139 Letters 1998-2005'._B. Hatch n liana Enai m. Munn Road,Monson,Massachusetts 01057 (4132673596) February 23, 1998 Mr. Karl Kuehner Southampton Sanitary Engineering Corp. 168 County Road Southampton,MA 01073 Re: 139 Westhampton Road Northampton, MA Dear Mr. Kuehner: As requested, this is our letter report regarding the brief investigation we conducted today at the referenced site. The subject of this report is the high groundwater at the lift pump chamber which is located between the septic tank and soil absorption system for the home located at the referenced site. Our observations of the site conditions and current situation include: 1. The soil absorption system was reconstructed about six years ago,which included leaving the septic tank in the front of the house, installing a lift pump chamber in front of the house westerly of the septic tank. 2. The new absorption system was necessary because the absorption system was located in the front yard of the house near the septic tank and that absorption system was found to fail by means of discharge to the ground surface and collection at the culvert crossing Westhampton Road. 3. Last week the level of the groundwater in the vicinity of the pump pit and septic tank was so high that the tank and/or pump pit that water began flowing over the top of the units, filling the units. 4. Water was found to be ponding in the back yard of the house last week as well To remedy this situation,ideally a new septic tank and relocation of the pump chafnber would be proposed for construction in fill,above the existing high groundwater. This option would also require changing the plumbing inside the house. This option is considered to be likely more costly than the homeowner is willing to bear. We are therefore proposing that the soil around the pump pit removed,filter fabric be placed against the excavation sidewall then placement of 1!/z" washed stone. The stone collection should be constructed as low as possible, running with a collection pipe from the pump pit area to the culvert crossing Westhampton Road. .P. B. Hatch We also propose that the existing 900 gallon septic tank be removed and replaced with a 1500 gallon tank meeting current 310 CMR 15.000 criteria. A new tank is necessary to be sure there is no leakage from the tank to the stone installed around the pump pit. If there is any leakage from the septic tank or pipe connecting the tank to the pit or the pump pit itself, then an unacceptable discharge to the culvert of septage can be expected. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Paul B. Hatch, PE 00025801 DARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. 4THIA DOURMASHHIN,R.N. R J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1204 [EMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF NORTHAMPT • N MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFf ICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Paulette Kuzdeba,Northampton Co •` tion Co Peter McErlain,Health Agent February 25, 1998 Emergency Septic System Repair 139 Westhampto „ 1 This memo will confirm that a sewage disposal emergency exists Labbee at 139 Westhampton Rd. In order to complete repairs to a &pump chamber at that address, it will be necessary to divert gro part of the septic.system. The septic tank will be replaced and the sealed to prevent the infiltration of the ground water,which was c operation/failure. This work must be completed as soon as possibl total failure of the leaching system. Ground water will be diverted from around the septic tank and pump chamber and piped to a nearby culvert on the city adway lay out. ssion Road 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 n the property of Michael oodeddeaking septic tank d water away from that ump chamber will then be using excessive pump to prevent flooding and Southampton Sanitary Engineering will do the repair work. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this matte Thank you. cc: Southampton Sanitary Engineering 1. COMMONWEALTH O OF MASsACRUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTION NT WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT M.G.L. C.131 $40 310 CHIT 10.00 CERTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CATION OF MORE: street: 60 es' / ■« city/town: . The applicant hereby requests the Issuing Authority (Conservation :oa owingn or the Department of Environmental(ld scribetwork to be allowed,n rttach su project nt as an emergency project: attach supplemental information if more space is aeeded� � !' .. n �. . T i Cyr,/i2 ' 2. The necessary tec fi cth° h°'1� aOd °II for the the citizens of thecoamoealth becauseI - 1 ti d Arov, % a. r J7iSC he.- To To-sc ) In✓a .at has ar//Tdyr-."`. 3. The project to (or subdivision foreis thereof) of the Commonwealth that has o�ered the project to be performed is: e-, /r4 4, No work shall be allowed beyond that necessary to }mate the emergency. The date work shall be com aetof by: '" " __/ ,> , qG7 Not to exceed 30 days without written ap al of the Commissioner of the Department of Environme al yj.tact' • (• 1 • J , r"/ %i add/ (si ature of applicant) on the basis of the above information s, a ansitte inspection,provided)nd after a the described above (and in any supplemental determined to be a certified emergency pursuant to 310 CMA 10.06. ISSUING AUTHORITY: >1 (date) RE: (Conservation Commission or DEP) ❑ (If box is checked, see attached conditions) Date Issued: (Effective 8/14/92) James A. Gracia, PE 99 Gladale Strut Easthampton,MA 01027 (4131527-5290 May 5, 2005 Emest Mathieu,Health Agent Northampton Board of Health City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Septic System Upgrade 139 Westhampton Road Dear Mr. Mathieu: Attached are copies of a plan entitled Septic System Upgrade,dated 5-05-05,prepared for Eric and Tracy Indyk of 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton. As you are aware, during the soil evaluation at this property, a percolation test was not able to be performed due to saturated soils in the area to be used for the new leaching system. For this reason, we have chosen to utilize the DEP policy which allows for an alternative method to be used to determine the percolation rate (Policy#BRP/DWM/PeP-P00-4). This letter report will document how we have satisfied the various requirements of this policy. On April 8, 2005, Soil Evaluator Dennis Lacourse performed soil evaluations at the subject property. Percolation tests were attempted,but were rendered ineffective due to the wet conditions. Mr. Lacourse proceeded to take soil samples from each of the two test pits. The samples were taken at different depths within the"C"Layer. The soil samples were later taken to the University of Massachusetts Soil &Plant Nutrient Testing Lab for a sieve analysis. The results of the particle size analysis are included in the addendum to this letter report. At the time of the soil evaluation, Soil Evaluator Lacourse made the determination that the soils were un- compacted. His letter stating that determination is also included in the addendum. If you agree that the soils were un-compacted, a letter from you stating your agreement will be required as part of the documentation to be submitted to DEP for approval of this process. Based on the lab analysis, the soil type was found to be silt loam. A copy of the USDA Soil Textural Triangle is included which shows the particle size fractions for each sample,both of which fall within the Silt Loam category. Based on the soil type, the soil class has been determined to be Type III soil. 139 Westhampton Road May 5, 2005 Page 2 of 2 The plan submitted has been designed in accordance with all of the criteria set forth in the DEP policy as follows: 1. Effluent loading rate used for design purposes is 0.15 gals/day per sq. ft., equivalent to a percolation rate of 60 minutes per inch. 2. A pressure distribution system has been designed for this property. 3. A four foot vertical separation above the high groundwater elevation has been provided. The soil test resulted in less than 85% sand particles,therefore, a five foot separation is not required. 4. A minimum of four feet of naturally occurring pervious soil exists on this site, as shown on the soil logs prepared by Soil Evaluator Lacourse. 5. A fully sized SAS has been designed, baed on the 0.15 GPD/SF loading rate. 6. There are no requests for reductions of separation above groundwater, or thickness of naturally occurring pervious soil, or of the required SAS size, therefore, a modified septic tank is not be required 7. Upon approval of this variance and system design by DEP, a notice shall be recorded with the deed which prohibits any future increase in design flow and references DEP's approval letter. Included in the addendum of this letter are calculations illustrating the dosing system and leaching system sizing, laboratory soil analysis results,the soil evaluation report, the letter from Soil Evaluator Dennis Lacourse indicating that the soil was un-compacted, and a completed variance application form (BRPWP 59b). Proof of approval of this variance by the City of Northampton is required prior to approval by DEP. If you have any questions concerning the system design or any portion of the variance process, please call me at your earliest convenience. The sale of this property is currently on hold pending the outcome of this variance procedure and subsequent upgrade of the system, therefore, we respectfully request that the approval process be moved along as quickly as possible to avoid any further complications with the sale of the property. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Jaynes A. Gracia,PE Enc. Eric&Tracy Indyk ames A. Gracia,PE 9 GlenialeSz>394 Earl znptoz MA 01027 r 25 05 02: OOp Easthampton Board OF Heal 413 Opr 18 05 06: 32a Umess Soil Testing ' 41354515 31 Soil cad Pint Nutrient T tirzgLab Roe!Expoime*SFAon University ofMsatarle ttas Amber,MA 01003 413.5442611 inamOvemmumass.cduipbeililsoilial Customer Name In:FDPAL A ALYSSS RESDLTS AAA Environmantal 233 Park St Eaathaupto^• PIA 0102': Sample ZD: 61314-1 Curtner Designation CSDA SIZE PRACTICES sct ?it 1 04/'14%05 PMRCTITT CP COI= SAMPL6 4ASSTES Hain Fr-ctions Size 2mm) Percent Si-. rm,i Sie,,e Sand 0.05-2.0 32.0 Silt 0.002-3.05 61.4 Clay c 0.002 e.5 Tonal a 2.3 1oC.0 Sand Frec)icrE Size Men) Per-en- 2.00 410 2.00 59.6 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 C.SJ *35 9e.4 Coarse 1.4 54.6 0.5-1.0 3.5 0.25 460 Medium 5-0.5 5.1 29.5 Fine 0.10-0.25 8.>' Very Fine 0.05-0.10 11.1 0.20 ^'s-40 80.9 30.0 0.05 4270 53.2 0.02 20 um 45.' Slat Prac]ions Size inm:J Percent 0.0D5 5 um 14.4 0.002 gum e.6 Medium .005-0.05 24.2 Finen 0.005-0.02 31.4 Fine 0.002-0.005 5.9 61.4 USO?s Textural Class = sii- 1c-- Gravel Content = 0.22 CONR•^._RFS: p. 1 P. 3 9pr 18 05 O6: 32a tasthampton Board Of Heal 413 Umass Sail Testing Soil and Plant Nebient Taming Lab west Repairers Stalks UaivesryorMaaadmekk 1 26A 01003 413-545.2311 2311 htSmasansursass.Hriplsoasteallkst Cratemer sane: TEXTUPAL ANALYSIS 3ESLZTS PAa 3triron2ectal 23B ?ark St Easthampton, MA 31027 Sample ID: 61314-2 Customer Designation: Test 22r 2 USDA SIZE FEACI'OPS Main Fractions Size (mm) ?eroeC- sard c.05-2.0 27.2 Silt 0.002-0.05 6_c, 5 Clay c 0.002 6.5 Total c 2.0 200.0 Sat Fractiots Size (mm) Percent Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 2.4 Coarse 0.5-1.0 3.0 Helium 0.25-0.5 3.3 Fine 0.10-0.25 6.5 Very F ne 0.05-0.10 11.2 27.2 Silt Fractions Sire ism) Percent Coarse 0.02-0.05 31.8 `tedium 0.005-0.02 29.7 F±ne C.202-..005 4.6 66.2 4135451931 . p. 2 04/:4305 ?EP ENT CF PROLE SAMPLE t.Ec_NC Size (nm) Sieve 8 S 2.00 1.O0 0 95.4 #35 93.1 0.50 #35 90.2 0.25 460 26.5 0._0 #140 80.2 0.05 #270 69.5 0.02 0.005 20 um 39. 0.002 5 tun 16.2 7 2 ssr. 6.2 USDA Textural Class = silt loam Gravel Content = 4.61 CDnmis. p. 2 a.6 L,6 310 CMR-DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 15.243: Tvoes of Soil Textural Classes 0 (1) The following soil textural classes apply to soil types which they are composed: CLASS I Sands,Loamy Sands CLASS II Sandy Loam,L.oams CLASS ID Silty Loam CLASS IV Clays,Silty Clay Loam (2) Textural Classifications are made based on the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay in the soils and in accordance with the following textural triangle: ti 0 SOIL TEXTURAL TRIANGLE 80 � S . aw,a . A Saniannagree ran. a 21 aIrSA �af®e� 4 66.2 20 cro percent sand csr,97--0`2 7237 /97-*/ S4IU yx s0>- kv.94 Y 51s 4-- i41lo� 12/1/95 (Effective 11/3/95)-corrected 310 CMR-526 Easthampton Board Of Heal 413 p. 1 AAA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 238 Park Street Easthampton MA. 01027 Tel. 413 527-7861/Fax 413 527-7862 April 8,2005 Northampton Board of Health Main Street Northampton MA. 01060 RE: 139 Westhampton Road, Northampton MA. 01060 Dear Board, We were unable to obtain a pert test at the above mentioned location due to infiltrating water into the pert testing holes. The soils were uncompacted and dug very easily. These soils were extremely saturated with water. This was witnessed by the Health Agent at the time of the attempted pere testing. Should you have any other quesdens please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, is R'Lacourse`"t2 ortant :n filling out s on The outer.use the tab key we your -do not le return ID Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection —Title 5 Permitting BRP WP 59b DEP Approval of Variance Granted by Board of Health W063792 Transmittal# Facility ID Of known) Please read the Instructions and Supporting Materials before filling out this form. This permit application is necessary for all variances granted by Board of Health, except variances for increased flow to existing systems. A. General Information 1. Applicant: Eric 8 Tracy Indyk Name 139 Westham.ton Road Street Address Northam on City/Town 413-585-9442 Telephone MA State 2. Facility/Proposed System Address (if different from Applicant): Same Address 01060 Zip Code City/Town State p Code 3. System Designer Information (Registered Sanitarian (RS)or Professional Engineer(PE)for systems under 2,000 gallons per day, PE for systems 2,000 gallons or more per day): James A. Gracia, PE Name 99 Glendale Street Name of Company Address Eastham.ton MA City/Town 01027 State Zip Code 413-527-5290 Telephone 4. Registration: Civil Massachusetts Registered P.E. Massachusetts Registered Sanitarian 29701 Registration Number oc•rev.7/01 Wp59c•Page 1 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection i Bureau of Resource Protection—Title 5 Permitting BRP WP 59b DEP Approval of Variance Granted by Board of Health A. General Information (coot.) 5. Is the proposed system part of a project requiring a filing under 301 CMR 11.00, the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act? ❑Yes ® No If yes, has a filing been made? ❑Yes ❑No W063792 Transmittal# Facility ID(if known) If yes.EOEA File# 6. The legal entity that owns or will own this facility is: Z Individual ❑ Federal ❑ Other ❑ Municipality ❑State/Country ❑ Private Partnership ❑Corporation Specify Name Address Telephone 7. Two complete sets of plans and specifications, (four for submittals to the Springfield Office), including a locus map, properly stamped and signed by a Massachusetts Registered Professional Engineer or Massachusetts Registered Sanitarian, must accompany the application. Are plans and specifications attached? ®Yes ❑ No 6. Z Variance(s)from the following Title 5 provision(s)is/are being sought: Alternative to Percolation Testing -DEP Policy#BRP/DWM/PeP-P00-4 9. A letter of approval for the variance, issued by the Board of Health having jurisdiction over the system, must be attached. Is the approval letter attached? doc•rev. 7/01 ® Yes ❑ No Wp59c-Page 2 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection—Title 5 Permitting BRP WP 59b DEP Approval of Variance Granted by Board of Health W063792 Transmittal# Facility ID(if known) A. General Information (cont.) 10. If applying for approval of a variance that requires notification of abutters under 310 CMR 15.411, a copy of the notification sent to the abutters and proof of notice must accompany this application. Is a copy and proof of the notification attached? ❑Yes ® No 11. In accordance with 310 CMR 15.410, the applicant must establish that the strict enforcement of the provision of the Code for which the variance is being sought would be manifestly unjust and that a level of environmental protection that is at least equivalent to that provided under the Code can be achieved without strict application of the particular provision. Is documentation in support of meeting these requirements attached? ® Yes ❑ No You must complete the following: iap_dog•rev. 7/01 a) I have established that enforcement of the provision from which a variance is sought would be manifestly unjust,considering all of the relevant facts and circumstance of this case, as follows(attach additional sheets if necessary): Since a percolation test could not be performed due to saturated soils in the area to be used for a new SAS, an upgraded system could not be designed. Without an upgraded septic system, the subject dwelling could not be sold. The pending agreement to purchase the property will be void if an approved system is not provided within 30 days, therefore,the owners, Eric and Tracy Indyk,will suffer financial harm due to denial of this variance. b) I have established that a level of environmental protection that is at least equivalent to that provided under 310 CMR 15.000 can be achieved without strict application of the provision(s)from which I am seeking a variance, as follows (attach additional sheets if necessary): A level of environmental protection, above that provided under 310 CMR 15.000, will be provided due to the more stringent requirements set forth in the DEP policy as it applies to this situation. If an actual percolation rate could have been obtained, it is likely that the system design would be less involved than is currently proposed. A local upgrade approval for reduction of 4'separation above groundwater would be requested,which would result in a smaller volume of Title 5 sand be needed. As a result, this variance will create a higher level of environmental protection. Wp59c•Page 3 of 4 1 .Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection P Bureau of Resource Protection-Title 5 Permitting 1 BRPWP59b DEP Approval of Variance Granted by Board of Health W063792 Transmittal 51 Facility ID Of kno A. General Information (cont.) 12. is the variance requested for new construction as"new construction" is defined in 310 CMR 15.002? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, you must complete the following: I have established that enforcement of the provision from which a variance is sought would deprive me of substantially all beneficial use of the subject property as follows (attach additional 13. Is a copy of the complete application that was submitted to the Board of Health attached? ZYes ❑ No B. Certification "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments,to the best of my knowledge and belief, are true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." kap.doc•rev.7/01 C Applicant's signature Eric Indy< Print Name James A. Gracia, PE Name of Preparer 5-05-05 Date Wp59c•Page 4 of 4 BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH INTHI SCRIMGEDUR,MHEd,CHES JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF test J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health rd Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector icia Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Heon,Clerk May 6, 2005 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Paul Nietupski, Title 5 Program Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Re: Title 5 Variance Request—Alternative Percolation Test - 139 Westhampton Road, Northampton Dear Mr. Nietupski: The Northampton Board of Health has received a request, submitted on behalf of Mr. Eric Indyk of 139 Westhampton Road, Northampton, MA, by James Gracia, P.E., for a variance to allow the use of the Title 5 Alternative to Percolation test for repair of a failed septic system at 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton, per Policy# BRP/DWM/Pep-P00-4. The request included reports from the University of Massachusetts Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory and septic system design plans from James Gracia, P.E.. The Board of Health hereby grants a variance and accepts the alternative percolation tests results,which would allow the repair of the septic system at this location based on the laboratory test data and disposal system design submitted by Mr. Gracia. I concur that the soil (C-Horizon) is un-compacted and that the loading rate for this soil class is 0.15 Gals./Day/S.F. Per Policy# BRP/DWM/Pep-P00-4 this variance is subject to DEP review and approval. hi review of the proposed plan it appears the meet all of the requirements of Title 5. Therefore, the Board of Health hereby grants the variance and approves of the plan and will issue the Disposal Works Construction Permit to the owner subject to the approval of the D.E.P. Please feel free to contact me at the Northampton Board of Health at 587-1214 with any questions concerning this matter. Thank you. Ernest J. Mathieu, R.S., M.S., C.H.O. Director of Public Health cc: Mr. Eric Indyk, 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton James Gracia, P.E. Pressure Dosing System Design: Total Daily Flow= 330 Gals Network: 11/4 ' Dia. Distribution Laterals spaced at 5' on center Laterals to be 37.5' long on either side of a center manifold Total Lateral length = 75' Orifices to be " diameter, spaced at 5' on center Lateral Discharge Rate: For " diameter orifice at 2.5' in line pressure, Q= 0.29 GPM =. 16 Orifices per lateral x 0.29 GPM=4.64 GPM per lateral Total Lateral Discharge Rate: 4.64 GPM/lateral x 6 laterals = 27.84 Gals/Min. Manifold Size: 3" Diameter Manifold required, use 3" PVC for Center Manifold .. Dosing volume: 6 laterals, 75 long x 11/4" diameter 4 78 gallons per lateral x 6 laterals= 28.7 gallons in laterals 28.7 x 5 = 143 gallons 28 7 gals x 10 = 287 gallons Dose at 150 gallons per dose Drain-back volume: Manifold, 25' long x 3" diameter = 9 gallons in manifold Force Main, 160 LF x 2" diameter=26 gallons in force main Drain-back volume =35 Gallons Added to Dosing Volume for Pump Cycle Volume = 185 Gallons Minimum Discharge Rate =4 64 GPM/Lateral x 6 Laterals = 27.8 GPM Total Friction Loss: Force Main, 160 LF x 2" diameter PVC = 1.6 feet Manifold, 25' long x 3" diameter PVC = 0.4 feet Network Losses = 1.31 x 2.5' = 3.3 feet Total Friction Loss = 5.3 feet 1 Total Head Loss: Static Head = 16' Total Friction Loss = 5.3 feet Total Head Loss =21.3' (Use 22') **Based on Tables in "Title 5 Pressure Distribution Design Guidance" Pump Selection: Pump should pump 28 GPM @ 22' TDH Recommended Pump: Meyers Submersible Effluent Pump Model WHRE5, 9= HP Leaching System Design: 3 Bedroom Dwelling (no Garbage Disposal): 110 GPD/Bdrm= 330 GPD Daily Flow Rate Minimum Design Capacity Required: 330 GPD Leach Field Area: 30' wide x 80' long = 2400 SF Leach Field Design Capacity: 2400 SF x 0.15 GPD/SF = 360 Gals/Day Design Capacity Provided: 360 Gals/Day 7 310 CMR-DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 15,243: T es of Soil Textural Classes (1) The following soil textural classes apply to soil types which they are composed: CLASS I Sands,Loamy Sands CLASS II Sandy Loams,Loams CLASS III Silty Loams CLASS IV Clays,Silty Clay Loams (2) Textural Classifications are made based on the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay in the soils and in accordance with the following textural triangle: SOIL TEXTURAL TRIANGLE 8.6 50 60 80 100 91• 70 AS Al.a. AIMS a A^ \ n c5 40 0 3 -aVi sa, le TAW ATAW4- ' 6b,2 20 0 ArolL TiS FAIVA rt:►.arm percent sand --ii-sr Ar- a -12-3 /87-4/ 34/P y . 5o n-1- 41/.94 /.s/s 461106 12/1/95 (Effective 11/3/95)-corrected 310 CMR-526 ?5 05 02: OOp Easthampton Board Of Heal 413 r41B 05 06:32a Umass Soil Testing 4135451931 Soil and Plan:NuMent Testing Lab Was!Experiment Station I nivcnilyofMessadtuxta AnheA,MA 01003 413.545.2311 mt p://wm•.umass.cdu/ptsui1dsaiIIat Customer Name TEXTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS AAA Environmental 233 Part St. Easthampton, MA 0102' Sample ID: 61314-1 Customer Designation.: Test it 1 04/1.4/D5 p. 1 USDA SI2_ FRACTIONS PERCENT CF 'COLE SAMPLE PASSING Main Fractions Size (mm) Percent Sire (mmi Sieve # Sand 0.05-2.0 30.0 Silt 0.002-3.05 61.4 Clay c 0.032 8.5 Total < 2.3 100.0 2.00 RZ0 99.8 Sand ?racticas Size (1w) Percent 1_00 #18 99.4 0.50 435 54.9 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 1.4 n 25 #60 d9.5 Coarse 0.5-1.0 3.'a Medium 0.25-0.5 5.1 Fine 0.10-0.25 8.5 0.10 8140 80.9 Very Fine 0.05-0.10 11.1 0.05 #270 59.2 30.D 0.02 20 um 45.7 0.005 5 um 14.4 Silt Fractions Size ism) Percent 0.002 2 um 8.5 Coarse Medium Fine 0.02-0.05 0.005-0.02 0.002-0.005 24.2 31.4 5.9 61.4 US:N Textural Class = silt loam Gravel Content = 0.2% CUMeEMTS: p. 3 ?5 05 02: 00p Easthampton Board Of Heal 413 r 18 05 06: 32a Unties Soil Testirs 4135451931 Sod and Plant Metrit&Testing Jab West Expen:ra4 St¢tinn Uaivesity of Masaaelmseda Amhast,MA 0t003 413.54523❑ htp&Mvw.an¢5.alo'plwiia/wilteat TEXTUAL ANA1YSIS RESULTS C::atoner Same: FAA. Environmental 230 ?ark St 3 aethampton, MP. 31027 Sample ID: 61314-2 easterner Designation: Test Pct 2 04/14%05 p. 2 USDA SIZE FRACT_CNS PERCENT OF W}(OLE SAMPLE ?ASS iNG Main Fraction= Size (mm) Percent Size (mm) Sieve 0 5 Sand Silt Clay Total C.05-2.0 0.002-0.05 s 0.002 27.2 66.2 6.6 2.0 100.0 2.0.0 410 Sand Fractions Size (mm) Percent 1.0.0 4415 0.50 835 Very Coarse 2.0-2.0 2.4 Coarse 0.5-1,C 3.0 0.25 A6: Medium 0.25-D.5 3.9 Fine 0.:0-0.25 6.6 0.10 0140 Very Fine 0.05-0.10 11.2 0.05 0270 27.2 0.02 20 um 0.00E 5 um SLlt Pr etlone Size (mm) Percent - 0.002 2 um Coarse C.02-0.05 31.6 Xedlum 0.005-0.02 29.7 Fine 0.002-0.005 4.6 66.2 USDA Textural Class - silt loam Gravel Content = 4.6% COMMTT6: 95.4 93.1 90.2 26.5 80.2 69.5 39.1 10.9 6.2 p. 2 Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material >at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed he sal absorption system?X Yes ❑ No t,what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? On Site Review Date:4/8/05 Hole Number,#ONE tion(identify on site plan): • LAWN Time:1:00 P.M. Weather.CLEAR Landfomr GROUND MORAINE Sboe(%):1 Surface Stones(%):0 ince from: Open Water Body: 400+ Feet Drainage Way: 50 Feet Possible Wet Area: 400+ Feet Property Line: 50' Feet Drinking Water Well: CITY Feet Other 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/6 2.5Y 512 Feet Deep Observation Hole Log One )epth From dace(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Monet) Soil Mottling Other(structure,stones,boulders, consistency,%gravel) 0 TO 5 6 TO 12 12 TO 110 A Bw C S/L S/L SILT/LOAM 10YR 312 10YR 4/6 2.5Y 5/2 5%AT 12' 2.5Y 5th 2.5Y 414 FIRM,ROOTS GRANULAR LOOSE,ROOTS,GRANULAR FIRM,BLOCKY,FINE SILT LOAM, LESS 5%GRAVEL Deep Observation Hole Log Two 0 TO 10 10 TO 14 12 TO 120 A Bw C S/L SIL SILT/LOA M 10YR 3/2 10YR 4/6 2.5Y 512 5%AT 12' 2.5Y 511 2.5Y 414 FIRM,ROOTS,GRANULAR LOOSE,ROOTS,GRANULAR FIRM,BLOCKY,FINE SILT LOAM, LESS 5%GRAVEL "ent Material(geologic): pth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole:90"/110" Depth to Bedrock: 110"1 120" Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water. 12"/12" Weeping from Ph Face. 16 120 rtiflcation :rtify that on //�rs (date) I have passed the sod evaluator examination approved by the Massachusetts mrtment of Enviranr: da)Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, ertise and exile sNce describe in 310 CMR 15.017r 'nature: /7 -- = f ': " _ Date C, e,-7-'Jrs AAA ENVIKUNMtN 1 At.t.vnauu mta 238 Park Street Easthampton. MA 01027 Te1.414-527-7861(Fax 413527-7862 Site Suitability for On-site Sewage Disposal Health Inspector: Ernest Mathieu Date:4/8/05 Owner Name and Address Tracy 8 Erik Inoyk 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton MA.01060 Performed by:Dennis R.Lacourse Sit_e _td_ress 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton MA.01060 New Construction X Repair Published Soil Survey Available: Year Published: Publication Scale: 1981 1:15,840 Office Review ❑No ❑Yes Soil Map Unit: Drainage Class: Soil Limitations: MAP 17 EsA Poor High Water Table Surficial Geological Report Available: ❑No ❑Yes Year Published: Publication Scale: Geological Material(Map Unity Landform'l yr flood ❑Within 500 yr flood ❑Within 100 yr flood Flood Insurance Rate Map X boundary y boundary boundary Wetland Area: National Welland Inventory Map(Map Unit): Wetlands Conservancy Program Map(Map Unit): Current Water Resource Month: ❑Range:Above Normal ❑Range:Normal ❑Range:Below Normal Conditions(USGS): Other References Reviewed: Begin Saturator End Saturation Time 1:45 Percolation Test Results Measurement 2:00 12"Depth Measurement 9"Depth Measurement 6'Depth Measurement Elapsed time 9"to 6° 2:00 2:30 'me Begin Saturation 1:55 No Drop Due To Infiltrating Water End Saturation 12"Depth Measurement 9"Depth Measurement 6"Depth Measurement Elapsed time 9"to 6" 2:10 2:10 2:40 Drop 1" Infiltrating Water Measurement Percolation Rate: Percolation Rale'. Bottom of Percolation Test Hole:44" Bottom of Percolation Test Hole:42" Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used ❑Depth observed standing on observation hole inches X Depth to soil mottles 12"812' inches Index Well Number Reading Date: Adjustment Factor: ❑Depth weeping from side of observation hale inches ❑Ground water adjustment _ feet Index well level: Adjusted Ground Water Level: 5 05 02: 37p Easthampton Board Of Heal 413 p. 1 AAA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 238 Park Street Easthampton MA. 01027 Tel. 413 527-7861/Fax 413 527-7862 April8,2005 Northampton Board of Health Main Street Northampton MA. 01060 RE: 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton MA. 01060 Dear Board, We were unable to obtain a pert test at the above mentioned location due to infiltrating water into the pere testing holes. The soils were uncompactcd and dug very easily. These soils were extremely saturated with water. This was witnessed by the Health Agent at the time of the attempted pert testing. Should you have any other questions please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, gins R acour§t ROMNEY nor 91(HEALEY enant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)7891100 Mr.Eric Indyk 139 Westhampton Road Northampton,MA 01060 ELLEN ROY HERZFELDER Secretary ROBERT W.GOLLEDGE,Jr. Commissioner AN 8 8 2005 Re: Northampton-W WM 139 Westhampton Road Approval of Title 5 Variance-existing construction 214-107 BRP WP 59B Transmittal#W063792 Dear Mr.Indyk: Pursuant to Title 5 of the State Environmental Code,310 CMR 15.412,the Western Regional Office of the Department of Environmental Protection has completed its review of the above referenced application,submitted May 2005,for approval of a variance granted by the Northampton Board of Health. The application contains a copy of the Board of Health's May 6,2005 approval letter for a grant of a variance from the following provision of Title 5,310 CMR 15.000: • 310 CMR 15.104 Percolation Testing The Department received written statements that the soil was un-compacted from the Soil Evaluator(May 6,2005) and Board of Health Director(May 6,2005) As part of the application,the Department received plans consisting of 1 sheet submitted on your behalf by James A.Gracia,BE.,titled as follows: Septic System Upgrade Eric and Tracy Indyk 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton MA Dated May 5,2005 The application requests a variance from 310 CMR 15.104 by using the DEP Alternative Percolation Policy.The DEP Alternative Percolation Policy states that,in cases of soils with extremely low permeability,the use of this policy may not be appropriate and the soils may not This information is available in alternate format Cell Aprel McCabe,ADA Coordinator at I-617-556-1171a TDD Service-1-800.298-220t DEP on the World Wide Web'. Mlp:llwww.mass.9ovldep CJ Printed on Recycled Paper 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton be able to support an on-site system, and a tight tank may be the only option. Analysis of the on-site soil designated it as a silt loam,a Class III soil,which has relatively low permeability and therefore requires a relatively large area for the soil absorption system. As stated in the Department's Alternative Percolation Policy,a septic system designed for Class III soils without the benefit of a percolation test is a high risk option, and does not guarantee that sewage breakout or backup will not occur.If the proposed septic system fails in the future, any future system upgrade would have to meet all the pertinent requirements,or a tight tank may be the only remaining option at that time. Based upon its review of the application,and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.410,the Department has determined both of the following: a) The applicant has established that enforcement of 310 CMR 15.104 would be manifestly unjust, considering all of the relevant facts and circumstances of this case,due to high groundwater conditions in April 2005 preventing performance of a percolation test at those times. b) The applicant has established that a level of environmental protection that is at least equivalent to that provided under 310 CMR 15.000 can be achieved without strict application of 310 CMR 15.104. The applicant has established equivalent environmental protection as follows: • A particle-size soil analysis in conformance with the Alternative Percolation Testing Policy was performed and,along with an evaluation of soil compaction,was used to determine soil classification,the effluent loading rate,and the design of the system. The system is designed in accordance with that policy. • A pressure distribution system will be installed in the Soil Absorption System. The Department,therefore,approves the Board of Health's grant of a variance from 310 CMR 15.104. Additionally,the Department imposes the following conditions as part of this approval: 1)The applicant shall obtain a Disposal System Construction Permit(DSCP)from the Board of Health prior to commencement of construction of the system. 2)The system is not designed to accommodate a garbage disposal. As such,one shall not be used or installed at this facility. 3)There shall be no increase in design flow to the upgraded subsurface sewage disposal system. The design flow for the facility is 330 gallons per day. The facility consists of a 3 bedroom house. 4)At the time of construction,if groundwater has receded to a point where percolation testing is feasible in the opinion of the local approving authority,then confirmatory percolation testing must be conducted and,if necessary,the system design revised based on the actual percolation rate. 5) A copy of the as-built plans must be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Compliance from the Northampton Board of Health. 6)Should this upgraded system fail,the owner shall immediately notify the local Board of Health and the Department in writing,and proceed with an appropriate upgrade., 7)The applicant shall record in the appropriate Registry of Deeds or Land Registration Office, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance,a copy of this approval letter in the chain of title to the property to be served by the system. This variance determination is an action of the Department. If the applicant is aggrieved by this determination, she/he may request an Adjudicatonj Hearing in accordance with 310 CMR 1.00 and M.G.L. C.30A. A request for an Adjudicatonf Hearing must be made in writing and postmarked within 21 days of the date of issuance of this determination. Pursuant to 310 CMR 1.01(6), the request must state clearly and concisely the facts that are grounds for the request and the relief sought. The hearing request,along with a valid check payable to Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), must be mailed to:Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection P.O. Box 4062Boston,MA 02211 The hearing request will be dismissed if the filing fee is not paid, unless the appellant is exempt or granted a waiver,as described below. The filing fee is not required if the appellant is a city or town (or municipal agennj),county,or district of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,or a municipal housing authority. The Department may waive the adjudicatory hearing filing fee for a person who shows that paying the fee will create an undue financial hardship. A person seeking a waiver must file, together with the hearing request as provided above,an affidavit setting forth the facts in support of the claim of undue financial hardship. Should you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact Kurt Boisjolie at telephone# 413-755-2284. Mark A. Schleeweis Program Section Chief Wastewater Management Bureau of Resource Protection Enclosure: Copy of Design Plans with Variance Approval Stamp cc:With Enclosure: Northampton Board of Health,212 Main Street,Northampton MA 01060 James A.Gracia,P.E., 99 Glendale Street,Easthampton MA 01027 Without Enclosure: DEP Watershed Permitting Program Policy Section,Boston W/brp/wpc/wpcdoc/T5variances/KNhmp139W hmpRdAltPrkOK6.05 James A. Gracia, PE 99 Glendale Street Easthampton, MA 01027 (413) 527-5290 August 13, 2005 Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Attention: Mark Schleeweis Re: Septic System Upgrade wNariance 139 Westhampton Road,Northampton Transmittal #W 063792 DWPC #214-107 Dear Sir: The above listed septic system upgrade has been completed in accordance with the plan approved by the Department in your letter of June 8, 2005. Upon excavation of the site in preparation for the new pressure dosed leaching system,the existing"C" layer of soil was found to be dry enough to perform percolation tests. However, the soils in much of the area were found to be better than that exhibited in the original soil evaluations. The soils at the rear of the parcel were closer to that found in the original evaluations(silt loam), however, much of the underlying soil strata consisted of sandy loam or loamy sand. Percolation tests done in the sandy loams resulted in rates ranging from 8 to 14 minutes per inch. Excavations into the sandy loam areas indicated depths of pervious material greater than 24". In the areas where the silt loams were present,the contractor excavated an additional 2' in depth to remove this less permeable soil. He then backfilled the site with Title 5 sand and constructed the pressure dosing system at the design elevation. The contractor also excavated and filled,both horizontally and vertically, additional area toward the house, over and above that required by Title 5. The resulting layer of new Title 5 sand created a finished depth of permeable material greater than 48" under the entire leaching system. It was felt that although some silt loam did exist under portions of the system, the extent of the existing sandy loam would create a composite percolation rate of less than the 60 minutes per inch by which the leaching system was sized. With the additional Title 5 sand added, the capacity of this leaching system should be more than sufficient for this dwelling. The outside of the existing pump chamber was excavated and all the joints in the concrete chamber were sealed with hydraulic cement. An accumulation of slime and sludge was cleaned from the interior of the pump chamber prior to the new pump being installed. This pump chamber(1000 gallon pre-cast concrete tank) was originally installed in 1992. In 1997, a 4" perforated drain was installed from the pump chamber to an existing culvert under the road. The drain was designed to reduce the level of groundwater around the chamber, thereby counteracting the buoyancy of the tank. This drain was found during excavation of the tank. It was cleaned out and tested with flow from a hose. The drain was repaired, extended along the length of the tank, and encased in clean, crushed stone. Renovation of this drain shall counteract Indyk Septic Upgrade August 13, 2005 Page 2 of 2 any buoyancy during high water table conditions by maintaining the groundwater level below the mid-point of the tank. A concrete tank of this size and weight will be buoyant only when the water table reaches the top of the tank. The curtain drain will prevent this from happening. As a result of the additional excavation done by the contractor and the better than expected soils found, the newly renovated septic system at this property should function at a level sufficient to adequately serve this residence. Prior to this work, the previous system consisted of a single leach pit which functioned since 1992. Although it was under sized and did not meet the current septic system inspection standards,there were no obvious signs of breakout or eruption in the yard. The new leaching system covers almost 20 times more area than the old system,therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the new system will function properly. If any other information is required, please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, 2r711,t,jdr-,76e0C- James A. Gracia, PE Enc. CC: Ernest Mathieu, Northampton Health Dept. Atty. John Moriarty Eric &Tracy Indyk James A. Gracia,PE 99 Glendale Sty,Easthanp ors MA 01027