117 Compaint 2015 (Cooley ER) Geo Tracking #: 6,0cC71
Entered By: C Date Entered: 1,9+1/5
OTHER AZI 611/.1t VL-
Call Taker Initials: ✓ t
Date of Complaint: i 44 / IC
Complainant/Occupant's Name: St'k mCu`
Mailing Address:
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Complaint Location: i'D LAD CJ S i
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Alternate #
Animals: Y Child Under 6
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Owner's Name:
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Inspection Scheduled on:
Complaint Unfounded:
Conditions Found:
Telephone# ( )
Address: Alternate# ( )
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Signature of Inspecting Officer
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Date/Time of Inspection
gthampton Mail-Fwd:Cooley Dickinson ER- 14 August 2015 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=9954d8032f&view=pt&...
CNN of
Ed Smith <esmith @northamptonma.gov>
Md: Cooley Dickinson ER - 14 August 2015
:lissa Roberts-Cote <mrobertscote @northamptonma.gov> Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 2:09 PM
: "esmith @northamptonma.gov"<esmith @northamptonma.gov>
Melissa Roberts-Cote
(413) 587-1215
City of Northampton
Department of Public Health Secretary
Forwarded message
From: Sita Magnuson <sita.magnuson @thevalueweb.org>
Date: Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Cooley Dickinson ER- 14 August 2015
To: mrobertscote @northamptonma.gov
Here is the photo of the toilet in the ER. The bed/gurney had dried blood on the base of the bed—more than
what you see on the toilet. In both instances, no one apologized, and in fact one person made a joke about the
fad that I reported the blood on the toilet, saying something to the effect—'you should stick around and inspect
the place—you seem to find all the blood!'(not an exact quote but it was essentially this). I did not think it was
funny at all, and was terrified to be in the place with my already not well 3 week old.
My general impression of the ER was that it was filthy.The trash in the room we were in was overflowing. In
the 6 hours we were in the ER no one came to (or thought to) take the trash out. And on arrival,the waiting
room was filled with coughing, sick people, many lying on the floor. There were also these blue plastic cylinder
bag things on the floor in the waiting room—not sure what they were but they look like they could be used for
someone to be sick in. They were unused, but still on the floor alongside a brown paper shopping bag (I have
no idea what was in that, but it was full of something and on the floor near the magazines). The triage nurse
wasn't sure where to tell us to sit when we went back into the waiting room—and we ended up going outside
to wait,which she said later was a good idea.
I don't have much experience with ERs, luckily, but have a few members of my family who are very
experienced nurses or in hospital administration On the Eastern part of the state)—and everyone seemed to
think that the state of the ER, especially the dried blood,was completely unacceptable.
In stark comparison, when we were admitted to the hospital, the room we were in was clean and well
maintained and our experience as patients was great. It is the ER I have concerns about. I certainly won't be
going back there—would travel to Baystate if I needed to go to the ER again for any reason (assuming I had a
Thanks for taking the time to review this information. Please don't hesitate to call or email with any further
Sita Magnuson
617 251 3087
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rthampton Mail-Fwd:Cooley Dickinson ER- 14 August 2015 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=28zik=9954d8032f&vievr—pt&...
14Aug2015_CooleyER_toi let.jpg
I Smith <esmith @northamptonma.gov>
james_od om @cooley-d icki nson.org
Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Hi James-
thanks for replying to my message-below is the complaint as we received it; I do not know whether Ms. Magnuson
formally complainted to CDH but I felt the most effective thing is to send it to you. Please reply to me with information
about your finding on this complaint.
Ed Smith
(Quoted text hidden]
Edmund Smith
Health Inspector
Northampton Health Department
212 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060
Regular Schedule: Monday&Wednesday, 84:30; Thursday 8-12 noon.
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James Odom <James_Odom @cooley-dickinson.org>
Mon,Aug 24, 2015 at 4:30 PM
To: Ed Smith cesmith @northamptonma.gov>
Thank you Ed, I will investigate this complaint and get back to you on what steps I took.
9/16/2015 1:18 PM
rthampton Mail-Fwd: Cooley Dickinson ER- 14 August 2015 https://mail.google.com/mailfu/Onui=2&ik-9954d8032Drview=pt&...
ames E.Odom Jr.(J.L),CHESP
)irector of Environmental and Linen Service Operations
'roperty Manager- 170 University Drive Facility
looley Dickinson Health Care
30 Locust Street
Northampton,Mass 01061-5001
Email:james_odom @cooley-dickinson.o rg
From: Ed Smith [mailto:esmith @northamptonma.goy]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 4:24 PM
To: James Odom
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]
ames Odom <James_Odom @cooley-dickinson.org> Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:05 PM
a: Ed Smith <esmith @northamptonma.gov>
Hello Ed,
I emailed Ms. Magnuson but her email address keeps bouncing back as non-deliverable.I will keep trying but
will also reach out to her via phone call.
If you have a different email address please let me know,thank you!
James E.Odom Jr.(J.].),CHESP
Director of Environmental and Linen Service Operations
Property Manager- 170 University Drive Facility
Cooley Dickinson Health Care
9/16/2015 1:18 PM
orthampton Mail-Fwd:Cooley Dickinson ER- 14 August 2015 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=9954d8032f8rview=pt&_.
30 Locust Street
Northampton,Mass 01061-5001
From: Ed Smith [mailto:esmith @northamptonma.goy]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 4:24 PM
To: James Odom
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]
.d Smith <esmith @northamptonma.gov>
o: James Odom <James_Odom @cooley-dickinson.org>
In afraid I don't-that email is how she reached us.
thanks for the follow-up
Ed Smith
tQ uoted text hidden]
Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:47 PM
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