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46 Observation Pits
NAILING ADDRLSS: THEODORE TOWNE PARE HJLL ROAD __ _____ NORTHAMPTON, MASS._ . DATE: 4-17-J9 Lot #14-3 Done - Apr. 17, 1979 9 ' 0" Loam Dark Silty Sand Medium to Fine Sand Gr w.i.'s.it , r 9L.0 8" 1 ' OBSERVER: D.W. Miner Lot: 414-4 Dopet _Apr. 1/, 1979 ,Loam 6" Silty Sand 1 ' 6" Medium to Fine sand 6 ' 7 '4" Lot: 42-3 = 4(o Whig-Eire S+ Done: Apr. 17, 1979 Tap Soil 6" (Silt 1 ' 1 Medium to Fine Sand 2 '6" 10 ' 0" Gron:.awal ,,r None 8 ' 2" ,;rounui.:.,t e, _g+ 6 Perc Rate Lot: #2-4 > Li% Whlf{iri S{; Dane: Apr. .17, 1979 10'0" Top Soil Silt Medium to Fine Sand Groundwater None I en_ Rite • Overnight Test ,1LMER HUN ILLa', Jlt_ C ASS(X HATES, INC SURVEYORS ENGINELRS PLANNERS 16" H1 ' 2" 8 ' nc.rPVATII I 'P THEODORE TOWNE PARK HILL ROAD NORTHAMPTON MA I:•;r: . r.ninu:ss: Lot #1-1 Done: May 28, 1975 12 ' 0" Grass cover OW,ERV6R: Med. dark brown sand 1 ' 3" Med. & fine light brown sand 3' 0" Fine compac'- ted brown sand & silt 4 ' 9" Clay w/ traces of water 3 ' 0" Gr•,u err 9 ' 0" Groundwater R.P.B -LOT-111=2------ Done: May 28, 1975 __- ;Grass cover 10 ' 0" Med dark brown sand 1 '0" Fine sand and gravel 1 ' 6" Fine compac- ted brown sand w/tra- es of clay fat bottom 0.33 min/in Perc Rate 0. 33 min/in Perc Rate Lot #1-3 Dpne May OTS 9 ' 0" 10,_ 1978 1 ' 0" Silty sand 2 ' 0" Med. sand Gr ounnwar er None P •r.. F it., • Overnight Test 7 ' 6" Lot 42-2 = H!, I,✓hi th cc Done: December 6&8, 1978 OTS 9" 12 ' 0" Silt Med. - Fine sand Groundwater None 9" 1. 0 min/in Pero Rate 1. 0 min/in ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC.