241 #7D Complaint Records & Inspections III BRIDGE RD .i" 18D-038-001 Complaint Detail Report Printed On:Mon Apr 29,2013 .a,,,. Complaint#: ICT-2013-000195 Status: BOH-open GIS#: 8941 Violator: oti Date : BRIDGRD -_- Map: !18D Address: - s 1 Apr-22-2013 ��Time Recvd.: 11:03 AM 61ock: 038 --- - ,: 1�4 ' Category: Housing Lot: 001 Type: .4, J CeoTMS Module: Board of Health District: CB Trade: r.fa Recorded By Heather McBride Zoning: URB(100)/WP Structure: sacnn Description: Complaint: Urine coming from ceiling in bathroom,moisture in ceiling,lead in the paint falling from ceiling. Would like comprehensive inspection Comments: _... _.. _ . _.. _.. Inspector Assigned to Complaint: Contacts Contact Type Date Time Name Phone Best lime To Reach Recorded By Response caller Apr-22-2013 11:03 Margarita Johnson (413)341-72790 Heather McBride AM Actions Taken GenTM1IS Module Status Dale Time Response'I'ype .Action'Taken Comments Board of Health REFERRAL tie BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD ro. yip;3 ? 0C If/y/�I GEO: ua[e: I.y ate NATURE OF COMPLAINT: otvvR. Q t (rCuM WO- In EI4 N. \plsr� in OL -cab t/\ re- h h Location: Owner: Tel: Address: o1/4 Inci( son reraftiva Date of Inspection: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: y(29/3 . .:.:A•6:P0, i:iae.+ -r145 ld/:rS_ 7c fa /,za ele=ct-'.°« --�� °yip". /' � � /-� Q z:odr.n. //caameA 90 n fkx+e•'',7, Time: Total#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: Inspector Signature bigllel d IT k Cheek Bea X YES Orders Issued?: Notice of Compliance?: 0 Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 (413)597-1214 Inspection Form State Sanitary Code 105 CMR 410.000: Chapter II,Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation Z5 J'7 Time p— ob an j uOccupants 3 *Children<6 Years NxM0Pipsx,Rrp a"P„.,, saa Phone# it;-3Y/ - 92in ak 7�.- 1Vp.,,ps.s.,r� 1tca,...s Cityjfown Apt* lame.' Moore av+v v40-JcrrJra Phone* Iddress'. yfTown.: W The (,JS/Ee- __—_ >ski5 - 1 / Tay Wiclatlun cks,striker mechanism(4 or more units) sting,ID,Exit signs/emergency lights mdrails,steps,doors,windows,roof-maintenance eather tight elements ibbish-storage and collection ird maintenance.-trash,debris,vegetation a.se 35 /O«es" Yf»/ o"OI( laintenance of area oors,lights,windows-weather tight,maintenance gress-means,obstructed,safe landrails-provided,maintenance pmtecnaa seau w 480 481,483,484 500,503 501 600,601 2 500 501,500 450,451,452 503,500 +gve Observed e.pasty ights lour,walls,ceiling-maintenance 254 500 tailings,stairs Doors,windows-weather tight,maintenance 503,500 501,500 Location(circle): Front Rear Middle Floor Level of Unit Refrigerator,sink,stove,oven-good repair,impervious and smooth Floor,walls,e-maintenances y j ead- Outlets,lights Windows,screens-weather tight,lock,maintenance, provided Non-absorbent floor 100 500 251 501,480,500, 551 p 504 Floor,walls,ceilings Outlets,lights Wind prov ded lock,weathertight,maintenance, 500 250 501,480,500, 551 xA wx anew• gba4i se4t& 01 kr@ walls, „lights ws,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, ed walls,ceiling Type of Violation ?ape0-°.. cG• { le arc s,lights iws,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, ed ,walls,ceiling :s,lights )ws,screens—weather tight,locks,maintenance, led nowg mpery s,maintenan 6utlets lotion—natural,mechanical s,walls,ceiling—maintenance tenance,weathertight Ing Type(circle); Public Private ble,quantity,pressure ,onsible for paying MGL ch 186 s 22,metering I Type(circle): Natural Gas Oil Electric Other ip.: °f Location taken: )°f min-130 max°f e(circle): Forced Hot Water Forced Hot Air am Electric portable units ea Possible Code seuiaMs) 500 250 501,480, 500, 551 500 250 501.480, 500, 551 500 250 501,480. 500, 551 150.500 250 280 500,504 500.501 253 180,354 190 200,201 Bathroom Observed Violation Responsible Party Description bitable room and every roam with toilet,shower, Min 68°f 7:OOam-10:59pm Min 64°f 11:00-659am 78 F max in heating season/measure 5 feet wall,5 feet floor Doper TM99A-111 Digital Thermometer used to Ike temperature readings pe(circle): 110 220 Amp: nperage,temporary wiring,metering squired&operational me:CO detector not needed for all electric! Kitchen of Living Room °f Bedroom 1 of Bedroom 2 °f 250,255,256,354 482 ee of pests/harborage edbugs/cockroaches/rodents-evidence 550 550 ❑ Electric ❑ Fire ❑ Plumbing ❑ Building ❑ Other tion report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. signature x Occupant's Representative Signature ion Date Time *indicates that this housing inspection has revealed conditions which may endanger or materially impair aith,safety,and well-being of any person(s)occupying the premises ment Code Citation and Description of Violation .990. continued THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE LEGAL REMEDIES TENANTS MAY USE IN ORDER TO GET HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS CORRECTED. 1. Rent Withholding(General Laws Chapter 239 Section SA). If Code Violations Are Not Being Corrected von may be entitled to hold bark r rrmn payment. You can do this n ithoni being evicted f You can prove that your dwelling unit or conunon areas contain violations which are serious enough to endanger or materially impair your health or safety and that your landlord brew an—bout the aiolations before you were behind in your rent. 13. You did not cause the violations and they can be repaired while you continue to live in the building. C. You are prepared to pay any portion of the rent into court if a judge orders you to pay for it. (for this it is best to put the rent money aside in a safe place.) 2. Repair and Deduct(General Laws Chapter 111 Section 1 7L). This law contemns allows you to use your rent money to make the repairs yourself. If your local code enforement agency certifies that there are code violations which endanger or materially impair your health safety or well-being and your landlord has received written notice of the violations..you may be able to use this remedy. If the owner fails tobeginnecessary repairs(or enter into a written contract to have them made)within five days after notice or to complete repairs within 14 days after notice you can use up to four mouths'rent in any year to make the repairs. 3. Retaliatory Rent Increases or Eviction Prohibited(General Laws Chapter 186. Section IS and Chapter 239 Section 2A). The owner may not increase your rent or evict you m retaliation for making a complaint to your local code enforcement agency about code violations. If the owner raises your rent or tries to evict wi thin six months after you have made the complaint he or she will have to show a good mason for the increase or eviction which is u related to your complaint. You may be able to sue the landlord for damages if he or she tries this. 4. Rent Receivership(General Laws Chapter 111 Sections l29C-H). The occupants and'or the board of health may petition the District or Superior Court to allow rent to be paid into court rather than to the owner. The court may then appoint a"receiver"who may spend as much of die rem money as is needed to correct the violation. The receiver is not subject to a spending limitation of four months'rent. 5. Search of Warranty of Habitability. You may be entitled to.sue your landlord to have all or sonieof}'ovr rentretwned ityour dwelling out does net meet minimum standards of habitability. 