocarbons and for BTEX plus MTBE. Total hydrocarbons ranged from 3.1 to 52,000 ug/L. The BTEX and MTBE results are summarized in the table at the end of this section. November 3, 1993 Report All six on-site monitoring wells were gauged and sampled on October 8, 1993. A sheen was observed on OW-2. Depth to groundwater ranged from 22 to 25 feet. GTI calculated that groundwater flowed approximately east across the site. Groundwater samples were analyzed for BTEX plus MTBE. The analysis results are summarized in the table at the end of this section. December 8, 1994 Report and sampled on October 14, 1994. No Eight of nine on and off-site monitoring wells were gauged a Depth to groundwater sampled O beer 14 from separate phase petroleum was detected. OW-4 was dry. P _ site. The groundwater samples were analyzed fora X pt MTBE. Total BTEX flowed summarized tin the table at the end of this section. February 16, 1995 Report (most recent groundwater sampled on January results)a 24, 1995. No The nine on and off-site monitoring wells were gauged Depth on Janua r 24, 19 from separate-phase petroleum was detected. OW-4 was dry. p groundwater flowed to the east. approximately 16.8 to 22.7 feet below grade. GTI calculated that The ndwat for benzene,ed to he east, The groundwater samples were analyzed for BTEX plus benzene, xylenes and MTBE are summarized in the following table. Total BTEX is summarized in the table at the end of this section. Summary of Analysis Results For Groundwater Samples Collected on January 24,1994 Parameter OW-I OW.2 OW.3 MW-S MW.8 MWA CT-10t GT.102 Benzene(ug/LI ND ND 108 362 ND 31.9 ND ND Toluene(ug/W ND 374 44.4 6,750 ND ND ND ND Ethylbeneene lug/L) ND 929 77M 1,880 ND ND ND ND Xylenes(ug/L) ND 824 410 9,950 BDL/BDL 16,125/5,000 13,875/0.94 100/266 MTBE(ug/L) 4.5 359 230 531 5.2 82.4 5.4 51 ND:Below Deter n Limit Groundwater Gauging and Analysis Results BTEX(ug/LI(MTBE tug/L) Date OW-1 OW.2 OW-3 OW-4 MWS NW-6 MW-7 GT-101 GT-102 10/16/92 366/BDL SPP(001 f0 3,670/529 DRY NA NA NA 4.1/BDL 39/3.97 9/6/92 3.1/BPI 24,000/4,900 32,000/820 2,500/1,000 NA NA NA BDL/BDL 0.3/27 10/8/93 BDL/BDL 20,000/1,000 30000/1000 DRY NA NA NA 96/BDL 140/BDL 4/7/94• BDL/BDL 16,125/5,000 13,875/0.94 100/266 6711/2/5 BDL/RDL 94/86 NS BDL/BDL 10/14/94 BDL/BDL 10,300/966 1,300/BDL DRY 28,000/BDL BDL/BOL 286/270 BOL/BDL BDL/BDL 1/24/95 NO/4.6 4290/359 640/230 DRY 18,300/531 ND/52 31.4/82.4 ND/5.4 3.1/5.1 SPP(0.01/i separate phase product, 01 feet thickness, ROL:below detection limits. ND:not detMr4 NA_not applicable,well not installed yet. •.samples were collected dud g the Mneh/Ap 111994 IRA. RAM Activities The RAM was verbally approved on November 17, 1993. It consisted of the excavation and removal of six USTs, associated piping, two hydraulic lift cylinders, and petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil encountered during the excavation. These activities were conducted on November 15, 16, and 17, 1993. The work was monitored by GTI. GTI performed the work as a Limited Removal Action (LRA), believing this to be correct. They verbally notified the Department concerning the removal of the gasoline USTs on the site on November 17, 1994 and at that time were informed that the work should be performed as a RAM. At that time the Department verbally approved the RAM, and GTI agreed to retroactively submit a RAM plan, the appropriate fee, and a UST removal report to the Department. Six USTs (three 6,000 gallon gasoline tanks, one 8,000 gallon gasoline tank, one 1,000 gallon waste oil tank, and one 1,000 gallon fuel oil tank) were excavated and removed from the site on November 16-17, 1993. Residual liquid (approximately 400 gallons) was pumped from each UST and transported to Clean Harbors under manifest. Residual sludge from the fuel and waste oil tanks was contained in 55 G drums and then removed from the site under manifest by Clean Harbors of Braintree, Massachusetts on June 15, 1994. The tanks were transported to Mass Tank Disposal located in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Soil samples were collected throughout the excavation and were screened for VOCs using a flame ionization detector (FID). Soils registering FID readings of 50 ppm or greater were segregated and stockpiled on site for subsequent disposal. Soil registering FID readings below 50 ppm was returned to the excavation as backfill. The remaining excavation was backfilled with 200 tons of washed stone provided by Baxter Sand & Gravel of Southwick, Massachusetts. Soil samples were collected from approximately 2 feet beneath all USTs and beneath the former product transfer lines, and from beneath the hydraulic lift cylinders. Soil samples collected from beneath the waste oil tank and hydraulic cylinders were screened for TPH using EPA 8015ES TPH was below detection limits (BDL) for the sample collected 2 feet below the waste oil tank excavation and for the sample collected 2 feet below the hydraulic lift #2 excavation. TPH was detected at 110 mg/kg for the sample collected 2 feet below the hydraulic lift #1 excavation. The soil samples collected from beneath each gasoline tank, the fuel oil tank and the product transfer line were analyzed for BTEX using EPA 8020. BTEX was below detection limits for each of these samples. A total of approximately 190 cubic yards of soil was stockpiled on site A soil sample was collected from the soil stockpile and analyzed for halogenated VOCs using EPA 8010, TPH using 418.1, TCLP lead, and flashpomt. TPH was detected at 95 mg/kg. No TCLP lead or halogenated VOCs were detected. On April 14, 1994, the stockpiled soil (approximately 233 tons) was transported off-site to D'ambra Construction located in Warwick, Rhode Island for thermal processing and recycling. The hazardous waste manifests were submitted to the Department in response to the December 28, 1994 NOA/RFI and were received by the Department on January 4, 1995. During the excavation activities, PVC piping was installed below grade from monitoring wells OW-2 and OW-3 for a potential future soil vapor extraction system. AUDIT FINDINGS Violations On the basis of the information reviewed during the audit and in reliance upon the accuracy of that information, the Department has determined that you are in non-compliance with one or more laws, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, or approvals enforced by the Department. Provisions of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) pertaining to LRAs, RAMs, remediation waste management and public notification requirements were violated. In response to these violations, the Department has issued a Notice of Noncompliance, which is included with this Notice of Audit Findings. This NON describes (1) the violation(s) identified, (2) the action(s) that the Department now requires you to take , and (3) the deadlines(s) for taking such action(s). An administrative penalty may be assessed for each day that you are in noncompliance with the requirements described in the attached NON commencing within seven days after the required deadlines. Computation of time pertinent to this Notice is set forth in 310 CMR 40.00008. The Department reserves the right to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to obtain full compliance with all applicable requirements, including, but not limited to, criminal prosecution, civil action including court-imposed civil penalties, or administrative penalties assessed by the Department. DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTICE. Failure to co (eat the violations identified and provide documentation of such action to the Department may subject you and your officers and employees to enforcement action by the Department. The Department may conduct a follow-up audit to determine whether the required actions have been taken. If the Department finds that the required response actions to the violations have not been taken, the Department may issue a Notice of Noncompliance (NON), Notice of Intent to Assess a Civil Administrative Penalty (PAN), administrative enforcement order, Notice of Responsibility (NOR), Notice of Intent to take Response Action (NORA) or Unilateral Order as appropriate. You may also be subject to cost recovery under 310 CMR 40.1200 for failure to perform response actions at the disposal site. A copy of this notice has been sent to the Licensed Site Professional (LSP) of record for your disposal site. You may consult with an LSP when preparing a response to this notice. Note, however, that you, not your LSP, are obligated to respond to this Notice and remedy the violations and deficiencies. Note that any submittals to the Department made in response to this notice must include the Certification of Submittal enclosed with this letter signed by an authorized individual as specified in 310 CMR 40.0009. The audit focused primarily on compliance with certain requirements of M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP and, to a limited extent, other applicable requirements. This audit does not preclude future audits of past current, or future response actions or activities at the site or inspections to confirm compliance with applicable requirements of other laws or regulations enforced by the Department. These findings do not in any way constitute a release from liability under M.G.L. c. 21E, the MCP, or any other law, regulation, or requirement. No portion of this Notice shall be construed to relieve any person from an obligation for Response Action Costs or damages related to a site or disposal site for which that person is liable under M.G.L. c. 21E or from any obligation for any administrative, civil or criminal penalty, fine, settlement, or other damages. No portion of this Notice shall be construed to limit the Department's authority to take or arrange, or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform, any response action authorized by M.G.L. c. 21E which the Department deems necessary to protect health, safety, public welfare or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call Juliana Vanderwielen at 413-784-1100 _7_ extension 256. Please reference Department site number 1-0743 in any correspondence regarding this site. Sincerely, Man Weinberg Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup CERTIFIED MAIL # P 887 905 795 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AW:JV/mr 1-0743.NAF cc: Steve Ellis, DEP-WERO Enforcement Coordinator M. Snow, BWSC-Boston BWSC-WERO Enforcement File WERO Audit File Northampton, Board of Health Northampton, Chief Municipal Officer Steve Winslow, Department Audit Coordinator Lewis Streeter (LSP of Record), Groundwater Technology Inc NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY NON-WE-95-3032 ENTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE Exxon Company, U.S.A. 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149 LOCATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED 764 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts DATE(S) WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED Violations 1 through 7 were observed during an audit of the site that was initiated on December 28, 1994. DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND THE REQUIREMENTS NOT COMPLIED WITH: 1) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0034(4)(c). The limits for storage of contaminated soil on the site were exceeded for the soil that was excavated during the November 1993 RAM. The contaminated soil that was excavated during this RAM was stockpiled on the site on November 15, 16, and 17. The stockpiled soil was removed from the site on April 14, 1994. The soil was stockpiled on the site for a total of 150 days. 2) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0318(4). Approximately 190 cubic yards of soil was stockpiled on-site when the November 1993 activities were being conducted as a LRA. As these activities were being conducted as a LRA, the stockpiling of soil should have been stopped at 100 cubic yards, the Department should have been notified, and a request should have be made to conduct the LRA as a RAM. 3) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0447 and 40.1403(3)(d). Copies of required public notifications were not submitted to the Department. To the Department's knowledge the required public notifications for the RAM were not sent out 4) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0443(5). A RAM Plan, a RAM Completion Report, or RAO should have been received within 60 days after approval of the RAM. The deadline was missed by approximately 2 weeks. The RAM was completed on November 17, 1993 and the RAM Plan was received on January 31, 1994. (The RAM Completion Report was received on June 10, 1994.) 5) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0444(1)(b) and (f). The RAM Plan did not include a description of the site conditions and surrounding receptors or a listing of federal, state and/or local permits likely to be needed to conduct the RAM. 6) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0446(1) and (2). A RAM Completion Report was submitted before the soil excavated during the RAM was removed from the site (ie before the RAM was completed). The soil was removed from the site on April I4, 1994. This is considered to be the completion date of the RAM. The RAM Completion Report was received by the Department on February 7, 1994. 