Soil Contamination 1994 IHIGHWAY William F. Weld Argeo Paul Cellucci James J.Kerasiotes Laurinda T. Bedingfield Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary Commissioner C-7609 January 25, 1994 SUBJECT: C - Northampton Locust, North Elm, and Prospect Streets Contract #94071 File #2NRTLNF (NHS) F.A. INH-012 (014) Ludlow Construction Company, Inc. 45 Cardinal Circle Ludlow, MA 01056 ATTN: Mr. Joseph S. Pio President Dear Sir: Reference is made to your correspondence dated December 27, 1993, regarding extra compensation for soil contaminated with tetrachloroethylene found on the subject project. In the Contract General Special Provisions and the Special Provision for Item 149.41, Health and Safety Plan, the Contractor is advised of potential soil contamination at two particular sites within the project limits. While only hydrocarbons were reportedly found at one location, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are listed as possible contaminants. Also, your proposed Health and Safety Plan, submitted September 21, 1993 and approved November 3 , 1993, identifies tetrachloroethylene as a material of concern. Therefore, since VOCs in general and tetrachloroethylene in particular were specified in the Contract Special Provisions and in your Health and Safety Plan, respectively, the actual presence of tetrachloroethylene does not constitute a changed condition. Massachusetts Highway Department •District 2 •North King Street, Northampton, MA 01060• (413) 584-1611 Regarding the disposal of the contaminated soil, you will deliver the material to the Northampton Sanitary Landfill on Glendale Road in Northampton where it will be rehandled and spread at no expense to the Department. Please coordinate material delivery to the landfill with the Resident Engineer, Judith Hoey, at (413) 582-7030. Materials may be transported in an open vehicle provided they are covered with a tarp. Very ptruly yours, O EP SUP ERN EAU D tX'c Highway Director DMF/bs C - PJS JAH Northampton Board of Health dmf-4003 ANKL��v ttvs'v' Franklin Environmental Services Inc. December 16, 1993 G.E. S. 7 Mira St. Bondsville, MA ATTENTION: Karen Hanson 557 Was'Main Street P.O.sox 883 Meniden.C7 06450 7EL: 203-630.2472 FAX: 2W-630.2530 QUOTATION Llcansod ant PotnVttod In Mc United States and Canndn FEU.EPA IU#MAUQ84414136 ENVIRC+NMENIAL SEtiVICE PliCOESS ONALS Quote dC1907 Transportation and disposal of solvent contaminateAd utiliaifrom Northampton, MA to General chemical of Framingham, box van with secondary containment. TRANSPORTATION AND DIBPOaelt Option I 55 gallon drams Option II 1 cubic yard 14IBOELLANEOust Loading, after 1 tree hour 1 cubic yard containers (delivered) $ 395.00 each $1, 150.00 each $ 75.00/hr. $ 85.00 each COMMENTS; • Pricing and acceptance contingent upon sample evaluation and/or analysis supplied. all labels, vironmental Franklin En and landfill ban form(s) nrequired for psh shipment. manifest(s) No free liquids allowed in cubic yard containers. 12-1s 170.: v. ALPHA ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Eight Walkup Drive westberough, xaaeachueette '01581.1019 (508] 898/9210 MA 088 NH 198958-1 CT ES-0574 NY 11148 NC 320 SC 8800 CIRTIPICSTE OF ANALYSIS Ri 165 Client( Groundwater i ffivirpntlental Services Laboratory J ex( 19309413• Invoice Raabe : 360 Address; 7 O. Bo Street F, Box 1379 3 Bondaville, 01009 Date Recoived -NOV•93 Dete Roportedy 0 'DHC•93 Attn: btePhanie 'd>c.ca Delivery Method: pha preieet Numbers 0031-0001 Sites Ludlow Coastuction/Locust St. CLx mENTIPICATION ALPHA SAMPL3 NQMGHR L9309413.01 S-1 1: LOCATION ampton, MA Authorised by: 11099302:41- Page % Scott McLean - %'ab oratory Director 12-13-1996 09:31AM FRQ1 Htpna --- • ALPHA CNaTTB CAIN OP ANALYSIS ISIS5 NA 086 NS 198958-A CT P11-0574 NY 11148 NC 310 SC 8800 LaboratorY Sample *mbar: L9309413-01 SOIL Sample Matrix: Condition of Sample: SatlsZaCtOry Number a Type at Containers: 1 Via1,4 Glass PARAWSTP.R Data Race RI A65 ved: 13-NOV-93 Data LporIted\: 09•DSC•93 Yield Praia: None I AD7� Rg5(JLT OMITS ADL to OD PREP ANALYSIS DATIS Mydrocarbons Total Plash Point aaCaok`..