51 Report of Septic System Inspection 1985 BOARD OF HEALTH Ti T.IOTCE.Chairman ER C.KENNY.M.D. NAM R.PARSONS ER 1.McERLAIN.Health Agent Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lyons 51 Sylvester Road Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lyons: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH December 9, 1985 Re: Septic System 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1 1131566-6950 Ext.213 (rJ d On December 7, 1985, I inspected the existing septic system on your property at 51 Sylvester Road, Northampton. That inspection revealed that the septic system consisted of the following: 1. A 41/2' x 4' ' x 3' concrete tank with a wood plank top. There were no baffles or tees found. 2. No leaching facility was found. The septic system described above does not comply with the requirements of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code. Therefore, the existing septic system must be replaced with an approved subsurface sewage disposal system consisting of (as a minimum) a 1,000 gallon septic tank and a 4' x 8' x 4' leach pit with at least two feet of stone around it. You must obtain a Sewage Disposal Works Repair Permit from the Board of Health Office prior to commencing the work which must be completed by a Licensed Septic System Installer. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Board of Health Office. Very truly yours, Peter J. McErlain Health Agent PJMc:mr //-REPORTT OF SEEPPTICC SYSTEM INSPECTION Location S/ ,�'�(,PiN'-"""'� /`�+ • Date ��� By Lot or House# Owner Septic Tank Type / 4J 4( Leaching F cility: Size Volume Baffles hiltx SIr3, _ _* 7 - n�7// /CG Type Size Condition Condition Remark; Aielka_ CATA.eAA-i . ,t&ALI .tea- a 7e4 i-e lArLc2. 4e, ATL.i ,, &AA_ atia_A-v -dam ft-u'" D } • ..afs?A) 45 ' � I