7) Violation of 310 CMR 40.0445(4)(a) and (e). The RAM Completion Report did not include a description of the site conditions and surrounding receptors or the documentation for the transport of the contaminated soil from the site. The documents for the transport of the contaminated soil from the site have since been submitted in response to the RFI. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN,AND THE DEADLINE FOR TAKING SUCH ACTION: 1) Send out the required public notifications regarding the RAM and submit copies of these notifications to the Department. 2) Submit a description of the site conditions and surrounding receptors as an addendum to the RAM Completion Report. This information must be submitted to the Department within 30 days from the date of receipt of this Notice. DATE: March 23 1995 Department of Environmental Protection BY: Alan Weinberg Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail No. or Delivery Person: William F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe Secretary, EOEA David B.Struhs Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office Exxon Company, U.S.A. 52 Beacham Street Everett, MA 02149 Attn: Charles M. Beck von Peccoz Dear Mr. Beck von Peccoz: May 25, 1995 Re: Northampton; 1-0743 Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Conclusion of Audit On March 23, 1994 the Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) issued a Notice of Audit Findings (NOAF) and Notice of Noncompliance (NON) that identified violations in response actions at the site referenced above. The NOAF/NON requested that you take certain steps to correct those violations. The Department received letters on April 7, 1995 and April 19, 1995 which contain information and data indicating that steps requested by the Department have been taken. The Department now considers the audit, which was initiated with the Notice of Audit dated December 28, 1994, to be complete. Please be advised that the Department could review the information submitted, if it should initiate another audit of this site in the future. The Department thanks you for your full cooperation in these matters. Should you have any questions regarding this con mpondence, planet contact Juliana Vanderwielen at 413-784-1100 X 256. cc: Groundwater Technology, Inc. Steve Winslow DEP Audit Coordinator 436 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 Sincerely, ✓Juliana Vanderwielen Environmental Analyst Gcw.G't/aWYe. Catherine G. Wanat Section Chief Audits/Site Management • FAX(413)784-1149 • Telephone(413)784-1100 GROUNDWATER l TECHNOLOGY k. Kennedy Busin Groundwater Technology.Inc. Park II.431(F)Hayden Station Road.Windsor.CT 06095 USA Tel:12031688-1151 Fax:12031688-8239 April 5, 1995 Refer: 01122-5201 Office Of The Mayor Town Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Release Abatement Measure Plan DEP Site No. 1-0743 Former Exxon Service Station 764 North King Street Northampton. Massachusetts To Whom It May Concern: In accordance with the requirements of 310 CMR 40.1403 (3)(d), please accept this correspondence as notification that a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan has previously been filed and approved by the DEP in regard to the above referenced Northampton location. As outlined in the RAM Plan (dated January 19, 1995), the purpose of this response action was to excavate and remove the hydraulic lift systems and all underground storage tanks and associated piping from the former Exxon Service Station. Additionally, as provided for under 310 CMR 40.0442 (2)(a) approximately 190 cubic yards of soil was excavated as remediation waste and disposed off-site. RAM activities at the site were conducted on November 15, 1993 through November 17, 1993. Concurrent with the previously stated RAM activities. initial measures were taken to install PVC piping below grade in the vicinity of existing monitoring wells OW-2 and OW-3 for a potential soil vapor extraction system. Copies of all applicable project submittals are available for review at the DEP's Western Regional Office in Springfield, Massachusetts. If you have any comments or questions regarding the Northampton site, please call me. Sincerely, Groundwater Technology, Inc. David B. Sherman Staff Geologist Project Manager SESjb Copy: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department Ms. Juliana Vanderwielen, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Mr. Charles M. Beck von Peccoz. Exxon Company U.S.A. Officer throughout the U.S..Cmmde,mAOrerseas arc ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 18 October 1995 Mr. John Joyce, Chairman City of Northampton, Board of Health City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 RE: Response Action Outcome (RAO) CF MotorFreight, Inc. Interstate Route 91 North, Mile Marker 23.5 Northampton, Massachusetts Release Tracking No. 1-10917 Dear Mr. Joyce: Pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40.0000, Immediate Response Action (IRA) activities were performed at the above referenced location as a result of release conditions reported to the Western Regional Office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on 20 June 1995. A Response Action Outcome, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1000, has been completed for the release condition and submitted to the DEP on 18 October 1995. This document and all supporting documents submitted to the DEP are public record and may be reviewed at the DEP Western Regional Office located at 436 Dwight Street in the City of Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call either of the undersigned at 413/525-1198. Sincerely, ATC Environmental Inc. T omas M. Potter Project Manager l . Ojns.Ns Timothy J. O'Brien, LSP Director of Environmental Services cc: DEP Western Regional Office D. Brown, CF MotorFreight, Inc. Solutions For Environmental Concerns c-SpAc• r.•t-..creado -. 28 • M.1S n 9 • `A%I4'.ii53-8271 a t .LL1M F.WELD 1E0 PAUL CELLUCCI Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 01? ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE March 7, 1996 Steady Transport Company Munkton Rd. Vergennes, VT 05491 Attention:Randy Steady Re : Northampton N.Ring Street & Damon Rd. RTN #1-11275 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c . 21E and 310 CMR 40 . 0000 Dear Mr. Steady: TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner On March 6, 1995 at 5:30 A.M. , the Department was notified of a release/threat of release of diesel fuel at the above-referenced site. In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 4C . 0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (attached) be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the release/ hreat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40 . 0000 (the "MCP" ) . The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Steady Transport Company) are a potentially responsible party (PRP) with liability under Section SA of M.G.L. c. 21E . This liability is "strict" , meaning that it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section SA. This liability is also "joint and several " , meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties . The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials . By taking the necessary response actions, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • T00(413)746-6620 • Telephone(413) 764-1100 C:Fenced on Recycled Paper(20%Post Conr¢mel costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or fees payable under 310 CMR 4 . 00 . Please refer to a complete description of potential liabil convenience, a summary of liability under M attached. You are reminded that you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Immediate Response Action (IRA) : The IRA consists of the removal of the use of absorbent media to clean-up the release of diesel fuel . The Department requires the disposal of any contaminated media in accordance with Department regulations . Specific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessrent activities, the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs . Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including, but not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome ( AO) statement . The MCP requires that a fee of $750 .00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 2MR 40 . 0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional (LEP) . You ray contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556-1145 to obtain the current LSP list . If you have any questions relative co this notice, you should contact John Bourcier at the letterhead address or (413) 784-1100 extension 312 . All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number (RTN) contained in the subject block of this letter. annual compliance M.G.L. c. 21E for ity. For your .G.L. c . 21E is Very truly yours, David A. S ow ck Section Chief Emergency Response Section P : \11275 .RNF Certified Mail #Z 082 549 423 copy: Northampton Fire Department Mayor' s Office Health Department Kevin Lynch, Environmental Products & Services Attachments : Release Notification Form; BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c . 21E COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ;LIAM F WELD TRUDY COXE lernor Secretary GEO PAUL CELLUCCI DAVID B.STRUHS Commissioner Governor March 18, 1996 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Massachusetts Highway Department 10 Park Plaza, Room 4260 Boston, MA 02116 Attention: Mr. Thomas F. Broderick, Acting Chief Engineer and Mr. Gregory Prendergast, Deputy Chief Environmental Re: MHD Facilities - Bernardston, Deerfield, Northampton, Orange, Granby; Release #s: 1-11285, 1-11286, 1-11287, 1-11288, 1-11289, Respectively NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000 Gentlemen: Thank you for submitting the Oil and Hazardous Material Release Notification Form (RNF) received by the Department on March 13, 1996 for each of the MHD facilities listed above. In light of this action, the Department wishes to ensure that you (as used in this notice, you refers to Iassachusetts Highway Department) are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) , 310 CMR 40.0000. The information contained in your submittal indicate that the above-referenced properties have been subject to a release of oil and/or hazardous material (OHM) to the soils and/or groundwater at each facility, in excess of the applicable reportable concentration. Based on this information, the Department has reason to believe that the properties, or portions thereof, are disposal sites which require a response action. The cleanup of disposal sites is governed by M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP. The information contained in your submittal also indicates that you are a party with potential liability for response action costs and damages under M.G.L. c. 21E, S 5. The attached summary is intended to provide you with information about liability under Chapter 21E to assist you in deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are governed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages you to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. 36 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • TOD(413)746-6620 • Telephone(413)784-1100 0 Ffimee en Recycled FMC's(20%Post Consumer) NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY MID Facilities: Bernardeton-RTN #1-11285; Deerfield-RTN #1-11286; Northampton-RTN #1-11287; Orange-RTN #1-11288- and Granby-RTN #1-11289 Page 2 ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE SITE Information on file with the Department indicates that knowledge of the 120-day reportable release conditions at the above-mentioned site was obtained by MED on November 21, 1995. No other information was submitted with the RNF, which would provide the Department with a description of the disposal site and the areal extent of the contamination. However, according to your cover letter, Louis Berger and Associates, Inc. (LEA) has been conducting a 21E Initial Investigation/Assessment activities required by Consent Order (ACO-BO-94-2005) at each site. The Department requests that you submit all documentation related to the site, including all reports; i.e. , site assessments, underground storage tank (UST) closures, groundwater monitoring data, etc. , within 21 days from the receipt of this letter, or by April 5, 1996, whichever occurs earlier. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICABLE DEADLINES No disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP. The MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at disposal sites to submit to the Department a Response Action Outcome Statement prepared by a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) upon determining that a level of no significant risk already exists or has been achieved at the disposal site. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, responsible parties have one year from the initial date notice of a release or threat of release is provided co the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility, whichever occurs earlier, to file with the Department one of the following submittal: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; or (2) a Response Action Outcome Statement; or (3) a Downgradient Property Status Submittal . If required by the MCP, a completed Tier I Permit Application must also accompany a Tier Classification Submittal. The deadline for these submittal for these disposal sites is March 13, 1997 . In addition, the MCP requires responsible parties and any other person undertaking response actions at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions in response to sudden releases, Imminent Hazards and Conditions of Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for Immediate Response Actions and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS The Department encourages parties having liability under M.G.L. c. 21E to take prompt action in response to releases and threats of release of oil and hazardous materials. You must employ or engage an LSP to manage, supervise or actually perform all response actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. According to your Charles Tuttle of NHD, although LBA has performed the site investigations for these five (5) sites, you have not engaged an LSP to provide LSP oversight services, at the present time. NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY WW Facilities: Bernardston-RTN #1-11285; Deerfield-RTN #1-11286; Northampton-RTN #1-11287; Orange-RTN #1-11288; and Granby-RTN #1-11289 Page 3 If you have any further questions, please contact Steven Cooperman at the letterhead address or at (413) 784-1100 x314. All future correspondence communications regarding the disposal site should reference the Release Tracking Number listed in the subject block of this letter. S inc ely, Alan Weinberg Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup DAS/SLC/sic /mr p:\smaperm\lechers\MHD1]Os.NOR cc: Bernardston Fire Department Board of Health Board of Selectmen Deerfield Fire Department Board of Health Board of Selectmen Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Orange Fire Department Board of Health Board of Selectmen Granny Fire Department Hoard of Health Board of Selectmen MHD attn: Charles Tuttle, Steven Miller, Doug Spink Nancy Thornton/DEP Boston Louis Berger and Associates, Inc. Certified #Z 082 549 507 Attachment: Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E SUMMARY OF LIABILITY UNDER CHAPTER 21E As stated in the Notice of Responsibility accompanying this summary, the Department has son to believe that you are a Potentially Responsible Party ('PRP") with potential liability under G.L. c. 21E, section 5, for response action costs and damages to natural resources caused by the ease and/or threat of release. The Department has identified you as a PRP because it believes you I within one or more of the following categories of persons made potentially liable by subsection 5(a): • any current owner or operator of a site from or at which there is or has been a release or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material; • any person who owned or operated a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of; • any person who arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous material to or at a site; • any person who transported hazardous material to a transport, disposal, storage or treatment site from which there is or has been a release or threat of release of such material; and • any person who otherwise caused or is legally responsible for a release or threat of release of oil or hazardous material at a site. For purposes of the MCP, you are considered a Responsible Party ("RP") with actual liability .der Chapter 21E if you fall within one of Cr,ue categories unless you (1) are entitled to a defense icier section 5 or other applicable la-.q and (2) have reasonably incurred cleanup costs in an amount ,ual to or greater than any applicable cap on liability under subsection 5(d). This liability is 'strict," meaning it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as an owner, terator, generator, transporter or disposer. It is also joint and several,meaning that each person who lls within one of these categories may be held liable for all response action costs incurred at the site. !gardlesss of the existence of any other liable parties Section 5 provides a few narrowly drawn defenses to liability, including a defense for releases rd damages caused by an act of God, an act of war or an act by a third party other than an employee, lent or person with whom the party has a contractual relationship (see subsection 5(c)); a defense for srtain owners of residential property at which the owner maintains a permanent residence (see rbsection 5(h))- and a defense for certain public utilities and agencies of the Commonwealth which own right-of-way that is a site (see subsection 5(j)). LIAM F WELD ernor ;EO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE Massachusetts Highway Department 10 Pirh Plaza, Room 4260 Boston, MA 02116 Attention: Mr. Thomas F. Broderick, Acting Chief Engineer and Mr. Gregory Prendergast, Deputy Chief Environmental Gentlemen: July 26, 1996 Re: Northampton - North King Street MHD District 2 Facility NON.NON-WE-96-A012-E NONCOMPLIANCE with M.G.L. Chapters 21 §26-53 & 111 §159-160 314 CMR 3.00-7.00, 310 CMR 27.00 TRUDY CORE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner On May 17, 1996,Department of Environmental Protection("DEP") personnel performed a compliance inspection at the above-mentioned Facility. On July 2, 1996, Department personnel reviewed MHD's District 2 21E Assessment Reports to determine if all facilities in MHD's District 2 are in compliance with the above-mentioned regulations, as a followup to Department compliance inspections of May 17, 1996. The Reports summarize the environmental conditions at each of MHD's facilities in District 2, including whether floor drains at the North King Street, Northampton, MA facility comply with or are in non-compliance with the above regulations. On July 21, 1996, Department personnel spoke with MHD District 2 personnel who confirmed that the drains were in fact in operation at the time of the compliance inspections. Therefore, these drains are in noncompliance with environmental regulations, and requirements enforced by the Department, specifically at 314 CMR 3.00, 314 CMR 5.00, or 310 CMR 27.00, the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Regulations. Relative to ACO-BO-94-2005 the DEP is informing you of this concern, and providing the following written description of(1) the activity referred to above, (2) the requirements violated, and (3) the action necessary to correct the unresolved environmental compliance matters. The Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) owns and operates the Facility mentioned above with active floor drains. Floor drains in and of themselves do not constitute noncompliance with Department regulations. However, floor drains, in combination with one or more Class IV injection wells or unpermitted Class V Injection wells (e.g. floor drains to dry well, or drainage ditches, etc) which discharge or allow the discharge of pollutants to the ground, do constitute noncompliance with Department regulations. The Department is aware that MHD is working on a Management Systems Implementation Plan ("MSIP") pursuant to ACO-BO-94-2005. The MnIP must address these concerns in a timely manner, and in compliance with 310 CMR 27.00, 314 CMR 3.00, or 5.00, and the following corrective actions shall be taken at all MHD Facilities in MHD District 2 which are in noncompliance with said regulations: t36 Dwight Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 • FAX(413)784-1149 • TDD(413)746-6620 • Telephone(413)784-1100 0 Pnnted on w"ydm Pare■(20%PostCunnm.o NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY LETTER NON.NON-WE-96-A012-E MHD District 2 - North King Street Northampton Facility continued Page 2 Within 15 days of this letter,cease using the injection wells/floor drains for the discharge or disposal of any substance by temporarily plugging the point of entry to this injection well, and notify DEP of the completion of this task 2. The MSIP must contain a plan for permanently closing all MHD Depot injection well(s) according to the following criteria, this plan must achieve compliance in a timely manner: a. Decommissioning injection well -All floor drains (or other points of entry to the injection wells) shall be either: i. permanently scaled in accordance with the state plumbing code, 248 CMR 2.09(1)(c)(3). Before commencing work,a revised DEP Form WS1 (Notice of Plumbing Inspector Approval to Seal Floor Drain) must be filed with the Department's UIC Program (See Form WS I enclosed for address, Attachment I); or ii. within the approved MSIP time lines,all floor drains must be connected to a municipal sewer system in accordance with a permit issued by the Department and/or local sewer authority under 314 CMR 7.00 and/or local sewer regulations; or, iii. within the approved MSIP time lines,ali floor drains must be connected to a DEP-approved holding tank. (Note the customary time frame for activities i u and iii is 6 months or lass) b. Remedial Activities - Remove sludge and perform excavation, sampling, and other remedial activ'ties in accordance with the MCP and ACO-BO-94-2005 and the process described in Attachment II"Massachusetts Closure Requirements for Shallow Injection Wells". Upon completion at each site, submit to the Department the results of sampling conducted and information prepared in accordance with Attachment E. 3. When all work specified in Items 1 & 2 above is completed, you must sign, and submit a completed UIC Notification Form to the Department's UIC Program at the address indicated on the form, within the approved MSIP time lines for compliance. • Please note: The application to close/seal floor drains/ drywells does not apply to any facility whose floor drains are connected to a Municipal Sewer System or d, harge to a tight tank NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY LETTER NON.NON-WE-96-A012-E MHD District 2 - North King Street Northampton Facility continued Page 3 Please contact Steve Cooperman of the Western Regional Office at (413) 784-1100 ext.314 if you have any questions. Sincerely, l Loretta Oi Acting Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Prevention DAS/SLC/slc p:\xmperm\letters\MIIDA012Iet cc: Northampton Health Department MHD/Boston attn: Charles Tuttle, Steven Miller MHD District 2 Headquarters, Northampton, MA attn: Doug Spink Nancy Thomton/DEP Boston Jacob Moss/DEP DWS Boston Ron Stelline/DEP DWS Boston Paul Hogan DEP/OWM Grafton Roberta Baker (2) Copies Steve Ellis (2) Copies Rick Larson, Clean Sites Initiative/WERO Certified #Z 082 549 686 PAUL CELLUCCI or COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE iouglas Spink 2 Haz. Mat. Coordinator forth King Street lampton, Ma 01060 December 4, 1998 Re: TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B.STRUMS Commissioner Northampton, RTN 1-11151 Facility 20, Route 5 Interim Deadline, M.G.L. Ch 21e. Mr. Spink: bvember 23, 199B, The Department received a letter from you requestingxt at the line for submittal of the Phase Ii/III, Comprehensive Site Assessment, nber 26, 1999. se be advised that the Department can not extend any of The De ag regulatory" howeverdedlines forth within the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) . P bcement nterim actions ag inst and utilize while the set InterimmDeadine discretion o proceed with is in effect. he Department' s view, sites that are not able to meet their regulatory deadlines will Th e In noncompliance and will remain so until such time i when nscoop lance is re achieved. The artment believes that " Notification" , by persons does not CMR 40.0550(5) or 40.0560 (5) ] , of delay in meeting a regulatory deadline, stitute an automatic extension to the applicable deadline. By notification of delay, person who is conducting response action ensures compliance with 310 CMR 40.0550 (5) 40.0560 (5) only without affecting the applicable deadline. addition, please note that any delayed length s of tie CMR 40 m 0 and 40 05 t0e to suit any prehensive Response Actions (Phase II through V) , per 1 not affect the deadline for the submittal of the subsequent Phase work. this case the Department, pursuant to 310 CMR 40 0167, is establishing an Interim Ldline of 120 days, from the date of this letter, for you to submit the Phase II and if Ilicable the Phase III. you have any questions, please contact Mr. Saadi Motamedi at 413/784-1100 ext. 224. 