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Inspection 2013
Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 5 LAN Drive Suite 300 Westford MA 01886-3538 Tel:(978)692-1913 Fax:(978)692-4578 June 10, 2013 File: 195112630 Ned Huntley, Director Department of Public Works City of Northampton 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Reference: May 2013 Inspection Dear Mr. Huntley: The Northampton Landfill was inspected on May 29, 2013 by Diane Rossini of Stantec's Northampton office. The attached Landfill Inspection Form details the findings of the inspection Gas monitoring was performed on May 30, 2013. Please contact me at(978)577-1407 if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. 1- John E. Murphy, P.E., BCEE Senior Associate Tel: (978)577-1407 Fax (978)692-4578 john.murphy@stantec.corn Attachments: Landfill Inspection Form Landfill Gas Monitoring Data ATO Checklist c. Northampton Board of Health David Veleta, RE. —Dept. of Public Works dcr UsIN4400wo■groupll 951 UCNen9511Z63ore c OQo13NU013vanmN mspeq may2ola Iv(^Mu.ney)doc Landfill Inspection Northampton Sanitary Landfill May 29, 2013 Page 2 (12) Employee Facilities. Available at the facility entrance. (13)Accident Prevention. First aid at scale house and recycling area. A fire extinguisher is located in the scale house. (14) Spreading and Compaction of Solid Waste. Spreading waste in thin lifts and compacting with the Al-Jon compactor while the landfill was still receiving waste. The equipment appears to be achieving good compaction. (15) Cover Material. The City used both the Mercer tarp and soil material for daily cover while the site was still receiving waste. Generally 50-70 yards of cover material was used per operational day when using soil for cover. Soil cover was generally used only on Fridays unless weather conditions during other weekdays required it in place of the tarp. Phase 4 appears to be fully covered at this time with soil material. The City will continue to place street sweepings in Phase 4 for use as shaping and grading material until final capping construction begins in July.. (16) Vector, Dust, and Odor Control. Access roads were not dusty during the inspection due to rain earlier in the day. The flare was running during the inspection. The LFGTE facility was not operating during the inspection. The LFGTE is generally on line 24 hours per day except for down time required for maintenance or repairs. The LFGTE was not running due to maintenance during the time of inspection. (17) Litter Control. Windblown litter appeared to be picked up during the time of inspection. The lifter fence was removed after the filling in the active area ceased. (18)Top Slope and Side Slopes. Landfill slopes are in good condition. (19) Stormwater Drainage. Stormwater currently drains to the north side of the flare from the active area. (20) Erosion Control. No visible erosion during inspection. (21) Boundary and Elevation Markers. The City maintains a benchmark on the site. (22) Access Roads. Gravel access roads are generally in good condition. (23) Security. Access to the site is restricted by gates that are locked at the facility entrance when the facility is closed. The north construction entrance is locked unless needed for access. (24) Postinq of the Landfill. Signs at the entrance and within the facility are appropriate. There is good signage at the recycling drop-off area. Additional signs have been installed along the roadway to direct and keep traffic within designated areas. (25) Open Burning. None. (26) Fire Protection and Control. A fire hydrant is located in the facility entrance area. W.1951\active 195112630\repoit\2013\05-2013\May 13 Form.doc Stantec Landfill Inspection Form 136 West Street, Suite 203 Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 584-4776 Fax: (413) 584-3157 Landfill: Northampton Sanitary Landfill Performed by: Diane Rossini Present: Scott Harper Date: May 29, 2013 1:00 PM Weather: 65°F, Cloudy 310 CMR 19.130 Operations and Maintenance Requirements (1) General. Landfill operations and recycling are conducted in accordance with 310 CMR 19.000. Solid Waste Solutions is the site operator. The landfill stopped collecting waste on May 17, 2013. (2) Operator Supervision. At the time of the inspection the landfill was no longer receiving waster and the gate was closed and locked. (3) Special Wastes. Permitted wastewater treatment plant residuals (grit and screenings only) were allowed for disposal through May 17, 2013. (4) Banned Wastes. The monthly load inspection was performed on Tuesday, May 7, 2013_ The inspection was done on the first 10 non-municipal loads greater than 5 yards. (5) Hazardous Waste. None accepted. (6) Bulky Wastes. Collected at recycling facility until landfill stopped collecting waste. (7) Liquid Wastes. No liquid wastes accepted. (8) Solid Waste Handling. Signage used to direct vehicles to active area while waste was being collected. Filling has concluded in Phase 4. A Monthly Summary Report of solid waste received will be submitted by the City. (9) Bird Hazards. Generally good bird control methods are practiced. Birds observed on site. None of the birds observed onsite were gulls. A Gull Control Plan has been submitted to DEP. Twizzlers are used for bird control. (10) Equipment and Equipment Shelter Al-Jon steel wheel compactor was used while waste was being collected. A Samsung front end loader, Track loader, D-4 dozer, and dump truck are also available for use. A water truck is also available for seasonal usage. Machines are stored outside. (11) Staffing. 2 operators, 1 laborer minimum with up to 4 as needed, 1 weigh master, 1 supervisor of the recycling area, and 1 landfill foreman until waste receiving ceased. w\1951\active\195112030\repod@013\05-2013\May 13 Form doe Landfill Inspection Northampton Sanitary Landfill May29, 2013 Page 4 310 CMR 19.011 Certification and Engineer's Supervision "I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties both civil and criminal for submitting false information including possible fines and imprisonment." Inspected By: Gq 4 k4" _ Date: Co - ]6 /3 Reviewed By: -£ Date: 6 -/°-/3 V\1951\active\195112630\report\2013\05-2013\May 13 Form doc Landfill Inspection Northampton Sanitary Landfill May 29, 2013 Page 3 (27) Recycling Drop Off Area. Generally organized and well maintained. The recycling Drop Off Area ceased collecting bagged trash, paper and mixed recyclables on April 15, 2013, and the hours of operation were reduced to Saturdays only from 7 am to 4 pm for permit-holding residents only. DEP has issued a Draft Permit to convert the Drop Off Area to a Transfer Station for the management of bulky waste and other difficult to manage items for disposal and recycling, and it is anticipated that a final permit will be issued soon after the end of the public comment period that closes on June 30, 2013. (28)Waste Oil. Not collected at this facility. The city provides collection at Locust Street Recycling Center. (29) Household Hazardous Waste. This type of waste collected at regularly scheduled events. Some materials are collected and carried over to the Locust St site. (30) Leachate Collection, Treatment, and Disposal. Area looked orderly. Leachate flows generally vary from 8 — 12 thousand gallons per day at the leachate pumping station. Leachate pumps were pulled and inspected on April 25, 2013 and are in good condition. A Leachate System Operation and Maintenance Plan was submitted to DEP on August 1, 2002. A revised O&M Plan addressing the Leachate Plant Decommissioning was submitted to DEP on July 2, 2012. The plant decommissioning is complete. (31) Phase Completion of Landfill. Waste deposition is no longer occurring at the landfill as of May 17, 2013. The City will continue to place street sweepings in Phase 4 for use as shaping and grading material until final capping construction begins in July. (32) Disruption of Landfilled Areas. None (33) Construction of Buildings. None (34) Records for Operational and Plan Execution. Files are maintained by the City at the Department of Public Works office. (35) Inspections. Landfill inspections are performed monthly. 