50-55 Complaints & Orders to Correct & Inspections r'° c- ' 2� �F- e 9-9-7 Y J-1-J O— q \ fr ` � K 9-19)"9'9 ,ar i , - "1-c a-094o &i9,7 o 3—y c cc n -7"V io - t of ilainant ess -3- &r BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL re of Complaint _ ""e— Akin of Premises —` /,may«ai er COMPLAINT RECORD MAi > 4' I/P/' 272 Date /_ .3 Time L3S -A Tel. ress ,2/'- 3 c upant en by ■ _Referred to eof inspection gTi IC= PECTOR'S REPORT " r' Time /0 =30a '-- ion Taken A' i — Inspector y Y ce Name of Complainant Address BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD L/NC,R ?r>vr,'j - Date /5"/3 lime Fr7 le 44/cb Tel SeEZ; jL Nature of Complaint ,oV/NG /wit"s,EF_/ Haeir. /ct , re47/0u$ wnopvc- s74zacct,_s�.,ze/e•e esro n„arm - - - LVCn2/PIP nee r r,=- nv O,epcs/76:'n( Location of Premises Owner Biln.ancP Gb[�ft Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection //k/2rn sc5cr/v✓fi INSPECTOR'S REPORT (JudeiceD 2�SPF43' 6,tN , N�'r PC -C.OI1M TNxy[%o1rte Referred to 8'76 73 _rime 3:WJ'?V iffl vvmcnm e o Arr Sc�a/Ne/arry o/teViS GyFpvm CCMp/g,untir v//Hr' Phtinwt L G9 TH1S/<r.'SeA/ Action Taken Fl/t Aapc 0,1 Inspect I HOCIS Ire€. —Printed on Recycled Paper— Time: Name of Complainant: - Tel: &_5/7.? Owner: Taken by: ,O fk Date o Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT:— 'tC- -c+u a,- ti-(� t Mt.t-y/ 1101919}Tab era.. Steven L. Winniman J. Lauren Harris 52 Williams Street Northampton, MA 01060 February 14, 2001 Jeannie Ranney 171 Overlook Drive Springfield, MA 01118 Dear Ms. Ranney: Enclosed you will find a report of an electrical inspection performed at the premises we rent from you.This report. and the accompanying photos, show quite clearly that we continue to pay for electrical services to items which are not legally chargeable to us. including the refrigerator downstairs, the smoke detector in the common hallway which your other tenants had been using to access the washer and dryer in our basement (which was also being charged to our electrical system), the outdoor floodlight which illuminates the parking area for all tenants, and the hallway lights in the common hallway where you continue to maintain a mailbox. Given your earlier assertion that "nobody uses"the washer and dryer(which had been on and running almost constantly through our tenancy in 2000), your similar denials regarding the basement refrigerator are quite unbelievable. Others in the complex do indeed have access to (what is supposed to be) our basement, contrary to the false information which you provided to the City. We received your letter several weeks ago which appears to be a threat to attempt to begin an eviction proceeding against us. Is that what you meant in that letter? It was not very clear. One final note - the "space heater" identified by your master electrician is, in fact. an ELECTRIC FAN. There are no space heaters upon our premises. and there were none there at the time your "electrician" conducted his "inspection". I suppose that his mistaking a fan for a space heater does kind of explain how he could reach some of the other preposterous conclusions which he saw fit to include in his report. Cordially, close e5 B ccU,-1 0 f 1 llt, ADAMS A+ ELECTRIC, INC. RICHARD A. ADAMS Master Electrician#A15246 PO Box 2775 Amherst. MA 01004 (413) 549-2913 Steven Winneman 52 Williams St Northampton, MA 01060 413 586-4822 January 24. 2001 Report concerning power problems: Circuit in bathroom tripping and loss of lighting and general branch power when the breaker trips. Findings: A. Circuit 1 supplies the furnace supplying heat to apartment as marked. B. Circuit 2 Supplies 2 circuits,with both wires illegally under the same terminal. One power leg feeds SMOKE detectors for the common hall areas,NOT the apartment in question. The other power leg feeds Cellar lighting used to light areas not used by the Winneman residence. C. Circuit 3 and 4 feed a 40-amp range receptacle to the Winneman residence. D. Circuit 5 feeds the WASHING MACHINE, OVERHEAD LIGHT AT THE WASHER, AND A CORD THAT FEEDS A REFRIDGERATOR all not used by the Winneman residence. E. Circuit 6 feeds the majority of all lighting and outlets receptacles through out the apartment. Including entry lighting at the stairs up to the door at the top. AND the receptacles in the BATHROOM. There is no dedicated receptacle circuit in the bathroom, as Mr. Winneman was told. This circuit registered on a 15-ampere circuit breaker 13.2 amps with just the computers, general lighting on throughout, and a stereo system. This is actually more then the maximum allowed current for a I5-amp circuit if used over 3 hours. When the hairdryer was turned on we registered 25 amps of current being drawn!!!! AND of course after approximately after 30 seconds the breaker while buzzing frantically, finally tripped and opened the circuit, disconnecting all power to the majority of the apartment. F. Circuit 7 feeds outdoor lighting used for all tenants, and was found to be feeding off of boxes tapped in the cellar space and obviously going outside through the sills to flood lighting. G. Circuit 8 feeds all the lighting and counter receptacles, and the refrigerator in the kitchen of the Winneman residence. H. Circuits 9 and 10 feed an ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER, not used by the Winneman residence. ADAMS A+ ELECTRIC, INC. RICHARD A. ADAMS Master Electrician#A15246 PO Box 2775 Amherst. MA 01004 (413) 549-2913 Please note photographs of at the described items are supplied . In my professional opinion, some one that did not understand that they were illegally tapping someone's power to supply loads not used by the residence at#52 Williams did the work performed to feed most of the circuits and appliances. Maybe the residence was occupied by the owners? Citing The State Sanitary Code Chapter II, "105 CMR 410.000 Subsection 410.354 this is all in direct violation of current codes applicable to private residential tenants who pay and maintain their own electrical service charges on a regular basis. It would be very hard to predict how much over an extended period of time Mr. Winneman has paid for usage of power supplied to him directly and tapped from his panel unknown to him We would be able to calculate estimated kilowatt-hours used if needed by doing some calculations based on current draw of loads on the breakers using an ammeter, and then performing some calculations using simple formulas. Richard A. Adams RUSSELL CRAFTS 19 EXPOSITION AVENUE WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 ELECTRICIAN LICENSE #E18571 FEBRUARY 14, 2001 FEB 22 2001 ---'—`°0 AMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH THIS LETTER SHOULD SERVE AS AN EVALUATION OF THE ELECTRICAL WIRING AT 52 WILLIAMS STREET PERFORMED ON FEBRUARY 14, 2001 PER THE REQUEST OF THE NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH. THE FOLLOWING IS A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DISPERSAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER BY CIRCUIT BREAKER#s. #1-- INCLUSIVE OF OVERHEAD LIGHT AND OUTLETS IN BEDROOM ONE, OVERHEAD LIGHT AND OUTLETS N BATHROOM, OVERHEAD LIGHT AND ONE OUTLET IN BEDROOM TWO, OVERHEAD LIGHT AND OUTLETS IN LIVING ROOM(EXCEPT OUTLET ADJACENT TO BEDROOM TWO), OVERHEAD LIGHT AND OUTLETS IN MASTER BEDROOM. WITH ALL LIGHTS TURNED ON, INCLUSIVE OF OVER HEAD LIGHTS AND LIGHTS PLUGGED INTO OUTLETS, (MAJORITY OF WHICH ARE HALOGEN LIGHTS), HEAT LAMP IN MASTER BEDROOM TURNED ON, COMPUTER IN BEDROOM ONE TURNED ON, TELEVISION IN LIVING ROOM TURNED