5/5M11151.let Northampton Board of Health Northampton Chief Municipal Of Site files, BWSC, WERO Permit Files, BWSC, WERO Evan Johnson, Tighe & Bond aid cial Section Chief Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)514.6871.FAX 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103,•Printed Recycled 784-1149•Paper (413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 IT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS,INC. PN: 3090 May 27, 1999 Mayor City of Northampton 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Response Action Outcome Statement U-Haul Moving Center, 227 North King Street, Northampton MADEP Release Tracking Number RTN: 1-0809 Dear Mayor: On behalf of Amerco Real Estate Company,the property management company for U-Haul, Summit Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Summit) hereby notifies the City of Northampton that a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement for the above-referenced release has been submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Northeast Regional Office. This submittal was in response to a release of petroleum hydrocarbons from underground and/or above ground storage tanks that formerly existed on the property. The RAO Statement and supporting documentation indicate that the site meets the requirements of a Class A-2 RAO Class A RAOs are reserved for those sites where a permanent solution to the release has been achieved. A Class A-2 RAO denotes that although a permanent solution has been achieved, the level of contamination has not been reduced to background levels. However, no activity or use limitations on the property are required to maintain a level of No Significant Risk to humans or the environment, and no further response actions are necessary. This notification is provided in accordance with the requirements of 310 CMR 40.1403(e). The RAO Statement and supporting documentation are on file with the MADEP Northeast Regional Office located in Wilmington, Massachusetts. Arrangements to review or obtain a copy of the RAO and supporting documentation may be made by contacting the MADEP at(978)661-7600. If you have questions regarding this notification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, or Eric Wood of EnviroSense, Inc., the Licensed Site Professional of Record, at(603)437-8227. Sincerely, SUMMIT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 1 Keith R.Taylor, C.G. Senior Hydrogeologist 0959 Cc: Northampton Board of Health MADEP Northeast Regional Office Reid Riner, Amerco Real Estate Company 95 MAIN STREET A AUBURN, MAINE 04210 A TEL:(207)795-6009 A FAX: (107)795-6128 ED PAUL CELLUCCI armor E SWIFT tenant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE Douglas Dunham Arco Real Estate Company '1 N. Central Avenue lenix, Az 85004 Re: BOB DURAND Secretary EDWARD P. KUNCE Acting Commissioner March 29, 1999 Northampton, RTN 1-0809; U-Haul Center; 227 N. King Street; Establishment of Interim Deadline. tr Mr. Dunham: March 5, 1999, The Department received a letter from your consultant, Keith Taylor, ;nesting an extension of time to May 1999, for submittal of the Phase II/III, nprehensive Response Action Reports. 9ase be advised that the Department can not extend any of the " regulatory" deadlines t forth within the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) . The Department however, can tablish Interim Deadlines and utilize its enforcement discretion not to proceed with forcement actions against you while the set Interim Deadline is in effect. the Department's view, sites that are not able to meet their regulatory deadlines will in noncompliance and will remain so until such time when compliance is achieved. The partment believes that " Notification" , by persons who are conducting response actions 10 CMR 40.0550 (5) or 40.0560 (5) ) , of delay in meeting a regulatory deadline, does not nstitute an automatic extension to the applicable deadline. By notification of delay, Le person who is conducting response action ensures compliance with 310 CMR 40.0550 (5) or 1.0560 (5) only without affecting the applicable deadline. l addition, please note that any delayed length of time to submit any of the ,mprehensive Response Actions (Phase II through V) , as per 310 CMR 40.0550 and 40.0550, 11 not affect the deadline for the submittal of the subsequent Phase work. ar this case, the Department, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0167, is establishing May 31, 1999, an Interim Deadline for you to submit the Phase II and if applicable the Phase III. The apartment may not extend this deadline after its expiration. E you have any questions, please contact Mr. Saadi Motamedi at 913/789-1100 ext. 229. NG/SM10809.ID Northampton Board of Health Northampton Mayor/Board of Selectmen. Site files, BWSC, WERO Keith Taylor, Summit Environmental: 95 Main Street, Auburn, Maine 04210 Sinc�at1 Gremn Section Chief Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup This information is mailable in alternate format by calling our DADA Coordinalor at 0117)5744872_ 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103•FAX(413)784-1149•TOD(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 CJ Printed on Recycled Paper PAUL CELLUCCI WIFT ant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE September 16, 1999 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY REGISTERED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr.Bryan J. Burke Burke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck,Inc. 200 North King Street Northampton,MA 01060 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner Re: Northampton Burke-Whitaker Auto Dealership 200 North King Street RTN 113103 Release of Petroleum Hydrocarbons NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L.c. 21E,310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Burke: Thank you for submitting the Release Notification Form received by the Department on September 13, 1999. The Release Notification Form indicates that soil at the site is contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. In light of this information,the Department wishes to ensure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L.c.21E,and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP),310 CMR 40.0000. The information contained in your submittal indicates that the above-referenced property has been subject to a release of oil/ha7ardous materials in excess of the applicable reportable quantity or reportable concentration. Based on this information,the Department has reason to believe that the property,or portions thereof, is a disposal site which requires a response action. The cleanup of disposal sites is governed by M.G.L.c. 2IE and the MCP. The information contained in your submittal also indicates that you(as used in this letter"you"refers to Burke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck,Inc.)are a party with potential liability for response action costs and damages under M.G.L.c.21E,§5. The attached summary is intended to provide you with information about liability under Chapter 2W to assist you in deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages,including claims for contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield.Massachusetts 01103•FM(413)784-1149•TOD(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 0 Printed on Recycled Paper Bryan it Burke ke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadi/bcGMC Truck,Inc. ice of Responsibility 113103 ;e 2 vemed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages you take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE SITE he Release Notification Form(RNF)indicates that on-site soil contains C19-C36 petroleum hydrocarbons at Incentrations above the applicable reportable con Pleta oe submit to the Department,found a summary report soil at )ncentrati d s up to 41,000 parts per million(pp ) 'hicb includes a site plan indicating the sample locations and a summary of any environmental assessment ctivities performed at the site relative to this release within 30 da s of the date of this letter. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICABLE DEADLINES Jo disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a evel of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L.c.21E and the MCP.a The MCP requires persons Statement prepared by a LSP upon determining that a level of no significant submit k already exists or has been O achieved at the disposal site. Unless otherwise provided by the Department,responsible parties have one year from the initial date notice of a release or threat of release is provided to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier,to file with'the Department one of the following submittals:(1)a completed Tier Classification Submittal;or(2)a RAO Statement;or(3)a Downgradient Property Status Submittal. The one-year anniversary date for this release is September 13, 2000. In addition,the MCP requires responsible parties and any other person undertaking response actions at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions persons response continue releases,aes,Imminent the need Hrz�inms and dte Conditions of Substantial Release Migration. P Response Actions and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS The ase Department and threats of release of oil having and hazardous materials. By taking prompt action,tl action in able parties response ay to significantly lower cleanup costs and avoid the imposition of,or reduce the amount of,certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00(e.g.,no annual compliance assurance fee is due for RAO Statements submitted to the Department within 120 days of the initial date of release notification). You must employ or engage a LSP to manage,supervise or actually perform all response actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of LSPs by contacting the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by telephone at (617)556-1145 or in person or by mail at One Winter Street,6th Floor,Boston,Massachusetts 02108. 3yan J.Burke -Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck,Inc. ce o/Responsibility 71-13103 3 ou have any further questions,please contact Anthony Kurpaska at the letterhead address or at(413)755- ,6. All future correspondence communications regarding the disposal site should reference the Release eking Numbers listed in the subject block of this letter. fxY W:AFK 103 nor.doc rclosure srtified Mail No.Z456 365 703; Return Receipt Requested Northampton Fire Department Board of Health Mayor's Office Sincere) n Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup AUL CELLUCCI IFT it Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE dr. Bryan 1. Burke 3urke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck,Inc. W0 North King Street dorthamptan,MA 01060 September 22, 1999 Re: Northampton 200 North King Street Release Tracking#1-13103 NON-WE-99-3080 NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE M.G.L.c.21E,310 CMR 40.0000 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE. FAILURE TO TAKE ADEQUATE ACTION IN RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LI55 Commissioner Dear Mr. Burke: Department records indicate that response actions at the above-referenced site are not in compliance with one or more laws,regulations,orders,licenses,permits,or approvals enforced by the Department. Attached hereto is a written description of(1)each activity referred to above,(2)the requirements violated, (3)the action the Department now wants you to take, and(4)the deadline for taking such action. If you fail to come into compliance by the prescribed deadline(s),or if you otherwise fail to comply in the future with requirements applicable to you,you could be subject to legal action. Such action could include criminal prosecution,court-imposed civil penalties,or civil administrative penalties assessed by the Department. A civil administrative penalty may be assessed for every day from now on that you remain out of compliance with the requirements described in this Notice of Noncompliance. Please contact Anthony Kurpaska at this office at if you have any questions. Sincer Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup lh'rs lnrormurmn is mailable in alternate format bt calling our AD.