19.132(4) Landfill Gas Monitoring. Landfill gas monitoring was completed on May 30, 2013. At the time of the monitoring, the flare blower 2 was operating and the Landfill Gas to Energy Plant (LFGTE)was down for maintenance. At the beginning and end of the workday the inlet pressure and methane content was measured at the flare. At the flare, the inlet pressure was recorded at -4.5 inches at the beginning of monitoring and -4.4 inches at the completion of monitoring. At the flare, the measured methane content was measured at 49.3 percent and 49.5 percent, respectively. A copy of the May gas monitoring report is attached to this report. W:\1951\active\195112630\report @013\05-2013\May 13 Form.doc NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM MONITORING REPORT Inpected by Did%6055141 !noniron Dan May 30 2013 well Head Measurements on 1" HP05 in Lon g ve�i Sp rem _14 r 01 _n, da GG 266 q 0a 29 rvm ES valve open75% s&edosed EGw-t ii na -14 EG 2 Oa i6 n♦ 109 239 165 hMm EGW4 decal _t6 i6 t6 90 362 307 06 vai eopen100% I eopevae% EGrv- ry n -22 2 6tl 3T9 20 0 eo de0 cee Matatlb EGW1 D 0 0 I 0 0 aye eland vain open 103% In open T00% go 63 3 N 7 LEG 12 309 92 a94 1n3 pem veopan mo% .uvenatm valve open 5D% flooded 61 4 111 0 0 valve open 100% DI 55 3 an6 o n of -i. ,. u9 cna � rna n 56 3 ?99 0 7 valve eope 100% 6wxn pen 100% Horizontal Den h h 2 0 2 valve Open 100% 20 a 534 394 10 valve open 100% N11141 Pi. d es on Phase 2 and Phase 3 `8 10 ell Pressure ell-miner Preebrire %Mem Temp CH, CO, 0, NOTE5 80 36 2 0 1 0 vain open 103% In open T00% go 63 3 LEG 12 80 61 4 38 s 0 0 valve open 100% HT-1 Horizontal Den h h 2 0 2 valve Open 100% 82 58 9 0 0 valve open 10)% 3 80 58 3 alve open 100% 78 55i 3 41 7 G 80 59 8 iv Nadel[VP'S. NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL GAS SYSTEM MONITORING REPORT n+eamu C000e lamS.sump anmaum:ol wnl. Inspector, mo reo 65655 Dep P MS 0-10 h e Flare Panel Ouolar apteabne el ours ramp Well impact Wei Static Pres 5141i 5 Blo deseln GO, rs Oa]e 0, NOTES 0wI n. 0a Not rnre al lmate —l5 5 a Want a0 493 we 16 floor 3Ztrnm oa:elam.=ts£ 0 0 00 1 2 191 17 I 00 0 0 valve closed T1 vaI.ecneru Gw-3 GTE 00 ae no 00 0 193 wore closed the:mumtae bicker! flow=330aemfla:elemp_1599 BaMbPNa RV.00 rarest mrake .aA _ 2u0PM na 495 set t6 8 7 valve Wised ova-6 GtV 695 06 0 0 GTE at mtaee nor 8 4 nor nor nor nor ere ml rvunitg .le Na na 0n valve open 50°e opwlo75% Gel a Perimeter Well MeaSurernents Well impact Wei Static Pres 5141i ell CH, GO, 0, NMOC 0, NOTES 0wI n. �00 05 -2B Ttl O4 20 GP Wela LFGi[romfiry 0Q — — 0 0 00 1 2 191 17 I 00 0 0 valve closed T1 vaI.ecneru Gw-3 00 ae nl 00 0 193 wore closed the:mumtae bicker! 0'0-4 BaMbPNa RV.00 00 y0 13 8 8 7 valve Wised ova-6 GtV 695 06 0 0 0 8 4 105 .anne4SSe 1 1a Na .le Na na 0n valve open 50°e opwlo75% Gel a Na 0, Gw445 ., Ne N&�. Na Na 0 00 195 00 a GSV-10 95 II °a°am°o . o. 100` ©°©© 6w-11-95 00 0 0 vane0ose0 a Ng pia Na 0 00 Na.. Na Na a 0 19 8 00 1545 i Na 'Na a 0 19 7 00 v-1695 NAIL: M Ne 0 Na riee piel nee fan nth Na Ne Na'- tea nni G47.26-95 Na Na Na Na 00 0 16 00 wle closed.them •_ m4n v-IS-95 Na Na nee MI OM "It w- 3-95 00 00 -23 6[ 0 I6 161 fa varvaaaseJ Site N ie 95 AND OW nee e Head Measurernent 0 Unlined Lan NI 2 ell CH. G0, 0, NOTES 0wI n. �00 05 -2B Ttl O4 20 160 nSnetmam Gea 2 00 00 00 -/n Tn a63 193 T1 vaI.ecneru Gw-3 00 ae nl 00 0 193 wore closed the:mumtae bicker! 0'0-4 BaMbPNa RV.00 y0 13 8 8 7 view open 25°%Ic enmmgmxon ova-6 WNW 1 1a -12 23 56 na 0n valve open 50°e opwlo75% Gel a 0, ..I a ; e aoe II °a°am°o . o. 100` ©°©© Page 1 of 2 Slanim Authorization to Operate-Compliance Checklist ATO Permit dated June 4,2002 II 9 F Control LFG in subsurface to less than 25%of LEL at PL and 10%in buildings,structures, or utilities, or included in this inspection report confined spaces excepting those that are pal of leachate collection system II 9. G If nuisance odors or LFG exceedence,DEP may take enforcement action noted II 9 H System shall be balanced and monitored at least once monthly included in this inspection report II 9 Twice per year minimum mechanical and electrical components shall be inspected and serviced by City completes as required qualified technician. Report