Misc. Lots Letters REPORT ON A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILL INCIDENT DATE OF INCIDENT: February 10, 1984 LOCATION: 15 West Farms Road, Northampton REPORTED BY: Capt. Jones, Northampton Fire Department TIME: 8:55 AM DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT: A small amount of gasoline is believed to have leaked from one of two 500 gallon underground tanks at the West Farms Road variety store. PROPERTY OWNED BY: Frederick Mailloux ACTION TAKEN: Notified DEOE The 500 gallon tanks are being replaced, only slight gasoline odor detected in the soil which will be spread at the landfill and used in refuse disposal after re- maining gas has evaporated. REPORT SUBMITTED BY: Peter J. McErlain (s) Peter J. McErlain Health Agent ry of NORTHAMPTON OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM D: Peter McErlain, Board of Health Agent 60- 90-: Lawrence B. Smith, Senior Planner JBJECT: Lesko Perc Test/Determination of Applicability ATE: March 20, 1986 LE: ttached please find a copy of the Conservation Commission's Negative Determination f Applicability issued to William Lesko for the construction of a dwelling off of he easterly side of West Farms Road. Please not Condition #2 which requires that he storm water run-off from the driveway not be discharged over the septic system's each field/trench. dditionally, on Mr. Lesko's attached plan please note the close proximity of his eptic system to the abutting wetland. The Commission would like to express their oncerns, and bring your attention to the following issues: a) the age of Mr. Lesko's existing pert test (it is quite old and in the interim another house has been constructed on the lot next door, would this alter the results of the old perc test) , b) the proximity of the leach field/trench to the abutting wetland (does it meet the 50' or 75' setback, whichever applies), c) ensure that the location of the proposed leachfield is not in the path of the storm water discharge from the driveway. Form 2 Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEOE File No City/rown Applicant lTe be provided by DEOE) Northampton illiam Lesko Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, G.L. c. 131, §40 From Northampton Conservation Commission To William Lesko William D. Lesko Issuing Authority (Name of person making request) (Name of property owner)• Address 230 North Main St. Florence Address 01060 This determination is issued and delivered as follows: ® by hand delivery to person making request on -3/e-i f f= c (date) ❑ by certified mail, return receipt requested on (date) Pursuant to the authority of G.L.c. 131 §4C the Northampton Conservation Commission has considered your request for a Determination of Applicability and its supporting documentation,and has made the following determination(check whichever is applicable): This Determination is positive: 1. ❑ The area described below,which includes all/part of the area described in your request,is an Area Subject to Protcction Under the Act.Therefore,any removing,filling,dredging or altering of that area requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. 2. ❑ The work described below,which includes all/part of the work described in your request,is within an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act and will remove,fill,dredge or alter that area.There- fore,said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. 2-1 3. ❑ The work described below,which Includes all/part of the work described in your request, is within the Suffer Zone as defined in the regulations,and will alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act.Therefore,said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. This Determination is negative: 1. ❑ The area described in your request is not an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. 2. ❑ The work described in your request is within an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act,but will not remove, fill,dredge,or alter that area.Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent. i 3. &7 The work described in your request is within the Buffer Zone,as defined in the regulations, but will not alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act.Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent, provided that all work conforms to the attached additional Conditions (see attached sheet) . 4. ❑ The area described in your request is Subject to Protection Under the Act,but since the work described therein meets the requirements for the following exemption,as specified in the Act and the regulations,no Notice of Intent is required: Issued by Northampton Conservation Commission Conservation Commission Signature(s) '�lL t. � v� ".�.`�`�' I`-' . r. ' GI Sy tn,Nti 6 This Determination must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. On this . rk day of personally appeared person described in,acid who executed the same as his/her free act and deed. ■: p ', f--- 19 St/' ,before me , to me known to be the ,the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged that he/she executed Notary Public My commission expires This Determination does not relieve the applicant from complying with all other applicable federal.state or local statutes,ordinances, bylaws or regulations.This Determination shall be valid for three years form the date of issuance. The applicant,Ne owner,any person aggrieved by this Determination,any owner of land abutting the and upon which the proposed work is to be done,or any ten residents of the city or town in which such land is located,are hereby notified of their right to request the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering to issue a Superseding Determination of Applicability.providing the request is made by certified mail or hand delivery to the Department within ten days from the date of issuance of this Determination.A copy of the request shaft at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and the applicant. 2-2A William Lesko 230 N. Farms Rd. DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY MASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT, G.L. c. 131(40) Additional Conditions: 1) Hay bales shall be used (instead of the proposed cinder blocks) to control erosion and sedimentation and shall be installed in conformance with the provisions contained in the GUIDELINES FOR SOIL S WATER CONSERVATION IN URBANIZING AREAS OF MASSACHUSETTS/USDA Soil Conservation Service (a copy of which is attached), 2) Energy dissipators (large rocks, etc. ) shall be placed at the point of discharge of the driveway's run-off, and shall be sufficient to dissipate the flow and velocity of said run-off. Said point of discharge shall not discharge the storm water run-off over the on-site septic disposal system's leachfie.d/trench, / / OTHER LAND or . . / HOMER E. R\-10A0E5 / / BOOK 909- P.QE 284 / chi ROOK 151 PAGE 19B CkeN 4MPTON C��° IE SYSTEMI / z-gT 0.354 / / aU°p� Se RgNE S lZ9 r / 7r S �' • ..--' I S o9�q EJ r °j N�t..\ .,--E q0-i • cr t . ic.eos SUS'`IA S1 .s ''''..y .uSpa . ya9 �Zbl is r �.\ q�4y p / J O / / El �7e'••Cr / 6� 1 LS4 ACRES t:.: , , '7\042 li, CRY PLANl41ETER) - wp`� A 4JI, (/Y�) / / /1/ a • Ur — oar �Nr :2,$ r / CoNO�t� B*, p / cL ' rVO , tr 1 t s f d„d } ^I} * .� f f'tadd:sf ch\:':="47( r _ 3j^ / sq �� surr t Tit s°1'RC , E O,N }.i}v I '4.. A Y , '-F 'v ` ° £. . � J44. d k L 5. GREENBAUM Commissioner IN 1. HIGGINS Eegional Director &radio& gfice, geSnoeco fm Western, Region, 4s6-Oto5z4b cJ ee4 cceew old, .//ivc6 onus 419 784-1100 Northampton Plumbing Supply 285 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: David Teece Dear Mr. Teece: DEC 1 - 1989 Re: Northampton-ERB-W89-377 West Farms Road Sandpit Waste Oil Release M.G.L. ch. 21E The Department of Environmental Protection is in receipt of a letter report, dated October 27, 1989 and received by the Department on November 17, 1989, regarding the removal of oil- contaminated soil at a sandpit located off West Farms Road in Northampton, MA. This report is submitted on your behalf by E.J. Flynn Engineers of Northampton, MA. This site was first brought to the attention of the Department when three 55-gallon drums of waste oil were found to have been abandoned at the site. A six (6) foot by eight (8) foot area of oil-contaminated soil was also noticed during the site investigation. Southampton Sanitary Engineering of Southampton, MA was retained to remove the drums of waste oil and excavate the area of oil-contaminated soil. This excavation was performed on September 14, 1989 under the observation of a representative of E.J. Flynn Engineers, and involved the removal of approximately one hundred (100) cubic yards of visibly contaminated soil. Excavation was discontinued when no visible oil staining or petroleum odor remained in- soil samples taken from the bottom and sides of the pit. Five samples were also taken from the bottom and sides of the pit for certified laboratory confirmation of the field observations. Results of these samples showed no detection of any petroleum hydrocarbons remaining in the pit. Based upon the information submitted, the Department is of the opinion that no further action at the site relative to this specific area of oil stained soil is required. However, further potential for releases/threats of release of oil and hazardous materials may exist at the site. Should further releases/threats of release be encountered at this site, you are required to notify Original Printed on 100% Recycled Paper Teece the Department in accordance with 310 CMR 40.373, which states in relevant part that "Notification to the Department shall be made to the Department as soon as possible but not more than two (2) hours after obtaining knowledge of a release or threat of release to the environment of any oil or hazardous material. . . " . It is the Department's understanding that the one hundred cubic yards of contaminated soil stockpiled at the site are to be removed to a hazardous waste disposal facility acceptable to the Department. This removal should be completed as soon as possible but in no case later that thirty (30) days from the date of this letter. Please notify the Department once this removal has been completed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact David Slowick of this office. Very truly yours, 's44�n F. oy e Regidnal Engi eer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup DAS/ds WSC-011-S/teece Certified Mail #P 790 127 610, Return Receipt Requested cc: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department E.J. Flynn Engineers, Inc. Southampton Sanitary Engineering IEL S. GREENBAUM Commissioner )I-IN J. HIGGINS ReeronaI Director Ctrecatia& Died of&zae on aerrtaz.46n 0_. ar /SnvGmmzentaG_ 4theerrig, Western, gear, 486 ows%eD ftree4, Jj6the field, ✓1laex cites 4/9$94-//00 Northampton Plumbing Supply 285 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: David Teece Dear Mr. Teece: WAN 1 2 190 Re: Northampton-ERB-W89-377 West Farms Road Sandpit Waste Oil Release M.G.L. ch. 21E This letter concerns one hundred cubic yards of waste oil- contaminated soil which was generated during the cleanup of a disposal site located at a sandpit off West Farms Road in Northampton, MA. The Department, in its review of report letter dated December 1, 1989, required that removal of this waste to a hazardous waste disposal facility acceptable to the Department was to be completed no later than thirty days after receipt of that letter. The Department has determined, from conversations with your contractor, Southampton Sanitary Engineering of Southampton, MA, that this removal has not been completed as of the date of this letter. Please inform the Department as to the status of this project, to include a projected removal date for the stockpiled contaminated soil, by January 29, 1990. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact , David Slowick of this office. DAS/ds Certified Mail #P 524 674 320, Return Receipt Requested cc: Northampton Board of Health Northampton Fire Department Southampton Sanitary Engineering Very truly yours, e Reg onal Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Original Printed on 100% Recycled Pacer