\Coordinator at(417)574-6891 ]00-1 tn0 436 Dwight Street Springfield Massachusetts 01103•Printed on Recycled Paper 49TOD(413)706.6620•Telephone(413)• Bryan J.Burke rke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-CART Truck.Inc. tire of Noncompliance ge 2 %V:AFK 13103non.doc ;rtified Mail No. Z456 365 704 Northampton Fire Department Board of Health Mayor's Office Alan Weis,Cold Spring Environmental,LSP of Record Maria Pinaud, DEP Boston Bob Donovan, DEP Boston B W SC WERO Enforcement File Stephen Ellis DEP WERO(2 copies) NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY NON-WE-99-3080 JTITY(IES) IN NONCOMPLIANCE Irke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck, Inc. 10 North King Street orthampton, MA 01060 OCATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE 00 North King Street !orthampton, MA )ATE OF NONCOMPLIANCE >eptember 7, 1999 )ESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT(S)NOT COMPLIED WITH Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0315 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(the MCP)requires potentially responsible parties(PRPs)to notify the Department of a release to the environment as indicated by the measurement of oil/hazardous materials exceeding reportable concentrations within 120 days of the PRP's knowledge of the release. The Release Notification Form received by the Department on September 13, 1999 indicates that Burke-Whitaker Pontiac-Cadillac-GMC Truck, Inc. obtained knowledge of the release on May 10, 1999,which requires the company to report to the Department by September 7, 1999 (120 days after May 10, 1999). DESCRIPTION OF ACT OR OMISSION CONSTITUTING NONCOMPLIANCE Failure to provide timely notification to the Department of a release requiring notification within 120 days of gaining knowledge of the release in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0315 of the MCP. DESCRIPTION AND DEADLINE(S)OF ACTION(S)TO BE TAKEN The Department has received a completed release notification form on September 13, 1999; no additional action is required. DATE: September 22, 1999 Department of Environme By: Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup rust 31 , 2000 ar Board of Health or Selectman Member Notice of Initial Site Investigation & Tier II Classification 200 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 DEP Release Tracking #1-13103 rsuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40 . 0480) , Initial Site Investigation has been performed at the above ferenced location. A release of Oil and/or hazardous materials s occurred at this location which s isea hdisposalc sitei (defined M.G. L. c. 21E, Section 2) . :ER II, pursuant to 310 CMR 40. 0500 . The response actions at its site will be conducted by Burke-Whitaker Cadillac, Pontiac, GMC Truck, Inc, 200 North King Street, Northampton, MA. who has nployed Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. of flchertown, Alan E. Weiss, LSP Lic. #6442, to manage response _tions in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40 . 000) . .G.L. c. 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan provide dditional opportunities for public notice of and involvement in ecisions regarding response actions at disposal sites : 1) The hief Municipal Official and Board of Health of the community in hich the site is located will be notified of major milestones nd events, pursuant to 310 CMR 40 . 1403; and 2) Upon receipt of a etition from ten or more residents of the municipality in which he disposal site is located, or of a municipality potentially in ffected by a disposal site, a plan for involving the public ined ecisions regarding response actions at the site will be prep nd implemented, pursuant to 310 CMR 40. 1405 . 'o obtain more information on this disposal site and the >pportunities for public involvement during its remediation, >lease contact Alan E. Weiss, LSP, Cold Spring Environmental, :nc. at 350 Old Enfield Road Belchertown, Ma. 01007 at 413-323- 5957 . (DO NOT PRINT BELOW LINE) LSP Note: This document was sent to the PRP and DEP concurrent with the Phase I Report for PRP's placement in the local paper and August 15,theH Hoard of copied to Health and Chief Municipal Officer of �- uU FORMAL NOTIFICATION OF RESPONSE ACTIONS SUMMARY 08/31/2000 3NT: Burke Whitaker Cadillac, Pontiac, GMC Inc. . 200 North King Street ress : Northampton, MA 01060 r Sirs/Madam DEP RTN4 1-13103 part of the Public Involvement regulations pursuant to M. C.T . 21e and 310 CMR 40 . 1400, this notice serves to notify your munity of the initiation and occurrence of the following ponse actions/measures at the abovementioned site: 3A (Immediate Response Action) Implementation, STATUS Report, ipletion Report Purpose/Scope : iplementation Plan w/in 3 days) AM (Release Abatement Measure PLAN) :pose/Scope: Removal of impacted soil, Groundwater (7 days prior to implementing) (duration: Tier Classification of site: Tier 1A, 1E, 10, Tier II egal Notice Required within 7 days and 3 days after BOH & CMO) III, IV, Report available h. III & IV require Env. Monit. Notice w/in 7 days of filing) Activity Use Limitation (AUL) (Legal notice & Bldg. /Zoning t . ) Response Action Outcome: Class A, B, C; 1, 2 , 3 Tier I Permit/Major Permit Mod. : (Legal Notice w/in 7 days) LSP Opinion : other see: (Level A-C Work,private well and indoor air) =3 day prior st. ) (all above require BCH or Chief . Munic. Off. unless noted) . incerely, old Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. , Belchertown, MA. (413) 323-5957 Tan E. Weiss, Licensed Site Professional # 6442 President, Principal Hydrogeologist NOTICE OF INITIAL SITE INVESTIGATION AND TIER II CLASSIFICATION ION AND NORTHAMPTON STATE POLICE BARRACKS 555 NORTH KING STREET NORTHAMPTON,S1-0973 MASSACHUSETTS E NUMBER Pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) (310 CMR 40.0480), an Initial Site Investigation has been performed at the above referenced location. A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at this location which is a disposal site (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, Section 2). This site has been classified as a Tier II, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0500. Response actions at this site will be conducted by the Massachusetts Department of State Police, who has employed Craig E. Blake, of Tyree Organization, Ltd. to manage response actions in accordance with the MCP (310 CMR 40.000). M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP provide additional opportunities for public notice of and involvement in decisions regarding response actions at disposal sites: 1) The Mayor and Board of Health of Northampton will be notified of major milestones and events, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1403; and 2) Upon receipt of a petition from ten or more Northampton residents, or of a municipality potentially affected by a disposal t s response actions site will be prepared and implemented, pursuant to 310 CMR 401405 ate To obtain more information on this disposal site and the opportunities for public involvement during its remediation, pl a9 ccontact ct rai E. Blake Massachusetts icensed Sie Professional, Tyree Organization, 01581, at 508-871-8300 x 261. The Tyree Organization, Ltd. New England 9 Otis Street, Westborough, MA 01581 • Fax: 508-871-8301 • Phone 508-871-8300 wember 2, 1998 he Honorable Mary L. Ford tayor of Northampton dorthampton City Hall ,10 Main Street dorthampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Notice of Pending Implementation of Release Abatement Measure Northampton State Police Barracks 555 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts MADEP RTN 1-0973 Dear Mayor. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1403, Tyree Organization, Ltd., on behalf of the Massachusetts Department of State Police, is providing notification that a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) is proposed for the above referenced site. The purpose of the RAM i t gasoline a underground of M is to excavate and dispose o any impacted soil encountered during the removal of the 10,000-gallon storage tank (UST) at the referenced site. It is estimated that a maximum of 200 cubic yards of work is scheduled to be completed within 21 days of receipt of DEP approval of the RAM Plan. impacted soil will be excavated and transported to an off-site soil recycling facility. The proposed If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-871-8300 x 261.- Sincerely, LTD. TYREE ORGANIZATION, Craig E. ake cc: Sgt. Kevin Flaherty, MSP /Peter McErlain, Northampton Boarrd ff HHealth Agent em�ureau Waste Site Cleanup, DEP The Tyree Organization AUL CELLUCCI 1FT at Governor (setts State Police ;ester Road tam,MA 01702 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE l:Lieutenant Kevin Flaherty July 20, 2000 Re: Northampton 555 North King Street RTN#I-13490 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A LISS Commissioner eutenant Flaherty: le 13,2000,at 3:00 P.M.,Phil Marshall of Tyree Organization notified the Department on your behalf of an trations of condition 6 pats at the above-referenced(pp )of chromium Tyree top six inches of soil within exhibited of a residence. In ntoora notification,tiiatio ,31million 40. ) ted to the Department3witiin 60 calendar aysrof requires the oral notification. Notification Form(attached)be apartment has reason to believe that the release/threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as d in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000(the"MCP").The Department also has reason to believe m(as used in this letter`you"refers to Massachusetts State Police)are a potentially responsible party(PRP with y under Section 5A of M.G.L.c.21E). This liability is"strict",meaning that it is not based on fault,but solely on your as owner,operator,generator,transporter,disposer or other person specified in said Section 5A. This liability is also and several",meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable s. )apartment encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil r hazardous materials. By taking the necessary response actions,you may significantly lower your assessment and up costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual compliance fees payable under 3l0 CMR 4.00.Please refer to M.G.L. E for a complete description of potential liability.For your convenience, a summary of liability under M.G.L. c.21E is hed. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)514-6871. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield.Massachusetts 01103•FAX ou 3))784-1149 •49 TDO(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100• 0 ninded that you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Response Action(IRA): onsists of assessment activities at this time. ,proval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment he construction of a fence and/or posting of signs.Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this n including,but not limited to the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome(RAO) The MCP requires that a fee of$750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater lays from the date of initial notification. tant to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 40.0030 including,without limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such .t bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional(LSP).You may contact the LSP Board of Registration 5-1145 to obtain the current LSP list.Anthony Andronico of Tyree Organization is the LSP-of-Record for this ✓e any questions relative to this notice,you should contact John S.Bourcier at the letterhead address or(413)755- 1 future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN)contained in :t block of this letter. (/nfr4 1y yours, aavid A. Slowick Section Chief Emergency Response O.doc d Mail M 7000 0600 0026 1473 0253 Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Phil Marshall-Tyree Organization ments: Release Notification Form;BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L.c.21E 'AUL CELLUCC1 ALT nt Governor ..setts State Police cester Road tam,MA 01702 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSEI 1 S EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE r Lieutenant Kevin Flaherty October 31, 2000 Re: Northampton 555 North King Street RTN#1-13661 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner ieutenant Flaherty: :tober 24,2000,at 11:40 A.M.,Phil Marshall of Tyree Organization notified the Department on your behalf of a lble release of gasoline at the above-referenced site. 3 A representative CMRa of Tyree further ied t int a camp lad Release asoline nches of weathered 3nitoring well on-site. In addition to oral notification, ration Form(attached)be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. Department has reason to believe that the release/threat of release you have reported is or may be a disposal site as d in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan,310 CMR 40.0000(the"MCP").The Department also has reason to believe >u(as used in this letter"you"refers to Massachusetts State Police)are a potentially responsible party (PRP with ty under Section 5A of M.G.L.c.21E). This liability is"strict",meaning that it is not based on fault,but solely on your as owner, l",meaning generator, that you artransporter,able for all other incurred at specified d in said spo alSsiteleven if there are other liable and several", Y you Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in may significantly releases lower and threats of mene and of oil Ir hazardous materials.By taking the necessary response actions,you Y gn iup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. may also avoid or reduce t I compliance a summary li O Please c.21E L. E for a complete desription of potential liability.For your convenience, of li b ty der M.G.refer. i :hed. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6872. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield.Massachusetts 01103•FAX Printed o 41 3784-11 784-1149•TDO(413)746-6620•Telephone(413)7B4-1100 ninded that you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Response Action(IRA): onsists of bailing and disposal of the separate phase product from the monitoring wells. It is understood to gauging of the monitoring wells will also be performed. )proval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment :he construction of a fence and/or posting of signs.Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this The including, CP requires sthattaefee of$750.00 be submitted Completion Department atwhen an RAO statement is filed filed greater lays from the date of initial notification. Cant to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 40.0030 including,without limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such 1 bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional(LSP).You may contact the LSP Board of Registration 5-1145 to obtain the current LSP list.Anthony Andronico of Tyree Organization is the LSP-of-Record for this ,e any questions relative to this notice,you should contact John S.Bonnier at the letterhead address or(413)755- 1 future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN)contained in the lock of this letter. truly yours, 1.doc Mail d 7000 0600 0026 1473 0017 Northampton Fire Department Health Department Mayor's Office Phil Marshall-Tyree Organization David A.Shan'� Section Chief Emergency Response ments: Release Notification Form;BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L.c.21E The Tyree Organization, Ltd. New England 9 Otis Street, Westborough, MA 01581 • Fax: 508-871-8301 • Phone: 508-871-8300 May 1, 2001 Board of Selectmen Northampton City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Phase 11 Comprehensive Site Assessment Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 DEP RTN: 1-0973, 1-13490 & 1-13661 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of the Massachusetts Department of State Police,the Tyree Organization, Ltd. is providing notification, pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CMR 40.1403, of submission of a Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the above-referenced location. A copy of the Phase II Report is available at the DEP Western Regional Office located at 436 Dwight Street in Springfield,Massachusetts. Any additional public notification required by the MCP will be forwarded to your office. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at(508) 871-8300. Sincerely, The Tyree Organization,Ltd. Hud Quistor Project Manager cc: Lt. Kevin P. Flaherty,Massachusetts State Police Northampton Board of Health Massachusetts DEP—Western Region Member The Tyree Organization Environmental5afetyrieaitnueotectitltcaI Talbot & Okun 4-0—s [ A S S O C I A T E S ] November 12, 2001 File No. 956-01-01 Peter McErlain,Director Board of Health City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Burke Whitaker Cadilac, Pontiac, GMCTruck,Inc. MCP Site 200 North King Street Northampton,MA DEP Release tracking No. 1-13103 293 End?Street Suite 500 Spr ngneid, MA 01103 iu 413 788 6222 Fax 413 788 8830 mail o14e:v;0:u envcom Dear : This letter is submitted to you on behalf of the Burke Whitaker Cadilac, Pontiac, GMC Truck, Inc., to notify you of the implementation of a Release Abatement Measure Plan, which has been submitted to DEP, with respect to the above referenced property. This document is available at DEP's Western Regional Office located at 436 Dwight Street in Springfield under release tracking No 1-13103. The DEP office is open to the public for review and copying of files on Wednesdays, by appointment, during normal working hours. If you have any Very O'Reilly, n this matter please call me at 413-788-6222. n Associates, Inc. amen D. Okun, SP rincipal MADEP,Western Regional Office The 'Tyree Org a and ation, Ltd. New 1 Otis Street, Westborough, MA 01581 • Fax: 508-871-8301 • Phone: 508-871-8300 November 7, 2001 Board of Selectmen Northampton City Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton,MA 01060 DEP RTN: 1-0973, 1-13490 & 1-13661 To Whom It May Concem: On behalf of the Massachusetts State Police, the Tyree Organization, Ltd. is providing notification,pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP) 310 MR 40.1403, of submission of a Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (RIP) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the above-referenced location. A copy of the Phase IV RIP is available at the DEP Western Regional Office located at 436 Dwight Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. Any additional public notification required by the MCP will be forwarded to your office. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at(508) 871-8300. Sincerely, The Tyree Organization,Ltd. Hud Quistorff Project Manager cc: Lt. Kevin P. Flaherty,Massachusetts State Police Northampton Board of Health Massachusetts DEP—Western Region Member I- 1The Tyree Organization COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE iNT LEGAL MATTER .IFIED MAIL JRN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ichusetts Highway Department .orth King Street ampton,MA 01060-0000 Douglas J. Spink District 2 Hazardous Material Coordinator BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner December 21, 2001 RE: Northampton RTN#1-11151 Mount Tom Road,Facility#20 Massachusetts Highway Department TIER II EXTENSION APPROVAL AND ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM DEADLINE r Mr.Spink: November 1, 2001, the Department received a letter prepared on your behalf by Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. testing a Tier 11 extension of time from November 26,2001 to November 26,2002. Department hereby grants the requested extension and pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0167, is establishing following Interim Deadlines: 1) Submit the Phase IV—Remedy Implementation Plan by March 29,2002 2) Submit Phase IV - As-Built Construction Report and Phase IV —Final Inspection Report by September 30,2002. this Deadline for submittal of the above reports is not met the Department may initiate enforcement r.tions for failure to comply with Interim Deadlines. This Information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at(617)574-6812. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103 o 3•FM n 3)Recycled-1140 Paper• 0D(43)746-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100 Cot Printed rthampton, 1-11151 arly of overriding importance in this matter is continued progress in the clean up at this site. The iartment recognizes that sometimes delays in response-actions can be unavoidable. The Department Ireciates and thanks you for your continued efforts in the clean up at this site. you have any questions,please contact Michael Scherer at 413/755-2278 or Baffour Kyei at 413 755-2158. Singly; Richard M. Section Chie Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail#:7000 0600 0026 8857 5644 11151.id BK Herbert E.Woike,LSP,Fuss&O'Neill,Inc.,78 Interstate Drive,West Springfield,MA 01089 Site files,BWSC,WERO Northampton Board of Health Northampton CMO EnvironmentalSafetvriealtnu,eoteCI11h1t-a1 293 Bdge5hre[ Talbot & Okun 4-0— [ A S S O C I A T E S ] 1 S.ne500 Spri none i8.MA 31i 03 'e 413-/88 6222 Fax 413 788 8830 mail o15ce'Edom-env.nom. January 22, 2002 File No. 956-01-01 Peter J. McErlain,Director Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton,Massachusetts 01060 Re: Notice Of Response Action Outcome Statement 200 North King Street Northampton, Massachusetts Dear Mr.McErlain: This letter is submitted on behalf of Burke Whitaker Cadilac, Pontiac, GMC Truck, Inc. to notify you of the filing of a Class A-2 Response Action Outcome Statement for a motor oil release at 200 North King Street. Burke Whitaker had previously notified DEP e of the release and has now completed the cleanup activity. Most of the oil low remaly soil at site was recently removed during a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) concentrations of oil in soil are below DEP's cleanup standards. It was the conclusion of our final report that a condition No Significant Risk has been achieved and that no further response actions are warranted. Copies of the referenced report are available at DEP's Western Regional office located at 436 open Dwight o the public for review and copying release of files on tracking ednesdays during normal working hours. If you have any questions in this matter, please feel free to call me. Very T O'Reilly, es D. Okun rincipal MADEP ssociates, Inc. IFT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE Llassachusetts Highway Department 10 Park Plaza Boston,MA 02116 Attention:Thomas Broderick Dear Mr. Brodrick: January 22, 2002 RE: Northampton 811 North King Street Release 111-14260 RELEASE NOTIFICATION AND NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L.c.21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner On January 3, 2002 at 8:15 AM, Doug Spink of the Massachusetts Highway Department provided oral notification to the Department of a release of greater than 10 gallons of hydraulic oil at the above-referenced location. In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the release/threat of release reported is or may be a disposal site as defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the "MCP"). The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to the Massachusetts Highway Department) are a potentially responsible party(PRP) with liability under Section 5(a) of M.G.L. c. 21E. This liability is "strict" meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator,transporter,disposer or other person specified in said Section 5(a).This liability is also"joint and several", meaning that you are liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials.By taking the necessary response actions,you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and/or avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. Please refer to M.G.L. c. 21E for a complete description of potential liability. For your convenience,a summary of liability under M.G.L.c.21E is attached. This information is available in alternate formal by calling cur ADA Coordinator at(617)916872. 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103•FAX(413)784letl 49 Paper TDD(413)146-6620•Telephone(413)784-1100•0 Printed on DTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY Page 2 Iassachusetts Highway Department :TN#1-14260 (ou should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims for :ontribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are ;ovemed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation.The Department encourages you o take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. You are reminded that, at the time of oral notification to DEP,you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Immediate Response Action(IRA): 1. Install control measures to prevent off-site oil migration,if needed; 2. Remediate the hydraulic oil spill to the impacted roadway,parking lot and grassy area; 3. Perform confirmatory sampling, as need, to determine if further remedial action is necessary;and 4. Dispose of the all contaminated soil,absorbents and sand from this release at a Department- approved disposal/recycling facility. An LSP must be retained to oversee the proposed IRA. Specific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including, but not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome (RAO) statement. DTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY Page 3 rassachusetts Highway Department TN#1-14260 t is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediatiol Waste generated at the subject location in ,ccordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including,without limitation,contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill f Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional(LSP). sou may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556-1145 to obtain the current LSP list. The Department has recorded that Tighe&Bond will provide LSP services for this release. If you have any questions relative to this notice,you should contact Robert Terenzi at the letterhead address or(413)784-1100 ext.2245. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(RTN)contained in the subject block of this letter. Very truly yours, David Slowick Section Chief Emergency Response Certified Mail#7001 0360 0001 4307 1339 RPT/rpt RNF 14260.02 copy: Northampton Mayor's Office Board of Health Fire Department Mass.Highway Department—Doug Spink Tighe&Bond -Evan Johnson Attachments: Release Notification Form;BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L.c.21 E Lt. Kevin Flaherty Massachusetts State Police Approval of IRA RTN 1-0973 Page 2 condition;an IRA Status Report is due within 120 days after notification and every six months thereaft until completion of the IRA. If you have any questions regarding this matter,you should contact Anthony Kurpaska at the above letterhead address or by telephone at 413-755-2236. Since -ly, • 0yid �c A. Slo Section Chief Emergency Response DAS:AFK:afk P:973ira cc: Northampton Fire Department Board of Health Mayor's Office Matthew Lyne, The Tyree Organization Ltd. Anthony Andronico, LSP of Record Richard Larson, DEP WERO Richard Green,DEP WERO Release Tracking Files 1-13490, 1-13661 Attachments to addressee only: Release Notification Form; BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c.21E dNEY EALEY d Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 J.Kevin P.Flaherty vassachusetts State Police 470 Worcester Road Framingham,MA 01702 ELLEN ROY HERZFELDER Secretary LAUREN A.LISS Commissioner January 17, 2003 Re: Northampton State Police Barracks 555 North King Street Release Tracking# 1-0973 Approval of Immediate Response Action Dear Lt.Flaherty: On January 16,2003,at 9:30 A.M.,Matthew Lyne of the consulting firm The Tyree Organization, Ltd., notified the Department of Environmental Protection(the Department)on behalf of the Massachusetts State Police of the presence of gasoline contaminants in a surface water sample collected at the subject location(the site)from the nearby stream. The release was reported as a condition of Substantial Release Migration(SRM). As also reported,possible sources of the gasoline contamination are gasoline- contaminated groundwater at the site discharging to the stream or discharges from the on-site catch basins and surface water drainage system. The Department was previously notified of a release of gasoline associated with gasoline underground storage tanks(USTs)formerly located at the site in May 1992 and on October 24,2000 and has notified the Massachusetts State Police of its liability for response actions at the site by Notice of Responsibility letters dated May 6, 1992 and October 31,2000. At the time of those notifications,the Department assigned the release tracking numbers(RTNs) 1-0973 and 1- 13661 for the gasoline contamination at the site. During assessment activities chromium contaminated soil was found at the site and the Department also assigned the RTN 1-13490 for chromium and metal contamination at the site. A Condition of SRM constitutes a new condition requiring notification to the Department within 72-hours(a 72-hour condition)and completion of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0412 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(the "MCP"). As discussed with Matthew Lyne of the Tyree Organization,Lt .,ton ohe Department nt approved g ue wing response actions as Immediate Response Actions(IRA): P d adjacent to and downstream of the site on a quarterly basis for the next year(samples will be analyzed for a minimum of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons);and,an evaluation of the catch basins/storm drain system at the site. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420 and 40.0425,an IRA Plan or IRA Completion Statement shall be submitted to the Department within 60 days of the date the Department receives notification of a 72-hour This information is available in alternate format Cell Aprel MtCahe,ADA Coordinator 1.617p�l171 I-800-2984207.TDD Service-1-800-29S . DEP on me World Wide Web': bled Paper Printed onRq e The Tyree Organization, Ltd. New angtanrl 9 Otis Street. Westborough, MA 01581 • Fax: 508-871-8301 • Plumy': S08-871-8 CERTIFIED MAIL NO.: 7002 1000 0005 4431 4902 January 21,2003 Board of Selectmen 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 RE: Phase IV Final Inspection Report And Completion Statement Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton,MA 01060 DEP RTtis: 1-973, 1-13490 & 1-13661 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of the Massachusetts State Police, the Tyree Organization, Ltd. is providing notification,pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP) 310 CMR 40.1403, of submission of a Phase IV Final Inspection Report and Completion Statement to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the above-referenced location. A copy of this report is available at the DEP Office at 436 Dwight Street, Springfield, Massachusetts. Any additional public notification required by the MCP will be forwarded to your office. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact me at (508) 871-8300. Sincerely, Tyree Organization,Ltd. ij Matthew J. Lyne Project Manager cc: Lt. Kevin P.Flaherty, Massachusetts State Police Board of Health,Certified Mail No.: 7002 1000 0005 4431 4889 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Member The Tyree Organization Mr.Don T Lia.LLC .Notice of Responsibility RTN 1-16091 Page 2 The information contained in your submittal also indicates that you(as used in this letter"you"refers to Dc T. Lia, LLC) are a party with potential liability for response action costs and damages under M.G.L. c. 211 Section 5(a). The attached summary is intended to provide you with information about liability undo Chapter 21E to assist you in deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. You should be aware that you may have claims against third parties for damages, including claims fc contribution or reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but ar govemed by laws which establish the time allowed for bringing litigation. The Department encourages yoi to take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE SITE On February 22, 2006, the Department received a Release Notification Form (RNF) indicating that soil on. site is contaminated with PCBs, Lead, and Indeno(J,2,3-cd)pyrene at levels exceeding the applicable RCS-I reportable concentrations. No other supporting information was submitted with the RNF. Please submit tc the Department a report summarizing the sampling and environmental assessment activities completed at the site within 30 days of the date of this letter. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICABLE DEADLINES No disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP. The MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a disposal site to submit to the Department a Response Action Outcome Statement prepared by a Licensed Site Professional upon determining that a level of no significant risk already exists or has been achieved at the disposal site. Unless otherwise provided by the Department, responsible parties have one year from the initial date notice of a release or threat of release is provided to the Department pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date the Department issues a Notice of Responsibility,whichever occurs earlier, to file with the Department one of the following submittals: (1) a completed Tier Classification Submittal; or (2) a Response Action Outcome Statement;or(3)a Downgradient Property Status Submittal. If required by the MCP, a completed Tier I Permit Application must also accompany a Tier Classification Submittal. The deadline for these submittals for this disposal site is February 22,2007. In addition, the MCP requires responsible parties and any other person undertaking response actions at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions in response to sudden releases,Imminent Hazards and Conditions of Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for Immediate Response Actions and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS The Department encourages parties having liability under M.G.L. c. 21E to take prompt action in response to releases and lower cleanup costs and avoid the imposition of, or reduce the amount of, certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00 (e.g., no annual compliance assurance fee is due for Response Action Outcome Statements submitted to the Department within 120 days of the initial date of release notification). ■EY ALEY Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100•FAX(413)784-1149 STEPHEN R.PRITCHARD Secretary February 24, 2006 GENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY FiRTIFIED MAIL harles Robertson on T.Lia,LLC 7 Cedar St iew Rochelle,NY 10801-5212 ROBERT W.GOLLEDGE,Jr. Commissioner Re: Northampton 171-187 King Street RTN 1-16091 Release of Hazardous Material(s) NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L.c.21E 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Robertson: Thank you for submitting the Release Notification Fonrr(RNF) received by the Department on February 22, 2006. The RNF indicates Bs)) andllndeno(1,2,3jcd)pyrenelocation In light of this information,contaminated the Department wishs n e that yo (PCBs), wishes to ensure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material CRPele31e Prevention nti00a.and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(M ), The information contained in your submittal indicates that the above-referenced property has been subject to a release of concentration.hazardous Based n this einformation,lthe Department has epason to believe that the property,or portions thereof, is a disposal site which requires a response action. The cleanup of disposal sites is govemed by M.G.L.c. 21E and the MCP. This information is available in alternate format Call Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057.TDD Service.1-800-298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: httplaWaw_mass gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper )on T Lia.LLC e of Responsibility 1-16091 A must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional to manage, supervise or actually perform all )onse actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. You may obtain a list of the names and nesses of Licensed lamp Professionals byeteleph telephone at (617) 556-1091tor iinnperson or Registration y mail at OnHazardous nter Street, 6th nor,Boston,Massachusetts 02108. you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Derrick Bruce at (413) 755-2125. All um communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number(MN) contained the subject block of this letter. Sincerely, Ann• G. ingto Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup tGS:DAB 6091nor.doc enclosures Certified Mail No.7004 0550 0000 4694 1751 cc: Northampton Mayor's Office Health Dept. Northampton City Hall Mayor's Office 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 MIDSTATE OFFICE PARK 27 MIDSTATE DRIVE. SUITE 218 AUBURN, MA 01501 508-832-6022 FAX: 508-832-4603 September 18,2006 WWW.ECSCONSULT.COM File No. 03-205191.00 Re: Notice of Document Availability Phase 11 Comprehensive Site Assessment (Revised) and Phase III Remedial Action Plan(Revised) Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton,Massachusetts RTN 1-0973 To whom it may concern: This letter is to inform tat the Chief Massachusetts Police Northampton,lsubmit a accordance Reviised Phase II CMR ehensive )( ), Comprehensive Site Assessment and a Revised Phase III Remedial Action Plan to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) for the above-referenced property. Interested parties may contact MADEP at 436 Dwight Street. Springfield, MA 01103 for more information. Sincerely, EA'VIRONME P.L COMPLIANCE SERVICES,Inc. Matthew J. Lyne,P.E. Sr. Project Manager Christopher Johnson Geologist II cc: Northampton City Hall,Health Department,210 Main Street,Northampton, MA 01060 Massachusetts DEP,Western Regional Office-436 Dwight Streeet,Springfield,gfield, MA 01103 Gerald Densmore-MSP-470 Worcester Road,Framingham, ECS Auburn—General File F:i Data\ProjeCtS\M2005\MSP0]2 05191-Northampton\ReponsiPhase II CSA\PUbLiC Notification to towndoCWAKEFIELD. MA 1DDAM, CT TAMPA, FL AGAWAM, MA AUBURN, MA BOW. NH .UMBUS, OH MARION, NY BRATTLEBORO. VT RICHMOND. VT Northampton City Hall Mayor's Office 210 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 MIDSTATE OFFICE PARK 27 MIDSTATE DRIVE, SUITE 218 AUBURN, MA 01501 508-832-6022 FAX: 508-832-4603 WWW.ECSCONSULT.COM November 7,2006 File No. 03-205191.00 Re: Notice of Document Availability Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan (Revised) Massachusetts State Police 555 North King Street Northampton,Massachusetts RTN 1-0973 To whom it may concern: This letter is to inform the Chief Municipal Officer of Northampton, in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(a), that the Massachusetts State Police will submit a Revised Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) for the above-referenced property. The Phase IV Plan includes a design for the remediation of impacted soil and groundwater at this facility by Enhanced Fluid Recovery and In-Situ Chemical Oxidation injections. It is expected that the EFR events will be initiated in November 2006 and injection wells will be installed this winter. It is expected that the injection events will commence in the Spring 2007. Additionally, during the chemical mixing portion of the injection event, it is expected that the on-site technicians will wear respirators to protect themselves from potential fumes. Interested parties may contact ECS at the letterhead above to obtain a copy of this document. Sincerely, ENVIRONMENAL COMPLIANCE SERVICES,Inc. ilr+4 0, i Matthew J. Lyne, P.E. Sr. Project Manager cc: Northampton assachuusetts DEP,Western Regional Office-436 Dwight Streett,tSpringfield,MA 01103 Gerald Densmore-MSP-470 Worcester Road,Framingham,MA 01702 ECS Auburn—General File >DDAM, CT .UMBUS, OH Projects\12005 MSP10320s 191 VoPbantp105 acpons\Phase lv RIP\PUblie NOtIFICalliffl to toa'1 AGAWAM, WAKEFIELD, MA AGA , MA AUBURN, MA TAMPA, FL VT RICHMOND, VT Bow, NH MARION. NY BRATTLEBORO, rthampton, 1-00973 Tier 77 Extension Approval e Tier II Extension is approved and will expire on November 3,2007. In accordance with 0 CMR 40.0560(7),if a Response Action Outcome Statement or Remedy Operation Status is t submitted to the Department prior to the expiration of the Tier II Classification you are Iuired to submit a Tier II Extension Submittal at least 45 days before the date of expiration of a Tier II Classification. re Department also establishes an Interim Deadline of September 21,2007, for submittal of a lase P1 Status Report. this Deadline is not met the Department may initiate enforcement actions for failure to comply ith Regulatory Deadlines. he Department reminds you that except as expressly noted in this letter,the requirements of the 005,and as modified on March 29,2006,O and July 11,which became ain in effect and subject November 23, :nforcement by the Department. :dearly of overriding importance in this matter is continued progress in the clean up at this site. she Department recognizes that sometimes delays in response actions can be unavoidable. The Department appreciates and thanks you for your continued efforts in the clean up at this site. If you have any questions,please contact Michael Scherer at 413 755-2278 or Baffour Kyei at 413 755-2158. 