ON, AND STEREO IN MASTER BEDROOM ALL TURNED ON AT THE SAME TIME-- TOTAL AMPERAGE DRAWN IS 14.9 AMPS, CIRCUIT BREAKER DID NOT TRIP OFF. #2-- FURNACE -- DRAWS 5.2 AMPS, WHEN RUNNING #3-- SECOND BEDROOM, INCLUSIVE OF TWO PLUGS, OVERHEAD CLOSET LIGHT, HARDWIRED SMOKE DETECTORS IN HALLWAY, BASEMENT OVERHEAD LIGHTING AND ONE OUTDOOR MOTION DETECTOR FLOOD LIGHT. --DRAWS 1.5 AMPS WHEN ONLY COMPUTER RUNNING #4--WASHING MACHINE, DRAWS 0 AMPS, UNPLUGGED AND NOT IN USE #5 AND#7-- ELECTRIC RANGE --DRAWS 0 AMPS WHEN NOT RUNNING #6 KITCHEN, INCLUSIVE OF REFRIGERATOR, TWO OUTLETS ADJACENT TO WINDOW, PANTRY OVERHEAD LIGHT AND THREE OUTLETS, AND OVERHEAD LIGHT IN KITCHEN #8 AND#10 --ELECTRIC DRYER, DRAWS 0 AMPS, UNPLUGGED AND NOT IN USE. NONE OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKERS SUPPLY ELECTRICITY TO ANY OTHER APARTMENT IN THE BUILDING. EACH APPLIANCE ANT)LIGHT WERE MEASURED FOR THE AMPER AGE, DRAWN ON CIRCUIT BREAKER#1 THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS HEAT LAMP IN MASTER BEDROOM-- 2 AMPS BEDROOM LIGHTS TO RIGHT AND LEFT OF MASTER BED-- 2.5 AMPS HALOGEN LIGHT ON TABLE IN LIVING ROOM --0.4 AMPS TELEVISION IN LIVING ROOM-- 0.4 AMPS HALOGEN LAMP IN BEDROOM TWO -- 0.8 AMPS OVERHEAD LIGHT IN BEDROOM TWO -- 1.3 AMPS OVERHEAD LIGHT IN LIVING ROOM -- 1.4 AMPS OVERHEAD LIGHTS AND LAMPS IN BATHROOM-- 2.4 AMPS OVERHEAD LIGHTS AND LAMPS IN BEDROOM ONE-- 2.4 AMPS RANGE HOOD LIGHT-- 1 AMP HALL LIGHT IN BACK STAIRS -- 0.3 AMPS THIS LIST IS INCLUSIVE OF ALL LIGHTS AND APPLIANCES IN THE APARTMENT IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF CIRCUIT BREAKER#1, AND THE TOTAL AMPERAGE DRAWN OF ALL APPLIANCES AND LIGHTS LISTED ABOVE, TOTALS 14 9 AMPS. CIRCUIT BREAKER#1 HAS A 15 AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER, AND THUS WHEN ALL OF THE ABOVE LIGHTS AND APPLIANCES WERE TURNED ON SIMULTANEOUSLY, THE CIRCUIT BREAKER DID NOT TRIP OFF. SHUTTING OFF ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND LIGHTS ON CIRCUIT BREAKER NUMBER ONE, TURNING ON THE HAIRDRYER IN THE BATHROOM, THE AMPERAGE DRAWN WAS 14.6 AMPS ALONE. WHEN PREVIOUSLY TESTED ON JANUARY 6, 2001, THE HAIRDRYER AND A PORTABLE BATHROOM HEATER WERE RUNNING TOGETHER, (THIS HEATER IS NO LONGER IN THE BATHROOM,) THEY TOGETHER DREW 20.6 AMPS, CAUSING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER TO TRIP OFF. UPON MY EVALUATION OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, I NOTED THAT IN THE BASEMENT, THE WASHER, DRYER AND THE REFRIGERATOR WERE NOT PLUGGED IN. SINCERELY r RUSSELL CRAFTS 81 LI 91 SI 81 91 LI II OI 6 8 L 9 S 0 E 2 I Han ,,•••••••4 N IMMMMMMa . ■ ■N mama YanYYW■MY_Wna..■N...n.. Z a1� ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!n.. .LiNH ININN a �� I.1aaaN■.a.■■ ��.11 ' ��.\.aY.YIGi.aLE.e\•N■••n.i.1 IN INN..N. .p. 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NW■.H■ay■N 1 ,5Ua Uuu wa .N. •i .u. -t. t- -� I 'y . � r4 L N NW.Up...n.... \..NHAn.■■aaY.NN■.OMAN. H.H.NN.N...N■.WHA i Y CON ■ + a MOWN a■WN.NNW .b ' 'N■ aN L �a Num ONH■N• nnmaYN.■Na L.- .n am . Iz ••m Y-� �• .A...N\...a• ZI in��■yU�n� I 1T H.F - •••.IN•••••••.•••W Z.99 ! ` eC 7Wa.n. ET iNw.■■.G999.Wn9i9 V ear- I Lid 'o.„st t I COPY sOARD .Q cnw�t COMPLAINT^; Date: i L%.,f, j Zppyl Time: Qy5- 4.2.4_,- I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: 721 a�f/vn /--(' Address' VQ ifrtfyiziciwid 41, - 7rf ) Tel yi3-dyy-31i 4--)7 NATURE v,7YZ4� ,.. /= r _ hiLo-a- 4,4,20 d 42 aitivi A� i,..ce)(�h^et�-cQtd . u �. i, 1.--)---t,,,,_. ,i.e ,4_ Location: Sn Uya(t4,,,,�� r�� Owner: C)owe-, Address:IC V ITeI:ic?‘-i74 Taken by: • fi I Date of Inspection: ��7ld 0 _ 'Time: 5,i d�'. INSPECTOR'S REPORT: - -r .wi C ,2dtL �,,, 4 vi- — V - t `1-44"4-An- CM-1_,( ,- s .; . 5P*'i„tiv,tL 84 _-.�„4„ V,'c— r �W ,4..1'..sJ ,tr% l!