34B Complaints, Orders to Correct, Inspections BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS RICHARD P.BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH, Chair ROSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. PETER 1.McERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)587-1214 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE I "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 34B New South Street, Northampton DATE: August 20, 2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Housing Allowance Program C/o Carmen Rivera 322 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01105 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Nancy Alvardo 34B New South street Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto a urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradsao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccion de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587-1214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 34 B New South Street, Northampton, MA (assessor's map 31 D parcel 168 .), for compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within seven (7) days of the receipt of this order. GULATION VIOLATION REMEDY L0.351 (A) Several electric outlets lack cover plates. Several ceiling light fixtures lack glass/plastic covers. Provide cover plates/ light fixture covers for all outlets/fixtures. L0.480 (E) Many windows lack operable locks Install operable locks on all windows capable of being opened. 410.500 1. Kitchen wall behind the entry door has been damaged. 2. Many sharp carpet staples remain on the stairs to the upper level. These staples pose a safety hazard. 3. Carpeting is torn in several areas in doorways where protective metal strips are missing. 1. Repair the wall and make it smooth and easily cleanable. 2. Remove all staples from the stairs. 3. Repair/Replace torn carpeting and provide protective strips to prevent further deterioration of the carpeting. 410.551 Windows lack screens in the living room, front bedroom, 2nd floor bedrooms: the screens in the kitchen windows are not tight fitting. Provide tight fitting screens for all windows capable of being opened. /1 Sa ,6G 44s 0 Peter J. McErlain Health Agent c%:::::::::5;3:1'1 6 = d 7 5 p0 Pp Northampton Board of Healt i 46 tc /0 eig,c475. Ywb' -Lied 4-4-st-e-te, s.4.4 dN :. /s.,J•, ' A k.5.0%is -G.NUi"°*R s obb%',Y.')a is inspection report is signed�nd certified under thy pans/a(I d penalties of perjury. Y% % s ad,'.fiau(•//� �t �'-! J tots, `'90,33 em A. CERTIFIED MAIL # 7001 1940 0005 1331 7408 cities?S /2_1_,41,14 9,'0 &.-4 W e I G ~�to P6 64 r 2 you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of Health office. Very truly yours, BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS P.BRUNSWICK,M.D., MPH,CHAIR •EMARIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH MY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF ,st 3.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector a Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Neon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1215 FAX(413)587-1264 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: I LOCATION: DATE: 34 B New South Street December 29, 2003 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Housing Allowance Program Attn: Carmen Rivera 322 Main Street Springfield,MA 01105 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Nancy Alvardo,Tenant 34B New South Street Northampton,MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto �urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma trad9ao dente documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal. Il pourrait affectar vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo e un documento legate importante Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diri tti. Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: 2 )rthampton Board of Health has Re-inspected the premises at 34 B New South Street, ampton,MA (assessor's map 31 D parcel 168 .) for compliance with Chapter II of the State y Code. :tter will certify that the re-inspection has revealed that several violations listed below were still to exist,of which some are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, Al-being of the occupants. GULATION "MR 410.000 .500 .253 VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER LIVING ROOM Floor covering and rug in doorway to bedroom is damaged (trip hazard). Ceiling light does not go on and tenant states that light bulbs are new. Install floor cover strip. Repair if electrical or fixture is defective. .552 .500 DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM Defective/bent screen. Floor covering is torn in doorway (trip hazard). Repair or replace screen. Install floor cover strip. .351 .500 .500 .500 .500 UPSTAIRS BEDROOM(Rear) Electrical outlet and cover plate is loose. Closet door is off the track. Crack in ceiling. Rug is torn in doorway (trip hazard). UPSTAIRS BEDROOM (Front) Missing dome cover for ceiling light. Secure electrical outlet and cover plate. Place door in track to open and close properly. Repair crack. Install floor cover strip. Replace cover. .500 UPSTAIRS BATHROOM Wall near the rear of tub is water damaged due to shower curtain not fully extending to wall. Repair wall and extend curtain to wall to prevent water from shower spraying on wall. 3 ULATION 4IR 410.000 VIOLATION .750 States that one or more of the violations listed above is or may be a condition which may materially impair the health or safety and well-being of the occupant as determined by 105 CMR 410.750 of Article II of the State Sanitary Code. CORRECTION ORDER Refer to violations above 1 you be aggrieved by this order,you have the right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. A .t must be received in writing to the office of the Board of Health within seven(7) days of receipt of this At said hearing,you will be given an opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and documentary ice as to why this order should be modified or withdrawn. You have the right to be represented by an ey. You may contact this office to inspect and obtain copies of all relevant inspection or investigation reports, y notices and other documentary information relative to this property. If these premises are occupied as rental provided to hem in the entitled enclo enclosed document which issentiittled `LEGAL REMIDIES FOR remedies has r authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the Sanitary Code,you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following lions by Janua 26 2003 or unless otherwise indicated next to the correction order. ;e feel free to contact the Board of Health office, at 587-1215, if you have any questions concerning this ;r. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. erely, stJ. Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. ector of Public Health Nancy Alvarado Tenant RTIFIED MAIL #7003 0500 0005 2476 5615 HEARING arsons have the right to seek a modification of an order. To accomplish a odification, a person must file in writing a petition for a hearing before the Board of ealth. Petitions must be filed on time in accordance with the regulations below: Any person or persons upon whom any order has been served pursuant to any regulation of this code (except for an order issued after the requirements of Regulation 33.2 have been satisfied); provided, such petition must be filed within seven days after the day the ordered was served; Any person aggrieved by the failure of any inspector(s) or other personnel of the Board of Health: 1. to inspect upon request any premises as required under this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after such inspection was requested; or 2. to issue a report on an inspection as required by this code; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after the inspection; or 3_ upon an inspection to find violations of this Article where such violations are claimed to exist or to certify that a violation or combination of violations may endanger or materially impair the health or safety and well- being of the occupant(s) of the premises; provided, such petition must be filed within thirty days after receipt of the inspection report; or 4. to issue an order as required by Regulation 33.1; provided, that such petition must be filed within thirty days after the receipt of the inspection report. my person upon whom this order has been served, or any person aggrieved by the allure of the inspector to perform as enumerated above, has the right to be epresented at a hearing and any adverse party has a right to appear at said hearing. 'UBLIC DOCUMENTS kit relevant inspection or investigation reports, orders, notices, and other locumentary information in the possession of the Board of Health are open for nspection and may be copied for a fee. REMEDIES AND PENALTIES 'art of the Inspection Report contains a brief summary of some legal remedies tenants nay use in order to get Housing Code violations corrected. Failure to comply with this order also subjects the person ordered to a criminal fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each day's failure to comply Nith this order. THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL EMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED: RENT WITHHOLDING (GENERAL LAWS, CHAPTER 239,SECTION 8A) If Code Violations are not being corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent payments. You can do this without being evicted if: A serious enough totenda endanger materially impair your health or safety and which are nd that your landlord knew about the violations before you were behind in rent. B. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building or apartment. C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay it. (For this it is best to put rent money aside in a safe place.) REPAIR AND DEDUCT (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTION 127L) The law somimes allows you to use your rent money to make code enforcem h ent agency certifies that there are code violations wh which seriously endanger orcal materially impair your health,safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations,you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or to enter ito a written contract to have them made) within five days after th notice or to complete repairs within fourteen days after the notice you can use up to four months rent in any one year to make the repairs. RETALIATORY RENT INCREASES OR EVICTIONS PROHIBITED (GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 186,SECTION 18 AND CHAPTER 239,SECTION 2A) The owner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to the local enforcement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict . within for the incease oraeviction which is unrelated toly your complaint You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tried this. L RENT RECEIVERSHIP(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 111,SECTIONS C-H) The occupants andlor the Board of Health may petition the District or Superior Court who may spend Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court ma y appoint a're as much of the rent money as is needed to correct the violation(s). The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months'rent. You may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling OR HABITABILITY mg 5. BREACH OF WA unit does not meet minimum standards of human habitability. 6. UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE PRACTICES(GENERAL LAWS CHAPTER 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the Consumer Protection Regulations for which you may sue an owner. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS JUST A SUMMARY OF F THE LAW.W. BEFORE YOU YOU CONSULT DECIDE F THE LAW. BEFORE Y DECIDE YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST TO WITHHOLD . IF Y RENT OR TAKE OTHER LEGAL ACTION,EY, LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE CE WHI CH OH IS AFFORD AT ATTORNEY, 584 -4034 20 HAMPTON N AVENUE, S SUITE 100, NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 20 HAMPTON AVENUE, ARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS .BRUNSWICK,M.D.,MPH,CHAIR BRIE KARPARIS,R.N.,MPH IAT FLESf�M.D. STAFF ;t J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Proctor of Public Health eczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector bbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Madeline Heon,Clerk OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NO TR HAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE February 16,2004 Housing Allowance Program Attn: Carmen Rivera 322 Main Street Springfield,MA 01105 RE: Property Address—34 B New South Street Reason for Inspection: Re-inspection and compliance 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)587-1215 FAX(413)587-1221 Dear Mr. Rivera, This notice is to inform you that a reinspection of this property referenced above, owned by you,was conducted on February 16,2004, conceming orders for correction of the violation(s) issued against you in an enforcement letter dated December 29,2004. Please note all the violations were found to have been corrected on this date and you have complied with the orders issued in the December 29,2004 re-inspection report. This letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact me at my office. Ernest J. R.S., M.S. C.H.O. Director of Public Health cc: Nancy Alvardo,Tenant, 34B New South Street, Northampton,MA 01060 BOARD.OF REALTTrl t. CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD INSPECTOR'S REPORT: BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD J CCM 41 Ole Date: Name of Complainant: Address: We cJ �0 FT Zn — y~ Lv NATURE OF COMPLAINT:1 �e eJI��e //” / � Owner: Date of Inspection: .INSPECTOR'S REPORT: �.n��J:✓SP Me2J; JEFH5 C4J ®® uu Jj4r1}.[PIN. :� Ie'r"2 fPc�"t CAJhF•7 T.G LC OFr . ftrJ lee AZ; nc .wry-- t• -,..— r -P•,�..�) . Z`�u kt - 3'-rs Y,.s-'1ip5 Cdrieft y„�:, so^I yl Diu • �.os�- NgrlggyEwEvf t.rlt"� rs ssU' tits E� Notice of Compliance?: I,/ i, Total#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: Inspector Signature New South Street Apartments �,�: al/Ls Al• GN7 do Jarvis Heights -� H 5 Gerard Way Holyoke,MA 01040 µt Mo1MW magna 1...ipection Form Northampton Board of Health,212 Main St.,Northampton, MA 01060,413.567.1214 SSC 105 C MRO410.000: Chapter it, MinimumStandards of Fitness for Human Habitation City/Town. Northampton Phone# yf H N Time: Occupants: #Children <6 Yea u1 sea rntriSAAA A dame. le: f, tress: I Rooming Units in Dwelling: #Habitable Rooms I Rooms: 3 u [LL If violations are observed and checked, describe them fully on Page 3. /if Violation Observed • eit • .� citylTown: Zip Code: Stories: 0 • Floor Level of Unit: it or, ;h non is & try Possible Code Section s Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed 4e� Poshn• ID, Exit si.nslemer enc ht- 500,501,503 TTS� 600,601 Rubbish—stora•e and collection 602 253,254,501 ir Halls Lairs o o m 1 450,451,452 Li•ht Door 500 '53 i3,254,501 Le Right Floor Level I 503 501 Location (circle): Front Rear Middle of Unit l Location(circle): Front Rear Middle (room 2 Unit of hose ArTS- 12" 112164%rAi �Floo�rslw_alls _jam •' oven; good repair, impervious and Kitchen Sink, stove, smooth, s•ace refri• Lights, outlets,ventilation,windows, screens 0 .4 ,L..,zu, eat , eat Pimmi ditfttl athroom Responsible Party Owner Occupa nt SIN S 500 Left Middle Right ■ Floor Level Toilet, sink 00 Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed Possible Code Section s ✓if Violation Observed Responsible Party OccuPa nt 401 402 Ceilin• h Floor n hts, outlets,ventilation 250,280 401,402 501,551 ter SourceUIC2 ci Public Private 180 -� 80 Quantit •ressure meterin• Res•onsible for •a in• MGL ch 186 s 22, Temp.: cation taken: (circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other Fuel Type(c� ta0 K • itchen Quantit ressure, 110 F min, 130 max — 290 —' circle Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air 5200 eam Electric "Habitable room and every room with toilet, shower, tub" • 68F7 am toll pm,64 F 11:01 pm to 6:59 am, except 6/15-9/15 • 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor :trical inage, mbing ke&CO tectors >ests iestos or d Paint tailment cess her T •e ircl 110 220 Am•: Amperage,temporary wiring, metering 250,255.256, T .e circl Public Private Sanitar draina•e re•uired and maintained 300,351 Free of •ests rodents, skunks, cockroaches, insects Structural maintenance and elimination of harbora•e 353.502 meow tam elscat i .w.eti.-L tti O QU ` l ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing ❑ Building 0 This inspection report is signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. gnature: r Occupant's Representative Signature: Time: in Date: Written description of any violation(s)checked above compliance with the CMR 410.000.You de Area or Element, code citation and a description of the condition(s)that constitute the violation. You ma include remedies that would be an acceptable means of achieving comp endanger or materially impair the safety, and that this housing of inspection erson(s)occupy ng the prem premises may safety, and well-being of any person(s) Code Citation and Description of Violation OF HEALTH :MBERS SALLOOM,CHAIR NE SMITH,M.D. JE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF nin Wood,MPH r of Public Health R.N.,Public Health Nurse Auk,Health Inspector nith,Health Inspector nr McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 RDSOFOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT: 34B INEW SOUTH STATE "MINIMUM OF CHAPTER STREET, NORTHAMPTON MA This is an important legal document. it may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Isto a um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradcao deste documento de: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Le droits.its. V to pouvez obtenir une t aduction de cette forme a: 212 Main droits. V p St, Northampton Ma suoid ti. Lei put) ottenerre una raduzione di questo modulo a: 212 ul im Main St, Northampton Ma Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci6n de esta forma en: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Moz eon uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 587-1214 Czn cE t.t Efl ac>W-� 1PZi t.E.w:7 OF HEALTH .MBERS SALLOOM,CHAIR VE SMITH,M.D. 1E LEVIN,M.D. STAFF nin Wood,MPH rot Public Health R.N.,Public Health Nurse iuk,Health Inspector nith,Health Inspector r McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 /07/2011 he of ss Chapter hus tI of the State Sanitary Code, as adopted under Chapter 111,Section 3 and 127 Aann of he Massachusetts General Laws,the Northampton Board of Health has conducted an inspection ring named in the attached report, and found it to be in violation of the Minimum Standard of or Human Habitation. A list of the violations is enclosed. within five(5) hereby ordered to begin necessary repairs,or contract in writing with a third party the date on this letter), and to make a good faith effort to substantially coned within thirty(30) days, date of this letter, all violations recorded on the report. within twenty-four hours of er the health, n safety and r h ours of of further notice.ordered to correct viol any violations r conditions,followed an ngertx ( ) of this determined These are violations 4 0 750 of the Code which the authorized as determined by l05 CMR 410.750 of the Coe or the authorized inspector.This may permit nt to exercise one or more statutory as available to them em as outlined in the enclosed inspection i reinspection will be conducted, days.You are also re entitled to a hearing, provided a written petition is received within seven (7) I to be represented by counsel, and have the right to inspect ar at the in copies of all relevant reports, and notices. Any adverse parties also have the right to appear purpose of occupant shall give the owner, agent or employees, access,upon reasonable notice,for the pure ;ling these violations. (CMR.810) re to comply with this order may result in a fine of not less than ten,nor more than five hundred rs; each day constituting a separate violation. It is your responsibility to provide proper workmanship o obtain the appropriate private permits where necessary. r immediate attention will be appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact this office. ;erely, n Wood,MPH rector,Northamp ton Health Department Inspection Form Northampton Board of Health,212 Main St., Northampton,MA 01060, 413.5874214 SSC 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter II, Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation 2011 Time: 12 noon it Occupants:4 #Childrreen<6 Years: nonemPton tB New South Street Unit it 348 tylTown: Name: Diana Hernandez Phone*1(413)727.3438 ne:New South St. Apartments PhoneM CityRown: Holyoke MA Zip Code: 01040 dress: cio Jarvis Heights, 5 Gerard Way +ground M Floor Level 01040 3 11 Rooming Units in Dwelling: approx.9 #Stories: 3 3 Rooms: 3 it Habitable Rooms: 5 : Edmund Smith Title: Health Inspector If violations are observed and checked,describe them fully on Page 3. Possible /if Code Violation >r Sections Observed Owner nt el Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed Responsible Party Occupa nt tor, 18 ch postin•, ID, Exit si•nslemer enc 0•hts Rubbish—star a•e and collection 500,501,503 600,601 mon as & dry r Halls itairs room 1 droom 2 Location (circle): Front Rear Middle of Unit Left Middle Right Floor Level 401,402 501,551 Floor Level Location(circle): Front Rear Middle of Unit 401,402 501,551 lathroom Toilet, sink,shower,tub, door Caulk Lights,outlets,ventilations Fan works .00rl 251,280 Other Tub Water ar : Guard rwous and Kitchen Sink, stove, oven;good smooth, utece Lights, outlets,ventilation,windows, screens Li 251,280,501, Type of Violation Use blank boxes for ones not listed Possible hif Code Violation Sections Observed 401,402 Responsible Party 250, 280 om ng ant 401,402 501.551 Occupa nt Source ircl Public Private ater Ling ctrical ainage, imbing Are&CO etectors Pests aestos or id Paint rtailment cess her a- • ' ' ' �"�'"'W— Location taken: Fuel Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other Temp.: °f--- 190 202 - Kitchen amosSISISlauantit , •ressure, 110 F min, 130 max T •e circle : Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air S20eoam Electric 201 "Habitable room and every room with toilet, shower tub" • 68F7 am to 11 pm,64 F 11:01 pm to 6:59 am, except 6/15-9/15 • 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 issinzzzleet floor T .e Het 110 220 Am•: Amperage, temporary wiring, metering circle : Public Private 202,354,355 250,255,256, 300,351 Free of •ests rodents,skunks, cockroaches, insects Structural maintenance and elimination of harbora•e ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing 0 Building 0 This inspection report is signed ed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Signature: or Occupant's Representative Signature:e. 12:00 pm. (noon) ion Date: 912612011 Written description of any violations)checked above lude include remedies es that would be an acceptable means the of achieving compliances with 105 CMRI410.00. may _: *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed the premises n which may endanger or materially impair the n, safety, and well-being of any person(s) Acceptable Remedies ArealElement, Code Citation and Description of Violation Repair/replace Acceptable blelReg of i tub Knit shower,tub,: Caulk Failing: open seams will lead/are leading to surround and tub/wall &tub/floor Chronic Dampness concerns junctures om: shower, tub: disattached tub guard meant to keep in shower spray; Repair/replace tub guard as a good idea considering evidence of chronic dampness at drain end of tub where tub meets floor am: exhaust fan:works very poorly, and bathroom shows signs of chronic dampness on surfaces (possible mildew) Clean/repair/replace fan as necessary to improve air flow out of bathroom ments: Tenant is unclear whether laundry machines are being maintained(one has been in disrepair for an rded period of time). Please have maintenance check state of machines (not an order—two working ling machines out of 3 were observed at time of inspection). )LLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY MARY OF SOME OF CORRECTEDLEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY ORDER Withholding(General Laws Chapter 239 Section 8A). Violations Are Not Being Corrected you may be entitled to hold back your rent payment. You can do pout being evicted if I can prove that your dwelling unit or common areas contain violations which are serious enough to er or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord knew about the violations before you :hind in your rent. are not cause to the y violations and of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay for it.(for this it is best i are prepared to pay any fie rent money aside in a safe place.) air and Deduct(General Laws Chapter 111 Section 127L). aw sometimes allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code or well-being well-being andtyour landlord has received rwritten notice of the violations,you lm y be impair ble to use this y. If the owner fails to begin necessary repairs (or enter into a written contract to have them made) within ays after notice or to complete repairs within 14 days after notice you can use up to four months' rent in :ar to make the repairs. taliatory Rent Increases or Eviction Prohibited (General Laws Chapter 186, Section 18 and Chapter 239 m 2A). ,caner may not increase your rent or evict you in retaliation for making a complaint to your local code cement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict within six months after lave made the complaint he or she will have to show a good reason for the increase or eviction which is ated to your complaint.You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this. int Receivership(General Laws Chapter l l l Sections 127C-H). occupants and/or the board of health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into t rather than to the owner. The court may then appoint a "receiver" who may spend as much of the rent ey as is needed to correct the violation. The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months' :arch of Warranty of Habitability. may be entitled to sue your landlord to have all or some of your rent returned if your dwelling unit does net t minimum standards of habitability. Infair and Deceptive Practices(General Laws Chapter 93A) sting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for ch you may sue an owner. E INFORMATION PRESENTED ABOVE IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF THE LAW, BEFORE YOU CIDE TO WITHHOLD YOUR RENT OR TAKE ANY LEGAL ACTION. IT IS ADVISABLE THAT iU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES FICE WHICH IS: Western Mass Legal Services Tel: 413-781-7814 One Monarch Place,Suite 400 Springfield,MA 01144