106 Application & Permit 1998'p FEE COMMON\i.TALTII Of MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health /e01a/4n. /GI.51q PLICATION E®R DISPOSAL SYSTI I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Location,e0.64AtE ,C't - Owner's Namenalvezre Occo nl. ,� A Address /O LC/a`r/�. /p - T Map/Parcel# ep , �/ a / I at# al0 et/ / / r77.f� ST Telephone# 5-496. 30� G �.. lusmller's Name , Cep �j ff 2 Se7t)1•6 V Designer's Name 1...e./L.7-5./..g y(�(/J�'W "Oa Address s si. _ : _ r Address 1.1-41 O/C/O&G/ /ia" Telephone# Et ? w Telephone# - pc of Building /Lee /�/7e2///'es- /, n-C telling-No.of Bedrooms ;3.LLe..O//6Om £tierr/ 12/SSOOS/JG Garbage grinder (54/1,5 then-Type of Building / .00s, C P4.2 /% /tS No.of persons // Showers a Cafeteria pC/U ther Fixtures Lot Size - ti %f7 ussigu Flow (min. required) /10 v3 e/C9 Calculated design flow ,69.-5- Design flow provided w579 to gpd Date �1//! /797 Number of sheets / Revision Date 4PO4-0?4PO4-0?am e (.52/0117 0-7fre-927 /49z170t1 , a a 600,0am4..) /00 Cu,,-- Zee rscnpt on of Soils) Q.0 /77777CAde 577 ail Evaluator Form No. // Name of Soil Evaluator//.Ut%-if/��'.C/ re of Evaluation B�O'7 9 7 ESCRIPTION OF RERJ S OR ALTERATIONS ir�/S!/.1%J9 /C�//L *Co Zirt& /7 `/ ezJc.&zr /t ',c/ncea Gu/7-i 2r°4 -' LP/dcA ,4/£G.t2 ie undersigned agrees to install the abo de d dividual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and rther agrees to t to place the syste o. on tit a Certifca : C.mpliance has been issued by the Board of Health. CC' l��a a � [are ,. re(gtI11 spcenon 7G- f/ FEE /2/C COMMONWEALTH OF MASSA ]TUSFTIS Board of Health, Al / i1' k' MA' t CERTIFICATE OF COI PLIANCF Description of Work: dividual Component(s) ❑Complete System She undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed () Repaired (( Upgraded () Abandoned ( ) be —e P f M � 4 � V V r Cac- at / C(/' tl Ca t-E-I f has been installed2ra?ceoFdaticc with the pro isi n s o f 310 CMR 15.00 (Title S) and the approved desidesign plans/ -built plans relatin application No. dated it / . Approaed Design Flow S� (bpd) Installer t o" �[ r�erP .w ,i iC ,� 1 /— �—�d p (^"? a"_ Date:Designer: �i H4 See Ic L� Inspecmn `� The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. f; /f J r /iEE'— CV N v 5 • COMMONWEALTH OF NASSA' IIIISFTTS c 0 w a to f/r,.,, T]'2 Board ofHeaGh act 4( g L G s 92 DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTR. JCTION PERMIT v3 d N L 0 O. E 64144 is hereby grante to; construct( ) Repair 0.- Jpgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal sr Ha, ar/d&/_ It) �+ • as described in the applicatior m U/ ���III�MM�"'111 ��� /'�J yam/ .ti tnu to 49r4--71, dated M1.9/61/ l> agl stem Construction Permit No. €a > ri � o�a�r�Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this rill lo con s must be m C] p /(i ( Board of Health C f on IFee 596 F ad A91tiCOiBS� MP � Date