211 Unit E Notice of Environmental Sampling & Lab Results Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office•436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103.413-784-1100 les D.Baker Matthew A.Beaton .root Secretary E. Polito Martin Suuberg snant Governor Commissioner June 24,2016 Wendy Newton 211 North Street Unit E Northampton,MA 01060 Re: Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 Dear Mrs.Newton: The Department of Environmental Protection conducted a round of indoor air sampling at the Twin Building Condominium on June 2-3,2016. The pmpose of the sampling was to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS), which was activated on June 8, 2015 to reduce indoor air CVOC concentrations to below Imminent Hazard concentrations. The SSDS was operational during this sampling event. One sample was collected within your unit at a location that was similar to historical sampling locations. Data indicate that operation of the SSDS has reduced indoor air concentrations within your unit to at or below Imminent Hazard and No Significant Risk concentrations. On June 2-3,2016, one sample was collected from your unit(DEP-RES-1.5-6/2016) as shown on the attached Figure 1. Sample results are summarized in Table 1. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE),the principal contaminant of concern was detected in this sample and is believed to be related to the historical site use of PCE as a dry cleaning solvent. Detectable concentrations of chemicals not believed to be associated with the historical release of dry cleaning solvents include acetone and ethanol and are likely building related and not the result of vapor intrusion from the historic release. We compared the maximum June 2-3,2016 chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOC)indoor air concentrations detected in your unit to applicable MCP risk criteria(see Table 2), Indoor air concentrations within your unit are below Imminent Hazard concentrations and are at No Significant Risk concentrations with the SSDS operational. Indoor air data collected since SSDS activation demonstrate an overall decrease in indoor air contaminant concentrations since system start-up on June 8,2015 (See Figure 2). An Imminent Hazard does not mean that health effects will occur. It means that health effects could result from short term exposure and therefore immediate action to reduce or eliminate exposure is Formation is available in alternate format.Colt Michelle Waters-Ekanem,Diversity Dfrector,at 517-292-6751.TTY#MassRelay Service 1-800-039-2370 MassDEP Websi,e.www.massgovl0ep Printed on Recycled Paper - Notice of Environmental Sampling Twin Building Condominium Northampton,RTN 1-13628 June 24,2016 Page 2 of 2 warranted. A finding of No Significant Risk means a site is clean enough under current State regulations, and no further action is required to protect human health. The Department recommends that the Twin Building Condominium Association continue operation of the SSDS until a Condition of No Significant Risk can be demonstrated for all occupied portions of the Twin Building Condominium and the Critical Exposure Pathway(i.e. vapor intrusion into the Newton Residence)has been mitigated to the extent feasible. If you have any questions pertaining to this Notice of Environmental Sampling or with the information contained within please feel free to contact David Bachand at(413) 755-2221 or me at(413) 755-2228. incerely John Zi Section •i'ef,Audits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail#7015 1660 0000 9069 4480,Return Receipt Requested Attachments: Notice of Environmental Sampling(BWSC-123) Indoor Air Sample Location(Figure 1) PCE Concentration Trends(Figure 2) Indoor Air Quality Data(Table 1) Indoor Air Risk Summary(Table 2) Laboratory Data ec: Northampton,Chief Municipal Officer Northampton,Health Department Denise Andler,DEP WERO Data Entry. FOLOFF,FOLFLD I Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection �.Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 1 r NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING As by 310 CMR 40.1403(10)of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan BWSC123 This Notice Release Tracking is Related to. Number 3628 required the address of the disposal site related to this Notice and Release Tracking Number(provided Street Address: 211 North Street above): City/Town: Northampton Zip Code: 01060 Ibis notice is being provided to the following party: Vane: Mrs. Wendy Newton itreet Address: 211 North Street,Unit E Jity/Town: Northampton Zip Cade: 01060 this notice is being given to inform its recipient(the party listed in Section B): of this notice. of this notice. analytical results from II 1.That environmental sampling will be/has been conducted at properly owned by the recipient ,/ 2. Of the results of environmental sampling conducted at property owned by the recipient ,/ 3, Check to indicate if the analytical results are attached. (If item 2, above is checked,the the environmental sampling must be attached to this notice.) .ocation of the property where the environmental sampling will be/has been conducted: Itreet Address: 211 North Street and Monitoring • Jity/Town: Northampton Zip Code. 01060 ACP phase of work during which the sampling will be/has been conducted: D Immediate Response Action • Phase III Feasibility Evaluation ]Release Abatement Measure • Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan 1 Utility-related Abatement Measure ■ Phase V/Remedy Operation Status 1 Phase I Initial Site Investigation • Post-Temporary Solution Operation, Maintenance 1 Phase it Comprehensive Site Assessment ❑ Other (specify) )escription of property where sampling will be/has been conducted: fl residential ©commercial •industrial ❑school/playground •Other (specify) )escription of the sampling locations and types(e.g., soil, groundwater, indoor air,soil gas) to the extent known at the of this notice. ■epartment of Environmental Proledlan conducted a round of Indoor air sampling at the'nMn Guiding Condominium on June 2-3,2018. The purpose of the ling was to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-stab depressurization system(SSDS),whkh was activated on June 8,2015 to reduce indoor air CVOC .ntragons to below Imminent Hazard concentrations. The SSDS was operational during This sampling event One sample was collected within your unit at a m that was similar to histoecal sampling locations. Oats lndlcate that operation of the SSDS has reduced indoor alr concentrations within your unit to at or below lent Hazard and No Significant Risk concentrations. gntact information related to the party providing this notice: act Name: Department of Environmental Protection et Address: 436 Dwight Street Town: Springfield phone: (413)755-2228 Zip Code: 01103 Email: John.Ziegler @MassMail.State.MA.t ed: 5/30/2014 Page 1 of 2 i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING As required by 310 CMR 40.1403(10)of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan BWSC123 This Notice is Related to: Release T aching Number 1 13628 5SACHUSETTS REGULATIONS THAT REQUIRE THIS NOTICE , notice is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan and the notification lirement at 310 CMR 40.1403(10). The Massachusetts Contingency Plan is a state regulation specifies requirements for parties who are taking actions to address releases of chemicals (oil or ardous material) to the environment. E PERSON(S) PROVIDING THIS NOTICE notice has been sent to you by the party who is addressing a release of oil or hazardous material he environment at the location listed in Section A on the reverse side of this form. (The tlations refer to the area where the oil or hazardous material is present as the "disposal site".) 