44 Complaint Records & Order to Correct Date: G-//-fl I Time: 9:52)/l119 I/MMaap: Zqe Parcel: 3¢ i Name of Complainant: F "'(.eta y/47/9 -09Qg s . Address' M/ '^ rtFC//�, z„....:„ Aid7t Tel eat NATURE OF COMPLAINT: � ,,/,A' ne a im2--, `-l'(� e-16r7 �u :1 -7/ — -^„/1" — 72/ -74' • I Location: ///it, Owner: vv)4u „,,_ ��!/QF- A A 0U3i Address: 2: 6a 25c J Tel:6S 47D/ Taken by: Date of Inspection: - — Time: ¢ ii:c;a"i t:is r-n INSPECTOR'S REPORT: <it/ mESSOCF_ Tv CcN-icr me roc S 4po;N.-in k Toi/NCPtcT Affinity-5 ' ViC,fn:/LA's c2 Iv CJ?CcS/DF Digital Pholoisi Taken:GI`w}'Sgj(yp Action Taken: //T Ti °y /5'6 v,) c3rrff Jo.,r_ L ./y O Z 77 Inspector Signature a • ) + i,.es ! -% kANl C fJ 10=i110 1rn. (2Ah) 0�'! i Jr/ ti9 J11,, 3..1? > ON ' ,>✓ -' rc)?/ Y4°r /v =iv J .,1�;r-1 '?rst ; s'21- riff>) Ops )S) 6 - »S .'i.-;r Ji 114X7 ,G,7K-i �n vg JJ/9l Pat4!Ls 191aN � �I .l 1 . :..wo,dJ =<2 -44,41244: n✓m/ 5^ la>S /rn 2n^aPS pn,SUV N'vanan t ' IadOd ' (a 's) /17 P2a wo.114LCC � gca7J 1¢N C'L'C�Q - P2!t(J-72 — ?/ a o'1 vcn 1V nu-rovi Y9 .fi n N ,{ocs) (kar.y lad) loiaaa' >.'o z) L-urrnvd`l�/ .M (dtwfr ()..NV si 4 2Nrnl97 'u4 h) y cJ0 c;1/4N15 �et T -RUd ✓"�^'���w9ly ge‘N+vd �U.n vr�7 '101 vv� �IoS) z /+J A S_71,. ti - wva • (uae) Moanvn �0 /t�vl�i rv1 � oddly), w,�/vran4 f:035. 1 T.o/ S!✓9K?d0) v,40,4vl LLVSM JON -1 -1-11 111 -1,01i Ar vd� mil ' ( (If gioo5) zmail /rn arirl^v —{,VT,nvll /03 iw+ :"me AviVd On1)3'9c '140 „if o(tvev mre o )/141 -'7S 8004 A V[' ' _AM 1 �A�I +� �� s y N uto - N,U 0,71 NOJ1 -'40.1"7 ' 1;�7 -9n�=i.w �N 5 a � D OF HEALTH EMBERS JRMASHKIN,R.N.,Chai P.BRUNSWICK,M.D. RIB KARPARIS,R.N. :ERLAIN,Health Agent 13)587-1214 (413)587-1221 TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HAB IT ON AT:Y CODE 44 North Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01060 -- DATE: June 14, 2002 ORDER ADD REST ® COPY COPY OF R EPA Michael Pushkin 2 Buds Pit Road Northampton, MA 01060 Kristen Decker 44 North Elm Street, 1n Floor Right Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: 1st° urn documento legal muito importante que podera dos. Podem adquirir uma trade o deste documento de:ctar os seus i a t droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une t aduction de cette forme a: vos Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei put) ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradcci&n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel#: (413) 587 - 1214 be Northampton Board of Health has the premises at parcel 34 .), 4 North Street Northampton, or compliance with Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code. this letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the a sae husett ordered General to Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Y make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within FOURTEEN DAYS of the receipt of this order. ,TION VIOLATION Bathroom lacks either natural or mechanical ventilation, as re•uired. Improper locking devices for both the front prime entry door and the front tenant interior entry door. Tenant not provided with keys to locklunlock these doors. No smoke detector in the dwelling unit. (1) Front entry porch with left porch railing badly deteriorated; unsafe. (2) Front exterior prime entry door to the dwelling is deteriorated, illhece, and not weathertight; Badly surfaces and open holes/gaps noted. (3) Front interior entry door to the apartment is not weathertight; open gaps noted between the door and frame when in closed position. (4) Dining room (game room) with ceiling panels in the vicinity of the window stained from prior water dama•e. REMEDY Install an approved ventilation fan for the bathroom. Provide approved "keyed" locking devices for both doors. Provide both front entry dwelling units with keys for the exterior door, and the tenants with ke s for their individual ent doors. Install an approved smoke detector for this dwelling, and any other a•artment where the ma be lackin•. (1) Replace porch railing in an approved manner which complies with all code requirements. (2) Repair or replace door in an approved manner which will render the door intact, weathertight, and fully and easily operational. (3) Properly weatherproof this entry door in an acceptable manner. (4) Replace stained ceiling panels in an approved manner. (5) Replace cracked window pane in an approved manner. (6) Repair/replace door in an approved manner which will render it fully operational and easily closable. (7) Replace stainedldamaged ceiling panels in an approved manner. (5) Dining room (game room)—Right upper bay window pane cracked. (6) Bathroom door ill-fitted and will not properly close. (7) Four kitchen ceiling panels are stainedldamaged from prior moisture seepage (2 panels by dining room entrance and 2 panels above the refrigerator). (8) Bathroom ceiling tiles, upper wall/ceiling trim boards, and upper shower wall area show some mold/mildew accumulation. Upper shower area wall also has peeling/cracking surfaces. The tub caulking is black and badly deteriorated. (9) Back entry door (off kitchen) is ill- fitted and not weathertight. Bags of refuse and debris on ground outside back door and near the garage. No refuse receptacles noted anywhere available for tenant storage. (8) Remove moldlmildew from these areas and repair/refinish damaged areas in an approved manner. Re- caulk wall/tub juncture. Installation of an approved venting system should help to alleviate mold/mildew buildup in the future. (9) Repair/replace back entry door door so as to be fully operational and weatherti•ht. Dwellings with three or more dwelling units require that the owner provide approved storage receptacles (WI tight-fitting lids) or dumpster service to properly store all tenant accumulated refuse between pickups. The owner must also provide for approved pickup and disposal at suitable intervals. • Inspection of the premises was made on June 14, 2002 at approximately 9:35 a.m. f you have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board A Health office. Very truly your David E. Kochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. CERTIFIED MAIL# 7001 2510 0004 8173 5327 Date: /o 'f 2- I Time: Name of Complainant: /t9/kE,- PY IMap: ZA(e. Parcel.' 34 Address: L- 9r/ZI5 P/TxQ•9)_%' frciewie /y;A of 56 Z NATURE OF COMPLAINT: rEpAurs airr earn ;.v/0 pc/ RCP/re/47e, Z . t fprhOing f'96 sm:t Location 44/ Avfth` FL/i 5r,eE2Tr Owner: MR-4 pl/y/FA 4/ Address: 2 ,B142r5 P,T /coep FGC, N7P a/L'6 Z I Tei:5f'y'G7r / Taken by: ,c4ei� /� I Date of Inspection: /U - V -d L 'Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: (HMI m•:4 2tN ofc;trs, rwcz (d r 1/,J cu'/ >I/'f2-44:C /C 7is/14): ? n1) 4oc 605cF Action Taken: N 1, A HE ii,, L'/c;.sic." / Inspector Sign• use Q67 oL O ! - 8# `� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT WESTERN DIVISION 37 ELM STREET - P.O. SOX 559 SPRINGFIELD. MA 01 10 2-05 59 TELEPHONE (413) 748-7838 FAX 1413) 732.4607 _IAM H. ABRASHKIN FIRST JUSISCa DINA E. FEIN AsScCATE JUSTICE lo. 0„) s SU qi L. a —s B NOBTHASIMONSIVIDWISVII4 CURTIS L. SHAIRO CEPS.MAGISTRATE ROBERT G. FIELDS SIRS'ASSISTANT CLEFS MAGISTRATs KAREN-ANN HUNTOON Date: fv,v£ / 7 2vo )±9.6J- Pusi4xlw vs. f�/9.17 /CKMgc4i ewes �t,� G�"r�c/l Landlord / Plaintiff Tenant / Defendant AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES .rties`Agree To The Following Facts****.*******And Judgment As A Resolution Of This Case: Ittlrf The Contract Rent for the unit is $ 3 O .03 per month. As of this date, the tenant owes $�3�(Zi17 Jo in contract rent for the months of t'k3 fi � � , 11.O. IF ) ad 2 The rent is reduced by $ FOJ_JJ °" "" '•" - n' , leaving a balance owed of$ /7di,a D . Judgment for Possession and for S /500 4.0 plus costs, is to he Tenant. (Do Not Add In The Court Costs) f I If Judgment for Possession has entered for the Landlord, and the Parties have agreed to continue the tenancy according to the conditions placed below, then the Issuance of the Execution Shall Be Stayed pending compliance with the terms and conditions: If the tenant complies with the above conditions, this case will be dismissed and the tenancy will be reinstated on izX el 1/4; .. To IJ'S✓1 f-0/ ) / d ,J r SJg-YLo v.✓✓it _TV2,Y %,3 Jo: _ Unless stated by the Judge, the Execution must be issued in one of the f,"c.:inq manners. -[ ] After the expiration of the (1 ) day statutory waiting period: [ ] By Alan for an alleged violation of this agreement [{Afterthe expiration of the fixed period stat in this agreement: TEti"3- To f r%/tire / k A SJJLSaiaA. d 7A- ON e2 dt•cc,ne "Tv zy y .? Aooz/ ¢ �ytci 7)72-‘)i d/i-01s.1- ic dve 7-jGmS4J_V S nNo T/96^; x:* The Landlord is to make the following repairs according to the following sc:,2.dule: y//f ,kak t JiorArs , 7E"—*' S:}q« PO-% in v20 `Yiborar l24 u tic� ON Jai p4.Y ()A 161-C If 41-11‘)c- CJmrq E.r, LsN'6 OA% / / , ij'WP Cdv7i nom✓ 4 75'4ef-A.,CFt l/JVT/'- ��✓J �ni FuI- c. The Parties are to appear in court on A-74 at o'clock for review on compliance with this agreement. * FAILURE of the Landlord to appear for this review May Result in the Dismissal of this case. "FAILURE of the Tenant to appear for this review May Result in the Issuance of an Eviction Order. THER PARTY alleges that the other party has failed to comply with this Agreement, slhe may dule a court hearing after serving a seven business days written notice to the other party and 2diately filing a copy of that notice with the court The seven day period begins when the other receives notice. . e Approved By The Judge. This Agreement Becomes A Court Order And Both Parties Are ally Required To Follow It. If questions arise, please direct them to the mediator. I erstand That I Have a Right to a Trial Before a Judge, but Instead I Choose to Sign Agreement GC- Landlord/date x4lI61ffEL Qus/fn/ti PRINT NAME Telephone i t Pla�ffs omey Mediator ree. William H. A'brashkin, First Justice 5/22101 (ds) IL Tenant/date RINT NAME A'St Tele•ho Defendant's Attorney Clerx-Magistrate I Asst. Cleric-Maafsr`ate Dina E. Fein, Associate Justice ( ) Copies were given to Me parties