6 Unfair and Deceptive Practices(General Laws Chapter 93A) Renting an apartment with code violations is a violation of the consumer protection act and regulations for which you may sue an owner. THE INFORMATIONPRESENTED ABOVE IS ONLY A SUNBSLARY OF THE LAW.BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO WITHHOLD AN ATTORNEY.YOU E SHOULD CONTACT THE NEAREST LEGAL SERVICES OFFICE WHICH IS: CONSULT (NAME) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) (ADDRESS) 105 CNIR 410 State Sanitary Code Regulation N 602A 500 551, 500, 501 500 150, 500 602A 500 Description Large accumulation of leaves (last years) on common lawn Ceiling repair unfinished—open joint/no tape or plaster X Conditions may endanger or impair health, safety or well-being Compliance Date Days from inspection date 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yes/No Screens for windows, broken glass Large flakes of popcorn ceiling (aggregate and base are falling off, some areas 1"x1" and larger) Tub/floor caulking joint: 5-12"section has no caulk,whole joint needs assessing Dumpster areas have trash on ground outside of container Common Post Office boxes in disrepair: outgoing mail slot insecure 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna aml/own, Cynthia hair Joanne Levin,,hD Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD- STAFF.Merridnh O'Leary RS,Director-Daniel Wasiak,Inspector-Edmund Smith,Inspector-Jennifer Brown,RN,Nurse CORRECTION ORDER Issued under the Provisions of The State Sanitary Code, Chapter II, Mi imu 410.00 Stards of Fitness for Human Habitation 10 Note: This is an important legal document that might affect your rights. Este es un documento legal importante que podria afectar sus derechos. ry 1, 2013 D Hampshire Heights, Florence, MA 01062 ;al-Property Owner/Manager: authorized inspection was made by a designee of the Northampton Health Department of your operty located at#713 Hampshire Heights, Florence, MA on April 29,2013. Du are hereby ORDERED to correct these violations within the noted time limit. Failure to comply within e allotted time period may result in a criminal complaint against you. DU have a right to request a hearing before the Board of Health. This request must be made by you, in riting, and filed within 7 days after the violation has been corrected. If you request a hearing, all fected parties will be informed of the date, time, and place of the hearing, and of their right to inspect id copy all records concerning the matter to be heard. The petitioner has the right to be represented at e hearing, incerely, rt :dmund Smith, Health Inspector :ity of Northampton Health Department ;c: Occupant NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Jon Hite Executive Director Equal Housing Opportunity i Smith rard of Health unicipal Building wthampton, MA 01060 ear Mr. Smith May 23, 2013 .`i S Attached are the completed work orders relating to the Order to Correct at 7D Hampshire eights. The last was completed on May 13. There is one work order still partially open,the result of the tenant's refusal to allow us to istall screens they had removed. Our attempt was made at 1:30 PM on May 7. The tenant ;fused to allow entry to the bedroom area because the occupant was still sleeping. We will ttempt to complete that one at a later date. Please call me if you have any questions. S on Hite Executive Director Z■\ tiOU 9-c6 49 Old South Street, Suite 1 • Northampton, MA•01060 T 413-584-4030 • F 413-582-1350 •TDD 800-545-1833 x188• mail @hamohousino.orq m 105CMR410 State Sanitary Code Regulation e 602A 500 51, 500, 501 500 Description Large accumulation of leaves(last years)on common lawn Ceiling repair unfinished—open joint/lb tape o plaster Screens for windows, broken glass 3GP4C c•-\ - Large flakes of popcorn ceiling(aggregate and base are falling off, some areas 1"x1" and larger) Tub/floor caulking joint. 8-12"section has no caulk,whole joint needs assessing tTumpster areas have trash on ground outside of container Commons ost Office boxes in disrepair. outOoing mail slot insecure X Compliance Date Conditions may endanger or imw W Ito a+�1laN 1 �u4 r010 94473 Days from inspection date 30 days, owners 'esponsibility Re- Inspection Violation Corrected Yee&No eel j%4-ttP 30 days, 4,714/.5 owners l responsibility /i-''"/�D Lows- (De cfn c5 ,1 T1/4070 4 y47 it 30 days. owners responsibility li O peen 30 days, owners responsibility wlvs-( U 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, owners responsibility 30 days, -t owners responsibility J yo.) .n0- 6,I (13 At-5p 8n-rci, )ui�5 , w r� dop fu,-,Syfra..�E 5g-21-9°' (tit. Yrb,/- Rom l- kae-t-G1-- &o1 5 Att ree,( --- tiln.Ct?2-- —0( 1) Pnitk oa'1 `r '"` 94, ymtin3 - (2Q v ,CtestiI d r 4f l )pen WORK ORDER Northampton Housing Authority WORK ORDER NO. 44476 Name ;ARITA JOHNSON & Address ickson St - HH #7-D 7279 or: INSPECTOR Date/Times Call In DT: 5/6/13 9:55 AM Submitted DT: 5/6/13 9:55 AM Priority: Urgent-ROUTINE Taken By: David Adam Category: LOCKS/REYS Permission: Yes Assigned To: Peter Doppman ION POST OFFICE BOXES IN DISREPAIR, OUTGOING MAIL SLOT INSECURE/ S A LOCK ON DOOR Tenant T£ I START END I HAS/ Charge / ,Y!Jo /3 Description ,Sin16itr&tl£ „00IX lU Alert A•w4 .o raa boo ( R Chg II Tenant Chg Description Part Description N QTY. Part t ff Signature Tenant Signature Date 1 t 'xf nECra' WORK ORDER on Northampton Housing Authority WORK ORDER NO. 44282 fame LRITA JOHNSON ;Address ;kson St - HH #7-D 79 Tenant Date/Times Call In DT: 4/22/13 10:45 AM Submitted DT: 4/22/13 10:45 AM Taken By: David Adam t NEED TO BE REPLACED, Tenant Priority: Routine Category: General Maintenance Permission: Yes es,, , Assigned To: ° Tenan ng Part START END HRS Char_e Descri'lion Description 2- Ver-A44 Td Aari .¢it Pf/f59fc pe'- jo YY ` � j � t-14 new5 � A1 VCt1)Y Vv to-ns ti ; • ,,t► .. pai ve s .. a,..c 5 „..t k ce5 WA lila& me Tenan ng Part Description QTY _ Part Description jo YY ` � j � !,� � A1 VCt1)Y Vv 1 if 1 )pen WORK ORDER Northampton Housing Authority WORK ORDER NO. 44473 ;ARITA JOHNSON &Address ackson St - HIT #7-D 7279 ton INSPECTOR Date/Times Cap In DT: 5/6/13 9:51 AM Submitted DT: 5/6/13 9:51 AM Priority: Urgent-ROUTINE Taken By: David Adam Category: Building Interior Permission: Yes Assigned To: / G ROOM- SCREEN FOR WINDOWS,BROKEN GLASS TE - l3 START END 1; ?o Tenant HRS Charge Description /40k rtr.trre of I.t,i»21,99 N g%-SS I, rawae_ trS rkr s,,..r out (22 (a�C tarttev,, 'or c .tA/ 1 taff Signature Description w i Date Tenant Chg QTY' Part Description Tenant Signature Date of I. Jpen WORK ORDER Northampton Housing Authority WORK ORDER NO. 44475 t Name ;ARITA JOHNSON f&Address Date/Times Call In DT: 5/6/13 9:54 AM Submitted DT: 5/6/13 9:54 AM Priority: Urgent-ROUTINE ackson St - HH #7-D Category: General Maintenance 7279 Permission: Yes Taken By: David Adam Assigned To: __ V tor: INSPECTOR ROOM- TUB/FLOOR CAULKING JOINT S-12" SECTION HAS NO CAULK, LE JOINT NEEDS ASSESSING Tenant START END FIRS Charge Description TE -is (O: 2,0 e?-tld elo „f - c--.a• Gt..2-1 T/ SC®"° n L c.., A. NI./ (r.ea Oaf atrrt CW/4 CMd NA/c:/r 6v tMj LN J✓ V,f /✓8 ,e,r de se d,-e // '1 Pee WORK ORDER NO. 44474 Date/Times Call In DT: 5/6/13 9:52 AM Submitted DT: 5/6/13 9 52 AM Priority: Urgent-ROUTINE Category: .Preventative Maintenane Permission: Yee r Assigned To: 4,7 279' rt: INSPECTO] Taken By Daytd Adam OF;E0 RN CEILING (AGGREGATE AND BASE . 11NG OFF; SOME AREAS 1'tXli p LAGER) E START END FIRS. Char Descri.tion 410.3. Aty" Description f�frotsr C QTY. !j Tenant Signature Date en WORK ORDER Northampton Housing Authority Date/Times WORK ORDER NO. 44472 Same kspn St - HH #7-D Call In DT: 5/6/13 9:50 AM Submitted DT: 5/6/13 9:50 AM reent-ROUTINE exsa 11IiSPECTO�R _ Taken By: David Adam Priority: U Category: Building In terior Permission: Yea U . Assigned To: AIR UNFINIS II. OPEN 71)NT/NO TAPE OR PLASTER Tenant' f:. START END HAS Char_e; .. Chg Part Descri rtion Date: Name of Co Address: 7 n NATURE OF COMPLAINT: /4/.€2,e-Ai Fc,e,oe_ - 5D JE — FQF S( 5 'E J�VI"n5 7U at. 6tr.4 a e� )` a-FF h/ Total#of Inspections: Date of Final Inspection: Orders Issued?: Notice of Compliance?: