163 Applications & Permits THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS •MASSACHUSETTS ■ plicatiort fur !iSpu%fh `, gztnm Construction Permit pplication is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( )or Repair( )an On-site Sewage Dispo al System at: Owner's Name,Address and feed..No, )r,t&L i- In v-5 T 6s/ L • FEE Location Address of No. U,) �c�1ve5%t yt)-PI 7-?Cot Installer's Name.Address,and Tel No Sw, e, 'ype of Building: Dwelling No, of Bedrooms Other Type of Building Other Fixtures Design Flow Plan Date Title — Description of Soil Designer's Name,Address and Tel.No Garbage Grinder( ) No. per Persons Showers( ) Cafeteria( ) gallons per day. Calculated daily flow Number of sheets Revision Date Nature of Repairs or Alterations(Answer when applicable) RN - N i Date last inspected: Agreement: The undersigned agrees to ensure system in accordance with the p ovisions o Certificate of Compliance s en issu Signed Application Approved by Application Disapproved for the following reaso gallons. ✓ c- L ;fC . the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a ti's Board of Health. As Permit No. Date Date Date Issued �3 r- 3 r l THE CQ{AMONWEALTH$F MASSACHUSETTS } MASSACHUSETTS Certificate of Compliance wa a Dis,osal System i L io r ra4redjreplaced(' ) on TT-WS TO CERT7FP, al the yr g for "77 f- - has been constructed in �1 it br� a a 7 I aat accordance with the provisions of Tale f Disposal re Construction Permit dated Use of this system icond t oht n compliance h the provisions set forth below: not breconMaed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. This The issuance of this certitica Certificate expiries on DATE No. Inspector WE CQ�MONW ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. -47 iF ill (2'4"--1 MASSACHUSETTS Co strnction ' ermit Permission is hereby gran to' - to construct( ) or rdppir( )an On-site Sewage System located at ^. and as described in the above A placation for Disposal System Constmetion Permit. The applic4nt recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and t e following local provisions o`s ecial c -- •.- i K r i - � u ed�vithin two years of the date bow.s V.� �' ✓/ , DATE Feiistruclian must p com�tj( Approved by DATE FORM 1255 Rea.&950.M.SULKIN CO BOSTON MA FEE FEE —✓ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ASSACFIUSE lS ak.a..• •ration for Pisposal ,flstem Construction Vienna _ Sewage Disposal System at aj n I er «or Repair( )an On site S g made for a Permit to Construct( Address and Tel rs hereby tor A L9 Bl3L ti n Address or Lot No. RCInD s_A 5ycv&s�� a ton alleri Name, ddress.and Tel.No. !avaif� 1s No. DwnerS Name. rKnecES F Lls /GJ sytv6S7l RD A 1- Mare sdnd Tel.No. Designer's Name.A• TMITV F 6 In R/DWI( aim 1r . Garbage Grin er( Showers( ) Cafeteria( e of Building: ryW, No per Persons Dwelling No. of Bedrooms Other Type of Building gallons. Other Fixtures Calculated daily Bow gall s per day. Revision Date /d$f tdi• I /IL=V: a� �// 9g sign Flow 5"--m Date /2"'7 .�R,Sa1. Title �- escriplion of Soil on p Number of sheets iature of Repairs trans(Answer when applicable) Date last inspected. Agreement: lace the system to operation ewagdi until a The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-sue sewage dispose this Board of Health. Dale system in accordance withthe provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental and not to Certificate of Compliance has been issued by ' Signed ��f��� � Date Or Application Approved by Application Disapproved for the following reasons Date Issued THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS •MASSACHUSETTS (Certificate of (Compliance is osal System installed that the n- for by Title 5 and the for ispo Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the tolled( )or repaired replaced( ) on THIS IS TO C h 0 site Sewage Disposal p sal System Construction Permit No. rdance with the provisions of Tit The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will tificate expires on 1TE Inspector THE COMMO WEALTH n. isposal *Ste eB4-c construct(repair( )an On-site Sewage System located at Permission is hereby granted to F MASSACHUSETTS ASSACHUSETTS FEE has been constructed in dated provisions set forth below: function as designed. This (Construction Permit /35 E : and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his i her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. ust be completed within three years of the date below.a< /c r Approved by All construction DATE MUSS CO•BOSTON.MA