shall be submitted to DEP 19.J Notify DEP within 24 hours of any malfunctions of LFG system City responsible for notification as needed 19. K Written notification to DEP within 7 days of repair or return to service City responsible for notification as needed 19.L Notify DEP within 14 days of damaged destroyed or malfunctioned environmental control system City responsible for notification as needed 110. Bird Control Submit Plan by 7/1/02 111. Daily Operational Oversight 111.A Qualified Operations Coordinator 2 hours per operating day City personnel perform this function II 11. B W W staff shall be assigned 7 days per week to monitor and record keep for compliance with Leachate City personnel perform this function Management Plan ty P P II 1 L C Independent PE shall be retained for average of 2 hours/week to review facility operations and visit This report landfill once per month and submit reports to DEP 111. D Daily monitoring of gas collection and flare system City personnel perform this function 111. E Operating staff shall monitor birds City personnel perform this function 112. Monthly landfill inspections submitted to DEP by 15th day of following month 113 Monthly Operations Report by 15th of following month 113.A Summary of waste ban activities-rejected loads see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 113. B Summary quantifying all Waste received see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 113.C Summary quantifying all cover material see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 113. D Summary of leachate PS inspection reports see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 113. F Results of LFG monitoring see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 114 Landfill Closure 114 A. Shall not exceed 385 1929 USGS Datum noted 114 B Obtain written DEP approval or final closure Phase 3A approval received 114 C Ensure that closure complies with 310 CMR 19.140 Designed in accordance with 310 CMR 19.140 114 O Submit closure design for Phase 1 by 9/1/02 Phase 1 cell capped 114 E Complete closure of Phase 1 by 10/15/2003 Phase 1 cell capped 114 F Apply final cover within 90 days of cessation of waste placement noted 114 G Submit cert report for capped area within 90 days noted 114 H maintain and repair cover system during closure and post closure Closed cells inspected monthly and maintained as necessary 1141 subject to post closure requirements noted 1 15 Convenience and Recycling Drop off Area 115 A No waste on ground except refrigerators/AC units. Leaf ok with conc.walls no waste observed on ground 115 B Transfers shall be directly into containers included in this inspection report II 15 C AC/Refrigerators may be temporarily stored awaiting freon removal which must comply with applicable City separates freon containing AC/Refrigerators for removal regulations II 15 D All operating surfaces must be paved recycling area paved II 15 E containers must be covered when facility closed City covers containers at end of operating day II 15 F containers removed within 24 hours of becoming full City monitors container capacity II 16 Demonstration Projects-none allowed by this permit Demonstration projects permitted separately as needed ATO Checklist-May2013.xls May 2013 Monthly Inspection 6/10/2013 ATO Permit dated June 4,2002 Specific Permit Conditions Response 1. Applies to operation of Phase only noted 2. 50000 tons per year see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 3. Reserve capacity see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 4. Solid waste can be accepted with restrictions see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 4.A restrictions by local,state.federal permits including MEPA see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 4. B restrictions under Waste Control Plan 310 CMR 19.017 see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 4.C special waste restrictions.Continued approval for asbestos granted see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports II a. D continued acceptance of W W sludge if 20%solids in Phase 3. Must apply for permit to dispose in Phase see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports 4 II 4.E No Liquid or hazardous waste included in this inspection report II 5. Operate Mon-Sat 7:00 am to 5:00 pm posted hours within this operating limit II 6. Alternate Daily cover shall only be as allowed by DEP included in this inspection report II 7. _Surface Runoff II 7.A Surface water that comes in contact with refuse or ADC must be contained and directed to leachate included in this inspection report collection system II 7.B Intermediate cover shall comply with requirements of 310 CMR 19.130(15)(c) included in this inspection report II 7.C DEP reserves right to require additional surface water testing noted II 8. Leachate systems-Submit approved O&M Manual by 8/1/02 See O&M report dated July 2002 II 8.A Pump stations shall be visually monitored once per day and recorded Daily monitoring performed by city personnel II 8. B Emergency Operating Plan shall be prepared See O&M report dated July 2002 Discharge pressure readings shall be recorded once per week. Establish maximum discharge pressure City personnel record pressure readings. Maximum discharge pressure is II 8.C that requires cleaning of force mains. 75 psi. II B. D Install flow meter.Establish minimum flow rate that requires cleaning Flow meter is installed. Line pigged annually. II 8.E Pump stations shall include fully operable standby pump. In case of failure an additional standby pump City has fully operational standby pump. must be available and installed within 7 days II B. F All necessary tanker trucks.pumps,connections,wires,transfer switches etc shall be available to Emergency systems are available provide continued leachate removal and discharge within 24 hours of any ps malfunction II 8.G Replacement pumps and equipment necessary to replace a failed pump must be stored within 10 miles City maintains replacement equipment of the landfill II B. H City shall operate the leachate collection system to ensure hydraulic head in lined area less that 1 foot City operates system accordingly except during storm events II B. notify DEP within 24 hours of any pump failure,power loss or other malfunction.Notify DEP within 7 days City responsible for notification as needed of completion of repairs or emergency operations providing a written summary 1 9 Landfill Gas Systems Submit O&M manual by 12/1/02 19.A Blower monitored once a day City monitors daily. I 9. B Emergency Operating Plan shall be prepared submitted 19. C Standby power for flare by 7/1/03 completed 19. D Spare parts and other materials for routing maintenance stored within 10 miles of landfill City maintains as required 19.E Vacuum and discharge pressure reading recorded once per day. ID corrective action levels. City records reading as required ATO Checklist-May2013.xls May 2013 Monthly Inspection 6/10/2013 ATO Permit dated June 4,2002 II 17 Construction and Demolition Waste-previous BUD acknowledged-Wood waste that comes in see City prepared and submitted Operational Reports contact with C&D waste or other solid waste is not exempt Gas performed by Stantec monthly.City voluntarily performs Mid month. 11 18 Environmental Monitoring -perform according to previous permits GW by others 11 19 Financial Assurance Mechanism City prepares updates as required III Submittals 1 O&M Manual for leachate and landfill gas submitted 2 Bird Control submitted 3 Landfill Closure Design and Certifications As required based on activities 4 Notification of leachate and landfill gas malfunctions As required 5 Monthly operating reports Submitted by City 6 Monthly landfill inspection reports Submitted by Stantec 7 Monthly landfill gas monitoring reports Submitted by Stantec 8 Semi annul inspection reports for LFG treatment system Submitted by City 9 Semi Annual env monitoring reports Submitted by City 10 Financial Assurance updates See City prepared Annual Report 11 Annual reports by 2/15 noted 12 Reports required by SW reqs noted 13 Compliance with submissions determined by date of receipt or post marked date,whichever is earlier noted ATO Checklist-May2013.xls May 2013 Monthly Inspection 6/10/2013