2POSE OF THIS NOTICE en environmental samples are taken as part of an investigation of a release for which a fication to MassDEP has been made under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR )300) on behalf of someone other than the owner of the property, the regulations require the property owner (listed in Section B on the reverse side of this form) be given notice of environmental sampling. The regulations also require that the property owner subsequently aive the analytical results following the analysis of the environmental samples. :tion C on the reverse side of this form indicates the circumstance under which you are 3iving this notice at this time. If you are receiving this notice to inform you of the analytical Its following the analysis of the environmental samples, you should also have received, as an chment, a copy of analytical results. These results should indicate the number and type(s) samples (e.g., soil, groundwater) analyzed, any chemicals identified, and the measured centrations of those chemicals. :tion D on the reverse side of this form identifies the property where the environmental tpling will be/has been conducted, provides a description of the sampling locations within the oerty, and indicates the phase of work under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan regulatory Bess during which the samples will be/were collected. MORE INFORMATION rmation about the general process for addressing releases of oil or hazardous material under Massachusetts Contingency Plan and related public involvement opportunities may be id at http.//www.mass.qov/eea/agenciesfmassdep/cleanup. For more information regarding notice, you may contact the party listed in Section E on the reverse side of this form. rmation about the disposal site identified in Section A is also available in files at the ;sachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. See http:/fpublic.dep.state.ma.us/ tchableSites2/Search.aspx to view site-specific files on-line or http://mass.gov/eea/agencies/ ;sdep/about/contacts/conduct-a-file-review.html if you would like to make an appointment ee these files in person. Please reference the Release Tracking Number listed in the upper t hand corner on the reverse side of this form when making file review appointments. ed: 5/3 012 01 4 Page 2 of 2 • . � I MOMC E vA xW 151191.01.wrrsort..i:ar,.« ^ glum re • E ij ONIHWd „ 1 1 1 1\\ \\\fir \\` 1 ft < .. ' ° f E a *1 • ' g • � m�� 1 � N m .t — • '___, S 3 07 0 s y§ E$@g cQ q 'T b 9g a I— L IIilP N° v 1 X 41li Dv q 140 Figure 2 120 PCE Concentration Trends in Indoor Air Twin Building Condominium - Newton Residence 100 E SSDS Startup 6/8/15 rn N• 80 0 0 2 -. t3 0 o 0• 60 U —la-DEP-RES U d Residential lH =46 ug/m3 40 SSDS deactivated between 2/11& 20 2/26/16 Residential NSR=8 ug/m3 m. 0 3/20/13 5/2/13 6/28/13 2/26/15 6/4/15 7/30/15 . 2/11/16 2/25/16 6/3/2016 Indoor Air Sample Date TABLE 1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY DATA • TWIN BUILDING CONDOMINIUM 211 NORTH STREET,NORTHAMPTON NEWTON RESIDENCE RTN 1-13628 SAMPLE ID DEP-RES-1-2/2015 DEP-RE5-1.1-6/2015 DEP-RES-1.2-7/2015 DEP-RES-1.3-2/2016 DEP-RES-1.4-2/2016` DEP-RES-1.5-6/2016 DATE SAMPLED 2/26/15 6/4/15 7/30/15 2/11/16 • 2/25/16 6/3/16 Units 11g/m3 11g/m3 17g/m3 Vg/ma pg/m3 1-18/013 Analyte • Carbon Tetrachloride 0.56 <3.0 <3.0 <0.54 <0.54 0.55 . Chloroform 0.24 <2.4 <2.4 <0.98 <0.98 <0.98 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.21 <3.0 <3.0 <0.5 <0.6 <0.48 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.14 <2.0 <2.0 <0.81 0.15 0.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene <0.14 <2.0 <2.0 <0.79 <0.79 <0.79 • Tetrachloroethylene 42 39 <3.4 <0.68 32.5 7.6 Trichloraethylene 0.52 <2.7 <2.7 • <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 Notes: Indoor samples collected over 24 hr duration and analyzed by EPA Method TO-15. • • Only chemicals associated with historical dry cleaning operations reported <0.14=less than Method Detection Limit(ND) ' 'SSDS deactivated for two weeks prior to sampling event ' TABLE 2 Risk Summary Based on June 2016 Indoor Air Data Twin Building Condominium 211 North Street, Northampton RTN 1-13628 Condominium Unit MCP IH Standards Calculated IH Exposes MCP NSR Standard Calculated Exposure ELCR HI ELCR HI ELCR HI ELCR HI Newton Residential 6/3/2016 >1.0E-05 10 2.0E-06 0.19 >1.0E-05 1 1.2E-05 0.22 Applied Mortgage 6/3/2016 >1.0E-05 10 1.00E-06 0.058 >1.0E-05 1 5.40E-06 0.059 Windhorse 6/3/2016 >1.0E-05 10 5.50E-06 0.80 >1.0E-OS 1 :i 3 OgE'OS 0.80 IH-Imminent Hazard NSR-No Significant Risk ELCR- Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk HI-Hazard Index(noncancer risk) MassDEP Shortforms for Human health used to calculate risk Risk Assessment 3/2015 Up-date hadirig'd'enptesstanda id exceeded NA-not applicable, contaminants of concern were not detected above Method Detection Limits 2/25/16-SSDS deactivated for 12 days prior to sample collection PHOH K Environmental Laboratories, bit. Monday, June 06, 2016 Attn: Mr Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor, CT 06074 Project ID: TWIN CLEANERS Sample ID#s:8N47278 -BN47283 This laboratory is in compliance with the NELAC requirements of procedures used except where indicated. This report contains results for the parameters tested, under the sampling conditions described on the Chain Of Custody, as received by the laboratory. A scanned version of the COC form accompanies the analytical report and is an exact duplicate of the original. If you have any questions concerning this testing, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix Client Services at ext. 200. Sincerely yours, Phyllis hiller Laboratory Director NELAC -#NY11301 - CT Lab Registration#PH-0618 MA Lab Registration#MA-CT-007 ME Lab Registration#CT-007 NH Lab Registration#213693-A,B NJ Lab Registration#CT-003 NY Lab Registration #11301 PA Lab Registration#68-03530 RI Lab Registration #63 VT Lab Registration#VT11301 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06040 Telephone(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 Ilysis Report June 06, 2016 PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester.CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(060)645-0823 FOR: Attn:Mr Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor,CT 06074 le Information Custody Information Date Time AIR Collected by: DEBfJC 06/03/16 10:15 fn Code: ESI Received by: LK 06/03/16 13:37 2equest: Standard . Analyzed by: see"By"below 67608 Laboratory Data SDG ID: GBN47278 ar Id: 476 - Phoenix ID: BN47278 :t ID: TWIN CLEANERS ID: DEP-WH1-6-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 .ter Result • RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution les retrachloroethane ND 0,500 ND 343 06/03/16- KCA ichloroethane ND 0.500 ND 273 08/03/16 KCA retrachloroethane ND 0.010 ND 007 06/03/16 KCA ichloroethane - ND 0,020 ND 0,11 06/03116 KCA Ile methane NO 0.150 ND 0.61 06/03/16 KCA Iloroathene ND 0.200 ND 0.79 06/03/16 KCA ichlorobenzene ND 0.400 ND 2.97 06/03/16 KCA Irnethylbenzene ND 0.500 NO 2.46 06/03/16 KCA omoethane(EDB) ND 0,010 NO 0.08 06/03/16 KCA 4orobenzene ND 0.100 ND 0.50 06/03/16 KCA Iloroethane 0.161 0020 073 0.08 06403/16 KCA loropropane ND 0020 ND 0.09 06/03/18 KGA orotetrailuoroethane ND 0,500 ND 3.49 06/03/16 KCA Imethylbenzene NO 0.500 ND 2.46 06/03/15 KCA tdiene ND 0.500 . NO 1.11 06/03/16 KCA torobenzene ND 0.100 - ND 0.60 06/03116 KCA Jorobenzene 0.142 0.080 0.85 0.48 06/03/16 KCA ane ND 0.150 ND 0.54 06/03/16 KCA ione(MBK) - ND 0.500 NO 2.05 06/03/16 KCA Buena ND 0.500 .ND 246 06/03/16 KCA pyltoluene NO 0,500 NO 2.74 06103/16 KCA I-2-pentanone(MIBK) ND -0.500 ND 2.05 06/03/16 KCA 21.6 0.750 51.3 1.78 06/03/16 KCA Pile ND 0.500 ND 1.08 06/03/16 KCA 0.400 0.200 1,28 064 06/03/16 KGA :hloride ND. 0.500 N0 2.59 06/03/16 KCA Page 1 or 18 Ver 1 roject ID: TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BN47278 Client ID: DEP-WH7-6-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ugfm3 ug/m3 Teter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By. Dilution L=ReportinglPractical Quantitation Level ND=Nat Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level t Surrogates:Surrogates are compounds(proceeded with a%)added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate (%)listed in the report are not"detected"compounds. vents: emoted value quantitated above calibration range for this compound. ate any questions regarding this data,please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200. oort must not be reproduced except In MI as defined by the attached chaln of custody, Phyllis hiller, Laboratory Director Juno 6,2016 Reviewed and Released by: Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page of 18 - Vert eject ID: TWIN CLEANERS • Phoenix I.D.: BN47279 lient ID: DEP-WH2-6-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 uglm3 ' ;ter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution ichloromethano NO 0020 ND 0.13 06/03/16 KCA irm • ND 0.150 ND 1.55 06/03/16 KCA ethane ND 0.140 ND 0.54 '06103/16 KCA Disulfide ND 0.500 ND 1.55 06/03/16 KCA Tetrachloride 0.133 0.086 0.84 0.54 06/03/16 KCA enzene ND 0.200 ND 0.92 06/03/16 KGA thane - NO 0.500 ND 1.32 06/03/16 KCA am ND 0.200 ND 0.98 05/03/18 KCA ethane 0.858 0.500 1.77 1.03 06/03/16 KCA Dichloroethene ND 0.200 ND 0,79 08/03/16 KCA )ichloropropene - ND 0100 ND 0.45 06/03/16 KCA sane NO 0.500 ND 1.72 06/03/16 KCA ■chloramethane NO 0.010 ND 0.09. 06/03/16 KCA difluoromethane 0.580 0.500 2.87 2.47 06/03/16 KCA 125 E 0.750 235 1.41 06103/16 KCA etate 4.01 0.500 14.4 1.80 - 06/03/16 KCA tzene ND 0.500 ND 2.17 06/03/16 KCA 0.628 0.500 257 2.05 06/03/16 KCA orobutadiene 0.013 0010 114 0.11 06/03/16 KCA ND 0.450- ND 159 06/03/16 KCA laloohol 13.2- 0.750 32.4 1.84 06/03/16 KCA /benzene ND 0500 ND 2.46 05/03/16 KCA me ND 1.00 ND 4.34 06/03/16 KCA :thy'Ketone 0.974 0.450 2.87 1.33 06/03/16 KCA rtbutyl&her(MIBE) ND 0.500 ND 1.80 06103/16 KGA 1e Chloride . ND 300 ND 10.4 06/03/16 KCA Ilene 1363 0.110 1.90 0.58 06103/16 KCA enzene ND 0500 ND 2.74 06/03/16 KCA NO 0.500 ND 2.17 06103/16 KCA 1e 0.806 0.500 139 056 06/03/16 KCA /benzene ND 0.500 ND 2.74 06/03/16 KGA ND 0.200 ND 0.85 06/03/16 KCA oroethene 10.8 0.100 71.8 0.68 06/03/16 KCA lrofuran 0.575 0.500 1.69 1.47 06/03/16 KCA 0.992 0500 3.74 158 06/03/16 KGA 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.200 ND 0.79 06/03/16 KCA l-Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND 2.27 06/03/16 KCA iethene 0.186 0.050 1.00 0,27 06/08/16 KGA ifluoromethane ND 0.500 - ND 281 06/03/16 KCA ilnfluoroethane ND 0.500 ND a83 06/03/18 KCA loride NO 0.100 ND 025 08/03/15 KCA Surrogates ,fluorobenzene 98 % 98 % 06/03116 KCA Page 5 of 10 Vert alysis Report June 06,2016 PHOENIX Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike, P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 FOR: Attn: Mr Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street South Windsor, CT 06074 11e Information Custody Information Date Time AIR Collected by: DEB/JC 06/03/16 10:21 ion Code: ESI Received by: LK 06/03/16 13:37 Request: Standard Analyzed by: see"By'below 66998 Laboratory Data SDG ID: GBN47278 ter id: 463 Phoenix ID: BN47280 of ID: TWIN CLEANERS t ID: DEP-WH3-6-612016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 teter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution tiles -Tetraohloroethano ND 0.500 ND 3.43 06/03/16 KCA 'nchloroethane ND 0.500 ND 2.73 06/03/16 KCA -Tetrachloroethane ND 0.010 ND 0.07 06/03/16 KCA 7lchloroethane ND 0.020 ND an 06/03/16 KCA :hlomethane ND 0.150 ND 0.61 06/03/16 KCA :hlaroethene ND 0200 ND 0.79 08/03/16 KCA tichlorobenzene ND 0.400 ND 2.97 06/03/16 KGA nmethylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.46 06/03/16 KCA iromoethane(EDB) ND 0510 - ND 0.08 06/03/16 KCA hlorobenzene ND 0.100 ND 060 06/03/16 KCA :hloroethane _ 0.208 0.020 . 0.84 0.08 06/03/16 KCA hloropropane ND 0.020 NO 0.09 06/03/16 KCA 4oroletrafuoroethanc ND 0.500 ND 3.49 06/03/16 KCA riimethytbenzene ND 0.500 ND 246 06103/16 KCA :attune ND 0.500 ND 1.11 06/03/16 KGA hlorobenzene ND 0.100 NO 0.60 06/03/16 KCA hlorobenzene 0.090 0.080 0.54 0.48 06/03/16 KCA xane ND 0.150 ND 0.54 06/03/16 KGA none(MBK) ND 0.500 NO 2.05 ' 06/03/16 KCA toluene ND 0.500 ND 2.46 06/03/16 KCA opyltoluene ND 0.500 ND 274 06/03/16 KCA yl-2-pentanone(MIBK) ND 0.500 ND 205 06/03/16 KCA e - 22.1 0.750 52.5 1.78 06/03/16 KCA iitrile . ND 0.500 'ND 1.08 06/03116 KGA to 0.278 0.200 0.89 0.64 06/03/16 KGA chloride ND. 0.500 ND 2.59 06/03/16 KGA Pagel of 18 Vor1 >ject ID: TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BN47280 lient ID: DEP-WH3-6-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 ;ter Result RL Result RL DatefTime By Dilution =Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Nat Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Surrogates:Surrogates are cbmpounds(proceeded with a%)added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate Vi)listed in the report are not"detected"compounds. lents: - mated value quantitated above calibration range for this compound. re any questions regarding this data,please call Phoenix Client Services at extension 200. in must not be reproduced except In full as defined by the attached chain of custody. Phyllis hiller,Laboratory Director June 6,2016 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 9 of 10 Vert -eject ID: TWIN CLEANERS 3Iient ID: DEP-RES1-5-612016 ppbv ppbv inter Result RL Phoenix I.D.: BN47281 ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date/Time By Dilution 7ichloromethane NO 0.020 ND 0.13 06/03/16 KCA form ND 0.150 ND 1.55 06/03/16 KCA methane • ND 0.140 NO 0.54 06/03/16 KCA 1 Disulfide ND 0500 ND _156 06/03/16 KCA 1 Tetrachloride 0.087 0.086 0.55 054 06/03/16 KCA oenzene ND • 0.200 ND 092 06/03116 KCA ethane - ND 0.500 NO 1.32 06/03/16 - KCA form NO 0.200 ND 0.98 06/03/16 KGA nethane 0.763 0.500 1.57 1.03 06/03/16 KCA -Dichloroethene ND 0.200 ND 0,79 - 06/03/16 KCA 4Dichloropropene ND 0.100 ND 0.45 06/03116 KCA exane ND 0.500 ND 1.72 06/03/16 KCA iochloromethane ND 0.010 ND 0.09 06/03/16 KCA odffluoromefhane 0559 0.500 2.76 2.47 06/03/16 KCA. I 68.1 E 0.750 128 1.41 06/03/16 KCA cetate 0.513 0500 1.85 1.80 06/03/16 KCA tnzene ND 0.500 NO 2.17 06103/16 KCA 1.07 0.500 - 4.38 2.05 06/03/16 KCA tlorobutadiene ND 0.010 ND 0.11 06/03(16 KCA ND 0.450 NO 1.59 06/03/16 KCA rylalcdhol 2.93 . 8 0,750 7.20 1.84 06/03/16 KCA rylbenzene ND 0.500 ND 2.46 06/03/16 KCA lene ND 1.00 ND 4.34 06/03115 KCA Ethyl Ketone - 0.779 0.450 2.30 1.33 - 06/03/16 KCA en-butyl ether(MTBE) ND o.sbo ND 1.80 06/03/16 KCA the Chloride ND 3.00 ND 10.4 06/03116 KCA alene 0.155 0.110 0.81 a58 06/03/16 KCA benzene NO 0.500 ND 2.74 06/03/16 KCA le NO 0.500 ND 2.17 06/03/16 KCA Ine NO 0.500 ND 086 06103/16 KCA tylbenzene NO 0.500 ND 2.74 06103116 KCA ND 0.200 ND 0.85 06(03/16 KCA iloroethene 1.12 0.100 17.59' 0.68 06/03116 KCA 'drofuran ND 0.500 - ND 147 06/03/16 KCA ND 0.600 ND 1.68 06/03/16 KCA 2-Dichloroethene ND 0.200 ND 0.79 06/03116 KCA ,3-Dichlorbpropene NO 0.500 ND 2.27 06/03/16 KCA oethene ND 0.050 `ND- 027 06/03/16 KCA ofluoromethane ND 0500 ND 281 06/03/16 KCA otrifluoroethane ND 0.500 ND 383 08/03/16 KCA hiaride ND 0.100 ND 0.26 06/03116 KCA Surrogates lofluorobenzene 99 % 99 % 06/03/16 KCA Page 11 of 18 Ver 1 lysis Report June 06, 2016 e Information AIR n Code: ESI tequest Standard 66908 Id: 368 PHOENIX Environmental Laborat 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370, Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax FOR: ories, Inc. Manchester,GT 05045 (860)645-0823 Attn:Mr Brian Rich Environmental Services Inc 90 Brookfield Street - South Windsor,CT 06074 Custody Information - Collected by: DEB/JC Received by: LK Analyzed by: see By below Laboratory Data t ID: TWIN CLEANERS ID: DEP-APPLIED1-4-6/2016 ppbv ppbv der Result RL ug/m3 ug/m3 Result RL Date 06/03/16 06/03/16 Time 10:40 13:37 SDG ID: GBN47278 Phoenix ID: BN47282 Date/Time By Dilution les "etrachlorcethane ohloroethane "etrachl0roethane ohloroethane loroethane loroethene ohlorobenzene nethylbenzene :moethane(EDB) orobenzene oroethane oropropane rotelratluoroelhane nethylbenzene Merle orobenzene orobenzene me tne(MBK) luene :yltoluene 2-pentanone(MIBK) ile tloride ND ND ND ND NO ND ND NO NO ND 0.532 ND ND ND ND NO 0.135 ND ND ND ND ND 18.4 ND NO ND 2500 0.500 0.010 0.020 0.150 0.200 0.400 0.500 0.010 0.100 0.020 0.020 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.100 0.080 0.150 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.750 0.500 0.200 0.500. ND NO ND NO NO ND ND ND ND ND 2.15 ND ND NO ND ND 0.81 ND NO NO ND ND 43.7 ND ND ND 3.43 06/03/16 2.73 06/03/16 0.07 06/03/16 0.11 06/03/16 0.61 06/03/18 0.79 06/03/16 2.97 06/03/16 246 06/03)16 0.08 06/03/16 0.60 06/03/16 0.08 06/03/16 o.0s 06/03/16 3.49 06/03/16 2.46 06/03/16 1,11 06/03/16 0.60. 06/03/16 0.48 06/03116 _0.59 06/03/16 2.05 06/03/16 2.46 06/03/16 2.74 06/03/16 205 06/03/16 1.78 06/03/16 1.08 06/03/16 069 06/03/16 2.59 06/03/16 KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA KCA Page 13 of 18 Ver 1 roject ID: TWIN CLEANERS _ Phoenix I.D.: BN47282 Client ID: DEP-APPLIEDI-4-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 Teter Result RL Result RL Date/Time By Dilution L=Reporting/Practical Quantitation Level ND=Not Detected BRL=Below Reporting Level Surrogates:Surrogates are compounds(preceeded with a%)added by the lab to determine analysis efficiency. Surrogate (%)listed in the report are not"detected"compounds. rents: timated value quantitated above calibration range for this compound. are any questions regarding this data,please nail Phoenix Client Services at extension 200. )ort must not be reproduced except in full as defined by the attached chain of custody. 4 Phyllis S hiller,Laboratory Director June 06,2016 Reviewed and Released by:Greg Lawrence,Assistant Lab Director Page 15 of la Vent eject ID: TWIN CLEANERS Phoenix I.D.: BN47283 lient ID: SSDS-INF-6/2016 ppbv ppbv ug/m3 ug/m3 tier - Result RL Result RL Dete/Time By Dilution chloromethane ND 0.020 ND 0.13 06/03/16 KCA ■rm ND 0.150 ND 1.55 06/03/16 _ KCA. ethane ND 0.140- ND 0.54 06/03/16 KCA Disulfide 0.931 0.500 2.90 1.56 05/03/16 KCA Tetrachloride 0.270 0.086 1.70 0.54 06/03/16 KCA enzene ND 0.200 ND 0.92 06/03/16 KCA :hang ND' 0,500 ND 1.32 06/03/16 KCA rm 0.392 0,200 ' 1.91 0.98 06/03/16 KCA ethane ND 0.500 ND 1.03 06103/16 KCA JIChlor02thene 0.663 0.200 2.63 0.79 06/03/16 KCA lichloropropene ND 0.100 NO 0.45 • 08/03/16 KCA Kane ND 0.500 ND 1.72 06/03/16 KCA chloromethane ND 0,010 ND 0.09 06103/16 KCA difluoromethane ND 0.500 ND 2.47 - 06/03/16 KCA 128 E 0.750 241 1.41 06103/16 KCA state ND 0,500 - ND 1.80 06/03/16 KCA aerie 2.32 0500 10.1 2.77 06/03/16 KCA 0.564 0.500 2.31 2,05 08/03116 KCA robutadiene ND 0.021 NO 0.22 06/03/16 KCA 5.36 0.450 18.9 1.59 06/03/16 KCA 'alcohol 7,48 50.750 18.4 1.84 06/03/16 KCA 'benzene 1.78 0.500 8.14 246 06/03/16 KCA •ne 7.33 1.00 31.8 434 06103/16 KCA thyl Ketone 7.28 0.450 21.5 1.33 06/03/16 KCA t-butylether(MTBE) ND 0,500 ND 1.80 06/03/16 KCA le Chloride ND 3.00 ND 10.4 06/03/16 KCA lane 0.828 0.110 329 0.58 06/03116 KCA 3nzene ND 0.500 ND 274 06/03/16 KCA 10.8 - 0.500 46.9 217 06/03/16 KCA • e ND 0.500 ND 0.88 06/03/18 KCA 'benzene 3.26 _ 0500 179 274 0E703/16 KCA 0.645 0.200 275 0.85 06/03/16 KCA. Iroethene 92.3 1.00 626 6.78 06/04/16 KCA rofuran 3.83 0.500 11.3 147 08/03/18 KCA 3.45 0.500 13.0 1.88 06/03/16 KCA ?-Olch'oroethene ND 0200 ND 0.79 06703/16 KCA -Dichloropropene ND 0.500 ND 227 06/03/16 KCA _then 1.59 0.050 6.54 0.27 06/03116 KCA flucromethane NO 0.500 ND 2.81 06/03/16 KCA rifluoroethane ND 0.500 ND 3.83 06103/16 KCA oride ND 0.100 NO 0.26 06/03/16 KCA "um/mates fluorobenzene '152. % '152 % - 06)03116 KCA Page 17 of 18 Ver1 (QC Report me 06, 2016 later PHOENIX* Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,CT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 QA/QC Data SDG I.D.: GBN47278 BIk BIk sample sample sample Semple % % Elk RL Blk RL LCS Result Dup Result Dup DUP Roe RPD ppbv ppbv ug/m3 uglm3 % ugrma up/m3 ppbv ppbv RPD Limits Limits Batch 347937(ppbv),QC Sample No:BN47278(8N47278,BN47279, BN47280,BN47281,0N47282 BN47283(1X, 10X)) les retrachlwaethane ND 0.146 ND 1.00 114. ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 Ichioroethane NO 0.183 ND 1.00 99 ND ND. ND ND NC 70-130 25 retrachloroethane ND 0.146 NO 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 ichloroethane - ND 0.183 NO 1.00 102 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 iloroetene ND 0.247 NO 1.00 97 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130 25 Jamethene ND 0252 ND 1.00 96 ND ND NO ND NC 70-130 25 ichlorobenzene ND 0.136 ND 1.00 134 NO ND NO ND NC 70-130 25 l imethylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 100 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 omoethane(EDB) ND 0.130 ND 1.00 101 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 lorobenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 102 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 loroethane ND 0.247 ND 1.00 97 0.73 0.74 0.181 0.184 1.6 70-130 25 lorapraparte ND 0.216 ND 1.00 102 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 Iwotetrallucroeihane ' - ND 0.143 NO 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 methylbenzene ND 0.204 ND 1.00 99 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 idiene ND 0.452 ND 1.00 99 ND ND ND' ND NC 70-130 25 lorobenzene ND 0.166 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 25 lorobenzene ND 0.168 ND 1.00 107 0.85 0.65 0.142 0.108 NC 70-130 25 a ne ND 0.278 ND 1.00 102 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 one(MBK) ND 0.244 ND 1.00 95 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 %lane ND 0.204 ND 1.00 104 ND ' ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 pyltoluene ND .0.182 ND 1.00 111 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 k2-pentenone(MIBK) ND 0.244 ND 1.00 96 ND ND ND NO NC 70-130 25 ND 0.421 NO 1.00 91 51.3 62.0 21.6 21.9 1.4 70.139 25 rile ND 0.461 ND 1.00 92 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 25 ND 0313 ND 1.00 103 1.28 129 0.400 0.405 NC 70-130 25 hlorkie NO 0.193 ND 1.00 106 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 25 chioromethane NO 0.149 ND 1.00 99 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 rm ND 0.097 ND 1.00 108 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 ethane ND 0.257 ND 1.00 94 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 )isufide ND 0.321 ND 1.00 98 ND ND ND ND NC 70.130 25 -ekachiodde NO '0.040 ND 0.25 100 0.97 0.99 0.154 0.157 NC 70-130 25 nzene ND 0217 ND 1.00 103 ND ND ND . ND NC 70-130 25 Ilene ND 0.379 ND 1.00 99 ND NO ND ND NC 70-130 25 rm ND 0.205 ND 1.00 100 ND NO ND NO NC 70-130 25 ethane ND 0.484 ND 1.00 107 1.48 1.68 0.718 0.802 NC 70-130 25 lichloroethene ND 0.256 ND 1.01 100 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 ichloropropene NO 0.220 ND 1.00 100 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 :ale ND 0.291 ND 1.00 104 ND ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 :hloromethane ND 0117 ND 1.00 - 103 NO ND ND ND NC 70-130 25 li0uoromethane ND 0.202 ND 1.0D 104 2.59 2.58 0.524 0.523 NC 70-130 '25 ND 0.531 ND 1.00 90 252 245 134 130 3.0 70-130 25 Page 1 of 2 RL Analysis •SampNo Anode Phoenix Analyte Criteria Result RL Criteria Criteria Units "'No Data to Display'— - Phoenix Laboratories does not assume responsibility for the data contained In this report it is provided as an additional tool to Identify requested criteria exceedences. NI efforts are made to • ensure the accuracy of the data(obtained from appropriate agencies). A lack of exceedence information does not necessarily suggest conformance to the criteria. It Is ultimately the site professional's responsibility to determine appropriate compliance. • • • • • • • • • • • • • j� /��j t PHOF.NINt Environmental Laboratories, Inc. 587 East Middle Turnpike,P.O.Box 370,Manchester,GT 06045 Tel.(860)645-1102 Fax(860)645-0823 1CP Certification Report June 06, 2016 SDG I.D.: GBN47278 all QA/QC performance criteria specified in the MADEP document CAM achieved? No. - etch 347937(Samples: BN47278,BN47279,BN47280,BN47281,BN47282, BN47283):---- .CS recovery is above the upper range for one or more analytes that were not reported in the sample(s),therefore no ticant bias is suspected:(1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene,Naphthalene) ufnent: iM24 06/03/16-1 Keith Alolsa, Chemist 06/03/16 7278,BN47279,8N47280, 3N47281,BN47282,13N47283 al Calibration Verification(CHEM24/24AIR_0531): of target compounds met criteria. following compounds hod%RSDs>30%: 1,2,4-Trichlarobenzene 34%(30%) following compounds did not meet recommended response factors:None. following compounds did not meet a minimum response factors: None. • liming Calibration Verification#1 (CHEM24/0603_02-24AIR_0531)(MCP Compliance): 7 of target compounds met criteria. following compounds did not meet%deviation criteria: None. - following compounds did not meet maximum%deviations:None. following compounds did not meet recommended response factors: None. following compounds did not meet minimum response factors:None. 3atch Specific): h 347937 (BN47278) 278,BN47279,BN47280,13N147281,BN47282,BN47283 CS recoveries were within 70-130 with the following exceptions:12,4-Trichlorobenzene(134%), Naphthalene(133%) t under the pains and penalties of perjury that,based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for ing the information, the material contained in this report is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,accurate and complete. 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