238 Notice of Violation 1984 DEPAR- COMMONWEALTH OFMASEACHLSETS Dept.of Envho,zmcn:al 8 2#)8 . EecincEng 14 436 Dwight Secs( Springfield,MaszabezzLes 01103 5-5327 11f Ljung, President :orp, Inc. 7onotuck St. once, MA 01060 Mr. Ljung: !INHERING _ 1109 February 10, 1984 Re: Florence - Hazardous Waste EPA ID#MAD000221028 NOTICE OF VIOLATION )epartment of Environmental Quality Engineering on January 31, 1984, acted an interim status compliance inspection of your facility located (8 Nonotuck Street in Florence. The purpose of this inspection was to :mine compliance with 310 CMR 30.000, Hazardous Waste Regulations of ichusetts. You are advised that Perstorp, Inc. , is listed with the :tment and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a :ator of hazardous waste. result of a visual inspectionof your hazardous waste storage area and )priate written documents, the following violations of 310 CMR 30.000, :dous Waste Regulations of Massachusetts have been noted: 1. 30.340 On-Site Accumulation At the time of the inspection, thirty-two fiber drums of urea formaldehyde resin were being stored on site. The drums were found to be improperly marked, labeled and staining caused by seepage was observed on at least one fiber drum. 2. 30.351 For Those Who Generate Small Quantities (6) If a small quantity generator generates in any one calendar month more than the amounts stated in 310 CMR 30.351(1) (a) or (c) or accumulates at any one time more than the amounts stated in 310 CMR 30.351(1) (b) , (d) , (e) or (f) , he ceases to be a small quantity generator and all his accumulated hazardous waste is subject to the provisions of 310 CMR 30.340. 3. 30.310 The Manifest The manifest shall consist of seven copies to be distributed as follows: (30.313) A. One copy shall be retained by the generator. B. One copy signed by the generator shall be transmitted by the generator to the Department (1 Winter St. , Boston) within 10 days of the date the shipment begins. C. One copy shall accompany the shipment and shall be retained by the transporter after being signed by the facility owner or operator. D. One copy shall accompany the shipment and when completed and signed by the facility owner or operator, shall be retained at the facility. E. One copy shall accompany the shipment and, when completed and signed by the facility owner or operator, shall be transmitted by the facility to the generator. F. One copy shall accompany the shipment and, when completed and signed by the facility owner of operator, shall be transmitted by the facility to the Department. G. One copy shall accompany the shipment and, when completed and signed by the facility owner or operator, shall be transmitted by the facility to the appropriate agency in the State where the waste was generated, if not Massachusetts. the time of the inspection there was no generator completed copy of the ifest. 4. 30.520 through 30.524 Governing Preparedness and Prevention and Governing Contigency Plans and Emergency Procedures A contingency plan shall be designed to prevent and to minimize hazards to public health, safety or welfare or the environment from fires, explosions, spills or any other unplanned, sudden or non-sudden releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constitutents to air soil, surface water or groundwater. smuch as the above violations have been noted and by copy of this letter to .thew Mickiewicz, Plant Engineer, you are requested to correct these deficiences February 29, 1984 and thereafter comply with 310 CMR 30.000, Hazardous Waste ulations of Massachusetts. In addition, you are requested to supply this ice with the amounts of all hazardous waste generated by Perstorp, Inc. you have any questions, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Stephed F. Joy Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer Air & Hazardous Materials Western Region 1:TM:bs Peter McErlain Matthew Mickiewicz