118-120 Complaint & Order to Correct 1991 BOARD OF HEALTH Mqp zsc CITY HALL z COMPLAINT RECORD Date (4/a74/ Time Name of � Complainant � L /[2/i/ Address /ZO / 9/r%/5/LS A'IFEr Tel Sa%g9Z Nature of Complaint a/Mroow:Are a 4,5iff2776y?,' S)2V Ss'm/.spA f1'asr,��FA2e/yc; F97i rsh&941g Location of Premises //8 -/Z i'/I/ ijs7,rS z— e< .n - Owner Gfi/GA/4o/ittDON Address Occupant / Taken by a'7-1,4 Referred to Date of inspection /c/e7-5-/f/ Time /O:S0 »fr2 INSPECTOR'S REPORT CPW F/?.r 2F D ///OC 9 T/O A/S - --<S F�RE XE//sb Slor F6le 1/469-72244, ' //8 m'7,27 574E4-7— O/ZS/%/Action Taken 74/9)//9.9-'9774/9)//9.9-'97,-426-41c 6CnP sr r Insp 2 .r —Printed on Recycled Paver— A (P as.J' 'z1.FJoYd a2z/ 1dN+s!/z YeA70a6Cb2ta PL'I Oa4' (iosfe s) SfinNeeCiaQ491P/Y 2I/V S/"loi7Hl 2/1562''✓Pld Q& /(1!P /�✓ • alu6'32i<P o_fl+//v, (ras-e4471 (7 vi")3wDN/>/c07 ! 7✓'.t*1&J-7d/ sagrn 3vvd,row✓!m // aavn muE 3deS J/ ,a2F �/dmoz- m.yn//`/ 3W ad lfl�/Y LU/13'6 � (sgordd63 37/0JS/0 V 1..am) (on.J 2/3ssild 0Ji/dJ MUM N 6Q? Mao 1,/.odp39 ZV71 OWE 3 Sf 11491iv3H-'3w .1w'sLwPNM tNb cscsasl s/ )0flV 9 w124/ 4491W 2N6( 1/3°.0.4 0G0140 V j141/7 (°s- Qa+J, ,• w J/moa,..u•/ sera hK/ro wwvoaa Yrord ays dS# hI 'tea• yV easy o.YV rovGS.raHSn 7r3Jdud 0.4 (Iasz] ar/tX/f1y9/7 H �'-w> 2MWI'I+mPmubts]all ovs/onm� piyo/p? Wo1 v�+/o9/.n /vaon✓a20(2 _If 9101- We) Jaw N/M Y n•ao,vre 1 (4,I.L231[LW/ -44/Y,n/f/ � ('e- 1 'o05) ç_•„TLInr 3LNLP/h'741 - upada39 vo'Y 61.42 caw1avJ 2P 4,94 /N941-2G31lb'Lq .1P/Y S/ (ror d oar/aaaP 'Avea/d aror7 tarv'nin yz°O SSVJV H>u'X/,Qve (Par•J 39o11"//J-1 /V -72 b/+'-98e)J wazra'49'+1M•43 avg al Snq ldn--„vn pMOwrm'--aevxcuzalv�'ru E reM;fr Jlgy m 4NIn/ Xava#3a/s Wow5G9 Yaold r'2 ;OW °us" jA b&9 il:al i$511/1? 3d/N ?Ong} LvovidilbSre(3) (/x/d 941"brad ebra'aro, d .WV N/ as 4 asp HNla? ;N.TH Richman M.D. SONS TIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 61666 (413)505-6950 Ext.213 ,R "MINIMUME STANDARDS IOFS FITNESS FOR SANITARY FOR HUMAN HABITATIONAT !0 North Street Northampton MA 01060 October 25. 1991 iR ADDRESSED Gail A. Bourdon 118 North Street TES OF REPORT TO: Northampton , MA 01060 Karl ina Kunz 120 North Street Northampton, MA 01060 s is an important legal document . It may affect your rights. may obtain a translation of this form at : :o a um documento legal muito importante que poder4 afectar os �s direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait fecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette rme a: esto a un i suoi d dulo a: documento legale importance. Potrebbe avere effectto ritti . Lei put, ottenere una traduzione di questo :te es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus rechos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma en: 1 d kument To mote miec wplyw na twoje jest wazne legs nY o ' ,rawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: on Board of Health , 210 Main Street on, MA 01060 13) 586-6950 x214 Nor thampt City Hall Nor thampt Tel #: (4 iorthampton Board North_h Street '1 2 . ) , for Lary Code. of Health has inspected the premises at , Northampton (assessor 's map 25C compliance with Chapter II of The State letter will certify that the ed below, which are serious rially impair the health, pants. r authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachuusettts ral Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, e by ordered to make a good faith effort to corrreete theceipt owing violations within SEVEN DAYS :his order: inspections revealed violations enough as to endanger or safety, and well-being of the )N VIOLATION 3rd floor landing & stairwell lack a switched light fixure. Front entry interior landing & stairwell ceiling light is not operational at this time. (1 ) Front porch storm & windows need re caulking along the sill . . . . One storm window has a cracked window pane. (2) Front porch access door is not weathertight. (3) Living room front two right prime windows are not weathertight . . . .Both window lower panes need recaulking. (4) Small prime kitchen win- dow with lower pane cracked. (5) Right prime kitchen win- dow is ill-fitted and is not weathertight. (6) Back 2nd floor side and back prime windows are not weathertight. . . . Windows also will not lock properly. REMEDY Provide a switched light fix- ture to properly light this stairwell & landing. Repair light/replace bulb so that light is operational . All openable windows must be lockable, & all window panes must be properly caulked & unbroken . Replace all cracked window panes. Repair all locking mechanisms so as to properly function. Repair all doors so as to be weathertight and so as to close properly. Repair all prime windows so as to be properly fitted, properly caulked, & weather- tight . NOTE: If prime windows cannot be made completely weathertight, properly in- stalled & weathertight storm windows must be in place to meet code requirements. (7) Back porch access door will not close properly; door is not weathertight. (8) Forward 2nd floor bedroom will are four prime windows not weathertight. . . . windows will also not lock properly. The right side bedroom window has a cracked lower pane. (9) Front 3rd floor bedroom 2nd window (from left) with a cracked upper pane. The right prime bedroom window is not °eathertight & window lock is not operational . (10) Side 3rd floor bedroom with right prime lower window pane in need of recaulking. . . window locking mechanism is also loose. (11 ) Both 3rd floor attic prime windows are not weather- tight. (12) 3rd floor attic access door will not close properly. Poor catch is in need of repair of replacement . (1 ) Bathroom lower wall in back of tub is deteriorated & in need of repair. (2) Bathroom ceiling with ir peeling & flaking paint faces . (3) Back 2nd floor bedroom closet wall has holes in the left wall . (4) Front 3rd floor bedroom areas of the wall . outer wall with water damaged plaster which is stained and cracking. (1 ) repair/replace water- damaged area of this wall . (2) Scrape peeling/flaking areas and refinish surfaces. (3) Properly patch and re- finish area with holes. (4) Repair water damaged 7e any questions regarding this abatement order please contact the fealth office. y yours, Kochan Inspector on Board of Health ection report is signed and certified under the pains and of perjury. ORDER P 890 360 485