227-230 Complaints litEmtt rya CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS:Donna.Sa/loom, Chair-Joanne Levin, MD-Suzanne.Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves-Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary, RS. Director-Daniel Wasiak Inspector-Edmund Smith,Inspector-Jennifer Brown, RN,Nurse ctivity Chronology for 227 Bridge Street Northamuton MA 01060 2/8/2007- Letter from NBOH director to Ms.Gantes,detailing violations at 227 Bridge Street(inadequate& improper trash storage,door lock maintenance,structural penetrations (pest concerns),plumbing drain issues,questions about cross-metering,broken window glass,smoke detector question. Includes follow-up correspondence. 11/12/09-Housing inspection at request of tenant: no hot water(warm only),cross metering concerns, range in poor repair; Orders to Correct issued. Certified letter returned unclaimed;Application for Temp. Restraining Order 11/24/09 in Housing Court; 11/30/09 Agreement of the Parties reached; subsequently repairs were made. 8/20/2010-Nuisance trash complaint:large mattress left at curb in front of house. Mattress apparently removed before inspection. 10/11/2010 -Northampton Health classified 2nd floor uninhabitable due to DEA determination of clandestine drug laboratory on 2nd floor and attic space; MaDEP joint inspection helps shape remediation requirements. Extensive documentation of cleanup. 6/27/2011- Nuisance trash complaint from neighbor:Sofas out front at the curb,trash bags along side of house (cleared up 7/1/2011). 7/26/2011 -Notice of Compliance for corrections related to drug lab on 2nd floor. 11/21/2012 -Nuisance trash complaint from BOH: improperly store garbage,scattered rubbish including mattresses and broken furniture throughout yards around house. Abated 12/6/2012. 8/21/2013- Orders to Correct for 1st floor unit:wall penetrations in hall, doors poorly maintained,missing outlet covers,caulking missing,non-functioning light,bathroom and kitchen wall,ceiling,and floor not smooth and impervious,illegal lighting fixture,shower control in poor repair,leaking HW heater in basement(chronic dampness&failure to maintain),possible cross-metering,smoke and CO detector issues,unpermitted ground floor improvements created illegal 3rd dwelling unit,basement contains large quantity of damp discarded items. Some of these items were abated but owner abandoned property in late September. 9/4/2013 -Orders to Correct for 2nd floor unit: wall penetrations under kitchen counters,unsecured toilet, failure to maintain structural components in good repair,electrical and plumbing deficiencies,referral to MaDEP regarding Asbestos pipe insulation in friable condition (basement; confirmed); chronic dampness in basement,hot water heater in poor repair. 12/15/2013 -email from 1st floor tenant stating no 1.t floor heat,and tenant recently moved out of basement apartment; now suspects frozen pipes in that unoccupied unit(later confirmed);she is maintaining appliances at her own expense (furnace repairs made but HW heater overflow valve broken,leaking). 12/15/2013-email from owner to 1st floor tenant: "1 gave the house back to the bank". 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE EMARIE NARPARIS,R.N.,MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF Ernest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.M.O. Director of Public Health lard Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector Vida Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse February 8, 2007 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Patricia Gantes (Tel. (617- 840-7883) P.O. Box 398 Worthington, MA 01098 RE: Inspection/Complaint—227 Bridge Street, Apt. #3 Dear Ms. Patricia Gantes: 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 (413)587-1213 FAX(413)587-1221 Please call me at 413-587-1213 or my cell at 563-6680. as soon as possible,regarding a complaint that I received about the conditions of the exterior of your property located at 227 Bride Street,Apt. #32 which is owned, managed, or operated by you. I conducted an inspection of the apartment on February 8, 2007,and would like to discuss the violations I observed with you. Therefore, after conducting the inspection I decided to send you this letter instead of sending you a formal citation letter which would be a"Notice of Violation with Correction Orders". I would like to speak to you about the complaint and to determine if the violations that I observed at your property could be corrected without this office having to take formal action. I have attached a list of the violations that were found during the inspection. Please call me by February 26,2007. Failure to hear from you by this date will result in a formal letter sent to you by this office. When calling my office, if you receive my voicemail,please leave me your telephone number and cell phone number with the best times to call you. I will call you back as soon as possible. Please, it is imperative that you call me as soon as you can I am awaiting your call. Ernest J. Mathieu, RS, MS, CHO Director of Public Health e-mail: emathieu @northamptonma.gov February 8, 2007 OWNERS Patricia Gantes P.O. Box 398 Worthington, MA 01098 TENANT Danielle Laino and Steven Hermsath 227-230 Bridge Street, Apt. #3H Northampton, MA 01060 Inspection of the apartment conducted on February 8, 2007 by complaint from tenat and request for inspection By; Ernest J. Mathieu, Health Director TEL 413-587-1213 or cell at 563-6680 e-mail: emathieu@northamptonma.gov LIST OF VIOLATIONS OF Chapter 2 Exterior of Premisis - There was only one trash storage container for the three families. This appears to be very inadequate. ORDER: Comply with the section of the code below: 410.600:Storage of Garbage and Rubbish (A) Garbage or mixed garbage and rubbish shall be stored in watertight receptacles with tight- fitting covers. Said receptacles and covers shall be of metal or other durable,rodent-proof material. Rubbish shall be stored in receptacles of metal or other durable, rodent-proof material. Garbage and rubbish shall be put out for collection no earlier than the day of collection. (B) Plastic bags shall be used to store garbage or mixed rubbish and garbage only if used as a liner in watertight receptacles with tight-fitting covers as required in 105 CMR 410.600(A), provided that the plastic bags may be put out for collection except in those places where such practice is prohibited by local rule or ordinance or except in those cases where the Department of Public Health determines that such practice constitutes a health problem. For purposes of the preceding sentence, in making its determination the Department shall consider, among other things, evidence of strewn garbage, torn garbage bags,or evidence of rodents. (C) The owner of any dwelling that contains three or more dwelling units, the owner of any rooming house, and the occupant of any other dwelling place shall provide as many receptacles for the storage of garbage and rubbish as are sufficient to contain the accumulation before final collection or ultimate disposal,and shall locate them so as to be convenient to the tenant and so that no objectionable odors enter any dwelling. (D) The occupants of each dwelling unit, and rooming unit shall be responsible for the proper placement of his garbage and rubbish in the receptacles required in 105 CMR 410.600(C) or at the point of collection by the owner. PAGE-2 Exterior of Premisis (con't) -No recycling bins observed. Referred to the D.P.W. for evaluation Exterior Entrance - Door knob is defective and very difficult to unlock. ORDER: Repair/Replace door knob. Living Room (On Slab) - Hole in floor near entrance and doorway casing. Tenant states that she has observed mice going thought this hole. ORDER: Seal up hole. BathroomStorage/Heating Room - Shower drain does not drain properly. According to tenant it drains very slow and has overflowed and has flooded the floor. Possible partial blockage. ORDER: Snake/clear drain pipe to make shower drain properly. Storage/Heating Room - There were 3 Hot water Heaters observed. ORDER: owner to supply BOH with verification that they are all on the tenant's meters for the apartments that they service. Recommendation - Relocate smoke detector to kitchen wall as close as possible to Living Room/Bedroom Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Thank You, Ernest J. Mathieu,RS, MS, CHO Director of Public Health BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JAY FLEITMAN,M.D., CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM BEN WOOD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER V OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT: 227 BRIDGE STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 This is an important legaidocument. It may affect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: 212Main Street, Northampton Ma. Isto � um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: 212 Main Street, Northampton Ma Le suivante est un important document legal. 11 pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: 212 Main Street, Northampton Ma Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: 212 Main Street, Northampton Ma Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccidn de esta forma en: 212 Main Street, Northampton Ma To jest wazne legalny dokument_To maze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzysliad tiumaczeilie feo dokumentu w ofisie: 212 Main Street, Northampton Ma NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) s87-1214 November 18, 2009 - Patricia Gantz 227 Bridge Street Northampton Ma 01060 Re: 227 Bridge Street, lower unit Dear Ms. Gantz, In accordance with, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter 11: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. An Inspection was conducted by Aimee Petrosky at 227 Bridge Street Northampton Ma, a property owned by ynu, on November 17, 7009. The Following Violations were noted: Code Number Violation Date of Correction Comments 410.255 3 Bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen all on same circuit breaker.. December 7, 2009 Please have Certified electrician check electrical panels for safety and Provide BOH with electrical report. 410.354 Circuit that controls rooms mentioned above is in breaker box labeled as "Owner Box" and not"lower unit" box December 7, 2009 Please have Certified electrician check accuracy of what box is for what unit. Provide BOH with electrical report 410.351 Kitchen sink leaks into bucket. December 7, 2009 410.503 Basement stairs have no handrail. December 7, 2009 410.351 1)Kitchen Counter is rotting and pulling away. 2) Kitchen cabinet under sinks is December 7, 2009 I The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order issued to you above within the time frame listed. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. A re-inspection will take place on or around December 7, 2009. If you would like to be present please contact the Health Department to schedule a time. Failure to comply with any order issued pursuant to the provisions of 105 CMR 410.000-shall upon conviction be fined not less than $10 or more than $500. Each days failure to comply shall constitute separate violations. Please be advised that if you are aggrieved with this order you have the right to request a hearing. You must submit a written petition requesting a hearing within seven (7)days from the day the order was served Sincerely, This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector 212 Main St rotting. 410.190 Water Temp in Kitchen sink 95.4, Bathroom sink 94.8 Degrees Fahrenheit 11/23/2009 410.352 Unable to determine if there is appropriate separation of two hot water heaters. In addition there are three units but only two-observable hot water heaters. December 7, 2009 Referred to Plumbing inspector. The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order issued to you above within the time frame listed. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. A re-inspection will take place on or around December 7, 2009. If you would like to be present please contact the Health Department to schedule a time. Failure to comply with any order issued pursuant to the provisions of 105 CMR 410.000-shall upon conviction be fined not less than $10 or more than $500. Each days failure to comply shall constitute separate violations. Please be advised that if you are aggrieved with this order you have the right to request a hearing. You must submit a written petition requesting a hearing within seven (7)days from the day the order was served Sincerely, This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector 212 Main St s of AA>VC cr.,, V ,a{ t fez$ ti.,, ,-A„ Or „wnM., � fva,301 i1)� o .7}1') U 1r- 7 �' 5 >/ /o ) isl 11. /' s -A n'S 1--rT )7"8 7"DJ .j {cl-I _'""."ro lyr,4a+i BOAS HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD r� NAT E OF COMPLAINT �1 r ' ry 9 aft )7 fiord Pied it's lrrGt� t � c,,u Con 30 Day Notice to Quit November 23, 2009 TO: Karl Hathaway and Family FROM: Patricia Gantes Your are hereby notified to quit and deliver up in thirty days from receipt of this notice the premises now held by you as my tenant namely: Karl Hathaway, wife &child Ruthie Parsons The reason for eviction is: to make necessary repairs without obstacle. Hereof Fail Not, or I shall take due course of law to eject you from same. Happy Holidays, Patricia Gantes 227 Bridge Street Unit 3 Northampton MA 01060 DINA E. FEIN PIRST JUSTICE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET • P.O. BOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102-0559 TELEPHONE (413) 748-7838 FAX (413)732-4607 ROBERT G. FIELDS ASSOCIATE JUSTICE Case No. U� -(1, 12 Nkmitomptz,n iyeal ( V c4 iW airs Plain (s) (� � �� M t�� S1l�e� Street �fon-ihwnpk)n MA a nC)00 City/Zip KEVIN R. BYRNE, SR. CLERK MAGISTRATE.PRO TEM Date: II �2'-I J� -/ -3 ail-f? Defentlan ,‘+t-1�1�� CIB C? City/Zip APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Based upon the specific facts set out in the attached affidavit/verified complaint fled with the Clerk of this Court, I request that the Court order the above Defendant(s)to dtgattORS yp i'r 'j I also request the Court waive Rule 65(c)of MRCP that I provide security for the Issuance of the above orders because Signed and sworn to under before «*************** NOTICE OF HEARING TO THE DEFENDANT: You are hereby Wn, tern Divis'on of The . Housi Orr/P /, vv. 3U application�`'ould not be granted. Signature ON TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER notified that a hearing on the above aao o�tirx,lwiilll he held a the n Co rt, sitting in 1�5Y"Ift�TIQ r CtrlK on , _ at which you may appear an show cause why such WITNESS: Dina E. Fein, Esq. at Springfield !ASE PRINT AFFIDAVIT PLEASE PRINT HIS IS A REQUEST FOR AN EMERGENCY ORDER WER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF PERJURY I SWEAR AND AFFIRM THAT: Y NAME IS 'P3en ocod , I Am The: rech c r,f [° {imry-0„9tin 144 tilt 7ev°✓+n4nF ,My Business Address is: a wqr- .' S+rce! , N ,rtko peen MA anerl Telephone # - saa - 1ar3 kM BRINGING THIS ACTION AGAINST: ?a 1,-;c+a Gen+z who sides at dal 6n,dvc sate)), Citylita, .,_f\tn Zip of°e o Phone sill -L4s- 993o H IS ACTION RELATES TO PROPERTY LOCATED AT : )a1 13crage Ste} :xplain the Defendant's relationship to the property): [X] Owner [ ] Tenant [ ] Neighbor ] Visitor [ ] Other : n N°g°,..), .,,- 1K,2,009 , The Following Occurred: (PRINT) A r Pe-.�sx yeg■'I'I, Sispecaor %r 114 CL\ 0G tJ orihom.Qtsn A,0 o.. CaS.9 C 'to is) 7.6-4 ler.W! w,:i- be .'3.71 fly;ra•e Skre +1,., Aim.t 1 g )vCa,=,..t was 4s.v° 111- Y- &rc% 9M.4° 'i ;r. "W-t bo'Y air, . 4 Ser M+rchR °raps 6 (ocre.ck-. ('h. ]JnocrOctt all ZraC21 Aince zitaSkLt 4 1wrA recerued o. 3o dp� ao+.'ee_ c c:.i<r% a cRs-1 it rn�M 1.0 11,0. -flay J D ©,..:F 1 as uzx-. aS itc 1.0+ °pate rot had not yser, rtf.}breck . 'INN\-7- n,rrt Ain4•a�. rircrked "14 I JPAp., t .nrl._ '� V� r��' (OVER) AVE ATTEMPTED TO RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM BY DOING THE FOLLOWING: �mvi-( nn nrck“ „i Nw.cilon) IEREFORE I AM ASKING THE COURT TO: nrrk4r 11 «A Ms . G°nk fa Sh+r-( w-1- watt(' 1-u ac4-10,1• S SIGNED DATE November 28, 2009 Common of Massachusetts Trial Court/ Health Department Attention Ben Wood, Aimee Petrosky Dear Ben & Aimee, The water heater at Unit 2, 227 Bridge Street Northampton MA has been restored to a heat that is acceptable to me and my family: Tenant at 227 Bridge St I had the water heater restored to working condition on 11/27/09 Patricia Gantes, Homeowner 227 Bridge St Thank you, Patricia Gantes 227 Bridge Street Unit 3 Northampton MA 01060 (413) 695-9930 ci4 Copy etroskv@ northamptonma.gov ood @ northamptonma.gov /28/09 :sr Mr.Wood&Ms. Petrosky: st, I want to express my intensions of complying with all codes and resolving all issues requested by Northampton Heath apartment. Since receiving the first report(on 11/22/09)for an inspection on 11/17/09 by Amiee Petrosky, I have made several empts to contact the Northampton Health Department. I still have not heard from your office. This concerns me since I was hoping get clarification and direction from your department. :far as the leaky sink and the damage thereof in the second unit,apparently this has been a problem for a long time,however, the cant has never brought this to my attention now causing more financial burdens(new cabinet.counter.and ceiling repairs).He has en living at this unit for going on two years knowing that the sink leaks. On 11/15/09 when I talked to him about water marks spearing on my ceiling, which is below his apartment,he stated that he has been emptying out a bucket weekly for some time.Not ily did he not notify me in a timely manner of a problem in his apartment.since 11/15/09,he has not been cooperative in allowing me the people who are working with me access to his apartment to fix the problem. He seems to have some other agenda. far as the water heater,Karl Hathaway,went to your department first instead of informing me of the severity of the problem. art Hathaway has been a challenging tenant since he moved in over a year ago. • I have documentation that the tenant Karl Hathaway has been consistently late on his rent every month since January of 2009. • Furthermore,as mentioned above, he has not reported unsafe conditions and even more challenging,has repeatedy not responded to my requests to enter his unit to make necessary repairs. • On November 1,2009, Karl Hathaway gave me verbal notice that he will be moving and buying a new home. • On November 23,2009 I gave him 30 days written notice. so I can make improvements in his unit so that my son and I can occupy the unit. It would appear that Mr.Hathaway is using complaints filed with the Department of Health to leverage extending his stay in my house. • On Thanksgiving,November 26,2009,I received a notice on my door that your department is taking me to court for a 'Temporary Restraining Order for the water heater snot'worldng. • November 27,2009,I found a notice for a certified letter,from the Northampton Health Department,in my bushes by the front door.We may be seeing behavior that punitive and sabotages responses to the very codes that Karl Hathaway is complaining ot. it may be abuse of govemment resources for personal gain. • The water heater was corrected and is working perfectly since 11/27/09(see faxed documentation from tenant as proof that the correction has been made). have immediately responded to complaints as soon as I found out about them.Below are the codes in question and how they either ave been resolved or what actions are in place to correct them: '.odes 410.255,410.354 Ilectrical Issues: Registered Electrician, Roger Milo(413-265-0429)will be inspecting the codes in question,Thursday, December 3, 009 at Sam. ie 410.351 :hen sink leak has been corrected on 11/28/09. Counter and cabinet:I will need an extension due to costs,access to the aparbnent, 1 availability of a profession to install. Jo 410.503 iement Rail has been corrected 11/28/09. de 410.190 der Heater Temperature has been corrected 11/27/09. de 410.352 ere is an incorrect statement on your report from 11/17/09. I have three water heaters not two(please see attached photo)all are oropriately separated per purchase inspection. I have not heard from Plumbing inspector yet. icerely, tricia'Roxy'Gantes 7 Bridge Street Unit 3 mhampton MA 01060 The parties are to appear in court on /01- 7' D 9 at /RI'L'L o'clock for review on compliance with this agreement. ' FAILURE of the Plaintiff to appear for this review may result in the DISMISSAL of this case. "FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for this review may result in the issuance of an EVICTION ORDER. IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days written notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven day period begins when the other side receives notice. Once approved by the iudqe, this agreement becomes a COURT ORDER and both parties are legally required to follow it. If questions arise, please direct them to the Housing Specialist. 1 UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE A RIGHT TO A TRIAL BEFORE A JUDGE, BUT INSTEAD I CHOOSE TO SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. k - . d/� f/date n 1-cf mere cp OW) 1�S PRINT NAME PRINT NAME cf( 3) Cogs 9T3D Telephone Telephone Plaintiff's Defendant's Attorney/BBO# Housing Specialist regele--- y 3d"0% Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Dina E. Fein, First Justice Robert G. Fields, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to the parties Page 2 of 2 DINA E. FEIN FIRST JUSTICE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. SOX 559 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01102.0559 TELEPHONE (413)746-7838 FAX (413) 732-4607 ROBERT G. FIELDS ASSOCIATE JUSTICE '/ Case No. o 9e / s-VK Date KEVIN R. BYRNE, SR. CLERK MAGISTRATE.PRO TEM //-30- 07 NDLORD/PLAINTI TENANT/DEFENDAN AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES THE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING AS A RESOLUTION OF THIS CASE lilt 4J-illeave GGau .109xt A- %e./ALt __s_. A.-4 4 AL," /G / iii, i v P-I�il(q PO g ct�C �4: Ck � � //, ) DTL� r ��� 9 smc Page 1 of 2 The parties are to appear in court on � 49' 0 % at 7411/ -- o'clock for review on compliance with this agreement. * FAILURE of the Plaintiff to appear for this review may result in the DISMISSAL of this case. **FAILURE of the Defendant to appear for this review may result in the issuance of an EVICTION ORDER. IF EITHER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, s/he may schedule a court hearing after serving a seven business days written notice to the other party and immediately filing a copy of that notice with the court. The seven day period begins when the other side receives notice. Once approved by the judge,this agreement becomes a COURT ORDER and both parties are legally required to follow it. If questions arise, please direct them to the Housing Specialist. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE A RIGHT TO A TRIAL BEFORE A JUDGE, BUT INSTEAD I CHOOSE TO SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. PRINT NAME Telephone Plaintiffs Attorney/BBO# Housing Specialist date PRINT NAME q( 3) Ceg5- 9150 Telephone Defendant's Attorney/BBO# Clerk-Magistrate / Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Dina E. Fein, First Justice Robert G. Fields, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to the parties Page 2 of 2 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.O. tenjamin Wood,MPH,Director Abbott,RN,Public Health Nurse Daniel Wasluk,Health Inspector dmund Smith,Health Inspector Heather McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE DATE: 6-27-2011 ADDRESS Patricia Gantz 227 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 a owner of 227 Bridge Street u are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within DAYS of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 111, actions 122-125 SCRIPTION: • Excessive trash and rubbish at side of house • Two sofas in poor condition,wet through from rain,and left on the front lawn and between Your driveway and#235 Bridge Street at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the -ocess of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of 1000.00 for each offense may be charged. By order of the Northampton Board of Health This abatement order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. FC- 2 Ceti Edmund Smith Health Inspector, Northampton Health Department BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF Benjamin Wood,MPH Director of Public Health is Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse dmund Smith,Health Inspector aniel Wasiuk,Health Inspector Heather McBride,Clerk tricia Gantz 7 Bridge Street irthampton, MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS ar Patricia Gantz 1 6-27-2011 a Notice to Abate a Nuisance was issued against the operty located at 227 Bridge Street, owned or operated by you. Violations were observed Id the Notice was mailed to you on 6-27-2011 final re-inspection was conducted on 7-01-2011 - II violations noted in the 6-27-2011 otice to Abate a Nuisance were found to be corrected and therefore, please note that you have )mplied with all of the correction orders issued in the Notice. his letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding lis matter, please contact me at my office. incerely, :dmund Smith, Health Inspector, Northampton Board of Health sait ttecat BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Cr- Zogz-cee05 3 e: t-7-7- /I I Time: GO; r'7 GEO: Ccoswe (Type: /taut S4 -A-1, Te M t Z ANt--/-3 tc s ne of Complainant: cj2 ,t c Tress Tel: -F SOG4-S f- ret- PA-YI NATURE OF COMPLAINT: r7Z.ttCA ne .N./C? 2ZB_ L cation: r vner: 1'A-X■cif 6n->r-? (dress: Zzrt 3i Fis#£ry ST- iken by: Tel: IDate of Inspection: ITime: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 9wrro e rse EP /✓✓i547Jc dKOEfL L - Z1 - Lc Le Cgv{Ou if+JGE ciafl -t /7- o c - zc r� Cherk Be RYES otal#of Inspections: 6 - c7 l/ / Orders Issued?: A/u'sm-IcE ate of Final Inspection: ? 0 I - 2.-Ce4 Notice of Compliance?: ye5 Inspector Signature O Smith Ben Wood tt; Tuesday,July 05, 2011 10:54 AM Roxy Gantes Ed Smith ,ject: RE: 227 Bridge Street <y, I can come by this week, what times work best for you (give me 2-3 times and I'm sure will work). Did you deal with the couches? Ben ---Original Message 3m: Roxy Gantes [mailto:serenitydayz @gmail.coml it: Friday, July 01, 2011 10:49 AM : Ben Wood nject: 227 Bridge Street ar Ben, have been making good progress at the house. We have changed all the flooring and rfaces. A woman wants to rent the unit. She has housing and they are requiring a not from u that, that the unit is livable. ank you, ve the life you Love! xy Gantes, MS, LMCH 13) 695-9930 xyGantes@me.com w.RoxvGantes.com Basement Rail has been corrected 11/28/09. Code 410.352 There is an incorrect statement on the report dated 11/17/09. I have three water heaters not two. All of the water heaters are appropriately separated per purchase inspection. m officially asking for an extension on the above items (Code 410.503), if this email is t the proper way to request an extension can you please inform me what I need to do get an extension? icerely, itricia "Roxy" Gantes 2 nee Petrosky m: Roxy Gantes [roxygantes @me.com] d: Monday, November 30, 2009 8:48 PM Roxy Gantes Aimee Petrosky; Ben Wood; karlhathaway @comcast.net Iject: Re: 227 Bridge Street GANTES/HATHAWAY 11/29/09 Dear Mr. Hathaway, Mr. Wood & Ms. Petrosky: Just to let you all know we have a registered Plumber for (Code 410.503) coming out tomorrow at 1 pm. I emailed and called Mr. Hathaway earlier today to give him proper notice. I am confident the plumbing problem will be resolved tomorrow and I will let you all know the results. im requesting an extension on the (Code 410.503) counter and cabinet replacement due costs and availability of professional to install. Can I have an extension, please? far as the statement that I gave Karl Hathaway 30-day-notice as retaliation to his Intacting the Health Department, Mr. Hathaway did give his verbal notice prior, my post ritten notice was an attempt to get a date so I fill my units and pay my mortgage. I ;lieve after today, through mediation and a phone call with Mr. Hathaway that we are orking on a solution that both parties are happy with. Looks like he is trying to move by e 1st of January and my hope is we continue to communicate our needs to each other id resolve them together without a third party. he Below are the codes in question and how they either have been resolved or what :lions are in place to correct them: ;odes '410.255, 410.354 Electrical Issues: Registered Electrician, Roger Milo will be inspecting the codes in question, Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 8 am. Code ' 410.351 Code 410.503 Kitchen sink leak has been corrected on 11/28/09. Code 410.503 nee Petrosky m: Aimee Petrosky it: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 9:22 AM 'Rory Gantes' Ben Woad [ject: RE: 227 Bridge Street GANTES/HATHAWAY ry i may have an extension for the countertop and cabinet until 12/21/2009. ?ase provide me with the plumbers report ASAP so I can schedule a re-inspection, and let you know if you I need to appear in court on Friday. inks, lee lee Petrosky ] th Inspector /of Northampton one:413-587-1214 413-587-1221 Qoo■ c in(-ari +")S sum 0811 pw^Q)ro -rc s M a at s r " ?3 on-f- ee AY1121 r7PV r1 f' o_SPA cy ms /o _ 2T 7--"-- o tor'"? "r' ° 7110 V 0 II 8 O'CONNELL OIL ASSOCIATES, INC. Dated: 12/1/09 I, John A. Major verify that the water heater temperature is up to the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code at location: 227 Bridge Street, Unit #2, Northampton, Massachusetts John A. Major License #22869 /2- 1. 09 HEATING OIL,PLUMBING,REFRIGERATION&AIR CONDITIONING 25 TEXAS ROAD NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3699 413 586-6800 FAX 413 517-0042 GASOLINE&DIESEL FUEL 25TEXAS ROAD NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3699 413 582-6104 FAX 413 584-4655 riditS-O'Leary n: Ed Smith WI..%Ak\at ar^ c Wednesday, December 18, 2013 10:06 AM Datres Julie(AGO) moleary(aJnorthamptonma.gov jest: Re: 227 Bridge Street chments: CCI12182013.pdf ' a' \� Ci\ ulie • Roxy Gantes is Patricia Carrie Gantes who is the owner of the house I think I confused the ownership issue- I know that her mother died fairly recently and Roxy had been stressed over end of life care. • Roxy is a counselor who lives in CA(the water and tax bills go to: 2589 Santa Anna Blvd. Apt. A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; a phone number I was able to reach her on in August is 413.695.9930;email is serenitvdavz(al gmail.com. • Upstairs (2nd floor) occupant is Bill Fondulis(cell 413.210.1042; supposedly moving out within 1-2 weeks). kFirst floor tenant is Geneva Ledbetter Maguire(email is geneva.neve(a,live.com);her phone is 413.259.7929; she'll allow us to come in iTI call ahead. • Roxy is current on taxes for the first 2 quarters of this year, but there are water liens and taxes about to be mailed out for 3rd and 4th quarters: $2552.43, will mail soon. Current water bills will be going out soon and they are$446.25 and 453.67 for 2013-2014. • 1'11 attach the Orders to Correct I issued this year that were not abated. Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Datres, Julie(AGO) <iulie.datres @state.ma.us>wrote: and Merridith, Ise find my contact information below. As I mentioned, I'd going to check in with my supervisor sorrow. Again, despite what Roxy Gantes indicates about"giving [the property] back to the bank"there has been a foreclosure,there is no recorded deed-in-lieu of foreclosure and the mortgage appears never to have n assigned to Roxy from her mother, so technically, it may be her mother who is still on the hook. The 2A hearing notice from Dec 2012 was to Patricia. There does not seem to be anything recorded since then. Ise confirm that to the best of your knowledge, Patricia has not passed away. I don't see that information in notes from our conversation. ou could please send me copies of the latest violation notices,that would be helpful. o—do you know if there are properties taxes owed? I can check in with your assessor/treasurer if needed. ink you, e Datres, Special Assistant Attorney General ndoned Housing Initiative ce of Attorney General Martha Coakley 0 Main Street, 4th Floor .ngfield, MA 01103-1629 413-523-7703 —please note change of number : 413 -784-1244 ail: iulie.datresAstate.ma.us s e-mail, including attachments,may contain confidential or privileged information and is solely for the use he intended recipient. If you have received this communication in error,please notify the sender iediately and delete this message from your system. Any use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of message by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful. nund Smith tlth Inspector 3hampton Health Department Main Street,Northampton MA 01060 3)587-1339 ;ular Schedule: Monday& Wednesday, 8-4:30; Thursday 8-12 noon. ty of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the !cific statutory exemptions.) 2