1-00973.t2ex.BK cc: Site files,BWSC,WERO ecopy: Northampton Mayor's Office Northampton Board of Health Mr. Charles Klingler,LSP 2 Sincerely, MIAS dennnt copy is Wag pro tiW a yw ekc ak*by the Distrust of isvtnantd Ptetefin A ltd copy otitis dement h n®e at tit DEP nine Wed n Mcktkrkat Richard M. Green Section Chief Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup INEY (ALEY Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 WENT LEGAL MATTER 4assachusetts Department of State Police dr. Gerald Densmore .70 Worcester Road ramingham,MA 01702 ROBERT W.GOLLEDGE,Jr. Secretary ARLEEN O'DONNELL Commissioner January 2, 2007 Re: Northampton RTN 1-00973 555 North King Street Mass. State Police Barracks Interim Deadline TIER II EXTENSION APPROVAL ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM DEADLINE Dear Mr. Gerald Densmore: On March 3, 1992,the Department was notified of a gasoline release,observed during the removal of an underground storage tank from the site. A Notice of Responsibility was issued to you("you"refers to Massachusetts 1S00e PoliOn No May 6, 1992, a,and th r II Classaficaled Release Tracking Number(RTN): became effective for the site, and on September 14, 2000,RTN: 1-13400, for chromium in soil was linked to the Subject RTN. A Revised Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment and a Revised Phase III Remedial Action Plan were submitted on September 180026006. DModiified7, Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan was submitted on November 8, 2 2006, a Tier II Extension Request was submitted on your behalf by Mr. Charles Klingler,LSP. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0560(2)(d), 310 CMR 40.0560(7) and 310 CMR 40.0893(4), either a Response Action Outcome(RAO), a Tier II Extension Submittal,or a Remedy Operation Status (ROS) shall be submitted within five years of the effective date of the original Tier II Classification. This information is available in alternate format Call Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057.TOD Service-1-800.29&220'7. MassDEP on the World Wide Web'. Mlp INN M State.ma.usldep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper 'E-07-3052,RTN. 1-16492 equired actions are not completed by the deadlines specified,an administrative penalty may ssed for every day after the date of this Notice that the noncompliance occurs or continues. epartment reserves its rights to exercise the full extent of its leegal authority in order 0 full compliance with all applicable requirements,including, lotion,civil action including court-imposed civil penalties,or administrative action, ling administrative penalties imposed by the Department. ie Department of Environmental Protection: , ni Horn op is M16696649 ekanal 6Oe Deputies au4newud1966N.a ntb°n eau&omen u n%the DEP Mxhu!®6:161109a6 Anna Symington Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE NON-WE-07-3052 RTN 1-16492 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE. LURE TO RESPOND COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. .E OF ENTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE: achusetts Department of State Police,470 Worcester Road,Framingham,MA 01702 IATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: Vorth King Street,Northampton :ES WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED 014 WAS OBSERVED: 16/07-due date for submittal of an Immediate Response Action(IRA)Plan,or,if Massachusetts Contingency tPlann,,(MCP),(RAO) accordance with the CMR 400000 SCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT(S)NOT COMPLIED WITH: lation of 310 CMR 40.0420(7$—failure to submit an IRA Plan. 01/12/07, the Department received a Release Notification Form indicating that elevated icentrations of gasoline constituents were detected in soil and groundwater at the site. On 16/07, the Department was notified of separate phase gasoline product detected in one of the lls on-site These releases are attributed to a source located at 555 North King Street. A Notice Responsibility was issued to Massachusetts Department of State Police(hereafter referred to "you")on 01/17/07,and the site was assigned a Release Tracking Number(RTN): 1-16492. An proval was granted for you to perform an IRA. accordance with 310 CMR 40.0420(7)a,an IRA Plan should have been provided to the apartment within 60 days of providing notification to the Department of the 2-hour or 72-hour porting condition. The IRA Plan was therefore due on 03/16/07. To date,the Department has t received the required IRA Plan CTION(S)TO BE TAKEN AND THE DEADLINE(S)FOR TAKING SUCH CTION(S): 1) Submit to the Department an IRA Plan in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0410,or,if appropriate,a Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement in accordance with the MCP,310 CMR 40.1000,6 3 ne 29.2007. T-07-3052,RTIN;1-16492 ed is a Notice of Noncompliance that describes(1)the requirement violated,(2)the date ace that the Department asserts the requirement was violated,(3)either the specific actions must be taken in order to return to compliance or direction to submit a written proposal bing how and when you plan to return to compliance and(4)the deadline for taking such s or submitting such a proposal. These requirements are governed by Massachusetts al Laws Chapter 21E,and the regulations adopted thereunder(310 CMR 40.0000—the tchusetts Contingency Plan or"MCP"). Please consult the MCP for the complete nation of these requirements. The MCP may be viewed on the Department's web page at ?www.mass. °vide /bwsc/re s.htm. Copies may be purchased through the State Book in the State House(617-727-2834). )epartmeut reserves its rights to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to n full compliance with all applicable requirements,including,but not limited to,criminal icution,civil action including court-imposed civil penalties,or administrative action, ding administrative penalties imposed by the Department. conta ri have any questions act Michael Scherer at 413-755-2278 or Bffour Kyei at 413-75552158.med in it, 2 this c Noncompliance,ur - - bey t 1-1649 ,,and the Enforcement Tracking g Nmber,NON W E07-3052,to ensure proper king of your response. Sincerely, ns ra 4 asei 441 D ban padded a w aaw'a6 M n: wail d,ffl ndneumo.n.. drtmiw.w pw N It&DM'eRrt Wed se lYtia,e°d Anna Symington Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup atified Mail#:7005 3110 0001 3150 9596, Rehm Receipt Requested Notice of Noncompliance 1 ecc: Northampton Mayors Office(ec) Northampton Board of Health(ec) Charles E.Klingler,LSP-of-Record(ec) Denise Andler,DEP-WERO(ec) Deleted:,s COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY&ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street.Springfield,Massachusetts 01103. (413)7S4-1100 LICK .URRAY Boner TIFIED MAIL#7005 3110 0001 3150 9596 sachusetts Department of State Police Gerald Densmore,Director of Dept.Services Worcester Road ningham,MA 01702 RE IAN A.BOWIES Secretary ARLEEN O'DONNELL Commissioner May 29,2007 NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE Northampton 555 North King Street RTN: 1-16492 NON-WE-07-3052 Failure to Comply with Massachusetts Contingency Plan Deadlines ar Mr.Gerald Densmore, e Department of Environmental Protection(the Department)has determined that assachusetts Department of State Police(hereafter referred to as"you")is not in compliance th one or more requirements enforced by the Department. The Department's records indicate at you are a Potentially Responsible Party(PRP)for one or more releases of oil and/or ¢ardour materials at the disposal site(the site)named above. As of the date of this Notice,you e not in compliance with regulatory deadlines for investigating and cleaning up the disposal te. Specifically: • You failed to submit an Immediate Response Action(IRA)Plan,or,if appropriate,a Response Action Outcome(RAO)Statement in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Man,(MCP),310 CMR 40.0000 by 03/16/07. r the required actions are not completed by the deadlines specified below,an administrative penalty nay be assessed for every day after the date of this Notice that the noncompliance occurs or ontinues. Such a penalty may be assessed in an amount of up to$1,000.00 per violation per day. This inrv.m.nnn is mailable in alternate format Coll Donald M.Gomm ADA Coordinator al 617-5561051.100 Service 4400-19B-224W u2m. DEF on me n as pnvrcep World r Printed o R Recycled Gaper ,rthampton, 1-00973 Tier II Extension Approval he Tier II Extension is approved and will expire on November 3,2008. In accordance with 10 CMR 40.0560(7), if a Response Action Outcome Statement or Remedy Operation Status is of submitted to the Department prior to the expiration of the Tier II Classification you are squired to submit a Tier 11 Extension Submittal at least 45 days before the date of expiration of to Tier 11 Classification. he Department also establishes an Interim Deadline of November 19, 2007, for submittal of a 'hase IV Status Report, including the installation and sampling of additional monitoring wells. f this Deadline is not met the Department may initiate enforcement actions for failure to comply with Regulatory Deadlines. Clearly of overriding importance in this matter is continued progress in the clean up at this site. The Department recognizes that sometimes delays in response actions can be unavoidable. The Department appreciates and thanks you for your continued efforts in the clean up at this site. If you have any questions,please contact Michael Scherer at 413 755-2278 or Baffour Kyei at 413 755-2158. 1-00973.t2ex.BK cc: Site files,BWSC,WERO ecopy: Northampton Mayor's Office Northampton Board of Health Mr. Charles Klingler, LSP 2 Sincerely, This final dommnt copy is haq provided m you anemically yth doctrinal Dcpmwnt of EnviroImental Protection.d Aped ropy is a Me m the DEP pace lined a the letterhead. Richard M. Green Section Chief Site Management/Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup L. PATRICK -IT P.MURRAY ant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 URGENT LEGAL MATTER Massachusetts Department of State Police Mr. Gerald Densmore 470 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01702 IAN A.BOWIES Secretary LAURIE BURT Commissioner September 27, 2007 Re: Northampton RTN 1-00973 555 North King Street Mass. State Police Barracks Interim Deadline TIER II EXTENSION APPROVAL ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM DEADLINE Dear Mr. Gerald Densmore: In March and April 1992, the Department was notified of a gasoline release, observed during the removal of underground storage tanks from the site. A Notice of Responsibility was issued to you ("you"refers to Massachusetts State Police) on May 6, 1992, and the site was assigned Release Tracking Number(RTN): 1-00973. On November 3, 1998, a Tier II Classification became effective for the site, and on September 14,2000,RTN: 1-13400, for chromium in soil was linked to the subject RTN. A Revised Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment and a Revised Phase III Remedial Action Plan were submitted on September 18, 2006, after a more detailed assessment of new conditions on-site. A Modified Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan was submitted on November 8, 2006. On September 14, 2007, a Tier II Extension Request was submitted on your behalf by Mr. Charles Klingler, LSP. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0560(2)(d), 310 CMR 40.0560(7) and 310 CMR 40.0893(4), either a Response Action Outcome (RAO), a Tier II Extension Submittal,or a Remedy Operation Status (ROS) shall be submitted within five years of the effective date of the original Tier II Classification. This information is available in alternate format.Coll Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057.TDD Serf fee-1-800.4984201. DEP on the World Wide Web. http IIW Ww.mass govldep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper