165 Application for Local Upgrade Approval FORM 9B - Local Upgrade Approval Commonwealth of/Massachusetts /170/ 6 244iQ4QR/ t Massachusetts (City ) LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL Issued Pursuant to 310 CMR 15.404 and 15.405 Facility/System owner: ICS t- �i,L LI Address. /-1515-1147110-4/0161)/� City/Town: (.lei +-a-we State: 4.. Zip9 a'/01] Facility Address: /1,, 5 tilt f City/Town: Type of Facility: Residential ❑ Institutional D25ign flow per 310 CMR 15.203 System Designer: 77141 {4f Address: O City/Town: ❑Commercial ❑School Bpd ❑ PE ORS State: /141--O Zip: O/O .% Local Upgrade Approval is granted for: ❑ Reduction in setback(s) (Specify) ❑ Percolation rate for 30 to 60 min/inch- Percolation rate min/inch . ❑ Reduction in SAS area of up to 25% (SAS size and%reduction) SAS sq ft Reduction % War Reduction in separation between the SAS and high groundwater Separation reduction / ft Percolation rate min/inch Depth to groundwater Y ft ❑ Relocation of well(Explain) List local variances granted not requiring DEP approval per 310 CMR 15.412(4): List variances granted requiring DEP approval: / Al . oved by the l al,4.w Add Board e h (Print or type name and Title) Signature) (Date) The system owner shall provide a copy of this local upgrade approval to the appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Protection,Bureau of Resource Protection,Division of Watershed Management,upon issuance by the local approving authority and before commencement of construction. ``■ Department of Environmental Protection DEP Approved Form-320/02 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 1 OF 5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts t-v, ,y\ ,or-∎ , Massachusetts Application for Local Upgrade Approval Title 5, 310 CMR 15.000 DEP Approved form required by 310 CMR 15.403(1) To be submitted to Local Aoprovine AuthoritvBoard of Health: For the upgrade of a failed or nonconforming system with a design tlow of < 10,000 gpd, where full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible. To be submined to DEP: For the upgrade of a failed or nonconforming system with a design flow of 10,000 up to 15,000 gpd and/or for upgrade of a state or federal facility, where full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible. NOTE: Local upgrade approval shall not be granted for an upgrade proposal that includes the addition of new design flow to a cesspool or privy or the addition of new design flow above the existing approved capacity of a system constructed in accordance with either the 1978 Code or 310 CMR 15.000. 1) Faciliry/system owner Name CEt.L,vRA Address 13'3 56 311-tA RD — t r> l,u pi?1�7 AAA-. Phone # ("4v3) Star) /coo Address of facility 1,66-; ICSS- WC 5T cp,"v^75t) RtD (Q-T.h�) NdLItii PO-( ,v0 MA . 0ler)a 2) Applicant (if different from above) Name 4',a10- Address Phone # 3) Type of facility sG residential commercial school institutional) n (Speclty) y VZNDP-ce_AN tAcJ.i E h c & -e J O1tPoSA-L DEP URPOO D FORM- 12 0"95 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE AFPr O . PAGE : ; 4) Type of existing system privy cesspool(s) )C conventional system Other (describe) Type of soil absorption system (trenches, chambers, pitsf�c.) Gh-0p'i,mL- LcPc-- ( .�5'c x 2s w) 5) Design flow based on 310 CMR 15.203 a) Design flow of existing system ()LIE gpd Approved? yes approval date (hUK- no why? b) Design flow of proposed upgraded system(o49,'gpd c) Design flow of facility 33° gpd 6) Proposed upgrade of existing system is a) x Voluntary _ Required by order, letter, etc. (attach copy) _ Required following inspection required by 310 CMR 15.301 (provide date inspection form was submitted to the approving authority) (date) h) Describe the proposed upgrade to the system Rcp acs a sOCTauPA(24) ni$Oos.Pc, Syf=N ti ALL uEU 150zsce;C(aK\ ;e t1,C -TA LAC p15112_4 ,c (fix P"-sr) A e61) X 2S ) Lett a41/4,_,G gtJp c) Which of the following are applicable to the proposed upgrade? Nit Reduction of setbacks) (list setbacks to be reduced with proposed setback distances) !" Percolation rate of 30-60 minutes per inch (state actual perc rate) DtP APPROVED FORM-11 0115 FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE APPROVAL PAGE 3 OF 5 Up to 25% reduction in subsurface disposal area design requirements (sate required & proposed size) N/. Relocation of water supply well (identify well, describe relocation) ✓ Reduction of required separation between bottom of SAS & high groundwater (specify proposed reduction & perc rate) 4.0 Id/A Other requirements of 310 CMR 15.000 that cannot be met (specify sections of the Code) System upgrades that cannot be performed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.404 & 15.405, or in full compliance with the requirements of 310 CMR 15.000, require a variance pursuant to 310 CMR 15.410-15.417. 