-) >fi.,,G . , c ate, e^i c Nr isr °% /Nov on.) : Action Taken: � � ' } kl 0 Uitt"lly L, Oita ,ZG+27aiya-Lc. Inspector Signature 0 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORR C Inspector Siz at re Date: 3 6 oS I Time: ///S4.'0 IMap: 32C Parcel: 2.72. Name of Complainant: 4'iVfNGA AGE,// Address: 52 G;///LG//,ML -5-7/€41- Tel: st6- sz �' £5's w)S?C ZO/6 - NATURE OF COMPLAINT: y/G/ 01 r/1f OU//47 r'% /I/O r /Y,19/Ointr/i/'A.- E6,ttwc• Gias ; LW/1/ 6:uJ //✓ F 57FF C /✓�Oil'Nn iZ R S, o.v :,i6C/5515 �.ZCE %i'5' cv-p• - -- - /-2,7')A/65-7t./5---c,--/-5; - - , fGc ( sr£vEN/71' /PI 4-1,27,:v/7. y•9c„.„ , rn C 'R2 Rcvc,nuiect pct F/cia!? cg-irn,54 StiEINO✓/ Fta ',g s Tho∎%1;o DoT - Location: Owner: ,TLFN/////E' Ki Mi / Address: 5‘;') 66/LL/Prizs S7:enET ITel:SW 774 Taken by: CZ/e- I Date of Inspection: 3- 7-a3 ITime: 9.y6'LTn INSPECTOR'S •_u < srv._�+veo en Ut Cr/c. 5 " A'O tAC:.i 3,t v Jar "Z.-,-Alt J7 r36( REPORT: -/TCV /}c/[pv- Al [fl) POW PMIgq'Yen CMtl Sox X YES Action Taken: Cy /�Cx%A. /9-o fir/VT 3- 7- <7.9 Inspector Siz at re BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS 2D P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,Chair JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. ■SEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N. R J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET,ROOM#8 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 50- 52 Williams Street, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: March 7, 2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: C. COPY COPY OF REPORT TO: Jeannie Ranney 50 Williams Street Northampton, MA 01060 Amanda Austin 52 Williams Street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei put, ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. lid. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 587- 1214 I The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 50—52 Williams Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 32C parcel 272 .) for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order. ATION VIOLATION REMEDY ) & 1 As owner, you have made no provision for providing storage receptacles and final removal of garbage and rubbish instead; requiring tenants to take care of refuse removal themselves. Regulation requires owner of a dwelling containing three or more dwelling units to be responsible for storage receptacle(s) and ultimate removal and disposal of accumulated refuse. Copy of Regulation attached. 2 The Northampton Board of Health has received a complaint regarding the improper and unsafe maintenance of egresses at your property after snow storms and/or excessive ice accumulation on stairways, walks, and driveway. At the time of inspection, some stairwells/egresses were not cleared of snow and/or ice buildup. You are hereby ordered to maintain all egresses in a safe operable condition, as required under the attached Housing Code Regulation as well as all applicable City Ordinances. Onus and liability rests strictly with the owner the property if there is evidence of noncompliance, except as noted in the regulation wording where occupants are required to do so in a written lease agreement.* Inspection of the premises was made on MARCH 7, 2003 at approximately 9:40 am. * If you have a written letting agreement with any tenants, provide a copy immediately to the Board of Health for verification. If you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, David E. Koc an Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7001 1940 0005 1331 7194 ayhon research teal Science - Real Results al court#101, rero, nevada 89502 toll free: 877.crayhon 1elepacne: 775.823.5333 tax: 775.856.3313 'AWN crayhonresearch.com October 1, 2008 Jeannie Ranney 160 Tilde Hill Road