11 Complaint 1984 lRD OF HEALTH JOYCE.Chairman KENNY. M.D. 3N O'CONNELL. H.N. . McERLAIN. Hn.Ith Akcnt CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 110 MAIN STREET 01060 TeL (4I31px 586-6950 Ext. 214 ) CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT 11 Jackson Street (2nd floor apartment) , Northampton, MA )DRESSED TO: William W. Gonski , Jr. 78 Ridgewood Terrace Northampton, MA 01060 nr INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED TO: DATE Ms. Marjorie Spillman June 18 , 1984 11 Jackson Street (2nd floor apartment) Northampton, MA 01060 an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translate. form at: im documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adqui: u9ao deste documento de: me est un important document legal. Il pourrait effecter vos drafts. Vous pouvez une traduction de cette forme a: un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effetto sui suoi diritti. Lei purr una traduzione di questo modulo a: un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus derechos. Ud. Puede adquirir uccion de esta forma en: wai n� Iegalay dokumeut. To moze mice wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac pie tets., dokumuntu w ofisie: Board of Health 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. Tel. No. (413) 586-b950 CAL . 214 The Northampton Board of (teal 1 Jackson St. (2nd floor apartment) h has inspected the prom isr s at , Northampton (assessor' s map 24A p:rein 194 , ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. 'Chi, letter will certity that the inspections revealed violations, listed plow, which arc serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, surety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter 111, Section 127 of the Mass. General Laws, oil Chapter IL of The State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to begin the we. essary repairs or contract with a third party within five (5) days of the re- ceipt of this order and to make a good faith effort to substantially complete :orrecti.,n, within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this order, the follow- n violations: tECULATION 10.150A (2) 10.351 10.504 J0,500 110.500 110.500 110.500 110.500 110.500 VIOLATION no wash basin in bathroom right basin of the kitchen sink will not drain oroperly; appears to be clogged wooden kitchen floor does not have a water resistant finish bedroom #2 (storage room) with floor in ill-repair: peeling material on floor back kitchen door-lower window needs caulking living room ceiling with peel- ing and flaking paint front livingroom window with sash cord broken: side living- room window with casing loose and rotting pantry window ill-fitting : does not open and close easily bedroom I1 with small crack along side of window casing REMEDY install an approved wash basin in bathroom or in close proximity to the bathroom door unclog or, otherwise, repair basin so as to be functional repair by sealing or by re-surfacing with a smooth, water resistant material remove peeling material and repair flooring so as to be smooth and easily cleanable caulk window scrape and re-finish ceiling repair windows so as to be easily operable and struct- urally sound repair window seal crack in case 3.480 ha v: with and re hallway ceiling install missing screens and repair windows so as to be easily operable ,/A...FJ EAR zr-u .r, {1/4.4 a4C"'"u�' -4,,4 rtALLAuk t LT ION )0 )0 )0 30 )0 51 and )0 )0 30 VIOLATION bedroom #2 with window sash cord broken; both windows do not open and close easily bedroom #2 with door knob broken entry door to apartment with door knob broken exit door to upper front porch without locking mechanism, main door to house without locking mechanism upper hallway ceiling with peel- ing paint upper back porch windows with screens missing and windows difficult to operate upper front porch railing loose and in need of repair back entry door to porch with a faulty locking mechanism )0 small section of gutter along the front of the house has fallen down DO DO 00 bedroom #1 with holes in window screen living room window screens ill- fitting and difficult to operate It would appear, at this time, that the heating facilities for this apartment are inadequate. There are no approved heating units in the following areas. 1) both bedrooms 2) living room 3) bathroom *If heating facilities are not provided for the above rooms, temperature readings will be taken by the Board of Health at a future time to confirm this apparent violation. REMEDY repair windows repair door knob repair door knob install an approved security lock on both doors scrape and re-surface hallway ceiling install missing screens and repair windows so as to be easily operable repair railing replace with an approved locking mechanism repair this section of gutter to provide proper drainage repair or replace window screen repair screens so as to be easily operable u should have any questions regarding this abatement order, please contact the of Health office. rely, J. McF..rlain, Health Agent fied mail !)P349 905 287 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD /rr _ rq # Time .' ' �. Name of Complainant/.; ` - c Address // CZ 4 ,_ . Tel--75'y_L,7ib Nature of Complaint/1/2%4 °-'" 1' Location of Premises // Owner , ,. . • _. (.^7 j h ..�y8 Address - Occupant ___.._.____..______.___.______.___.___ Taken by__ .... Referred to.___ Date of inspection Time INSPECTOR'S REPORT - - - Action Taken ,' Inspector CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE / SArk=?N '1 ` 77NGt7-7)1, r,r)Occupant's Name MS f li oR•Y. R 5P/LUfAN :upants I Apt_ # L # of Dwelling Units Z. II of Stories Z ructure B (!) M # Habitable Rooms g II Bedrooms Z 'L/fitY W- GoNs< TK -oom 410.150 Address of Owner Regulation N.1,F"I4nmr 7d , IVA 9)26i Violations between 1200 & 140° .19Q 1 I seat .150 A(1) v .150 A(2) NO 'nIll .. tub .150 A(3) cold water .350 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .252 A )n .280 A or B ;onnection & drains .350 ,en 410.100 Regulation Violations Ln.k sufficient size .1QQ A(1) oven .100 A(2) refrigerator .100 A(3) (electrical) .251 B ica1 light fixture .251 A .500 .500 .500 %1600n, cult l�=;:-� _._ :-� !:„". in (window) (mechanical) .251.6 (sufficient pressures) ,350 A .190 .500 .500 u .. ,r, �. . . _ _ 4� loo r & window) .551 & .5 2 .onnection & drains .350 = .--rn • .;,; r ,.�_,, r; -r_e=G; •= la "i^ -Lfl ag Room Regulation Violations or one with light) .251 B .251 A .500 .500 n; . r.r.;.: • , .,. .c ( . _ 500 .500 i < . Ere » z. .551 v r_ - MANE Z'.2 ado s) .480 E ry or Dining Room Regulation Violations 2 or one with light) .251 B .251 A .500 .500 .500 .. - .500 .551 .480 E =_ping Room #1 ' Third it natural lighting .250 A s or 1 •251 B h 1 outlet .251 A .500 .500 .500 .. - .500 .551 3 A .- .500 c:a rL ,. adequate r occupant? .400 'ping Room ik2 ( 5`111 - ,...i•� , it natural lighting .250 A .251 B 3 or 1 th outlet - .251 A .500 500 Aacr r . .500 FLJUef < - . .500 .551 .500 17)09i' •+a 1- f V . adequate r occupant? .400 :ping Room #3 it natural lighting .250 A s or 1 .251 B th outlet .251 A .500 .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 adequate r occupant? .400 non Area & Exit (Interior area illuminated properl! .253 A & .500 l� A: ;_ .... -..� . n Ni • -4Na .551 (44 1, ! ' : i No Lert ' UPPFI: P LDW A L- ii •--. .500 MAP/ r, L Z (^ o:C (h.41 ( pLLwA'/(urn, .500 PFFL+NG Ph; 7 t .00 r MpG (VP U`I!'l,)• .500 .500 s .042 athroom clean .151 mon Area & Exit (Exterior) �( .500 ./A, auoow- VPP P,t,4 F09 $,,,,cK .500 yam on .500 P(4.-.1 p/ 1 i P^ [Nf 'O .500 ),k.. to«'n1S , _ , -rf Dr, . . . ;r & rubbish .601 ways .600 and doom spouts .500 }( 6arr'- - r,)1N /Flvr�-t .rz • .500 nt .502 Wits .253 B neral ices working and available -o - , p aoiarions ing facilities: in good . . ti .200 . - and 64' II s - N,. r 1208 to 1400 es vented ate r - .ro.er wirin_ inill IIMMINIMIN al service ade.uate and rodents - sanitar ' •i4111 cellaneous Inspector Date scheduled reinspection is: Title Time Date Time a.m. p.m>) a.m. p.m.