7) If the proposed upgrade involves a reduction in the required separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and the high groundwater elevation, an Approved Sod Evaluator must determine the high ground water elevation pursuant to 310 CMR 15.405(1)(i)(1). The evaluator must be a member or agent of the local approving authority: Distance from soil absorption system tis high groundwater 4 feet As determined by Evaluator's name t C(2tmor1 LA-tAc 4 F.valuatnr•s signature Date of evaluation 8�2-s-o3 DEP APPROVED PORN- tl O1•" FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADEAPPROVF L 8) Notice to Abutters No application for upgrade approval in which the setback from property lines or a private water supply well is reduced shall be complete until the applicant has notified all abutters whose property or well is affected by certified mail at least ten days before the Board of Health meeting at which the upgrade approval will be on the agenda. Such notice shall include the date, time and place where the upgrade approval will be discussed. If the Department is the approving authority, then such notice to abutters must be completed prior to the date of submission of the application to the Department. The notices to abutters include a in 310 CMR completed 5 402 throug application 5 405.. and List of affected Abusers: U1 A Abuner Name Address Abutter Name Address Abutter Name Address Abutter Name Address Date notified Date notified Date notified Date notified 9) Explain why full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible (each section must be completed): a) an upgraded system in hill compliance with 310 CMR 15.000 is not feasible: )ley skukct. Fa[RjAC, S tzJC7L,PoAc;DC f1/4aN RoP b) an alternative system approved pursuant to 310 CMR 15.283-15.288 is not feasible /3l,i-N tv S'iy (;:?7`. Is opc) sip, Drr AflRO'ID FOIM•11/0/11 c) d) FORM 9A - APPLICATION FOR LOCAL UPGRADE Appaov PAGE 5 OF 5 a shared system is not feasible Ps.Pc-_A c, T>U PR `t 42A.A.3 i 5 Too "?..4.41 connection to a sewer Is not feasible. UO Cjow°e. F3JA�t,fl f3Lc 10) An application for a disposal system construction permit, including all required attachments (e.g. plans & specifications. site evaluation forms), must accompany this application. Is the DSCP application attached? X yes no 11) Certification 1, the facility owner, certify under penalty of law that this document entand all attachments, to the best of my knowledge and belief, are we, complete. I am aware that there may be significant consequences for submitting false information, including, but not limited to, penalties or fine artd/or imprisonment for knowing violations,' Facility owner's signature 0 0RA Print Name lv o 6,-,= k‘--AP : .. J / Fill`=1 Telephone 0 & aidress (,t prepare( Date —i3 6--on Date 5v;) - SD9I NOTE: Tole 5, 310 CMR 15.403(4), requires the system owner or operator to submit to the Department a copy of the local upgrade approval upon issuance by the Board of Health and prior to commencement of construction. DO APPROVED FORM- ❑.Pr.H Garage Driveway AS—BUILT DIMENSIONS 'A' to '6' = 29 ft. '3' to t 14 ft. 'A' to 'D' = 53 ft. Existing 3 bedroo house kg dlstrIbution box teach nem Ex ls Mg septic tank /65 Westhampton Road Northampton, MA. Notes 1. The septc tank should be pumped at least every 3 years. 2. pump the septic tank from the pump-out cover and not at the the meet or outlet cover. As—built plan 155 Westhampton Road Northampton, MA. Excavator: John Tautznic & Son Easthameton, MA. AS-BUILT DIMENSIONS 'A' to 'C' = 29 ft. 'B' to 'C = 14 ft. 'A' to '1)' = 53 ft. Driveway pIGN xlsSin B distribution box I I1J1S(1=111-1 E 11l tl nD EL Leach fled Ili Existing septic tank II—III-11i--11 166' Westhampton Road Northampton, MA. Notes 1. The septic tank should ,e puryeS at least every 3 years. 2. faro the septk tank fron the pu,p-out cover end not of the the llet or outlet cover. As—built plan 155 Westhampton Road Northampton, MA. Excavator: John Toutznic & Son Easthampton, MA. 500 GALLON TIGHT TANK — BOUYANCY CALCULATIONS ITE: LOT # 165 — WESTHAMPTON ROAD — NORTHAMPTON, MA. DR: TODD CELLURA ATE: AUGUST 28, 2003 WEIGHT OF 1500 GALLON TANK = WT(tank) Sides: ( 11'L x 5.08'H )2 = 101 .60 sq ft. x 0.5' = 50.80 cu. ft. Top/Bottom: (111 x 6'W )2 = 66.00 sq. ft. Ends: ( 5.08'H x 5'W )2 = 50.80 sq. ft. x 0.5 = 25.40 cu. ft. So: 50.80 cu. ft. + 66 cu. ft. + 25.40 cu. ft. = 142.20 cu. ft. Then: 142.20cu. ft. x 150 Ibs/cu. ft. (cement) = 21,330 lbs. = WT(tank) VOLUME OF 1500 GALLON TANK OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS:MENSIONS: ( 111 x 6.08'H x 5'W ) = 310.678 CU. FT. N3301bs. WT(tank) > 18,833 bs aWT(w 18,833 Ibs. WT(water) Now:ow: 21 ,, b THEREFORE: COUNTER WEIGHTS ARE NOT NEEDED TO SECURE THE PROPOSED 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK. Lkao Name:EASTHAMPTON Date:8/26/103 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Location: 04T 18'03.6' N 07T 40'47.2" W Caption:Septic system repair Lot#165-Westhampton Rd. For Todd Cellura Copyright(C)1997.MaPtecL,Inc. f am -. H ' en 011 , Et.98.7 94.5 Q:/02 . 3 9z.7) gz.4 I. to et 92.6 ex 7° PI :? 3 Y 41 y.o I 3 U __ kI 9310 -2d -� E.9f8 92.8 °6,4 Ex91:5 58' /0 asyrir 55. 5 I 1 N 7' 93y° O Q x942 J N 7 �4'So✓° P,Pc V 92.0 LEACN/ + O \9 Ex 9/.o 11 Y,�EAICN 00 GN fre.SePlIc m /7aX o,e.eo. 4 CC JEa 0 - - q e ' z ' 0 Z m Q 400 s.r 0 i v • • . 't te-A00/Ja F/a0 L34;,o/; 20.9 • E. 94. 47 ti . 89.7 s Ex 95.8 87f op.b% i5 tor a ;89.o pLAi of L T rims5. �A� 1_0A ,eTHAMPT° . P.2FpAPEO Go.2 T EoOO__2E_BLAUVEL.T ---------1 < Ca