Florida,MA 01247 _ b&11 11-1l1 Dear Jeannie: I nn 1- I2) 7-41. ]0777 We have written you twice, in August and September,with requests for several repairs to the property at 54 Williams Street,Northampton MA. Although you did repair the light in the bathroom,you made insufficient repairs to the leaky sink(as it is still leaking)and have not addressed the problems with the front steps and the ceiling fan in the kitchen. If we had not had someone house-sitting while we were gone during the summer months,in order to empty the bucket under the leaking sink,the bathroom floor may have caved in; especially-since the floor has considerable wood rot and currently leaks into the basement. In addition to the above mentioned items,which we have previously written to you about, the ceiling in both of the bedrooms is coming apart and warping. An entire piece of structural metal fell on our bed. If we had been sleeping at the time this may have caused an injury. You have not made contact with us since our last letter,and we think that your lack of action is unacceptable. Due to your inability to uphold your responsibilities as landlord we are withholding rent per Massachusetts state law. At the point in which you have made all repairs and have brought the apartment to acceptable state law standards we will begin paying rent. We believe that we have been more than fair and patient since we became tenants in June 2006. From the beginning of our lease agreement we have had to ask and remind you several times to have any repairs or minor items attended to. As a reminder you must give us twenty-four hours notice before sending someone to make repairs. Sincerely, Thomas Vierra R Jordan a-( Date: lo_IS-o8 ITime: 1:03 p.M . Map: IParcel: Name of Complainant 7h oN V unto—, 995- Address: TeI 544 3Io1 NATURE OF COMPLAINT: fugt inq art o un;n5 tm.op.e..iiet, -Bat O Sy Wd;111a., _ iL g Com-.■.cy dcwtr 7F ei-1 rty (.va“k...) et} rn (inhrtw J 1 CoUndchor Cyrcgls Location: Owner: Address: Tel: Taken by: Date of Inspection: I Time: go,na eknT a� INSPECTOR'S REPORT: to oef} .,nSb t'i'yefl Cfl 10 to e. t4 I - I h ° rn ye Cfay{10t1 ,com biniial Wmmbltnlm Action Taken: rcN�bonY Inspector Signature. O BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS .EITMAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM II SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, ECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER V OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SWIMMING POOLS" AT: HAMPSHIRE REGIONAL YMCA This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To mote miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 587- 1214 October 17, 2008 Christine Emerson, Aquatic Director 286 Prospect St Northampton Ma, 01060 RE: Swimming Pools Dear Ms. Emerson, As a result of multiple complaints, a request from the building department, and findings from a routine Inspection that was performed on October 8, 2008, the Northampton Board of Health conducted a re-inspection on October 16, 2008, at the property listed above, for compliance with CHAPTER V OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE"MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SWIMMING POOLS". Listed below is a description of the violations observed upon inspection or proven, observed and witnessed by the complainant(s). VIOLATIONS: 1) The combined chlorine levels have been tested above the chemical standards for the state.(425.29 Sanitary code Chapter V) ORDER: 1) To keep pools closed until the combined chlorine levels are at or below the state maximum of.2 ppm. 2) Weekly fax over copies of your pool logs to the Board of Health, until further notice. The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 435.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter V: Minimum Standards for Swimming Pools. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order of this Board issued to you in the above paragraph Immediately. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you as well as a fine of between $250-$500 per pool, per day, in order to pursue compliance with this order You are entitled to a hearing if you disagree with this order. Please feel free to contact me at 587-1214, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Aimee Petrosky, Health Inspector This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Certified Mail number 7006 2760 0005 2243 0264 CC: David Marks NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 587-1214 October 21, 2008 Jeannie Ranney 160 Tilda Hill Road Florida, Ma 01247 RE: Living unit unfit for human habitation Dear Ms- Ranney As a result of a request by your tenant, a representative from the Northampton Board of Health conducted an inspection on October 20, 2008, at the property listed above, owned by you, for compliance with the MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. Listed below is a description of the violations observed upon inspection or proven, observed and witnessed by the complainant(s). VIOLATIONS: 1) The Bathroom light does not shut off. 410.253 2) Bathroom floor is unfinished and has large holes in it. 410.504 3) Bathroom sink is leaking.410.351 4) Front egress stairway has insufficient railings. 410.503(A) 5) Ceilings buckling in both office and bedroom.410.500 6) Large cracks in walls and running along the floor 410.500 7) Stove is running on an extension cord that goes into another room. 410.251 ORDER: To correct above violations in compliance with MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order of this Board issued to you in the above paragraph within one week. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. You are entitled to request a hearing in writing if you disagree with this order. Please feel free to contact me at 587-1214, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Certified Mail number: 7006 2760 0005 2243 0271 CC: Thomas Vierra 54 Williams St Northampton, Ma 01060 CC:Building Department S r? d3/9 f/ Y°.-1 d7/rt i1-€4 POOL OG Pool: Small CSI Large Date Time Free Combined Chlorine Chlorine pH LG Lifeguard comments initials 130 5730 2 .H 1 .LI OR 1' t ..'.2 O _ 7 s,/se s !IESEI ,I�irw 7.4 EIENIWIIIIMMIERILSITS , Illn L 3‘? a n Y 130 1 0 Li) 1'1 4 r' ; ; � 44 q Q ? i � �� , � , D S= \c4 . 10 va, C , I cit41 k, (0 4- 1i 1 . e , .Q. a0 . ' 9.3 90 Ad+ 2„\ . 6 7-3 i, 3ai, /. z, • ( 'a. Lt S4 Sr NJ 1.6 - 6 7,K loft `. t5 • Co 1 .3 CR j...30 k.o Pr, , co c Co 1t4 lil q• 3', E tl ' Cc, 4 S Inics 9= 309 '7. 3 3 r C. 30. r . S»o 1. 4 • Co 7.2 'PM 1 Of c 3 . 2 ., R- 7 G,(C CC vC t-‘,c).". � �.4 1 . 3 , 7 7, 4 -136 C7 I o 1, 65 6 1 .3 q36 1 1 .-7 >70 M Pµ r+rt.i.e ai(/ G� 5�4C9 /� a " 1 1. i gr. s . (.s „ 9 r, •r • t o more than four hours in between tests, even if`it means live or more tests a day k9/ 17._ 9 ..3o 7 _, fig D ?'?j 02-4fol la3 ?„>9 - , uao ra_, oD y� y �v POOL TESTING LOG Pool: Small 2 Large LJ Date Time Free Chlorine Combined Chlorine pH LG initials Lifeguard comments ■ Co ['3b 73 -arum AP No , 0,-ciAt to/73 5 .'sH 2vo ,..2 7.ti ,,,(l3 10=00 7_, - - -7- Q� 2.62:6i) t 0 .. t1- v, . A $7Sn L2 . `1 22 Cc 01 li 5 \Q MD 2.0 02— T.2 Kg._ 1115 'Y i , % 1Co 3o t. olyt I . . 6 : _ l c ',-- ;; 'vas t .O •(.p Cr t . to)i'u 5'.lSon, 1.. 1 „ (t Ill 0 ci:30 I ■ t{ - b `(• (c) /QJ *.)EA_ Mesh to more than four hours in between tests, even if it means five or more tests a day Page 1 of 1 leorge Peterson rom: George Peterson [George.Peterson @hrymca.org] lent: Thursday,September25,2008 3.36 PM 'o: 'apatilIo @northamptonma.god subject: YMCA Small Pool Air Exchange Y. .total air volume in the small pool is 138,000 cult The air handler is currently delivering about 2000 culft/m. economizer is set to 50%fresh air. .I.hope this enough information for you around the air quality.in the small h. ,rge Peterson Petty Director YMCA -584-7086 x 123 /7's/T/' 6/2008 pe NATURE OF COMPLAINT: /YIOr`� hOw( P� r V(71�4i]On5 c 47 i -Door tuts 4_ I occ -okcke_ tora n spector Signature Date '-: la_oq ITime: to :3o A.ti Map: Parcel: Q,I Name of Complainant alonpnca._ Renail y13 Address: ILo tick, .LL ad. Flm�do--1'Yla _ Tel: LL4 /PHI NATURE OF COMPLAINT: tursrt.t'na,.d am- w1+hh old.i;,&.na L.4- !Mtn ccs, 4 and a1) +kt t eornplo J&. ho-v..._ Lan__ Would tan. +o -t-rua {o _Dorm,Dyck tilt, -1.untl.a,c, c1s1-all i tubed -f0 do 2 Location: 5 o -5 y W; I I lo-en.., 5} -f-' I-ern. Owner: Address: I Tel Taken by: I Date of Inspection: 'Time: ttit m INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Sp-el litO n dcir-e c, . e, ,,,,,7 tlil9S /n&oi,P /R„‹ 07 /- -- nin m Lltimi F !r"„� Action Taken: gat, [ A `�, G / C7.17 alr5 spector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS .EITMAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM II SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES. ECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER V OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT: 54 WILLIAMS STREET NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS. This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights You may obtain a translation of this form at: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradQao deste documento de: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pu6 ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: 212 Main Street, Northampton Massachusetts. NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587- 1214 February 17, 2009 Jeannie Ranney 160 Tilda Hill Road Florida Ma, 01247 Re: 54 Williams St In accordance with, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. A Inspection was conducted by Aimee Petrosky at 54 Williams Street Northampton Massachusetts a property owned by you, on February 13, 2009.This is the second inspection of this Unit. The Following Violations were noted: Code Number Violation Date of Correction Comments 410.100 / Kitchen Cabinet unit in dis- repair and poses a risk. Immediate Remove Unit. 410.351 / Refrigeration unit not working Immediate Because the refrigerator was provided when the tenant moved in it MUST be maintained by the Owner. See code for more details. 410.482 No Carbon Monoxide Detector Immediate Provide Carbon Monoxide detector. 410.500 Cracks observed around office and bedroom. Friday March 13 Please have contractor assess structure and provide written documentation to BOH. 410.504 Wood Floor in bathroom Friday March 13 410.552 Latch broken on screen door Friday March 13 VA-AS \n ��-KrC�P d bv_t plws The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order issued to you above within the time frame listed. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. This is the second Correction order issued to you. I will be re-inspecting the unit at a time that is convenient for both you and Mr. Vierra to attend, on or around March 13, 2009. Failure to comply with any order issued pursuant to the provisions of 105 CMR 410.000-shall upon conviction be fined not less than $10 or more than$500. Each day's failure to comply shall constitute separate violations. Please be advised that if you are aggrieved with this order you have the right to request a hearing. You must submit a written petition requesting a hearing within seven(7)days from the day the order was served Sincerely, This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury CC Thomas Vierra Aimee Petrosky Health Inspector 212 Main St Northampton Ma, 01060 413-587-1214 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS IY FLEITMAN,M.D.Chair SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM STAFF M.Scrimgeour,MHED.,CHES 'Peeler of Public Health .bbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Petrosky,Health Inspector Madeline Neon,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Housing Inspection Report f Inspection: re\txtmxti tb,2COi an: 513 - w..s s4 ion m Code Owner: Se nn e R wnncy 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1215 FAX(413)587-1221 Occupant: 11‘ Omo.A v;Er, Y/N Notes ectric light fixture 410.252 ti etta Co — y& b"4k9'2( Df nonporous/ 410.150 (D) and e and serve in a R7�kg �� �� ent, easily cleanable 410.504 t� YY (� 11 al and not cracked ectric light fixture f`nGC)� CY t.3Q ation by means of 410.258 o wall outlets w (4% of floor area) bsorbent free from walls and floor 410.504 1 l N CO»ru,1- tanical e space to store, 410.100 ti ci3nr a oV e and serve in a every room y manner 410.255 ectric light fixture 410.251 o wall outlets bsorbent free from walls and floor 410.504 1 l N CO»ru,1- tall outlets or one 410.250 and one overhead 410.482 every room nporary wiring 410.255 'ondition 410.452 Detectors and 410.482 n Dioxide ral Integrity 410.500 N CV L'15 IA lraLl- ight Elements 410.500 ;e: 150,80 or 70 insects and s 410.550 s for windows 410.551 s for all doors S directly outside 410.552 ;e: 150,80 or 70 tter available and 410.190 at temps of 110- ;e: 150,80 or 70 grees. g units in all rooms 410.200 urce of heat in e and Disposal of 410.600 epair. 410.601 urn Square 410.400 ;e: 150,80 or 70 ; feet e and Disposal of 410.600 & 410.601 ;e Notes: Petrosk i Inspector 87-1217 pection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Buck Brothers Concrete David Fortier Builders 32 laurel Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-586-8963 C.S. 008026 H.I.C. 103999 March 7, 2009 To: Jeannie Ranney Inspection report for 54 Williams Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Back stairway (covered) structure, stairs and railings — O.K. Inspection of 1st floor apartment, structurally — O.K. Cracks in plaster ceiling and walls seem to be from age and earlier water damage. Those leaks have since been repaired. Inspected by David. N. Fortier Date: S LS C IE D V 6 1 MAR 1 0 2009 NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JAY FLERMAN,M.D. SUZANNE SMITH,M.O. DONNA C.SALLOOM II SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, ECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)S87-1221 Mns- 25 2c01 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE ( 9 AN`- r1 .Sea note 140, y.,..� lbn -Ft'icJ g'tl LP • 0- vow Re: COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS Dear V‘'\6 • 124N-NN•-ty -s €;,°°`-5 On rcb )(UN al I3 76,1 an initial Housing Inspection was made at the property located at COQ G11Ui am 5 5 /- owned or operated by you. Violations were observed and an enforcement letter with correction orders was mailed to you on f ' by-man/ 17 / Zoe 7 r � �L 2 3,7661 A final re-inspection was conducted on (,�)A¢F,GL 13, ?CO % - Yo how -up Ck)/ Me*s% All violations noted in the R 4n-t4aft4 lC, 7UO5 enforcement letter were found to be cotected and therefore, please note that you have complied with all of the correction orders issued in the inspection report. This letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at my office. /f mplaina it: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: eras (n L/� c.lw�cW� ho.1t< Tel: Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Lc IA oink hupd i.e.,- ,,,I Cods Y ="-5 s. end rC ccu^e--cl ,M 4;in ales DC' Time: en: N ill lir:lull liI ter p94 I-I t ector Signature