='e'i Arsenic, TCLP 8arivm, TCLD Cadmium, TCLP Chromium, TCLP Lead, TCLP Mercury, TCLP Selenium, TCLP Silver, TCLP 40. 1 418.1 03-Dec 06-Dec 49. mg/kg 06 Dee >200 F 70 1 1010 1.0 1 6030 30•210v 30-Nov 0.90 1 60}0 30-Nov 30-110V 0.10 1 60),0 30-NOV 30-NOV 0.20 1 601110 30-N0v 30-Nov 0.50 1 COI 30-Nov 30-Nov i 74 0/7471 01•Dee 03•Dec 0.505 30-Nov 30-Nov 0.50 1 60 0 0.10 1 6010 20-Nov 30-Nov 1 ND mg/1 ND mg/1 ND mg/1 ND mg/1 ND mg/1 ND mg/1 Comments: • Coaglate lint of References EOUnd in Addendum I 73099301:4 Pa9a 2 p fend 1 : ot66Btl ■ t urcuaPPY v7 Punoa saauazadac do 1571 eaatdmo'J • -saaammOJ utetos0`t 0£t b4/5n al aaytA2ontaem TAM I ▪OS 154/511 ag avovesaA•L 'OS 44/.6n as av0veaved-L•thiaes•e 'OS Er,/bn Qv a:sa10e tJCa7A. • • 811/25n awceang•L I 'OS SVSn al 0P7dtns7p ao.!el ▪£L • �� O' 6X/S etieuaemozon t37P0�a15 ' 0.5 bx/Sn eaedozdez0TUO7syE'L'S • OS bx/Bn CN evegaeaoPo2 • .I Ex/Sn OCit eaean4os0tt T0zt t 0S O'SSIOn ag eaauaeoxotgaTa•L't-sta c-s bx/bn a!t saveTA£ 0'S bx/bn segue /Lang asaa %Agues 'OS Bx/bn Cs Q61 aaezaag0x0tta7a•t't• .OS . Sx/6n al evezvegosotRa7a-E't BX/bn - CM eaazvagosotu07a•L't • V5 bx/En at eaegusomotuo75•t I • 0•s Bx/Sn Cg eoavaeoxOtKV7a•t't-saes]• S'L bx/bn a•'£ S•t bx/bn Cg avetinanzotu07a-S't • sae4aeosort •Ot fix/En Cg a1,720Ita tdatA ag •st Ex/511 O s aaeuuamomelA . . ' . \ \I 'OS Bx/bn a eve4semozotVJ 'OS bx/Bn avezvaeRLUaa 0's Ex/bn CN aoercom s'L bx/Sn CS aaesrAg O'S. bx/6n CM eaettaeosotuaaxue 'uses • O'S fig/Et 0•s bx/Bn as aaedozdoxotua7Q-E't-e7o.\.I 0'S bx/bn a vedozdosotu07Q•E't-even • Ex/6n avagaamOxoTVa?P0goll p•S bx/Bn LC eaeg-aosottn7sS•T t't 0'5 Ex/5a 'LL aa+uaeoaot�7a'L't SSt SA/5a ag saequeuosantdozotgaTsi 'SL EX/Bn Qts ava%uegosortp I I •9T Ex/Bn evavaeosotuazzaas seua 5'L bx/� 00 a SLaSnticuaaosoTto•L 'OS Ex/ essptieosetu07sS-L't't �. 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Ili Asa cni •s.:� —1r azernety and .0askA 1,511 • sax sale lael &1R[ YC SO-ettt0ES1 =SeQOln9. v70a9 .fa°1ap4m• sxaxmMR ao 6sr7xataitt •, ='a37ti?h?A f' .ttc4I•!'. Sco :0[:619' £56'i77-2t IIIMI•MMIMMIII"lgnl...IIMIIIIIM•Nl101111=Mnl.".=."MMIMI■Ml".M""NOI ,■-- • S • 1 . ; fits 1.1;7016621 • • • • \ \ . \ ■ • • i I\ • , • • . . . . . • . \ \ . \ II. I I \ • \ \ \ \ I Fib% OS OS OS ety. ilisc6ZAKA : ... ,,,I.;.9.:'.1...L;::S:2,-1,7, I Sag\1:t7.-1".. -\":-,7tH'r.'r;.,1"4--,,.:),>°"3°-77.1x.,(14.. .4-04an..- —41:1,-,491:-..7.--El•ctil'.!:iitr-1-75"if'211..t...6--*Mr-eilf:44*Ve4 /5 OS OS as rat 41,411s azzI iwn'uatas r6./5t ;a cazcz as azos 'arra: t/a% DS C11; . kpt Dtz aa as CS criN, ,vrvraloxtiZ al= qatTopeo IT/St. OA Ti aA 4'101 'vmTitS / Z,A arni, 0 Tsasrer . r Ott az all -tirtivegOiltiett:.:25a..rtS.,-.7.5 -..' ', 2.,ti.ii,;c:, -.:iiii,4g.!. p:pria;,.:,:t.:, ,i•.1,...s.rcAft-i;.c 451'4401E . ;,:,...... ...-• .. ......... ,-.,-- .r0, . " - rii/ti I, Doti oots pectirsettat - . - - - '-- -- 1-..-te---Ats-"n •-•44- 0-istirtgligwacaniztvgan:g:ig............ ....,..... . . gelserad ivr-, cial t eivtia T ingt4 \ \\ • SOM: CT1'60£61 %OEM= Ctor lacAtzetcre, VTSITelif SIVOTUCLO MOSO T ZSIIVDO SSISOSARIOW1 CLIETait am ii 1,40. •6 • . 6 £ 0 £661-ET-21 trund 'tft14:1/635 Wtl01 :60 .E6, E2 D30 q 061d 1940• • \ . 1 i I I I . . \ II 1 1 I III • I I li •1[[I 06 ypggr....gr....,:, .zne.zeR ww 0 sh ; , gF$5,..; V s r sn� aLdZ37 SL 61].1. 'z T4 • q 6 t ,Ina}vcie S SIDI 'Pen 46 . 066 - SS mni�fiD L ,sn}aPs J 66 an<zeq 26 Z ,o7vasr / .ter .. OOT u t i�4 cnx uc C •2t i•y'i . t ZyaOmtSi £Tg60£64 ;lege= 4°t 430 V-Se4 I SBSX.T(tlli =In TarinUOSt 2147170 58Sy0SYS0WI IVILL'SO [Salt Il _..m...su tudiB woad _ w.iz[:6e S66i-Et-zi DEC 23 '93 03'11HT1 taco n Si-13-1993 29.32PM FR0C1 Ripna' vnaryi I°° Sf.P>8� SNWITICAL MATORXES2S calaar r ISSDSl310E 315/3LSD Op:rat0fl Sob Ambers L9309412 1,1•Didsloroetbeam Yricaoroetheze Seszece Toluene Ch1c2obenxeng 12097302:41 8888 7 102 102 98 101 98 1 101 1 7 7 6 95 95 95 UCI. Gn 0�� 12-13-1953 9:33Pf1 FRW'i H:pna "" e ALPHA ANALTf1C ■74 LABS ApDElratx I • surnmicgs 1. Test gathoda IIOi Evaluating Solid Manta: Physical/Mee: Cal Metod9. SPA SW- 846. 1986. 12099108:41 Pile $ •=3 IF m•Groundwater I �` fit/ Es Environmental Services, Ina a CHAIN OF CUSTODY ANALVSxs 16.016S ill) a RNCna 7, _ 00c 1MOTher HAW �� ..J on 0 t‘ o p W J l 3AMM.ETCYE SAMI'11:R5 NAMWS) UO,� ❑ - L(X101A1DNATFB - WO up L.SUAFAf81A1 GAGEHNWATOAH HNVAONM AL SERVICES.INC. . -.. 0 R L 7 . 1tiRINHING*WWI . - MICANAI.SW AG MST PRO I ----_;vg 6E , 3 ' STIMOSIA6T7 . .. � i SILIX'Ui R fl DO. OSVlLLE STAMFMI.STAESP .01('1-0114 _ROI 1119 RASYPRDVID6 RI04VH o HDNDSVILLH,MAOIDW .. 70NMI11 9��� .-. OIINl6lM71 EAY ` lo" q ��.�[ 1U/A>741A yppy0/-i"AI6 VAX W J LQ[fH�1 �IAiR7-1761 f ❑ LI g . LI s a x . 6 SAM?LS1O AAA MA NAM CONTAINERS SAMMINOIOCATIDN < < X 1' AMMO ■ SIDNA •VOLUMR ___PThWTADDRNSSI I�'_ Ai i. 1D Ns DATE TIMH � 1 ,l MU-- ` y La c°SI .i. t1 OnlroAs '\0 �.li.� .� ss NUM .. Sall— :;Isis 1111a11111111111 I __ Ills Il INSIIIIMall SI al SSi� S II_Ili11II—_a MIST IIIIIII'II ■ __-_— AD'BRIM USUD A,RI _ J fr /I/1l _; - :0 2) Ml SAM:. �,'��+::/�+'v�>� �• AEI • � l . „ Q�p7'7 I ,�. /,S ;vl 1∎0 Hy E H /� A / I / i• _ - -I DOR. R ' L i - IRD AIPIA ANALYTICAL LANORATORIss =YMCA= OP ANALYSIS Laboratory Semple !limber: L9309413-01 pARANZTER 22.90LT tgITS RDL YETNOD DATES PUP ANALYSIS . Ycirka.broTJigi'ft,LWfilksC""''''-a"ztW'' ,,cz'-''-.a 4SiVi 4 ,..4.getitt-6 ,';-tj,“ •,,'.1;' Acrylonitrile ND ug/kg 50. SURROGATE RSCOTIRY 1,2-DichloroethAte-d4 . 101. % toluene- 8 100. 5 4-Bromoflucrobgazono 95.0 • 4 teNinaftegAt21:eiyils. .::11;4.-i7t641;;Ti .:1'...6,N: ti 7::”.:---,••: ifi LI5050r74 1 '..!:.: c,.. .2:4‘.30. 01. 1DEC Ai-cables 1221 ND ug/kg 250 Arochior 1232 ND uf/N2 250 Mocha= 1242/PCA /016 LW ug/kg 250 Aroctlor 1248 ND ug/kg 250 xrcchlor 1254 ND ug/kg 250 Arocblor 1250 ND Ug/kg 250 Arechler 1262 ND tag/k; 250 Mockler 1264 ND ug/kg 250 SURROGATE RECOVERY 2,4,5,6-Tatrach1=0-m-xylene 101.• Decachlorobiphenyl 48.0 essence: * Complete list of References found in Addend= I 1209931241 Page 4 DANIELS.GREENBAUM com JOHN J. HIGGINS R.fon.Y DI,.vo, JREnWO/)2I720R ceceaL i aac4 rA r11' yta u.. e 1en,. q.ate,dtal,9 rolece i%4,.., gran .C/,1G 9ca p't .ttseee to i4 c Ass. G1/G1 (71.1) /a11G9 December 1, 1993 Mr. Leonard M. Corliss, Sr. 21 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Northampton 15-21 Locust Street Release Tracking Al-10074 Transition Site 81-00923 RELEASE NOTIFICATION NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY MGL Ch. 21E 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Corliss: On November 18, 1993 at 9:30 AM, the Department of Environmental Protection (the "Department") was notified of a Release/Threat of Release by Mr. Tim Maginnis of the Massachusetts Highway Department on behalf of yourself as required by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan. (310 CMR 40.0000) . In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form be submitted within 60 days of the oral report. Attached is the Release Notification Form the Department has developed to allow you to comply with the requirement for written notification. You have 60 calendar days from November 18, 1993 to return the completed form to this office. The Department has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter "you" refers to Mr. Leonard M. Corliss, Sr. ) may be a responsible party with liability under Section SA of MGL Ch. 21E. This liability is "strict" meaning that it is not based on fault but solely on your status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person specified in said Section SA. This liability is also "joint and several" , meaning that you are deemed to be liable for all response costs incurred at a disposal site even if there are other liable parties. On November 18, 1993, the Department determined that a condition existed at that time that posed an Imminent Hazard in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0321 (1) (d) , specifically with regard to the potential exposure of construction workers in the trench in, which suspect tetrachloroethene vapors were present. Properly trained and protected workers completed the sewer connection work, and she area of contamination was partially excavated and backfilled. The utility related excavation and soil disposal work is being handled by the Mass. Highway Department as a separate, discrete project. An Immediate Response Action (IRA) is required to be conducted for this release in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0411. An IRA consisting of "assessment only" activities is adequate for this release. Although Departmental approval is not • required prior to the performance of an "assessment only" IRA, two specific issues of concern should be addressed as part of the IRA: 1) Additional work by the Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) is scheduled to take place over the next year on Locust Street in front of your facility. The IRA should identify areas to be excavated during the MHD projects, and an assessment made as to whether these areas have contamination present as a result of nil or hazardous materials migrating from your site. The presence of contamination which would effect the performance of the upcoming MHD, City of Northampton DPW, or other private utilities' projects shall be made known to the Department and these effected parties. 21 Information gained during the performance of the IRA should be included in any consultant's or Licensed Site Professional's opinions regarding the status of the site as a "Transition Site" . As the leaking sewer connection joint may potentially have been the source of groundwater contamination previously documented at the site, it is recommended that this possibility be assessed further. Be advised that additional submittals to the Department and the use of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) are necessary with regards to the IRA. The Department encourages Responsible Parties to take response actions at Disposal Sites. By taking the necessary response actions, you may avoid liability for costs incurred by the Department in taking such actions. If you do not take the necessary response actions, or fail to perform them in an appropriate and timely manner, the Department is authorized by MGL Ch. 21E to perform the necessary work and recover up to three times the cost. If you have any questions relative to this matter, you should contact Adam Wright of the Notification Branch at the letterhead address or can (413) 784-1100 x292. All future communications regarding this r elease must reference the Release Tracking Number contained in the subject block of this letter. AGW/agw/mr A:\1-10074.RNF CC: y truly s avid A Section Chief Emergency Response Northampton Fire Department Northampton Department of Public Works ✓Mr. Tim Maginnis, Massachusetts Highway Department